
Chapter 209: Victory in two battles

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The young senior princess was pale on the spot, his hands and feet were cold, and his eyes were unbelievable. The whole person collapsed in an instant, and he pointed to An Yun with his fingers and roared with exhaustion: "You violate the rules! You disturb my mind!"


This is too much!

Everyone in the audience was speechless, including the people at the Butterfly Academy, all with twitching lips and black lines.

To tell the truth, even the people on the side of the Butterfly Academy think he has passed!

Alchemy rely on their own skills, you are incapable of losing this game, not the whole world, as such a disorder?

Besides, you first harassed others with the same voice as the scene of the car accident!

People just turned back and said lightly that you sing awkwardly, you have a face to blame others?

Although the positions are different and the camp is different, it is sad to lose this game.

But if you lose, you lose!

All of these people saw the score clearly. The young senior Dan Master lost this game. It was obvious that they saw that they made eight by eight perfect Dan Yun Dan medicine before they collapsed.

The people on Ziyun Academy's side froze for a moment before bursting into booing boos.

Although there weren't many people in total, everyone was a monk, everyone booed happily ... The momentum was quite amazing.

Not all the people from these two colleges were in the stands, and there were dozens of people running to watch the bustle.

These people are all neutral, they know little about the two colleges, so they can't talk about their positions.

The young senior Dan Master on the color butterfly side is too out of standard, and too demure.

Therefore, at this moment, this group of people also coaxed together with the people from Ziyun College.

In fact, there are many people who want to coax with the Butterfly Academy, but they can't help it.

What kind of stuff? Really! Where did the college find this kind of counseling?

Hearing the boos from all around, the young Senior Master Dan grew pale.

At this time, the young students in the Tianmeng Academy who were in charge of the referee asked lightly: "Don't you accept the defeat, the representative of Caidie?"

"I surrender!"

The young senior Dan master's pale face was suffocated with redness, and finally these three words were spit out, and then he turned down and turned away.

It really didn't have any face to stay here anymore.

The students at Tianmeng Academy couldn't help but sneer, and a sneer flashed in the eyes.

Do not have the ability to bear this point, dare to fight for others? What a shame!

However, he was too lazy to talk about this kind of thing, and directly announced the victory of Ziyun Academy on the spot!

"Ziyun Academy wins one game and scores three points!"

Ji Anyun stood calmly on the stage, smiled at the people on Ziyun Academy side, and then jumped off the stage.

Came to Chu Yu: "Old Song, didn't you embarrass you?"

Chu Yu nodded with a smile: "Good!"

Ji Anyun grinned and returned to his seat.

A group of students from Ziyun College came to congratulate.

In the first battle, the first to seize people.

Ji Anyun brought a good start to Ziyun College, everyone was very excited.

Chu Yu also had a faint smile on his face. Although he had expected all of this before, when the result came out, he was still very happy in his heart.

Even happier than he won others.

The people over at the Butterfly College left here dejectedly.

They are here today, only this competition.

The big ratio between non-influencing colleges is the point system.

Losing a game is not the end of the world, but after all, it will not be happy.

Ziyun Academy is here, there is also a competition for the competition branch.

It was a teenager who was 18 or 9 years old.

The teenager was holding his bun, his eyes were clear, and he looked a little weak. He was wearing a blue cyan dress. After he took the stage, he stood quietly and waited for his opponent.

At this time, people from another college also came here.

It doesn't seem to pay much attention to this game, there are only seven or eight people coming, and it still comes in time.

A teenager who was also eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed in a black hard suit, exuded British martial spirit, and went directly to the stage.

The referee of this game is also a student of Tianmeng Academy.

He glanced at the two sides and said directly: "The competition is mainly based on learning, falling off the ring or losing power. You can use the edge of the battle, but try not to hurt your life. However, the sword has no eyes, and it is necessary to do well in battle Prepare yourself for all the consequences! "

He said, glancing at the two teenagers: "Are you ... are you ready?"

Both sides nodded at the same time.


No one would be too concerned about this kind of competition between non-influential colleges.

But in this game, there are more people coming to watch the game than the last alchemy game.

Thousands of people were scattered around the stands.

Others are using the memory crystal to broadcast the battle here.

On social media, too many monks who mirror the world cannot come to the scene.

Therefore, this live broadcast has also been welcomed by many people.

It's just that the colleges at this level watched their live broadcasts, and almost all of them were inside the relevant colleges.

But the total number is not small.

The beautiful youngsters at Ziyun Academy slammed into each other and prepared.

The same is true for the other party.

Subsequently, the two sides fought.

The two young men are all monks in the King Realm.

Their strengths are almost the same. After the initial temptation, the two sides directly took out their own unique skills.

Want to end the battle as soon as possible.

The other boy directly sacrificed a swarthy rope.

Shout: "Beam!"

Everyone thought it was a magical rope that bound people, because what the boy shouted was also the word bundle.

Unexpectedly, after this rope came out, it was like an arrow!

Like a spear thrown out!

Straight at the handsome young man's eyebrows at Ziyun College.

"So cunning!"


"This is a chicken thief ..."

Chu Yu said the last sentence.

A bright blue barrier suddenly appeared in front of the Qingxiu teenager at Ziyun Academy, and then he threw a pill at his side ...

"What's that? How does it seem to be a panacea?"

"Elixir? What is this for?"

"Do you want to give each other a panacea?"

"Don't you be scared ... I thought it was a magic weapon?"

Those who watched the game live and were watching the live broadcast were all confused.

Just then, there was a loud noise on the ring.


The other boy's body was directly bounced out.

Because the dark rope was out of control, it fell on the ground with a click.

The defensive light curtain in front of the beautiful young man at Ziyun Academy also disappeared, standing there quietly, with a bit shy face.

The opponent was directly bounced and dropped off the ring.

So the referee directly declared Ziyun Academy to win.

There was a burst of cheering from Ziyun Academy.

Two victories in victory, scored six points.

This is a pretty good result.

At this time, an angry voice suddenly came from the audience: "This is cheating!"

Everyone's eyes looked there, and they saw that the young boy had a black face and his clothes had become ragged.

Many places are still bleeding.

Before Chu Yu, he had reduced the power of Baoyan Dan to the lowest.

And it is of the hierarchical level, some of which are aimed specifically at the King Realm and some at the Venerable Realm.

After all, it's a game, not a murder.

If you smash people directly with one shot, I am afraid that even if Ziyun College can rush into the advanced college, it will be destroyed by turning around.

The students of Tianmeng Academy who stood as referees stood there with a cold face: "Are you questioning the fairness of the game?"

The young man who was blown up completely into darkness was suddenly speechless, no matter how unwilling in his heart, he had to accept this fact.

If you lose, you lose!

If he was allowed to cheat, wouldn't he be allowed to use other means?

Just now, it was just a strong unwillingness, plus he hadn't figured out what the other party was using, and he shouted this impulse.

Now calm down, he can only say depressed: "I lost ..."

On the first day, Ziyun Academy won two games!

Although Ziyun has also achieved such results in the past, it is the first time that it is as easy as this time!

After the game, this game also caused a little reaction.

With regard to the student at Ziyun College, what was thrown out caused a small-scale debate.

Many people put that thing to the maximum through the playback of memory crystals, and all think that it should be a panacea.

"Then there is Dan Yun!"

"Who have you ever seen an explosive medicine?"

"It's too crap. How could the elixir explode? That must be the product of a certain refiner!"

Many people are arguing endlessly, but Ziyun Academy is very low-key, without any movement.

Because this is their secret weapon!

The strategy set by Ziyun Academy here is that the alchemy branch will get points, and the battle branch will try to get points!

If you can **** you all the way and let the alchemy branch enter the race, that is the best result.

After all, even if there is a Pyrophobia, but so many colleges will always meet some talented young monks. No one dares to guarantee that the field can win.

Xu Xiaoxian followed Chu Yu and returned to Ziyun Academy. Instead of returning to her room, she came directly to Chu Yu.

She looked at Chu Yu: "It seems that I still underestimate you a little bit. The Sage Law ... is indeed powerful. But, if you take it out so early, are you afraid of others preventing it in advance?"

Chu Yu glanced at her: "There is no sage law."

"You're really boring." Xu Xiaoxian sat on the chair, two long legs stacked together, looked at Chu Yu, and said seriously: "If you want to be a dark horse, stand out in this kind of competition, don't be too soft!"

"What do you mean?" Chu Yu glanced at her.

"If you guessed right, the panacea you gave to those students is a weakened version. The real explosive pill is not like this. That is the terrorist attack panacea that even Zhenjun can blow into serious injuries."

Xu Xiaoxian looked at Chu Yu calmly and said, "Even if you don't refine it as powerfully, but you care about the life-and-death practices of others like this. In the end ... not only will your opponents take precautions in advance, but they will also directly take out thunder , Come and suppress your students! "

Chu Yu frowned slightly and glanced at Xu Xiaoxian.

"It's you who will lose money by the time. So, mention the power level." Xu Xiaoxian looked serious.

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