
Chapter 193: Mu Haizhen

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When I saw Chu Yu, the high-ranking group of Ziyun Academy, together with the dean, had a strange face, like constipation.

I really don't know whether to thank him or hate him.

If it weren't for the fat man who stolen Sun Changshan's secret room, I'm afraid this secret will remain so conservative.

This group of senior executives in Ziyun would never have thought that Sun Changshan was so bold that he was so mad.

The memory crystals have just been seen by them one by one, and among these people present, only one senior executive survived being green.

This is a deputy dean of a branch. He is very old. There is only one wife in his family. He is about the same age as him. Although he is a monk and maintains well, he looks like a senior.

This vice president has no concubine, but only one wife.

He is a special case and the only one to be spared.

The remaining ones, up to the dean, down to the deans and deputy deans of the various colleges, and other senior leaders in the college ... no one can escape Sun Changshan's magic claws.

The seriousness of the matter is not just that. Sun Changshan also bought a large group of people around these seniors through these women, and inserted a lot of himself.

Once this force breaks out, it will cause irreversible terrorist consequences.

Those consequences, this group of people think that the back of the cold scalp numb.

These high-ranking people on weekdays all realized the feeling of being betrayed by those around them.

Although they haven't made any move at present, they are already angry in their hearts.

The Dean looked at Chu Yu with embarrassment: "Mr. Song, please come over, there is one thing ..."

"Director, please." Chu Yu waved calmly and looked at him calmly.

"Mr. Song Gaocai, if I were only one, I really aggrieved you. After our joint discussion, we decided to put a heavy burden on Mr. Song. Please come to be the president of the Alchemy Branch. Dean Song is in control! "

The dean said with a sigh: "To be honest, this is also our request. We have all been at Ziyun College for many years, and our feelings for this place are also very deep. I hope Ziyun can become stronger. The situation before the alchemy branch , I believe you have seen it. We hope that under the leadership of Dean Song, let it carry forward! "

At this time, the vice presidents of some other colleges also agreed.

"Yeah, with President Song here, our Ziyun Alchemy Branch will definitely be extremely brilliant!"

"President Song is a magician and a master of alchemy. Having President Song is a blessing for our Ziyun College!"

"I even saw the day when we raised our eyes and exhaled, ha ha ha."

A group of high-level officials seemed to change their faces in an instant. The kind of enthusiasm made Chu Yu, who was used to this kind of scene, a little overwhelmed.

Obviously, this group of people did not want to mention Sun Changshan at all, this is a scar in their hearts.

Chu Yu didn't debunk and nodded: "Well, since the dean is so trusting, then I won't say no, and I also hope that it can help the academy rise!"

"Great!" The Dean was excited, and he directly handed the token symbolizing the Dean of the Alchemy Branch to Chu Yu.

With this token, a large amount of resources can be collected from the college's warehouse every month.

With the previous treatment, it is completely heaven and earth.

Moreover, the dean personally promised that the resources of the alchemy branch in the future will be the most abundant in the entire Ziyun College!

Finally, the dean privately explained some things about Chu Yu.

"I have already reported this matter to the head of the government. The head of the government expressed concern that a few masters will be sent in the near future to come to the academy to sit in the town. Because this time things are a bit loud, even the royal family is asking, the Suns Although there is no movement for the time being, but presumably ... after their plan to obtain Ziyun Academy fails, they will not be indifferent. "

The Dean looked at Chu Yu and said in a serious voice: "So, sir ... Oh no, it's Dean Song's side, you must be more careful, although outsiders are unlikely to directly attack our college. But some secret things are still Be prepared. "

Chu Yu nodded: "I understand, thank you Dean for reminding."

"Well, in addition, there is also the matter of rain and smoke. The head of the house specially confessed to me to remind Dean Song to be careful."

Chu Yu nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, I know!"

Subsequently, Chu Yu left.


Piaoxiang College.

Mu Haizhenjun looked at the three elixirs in front of him with convulsions on his face with black lines, and then sighed at Yuexiu, a Qingxiu woman who was standing there a little cramped.

"Xiu'er, this is ... God-level elixir? Isn't it something that a child mischievously made? The old man has lived for so many years, or is it the first time he saw ... so ugly ... cough, elixir."

With that, he couldn't help but say, "This stuff is also called Elixir?"

Three true soul phantoms, strangely shaped, if the brain hole is big, even some strange things will be supplemented by the brain.

Anyway, what do you think of these few things has nothing to do with Elixir.

Mu Hai has stepped into the realm of the real monarch for thousands of years, and has already reached the peak level of this realm.

But if you want to step into the realm of Divine Monarch, it has always been out of the question.

True Soul Pill, he didn't think about it, even once asked for two at a great price.

But the result ... didn't help.

The two true soul phantoms are the panacea made by the two alchemists.

It can't be said that other people's medicine is bad, but can only say that he has no chance with the realm of God. Because the True Soul Pill does not guarantee 100% of all true kings to enter the realm of gods.

It's just that it can increase that chance.

Over the years, he has almost lost the mind that hit the Divine King, but deep down, he still has a little hope.

After all, who is the last step, who does n’t want to take it?

What he did not expect was that his granddaughter could get him three this time!

When I heard the news just now, the monk with Mu Hai's status and mentality couldn't bear the surprise.

But after seeing the three true souls, he was really helpless.

Yuexiu is one of his favorite granddaughters. Looking at Wen Jing, he was actually spoiled by him.

Scolding is reluctant, let alone playing.

Mu Yuexiu looked at Grandpa and whispered, "Grandpa, this is really a real soul pill. You can pick up one and take a closer look to know."

Ever since seeing these three ugly and extremely illusions, Mu Haizhen did not say that he had observed it carefully. He didn't even have the desire to take a second look.

I'm afraid it will be a nightmare to look back a few more times.

too ugly!

Really, I haven't seen a panacea that is uglier than this.

No, is this a panacea?

Mu Hai Zhenjun hasn't known this feeling for years.

On the one hand, he could feel the filial piety of his little granddaughter, on the other hand, he couldn't cry or laugh.

You said you took a few pills with a moisturizing light and a pill of Dan Yun to make you feel like I was fooled. You made these a few pills that were ugly and exploded ... Isn't it just plain to bully grandpa and dazed?

"Speak, girl, what's wrong with you?" Your granddaughter, the little girl you spoiled, could see through at a glance.


Yuexiu was anxious and stared at the eyes, "Why are you so disobedient? Are you an alchemist or am I an alchemist?"

Mu Hai stunned slightly, watching the granddaughter of her granddaughter, but she felt a faint warmth in her heart.

Speaking of it, granddaughter learning alchemy has a direct relationship with him!

He spoiled this granddaughter from an early age, Yuexiu was very sensible from an early age, knowing that Grandpa needed top medicine to break through, so determined to become a Master of Pills and to help Grandpa.

"You are you." Mu Hai looked at her granddaughter with a smile: "Speak, what's wrong? Grandpa needs to help you out?"

"If you do this again, I'm angry!" Yue Xiu pouted and looked at Mu Hai angrily: "You pick up this elixir and take a good look! This is the ultimate elixir with restrained medicine!"

"Oh?" Mu Hai smiled, but frowned frantically in his heart, twisting an ugly elixir, and placed it in front of his eyes, looking carefully.

He really didn't understand alchemy. He was a fighting monk. He didn't care about other things except the various combat techniques and combat experience that attracted him.

Therefore, the understanding of immortality only exists in appearance.

This is completely different from the monks on earth, no matter how strong or weak the monks on earth are, they are almost all-round.

Whether it is alchemy, alchemy, or magic circle, organs ... you have to understand a little.

In fact, this was also forced out.

The mirror world has not experienced the changes like the earth. After tens of millions of years of improvement, almost all kinds of occupations have been refined to the extreme.

Just like the medical profession, there are countless small occupations.

More like a secular society on earth.

So Mu Hai looked at it for a long time, and just frowned and said, "This ... but it looks like Dan Yun."

"..." Mu Yuexiu looked at Grandpa with a black line: "What does it look like? Is that Dan Yun good?"

"..." Mu Hai's mouth twitched: "Okay, Dan Yun."

"Come on, grandpa, don't say anything, you eat one. Your granddaughter won't hurt you." Mu Yuexiu said helplessly at the end, and said with a heart.

"Eat ... How do you eat this thing?" Mu Haizhenjun looked at the pill in his hand embarrassedly.

"If you don't eat, I'm angry!" Mu Yuexiu put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, eat, eat, can't I eat it?" Mu Hai smiled and swallowed the panacea with his eyes closed.

The monk of the real monarch realm, even if this is a poison pill, he can seal it at the moment of the power!

Besides, how could his own granddaughter feed him a poison pill?

As soon as this elixir entered the throat, Mu Hai felt something was wrong.

An unimaginable grand breath suddenly dispersed from the panacea, accompanied by a mysterious Tao Yun!

The true value of True Soul Pill is this mysterious Tao Yun.

Ordinary True Soul Pill, the content of Dao Yun depends on luck.

But Chu Yu not only has the Dan spirit, but when the refining is successful, there is a small heavenly calamity inside the Dan furnace!

Therefore, in the eyes of a person who really knows what to do, even if you take a hundred ordinary true soul pill, you can't exchange such a piece!

Muhai Zhenjun, a fighting monk, didn't understand this at all. After being forced to take it by his granddaughter, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He sat there knee-crossed on the spot, and a terrible breath suddenly broke out in his body.

This breath is overwhelming!

Just like a huge magic circle, it directly envelopes a radius of tens of miles.

In the distance, a middle-aged man was rushing towards the house with an angry face, and he muttered in his mouth: "Smelly girl film, has caused such a big disaster, thinking that it will be fine to run to the old man? Today I have to teach you hard. No! "

This man is Mu Yuexiu's father, Mu Yunfan!

Elder of Piaoxiang College.

But he walked, raised his head violently, and looked inconceivably in the direction of his father's residence.

Then, the great breath, instantly passing over his body, spread out.

In a blink of an eye, this place was completely sealed.

"This ..." Mu Yunfan looked shocked, as if thinking of something, muttering: "Did those people say it is true? Xiuer ... did she really bring back some superb true souls?"

He said, speeding up under his feet and rushing towards there.

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