
Chapter 183: The second round of stew

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The sweet girl hasn't even started to refine the panacea, so she grabbed people's hearts first. The furnace-control technique, which is easy to use, shocked countless people.

All eyes are on her.

The sweet girl was watched by so many people, she was not nervous at all, her face did not change color.

Grab both hands in the sky and grab the medicinal materials needed to refine Tianxin Pill from the long row of table cases.

All the medicinal herbs floated in the void and lined up.

This hand makes many people feel shocked!

Countless Ziyun College students, even teachers, all have shocked expressions on their faces. I even doubted in my heart: Is this really not a senior student of Alchemy Branch of Piaoxiang College?

The sweet girl leisurely cast the medicinal plants into the volcanic red hearth.

Looking closely, her eyes were focused, and a thin layer of sweat beads could also be seen on the forehead.

Obviously, she didn't look so relaxed and elegant. It was also a very difficult task for her to want to do this.

"Oh, it's not bad." Bi Yueyue smiled and praised, and then, similarly, didn't look at it, grabbed the volley over the table case, a large amount of medicinal materials flew directly, and flew towards her rat-hearted furnace. .

When Bi Yueyue waved his hand, the stove lid of the Dan furnace flew up, and then those herbs were like dumplings. Bilibili's ... thrown into the Dan furnace.

Almost the same as Wang Yan's alchemy!

But more ruthless than Wang Yan!

Although Bi Yueyue did not show furnace control like a sweet girl, her behavior showed that she could do the same!

It ’s just not done!

At this time, even the Dean of Ziyun College was a little stunned.

When he went back to Liu Fenghui, the owner of Weifu, he finally tasted a little different.

This Mr. Song ... was really amazing!

Bi Yueyue is also making alchemy in the form of chaos stew, and every step is very stable.

Unlike a sweet girl, she put herself on the stove with furnace control, and now she can see the obvious crystal sweat on her forehead.

In fact, for alchemists who are above the great alchemy master, this kind of chaos stewed alchemy method is not a problem, but it is quite a test of the ability to control details.

This kind of detail control is all invisible to outsiders.

It's all in the Dan furnace!

No one would believe that before, at Ziyun College Alchemy Branch, a student came out and dare to use this method to practice alchemy.

But now, not believing!

Seeing Bi Yueyue's calm look, she started the refining a little later than the sweet girl, but she wasn't in a hurry.

His hands are constantly sealing in the void, controlling the fire, or violent or soft.

At the same time, the red heart, between her hands, seemed to be alive, constantly changing the angle and position.

To make an inappropriate analogy, the alchemist and the chef, in some respects, have similarities.

The chef turns the spoon to control the heat precisely.

The alchemist adjusted the position of the alchemy furnace to achieve precise refining!

Look at the sweet beauty student, because the furnace control time is too long, and consumes a lot of her energy, although her realm is a higher realm than Bi Yueyue. But persisting for so long, there have also been signs of physical weakness.

Many people at Piaoxiang College were secretly anxious in their hearts.

They are well aware that the sweet girls do this to fight their opponents. Overwhelm each other with momentum.

But I didn't expect that the other party wouldn't take the trick or be fooled!

Sweet beauty is equivalent to stealing chickens and not eating rice, putting yourself up and down.

No matter how powerful the furnace is, how precise the fire is, and how beautiful the action is, it is finally compared ... It is also a panacea that is refined.

For the first time, the sweet girl feels that she is a little bit too big!

Seeing the other party's unhurried manner, she suddenly felt a little pressure in her heart.

Once this pressure is born, it is too difficult to forget about it.

The sweet girl who was already a bit hard already was even more difficult at the moment.

Looking back at Bi Yueyue, there seems to be a general style on his body!

It gives people a feeling that they don't allow their eyebrows, and every move is calm.

And this is exactly what Chu Yu has been emphasizing over the past few months!

It is better to lose to death than to be scared to death!

What is the panacea? Didn't let you steal the tomb?

Who are you trembling to show? Is the refined panacea medicine for rats?

These words are always Chu Yu's words.

At first, this group of wild girls must have been unhappy, but after a long time, they were also tortured by Chu Yu.

On the day of the scene, Bi Yueyue these girls only realized that the teachings of the husband were really hard to buy.

Ignore the provocation of the enemy, not the pressure of the opponent, I am me, the color is different ...

This is what it looks like anyway.

Bi Yueyue flipped his hands, and the Dan furnace constantly changed its angle in the flames.

In the end, the last step left ...... When condensing the pill, Bi Yueyue condensed his mind and calmed down. Using the pill condensing technique taught by Mr., together with the shaping technique already learned, he began to shape these pill medicines.

Tianxin Pill is really not so easy to refine. Even in the entire Song Dynasty, not many people can refine Tianxin Pill.

The medicine of this medicine is not very expensive, but the price of medicine is still high. Just because there are too few people who can refine them.

Chu Yu can now feel the enthusiastic gaze of the senior officials of the college, not looking at him, but at this group of little girls!

If these twelve young girls, really everyone can refine this high-grade elixir, then Ziyun College can not only get a lot of points by virtue of alchemy branch, so as to increase its ranking, and even have the opportunity to become a senior college.

And ... you can get real real benefits!

This is a vast world of cultivation, and almost all creatures in this world are practicing.

Consumables such as elixir have always been in greatest demand.

In a word, with twelve girls, Ziyun Academy can make a lot of income!

Realize independent profit and loss!

Instead of doing so, Ziyun House needs a lot of support every year.

It is an industry of its own, and it still cannot make ends meet every year. Naturally, it has no confidence.

Even if the dean is also the elder of Ziyun Mansion, he often hopes that Ziyun Academy can become a separate place from Ziyun Mansion!

This is not ambition, and everyone hopes for this.

Now, he finally saw hope.

As for Vice President Sun Changshan, because of Liu Yuyan's affairs, he was blinded by jealousy. But now he was sober, but he was cold and sweating.

Liu Yuyan was sitting in a very obscure corner. Next to her, there were several young men and women with extraordinary temperament, but they were all low-key.

These are the princes and princesses who stole from the Song Dynasty royal family!

Between them and Liu Yuyan, they are good friends who have played together since childhood, and they have nothing to say about it.

Among several people, there is a unique field, which is the effect of a magical tool on a prince. Only a few people can hear the conversation between them, and people outside can't even see their facial expressions.

Prince Song Qi said with a shocked face: "That handsome and wild young man is Mr. Song Hongsong who saved you? This man is so powerful! How could he actually train a decent alchemy branch? These two disciples are coming, it is enough to shock the world! This level ... I think it should not be inferior to those senior Dan masters? "

Princess Song Yu looked at Chu Yu with a confused look, and said, "It's really charming, and it's so handsome! I said Yu Yan ... Do you want this person? Don't you, my sister can start ..."

Liu Yuyan glared at her: "Don't talk nonsense ..."

"Oh, we're so excited about rain and smoke! Song Qi, are you jealous?" Song Yu giggled.

Song Qi gave her a helpless look: "Okay, sister, how failed you are as a matchmaker, only you know ... you have been matching since you were a child, and you have just dug us up into buddies!"

All the princes and princesses on the scene couldn't help laughing, and even Liu Yuyan couldn't help but laugh.

Song Yu rolled his eyes and finally chuckled. However, she looked at Chu Yu's eyes, indeed full of splendor.

It can be said that the psychology of this group of visitors has now been reversed.

I used to think that Ziyun College had no chance at all. I just came to see the heroic attitude of the students of Piaoxiang College.

Now it has become a dish to appreciate the heroic attitude of my family and to see how everyone abuses the outstanding students of the senior college ...

This feeling is really different!

The vast majority of the students at Ziyun College on the court kept quiet, because alchemy can not be disturbed.

But the excitement on their faces could not be suppressed.

Looking at the more than 100 teachers and students of Piaoxiang College, all of them were silent.

The confident and determined smile on his face was never found again.

Although there was no result in this second competition, they seemed to have foreseen that scene.

Is this really the worst branch of a low-level college?

This joke ... is a bit big.

If this is not a joke, then it can only be said that the seniors of this college ... are all blind!

Bi Yueyue had already received the strange fire at this time, and took a breath.

Tian Xin Dan is also a big challenge for her now.

But fortunately, under the teachings of the husband, any challenge is calmly faced. She couldn't see what Dan was inside, but she knew that she succeeded!

Then came a chair, Bi Yueyue sat there thorny, two hands holding cheeks, eyes blinked at the sweet girl in Alchemy.

Professional ethics prevented her from opening her mouth to disturb each other, but no one stipulated that she should not watch it, right?

After all, tens of thousands of eyes in the audience were staring there, not worse than my pair.

As everyone knows, Bi Yueyue's actions have brought fatal pressure to the sweet girl!

In the end, although she still managed to maintain the furnace control technique, almost all her movements had gone out of shape.

Coupled with Bi Yueyue's view ... it is even more difficult to continue.

The momentum that had been lifted all the time was relaxed instantly, and the fire suddenly rose and devoured the entire red hearth.

Throughout the scene, there was a burst of exclamation.

Everyone who knows alchemy knows that this panacea must be abolished!


The sweet girl never cried so big in front of so many people.

Bi Yueyue flew to the past, and embraced the sweet girl in her arms, comforted by soft words.

I don't know what she said, anyway, so half-cuddled, took the sweet girl directly off the stage, and took it away!




What is the situation?

Everyone is stupid there.

Feelings are serious in the beginning? She's not here to compare, she's here to pick up girls, right?

The Dean of Ziyun College coughed a few times and said, "You can see the result ..."

The Qingxiu woman sighed and nodded: "We lost this time, but I really want to see if the master apprentices taught by master teachers and the panacea produced by them are all so perfect."

In her words, there was no teasing, no ridicule, no questioning, but a calmness after receiving it, with regret in the calm.

The Dean walked to Bi Yueyue's Danlu and couldn't help but sigh.

He thought that this group of little witches had changed their ways, but he did not expect that he was naive.

The moment when the Dan furnace was lifted ... a powerful medicinal fragrance burst out!

The dean was taken aback. He glanced inside. The little disappointment with the little girls just born, the smoke disappeared instantly!

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