
Chapter 205: Keep you a dog!

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When Xie Nianqin heard it, he was suddenly happy, with a delicate and exquisite face, showing a playful smile, looking at the tall girl in front of him: "I am alchemy, what do you want to compare with my duel?"

The tall girl sneered with a sneer: "A duel is naturally all-powerful! Of course you can also be there for alchemy, and then I will kill you!"

"Oh, really?" Xie Nianqin pouted, suddenly his face cold: "Little bitch, are you sick? I am alchemy, you come to kill me? Tell you, no! Deal with you like this scum, simply I do n’t need to take out my secret weapon! Alchemy kills, it ’s to be put on the academy! "


Many onlookers who heard the news all around almost heard it.

Looking at Xie Nianqin with a black line, he said that this little girl seemed to be a neuropathy, alchemy killing?

Can't you make a fuss?

No one believed her at all.

The tall girl didn't even take her words seriously.

Sneered and said: "Don't dare, don't dare. If you don't enter the stream, you don't enter the stream. What other reasons are you looking for, what big cloves of garlic?"

"Haha ..." Xie Nianqin smiled coldly, thinking that the three words that Lao Song often gave them were too good to express her mood at the moment.

She looked at the tall girl and hooked her finger: "Come on, let you know today, what kind of heroic attitude is the person who learns alchemy fights!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let her know why Hua'er is so red." Wang Yan was a little annoyed to stand by, looking forward to beating the tall **** her own.

All the onlookers around were all students from non-influential colleges.

After they entered Tianmeng University, they were almost low-key and honest. Even if they were usually in their own colleges, they didn't dare to be too pretentious.

The invisible aura here in Tianmeng Academy is too strong, making it hard to breathe.

So I saw a conflict between a college girl ranked 211 and another college girl who seemed to be very influential.

These buzzing people all gave birth to an inexplicable excitement!

It's like someone doing something they dare not do at all, and their mood will be excited and excited.

A group of classmates next to the tall girls were all angry and angry.

This group of students at Ziyun Academy is really too arrogant!

How can they have the courage to provoke a college ranked No. 201?

One of them was thin and tall, and the handsome boy said coldly: "It's really uncultivated, I really don't know how your husband taught you?"

Yuwen smiled and picked two Daimei's eyebrows, and responded coldly: "Small things, pay attention!"

"You ... who are you talking about?" The boy was so angry that he glared at Yuwen and smiled.

Even Yuwen smiled beautifully, but at the moment in the eyes of this boy, it was like a little witch.

"Little guy, don't take yourself too seriously, really." Yu Wen smiled with sympathy, and then looked at him no longer, but looked at Xie Nianqin: "Where are you so much nonsense Xiaoxian? , A bunch of native chickens and dogs, too much nonsense with them, a little too exalted them. "

The crowd of people watching around was full of uproar.

The students of Ziyun College are more arrogant than others.

And they are still a group of young and beautiful girls, but in Tianmeng Academy, they dare to be so presumptuous, this aura ... is really too powerful.

At this time, some people found relevant information of Ziyun College and couldn't help but be surprised: "The last college comparison, ranked 378 ..."

"Ah? More than three hundred and seventy? Is this ... too low?"

"Academies ranked 378 are still studying alchemy. If this is true, where is the courage of this girl to fight against a school student ranked 201?"

"Where did she come from?"

"Unimaginable, the ignorant are fearless!"

Not to mention those onlookers, even the tall girls are all dull.

This tall girl has never been as confident and angry as she is now.

She pointed Xie Nianqin with her finger: "You are ranked 370 ..."

Before she finished speaking, she met Xie Nianqin across the street and suddenly moved!

The figure turned into a residual image, although only the congenital pinnacle of cultivation, but the momentum exploded from her body, directly crushed the tall girl in the king's realm between Xu Yi.


A sharp slap in the face, pumped **** the face of the tall girl.

Everyone had no time to marvel. Xie Nianqin's other hand, the seemingly white and slender little fist, directly hit the tall girl's nose.

Tall girl nosebleeds on the spot!

Everyone was in an uproar and looked completely dumbfounded.

what's going on?

Is this really a girl fighting?

Is n’t it a group fight on the street?

"Do you know why Hua'er is so red now?" Xie Nianqin scorned: "Weak chicken!"

"Woo ..." The tall girl was immediately stunned. The original pretty face, a lot of blood from the nose, running down the lips, flowing to the white slender neck, and then quickly dyed the skirt on her body.

Squatting there, covering his nose with his hand, sobbing and crying.

Slap, punch.

A monk in a congenital realm directly crushed a monk in a king realm.

All the people who saw this scene stood there dumb, completely silly.

The classmates who raised the girl, as well as the teachers and gentlemen who heard the news, were all completely dumbfounded.

After a while, there was a young man who looked like a teacher and said angrily: "What are you doing? What do you want to do? This is the Tianmeng Academy! Are you so arrogant in Tianmeng Academy? Are you afraid of being punished?

"Let's beep there, don't accept you! Are you blind? Is it because your people pick things up first? Don't open your mouth and shut up at Tianmeng Academy, like you can represent others." Yu Wen smiled coldly Coldly speaking, that aura is quite powerful.

The teacher on the other side is a young monk in the esteemed realm. He was so humiliated by a student who did not enter the academy that his face flushed with rage.

In his identity, if he shouted a duel with the other party, he would certainly be a bit overwhelmed.

At this time, there were people from their college who used to pull tall girls away.

The tall girl was still crying and crying, and had never fought with such people who did not follow the routine.

It is estimated that this time will make her unforgettable all her life.

"I'll fight you!"

At this time, there was a low voice from the tall girls, and a young man with a burly figure came out of their crowd.

This man is two meters tall, and his muscles are full of explosive power.

The young man was very ugly, with a scar on his face, looking a little scary.

In his eyes, the beast-like radiance was revealed. Even in the face of Yuwen's smile, there was no expression of appreciation in his eyes.

The energy fluctuations in him do not seem to be particularly strong, and should be around the middle of the King Realm.

But this kind of person, at first glance, belongs to that kind of great power.

In the realm of King Realm, this kind of power monk is still very dominant.

Yu Wen smiled and said, ironically: "Are you stupid? Is your brain sick? Who wants to fight with you? It was originally you who picked things up and gave you a duel. But when you were slapped, you became ashamed? Do n’t come out and be embarrassing! "

"If you dare not fight, just say so." There were girls hiding in the crowd in the camp of the tall girls over there.

"Things that hide their heads and tails!" Yu Wen said coldly, and then suddenly smiled, like a spring breeze, and a lot of people were stupefied: "Yes, dare not fight, bye!"

Turn around, leaving everyone with an elegant back, step by step, towards yourself.

The dean of Ziyun College and other high-level officials all looked at it from a distance, with a bitter smile on their faces, and they couldn't help crying or laughing.

They are still a little bit unclear until now. It is not a good thing to bring this group of little witches to the college comparison.

Although there is a reason for this, but for ordinary people, I am afraid it will be silent.

There will be no such intense response.

After all, this is the world's first institution of higher learning. Here, it is better to keep a low profile.

Besides, here is also to participate in the college competition, to get a good result is the king.

A dozen little girls clapped their hands together slap: "My laughing sister is mighty!"

"Sister Laughing Domineering!"

"Laughter ... be careful!"

Because the ugly and ugly boy was attacking Yuwen with no rhythm behind him!

Although his body was extremely huge, like a hill, he acted silently without any movement.

Look at that fist, it is directed at Yu Wen's heart!

This simply means death!


At least 80% of the people watching around were angry.

An obvious fighting monk, targeting a girl of alchemy, is already an excessive thing.

When someone turned around, they actually took a sneak attack, which was no longer excessive, but shameless!

No shame!

Those in this boys' college couldn't help but exclaim.

A teacher shouted, "Don't ..."

If it were to punch the girl to death with a punch, the incident would be completely outrageous.

By that time, I am afraid that even the College League will not let them go.

As for Chu Yu, at the moment when the tall ugly boy sneaked into Yu Wen and smiled, he was already furious, ready to slap and slapped the other side!

But before waiting for him to move, Yu Wen, who was attacked, smiled, and suddenly a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly turned around!

Her speed is unbelievably fast!

Raising his hand is a slap.


This sound is too loud!

How far can I hear around!

Like a boulder, it hit a sheet of iron from the sky.

It's really amazing to be able to extract the deafening effect of deafening.

This tall and ugly boy was slapped by Yu Wen with a smile, and he just gave away half of his face!

Exposing the bones of Senran!

The blood blurred his face instantly.

He fell to the ground and passed out.

Yuwen stood there with a smile and a light wind in his eyes, but in his eyes, a flash of sadness flashed coldly and said: "Keep you a dog!"


Sorry, it's late. After twelve o'clock in the next chapter, you can watch it tomorrow.

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