
Chapter 264: Evidence left

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Liu Fenghui's statement made Chu Yu's heart hanging, and finally let go.

But deep in his heart, he still had a mind.

The ancestor of Ziyun House, thinking of the earth, regards it as his hometown. Betrayal is not allowed for future generations.

But after 60 million years, the vicissitudes of life have already changed too much.

Chu Yu was not convinced that Ziyun House and the Royal Family of Song Kingdom could keep the bloodline pure throughout these 60 million years.

Once married to other family members of the Mirror World, how many years will the earth's bloodline remain?

Can you really care about the ancestors' training?

The reason why Chu Yu dare to say that he came from the earth is because he has already made a decision on what to do next.

Therefore, he wanted to try Liu Fenghui's attitude.

At least for now, the results are satisfactory.

Liu Fenghui once again persuaded Chu Yu to be cautious, it is best to join Tianmeng Academy as soon as possible.

"Tianmeng Academy is actually more open than you think, mirroring the world. Although it is a transit point for the universe of all planes, it is a vast world that exists for entering the home of the sermon. But not everyone is willing to war "" Liu Fenghui finally told Chu Yu something meaningful, and then left.

Regarding Liu Fenghui's mentality of people in the mirror world, Chu Yu is not unexpected.

But there are so many anti-war people here in Tianmeng Academy. Chu Yu has no idea.

After all, the top arrogance of the group of Tianmeng academies headed by Yan Xudong, the strong hostility towards the hometown of the Dao Dao, cannot be formed in a short time.

Liu Fenghui left and took the teachers and students of Ziyun College directly away.

The fourteen students at Alchemy Branch wanted to stay. After communicating with them, Chu Yu left.

A vigorous college comparison, at this point, is almost completely over.

Yan Xudong really wanted Chu Yu to be able to join Tianmeng Academy, although others had already left before to go to the path leading to the hometown of the Dao Dao.

However, he stayed specifically to receive Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian.

"Hey hey, how do I feel like you have been disturbed these days?" Xu Xiaoxian poked Chu Yu's arm with his elbow.

"It's okay, just thinking of ..." Chu Yu felt around for a while, and kept silent.

At this time, the teacher from Tianmeng Academy who was responsible for receiving Chu Yu had already come over.

She is a 27-year-old woman with fair skin, pretty long hair, and gentle personality.

When I saw Chu Yu, there wasn't any shelf, and I smiled softly, "Is it Mr. Song? I'm Yan Xudong's sister, my name is Qiu Hong, and also a teacher of our Tianmeng Academy. Be sure to arrange Mr. Song. "

With that, he glanced at Xu Xiaoxian again: "And this Chu girl."

Xu Xiaoxian smiled obediently, slightly shyly.

Qiuhong said, thinking of something, said to Chu Yu: "Yes, Mr. Song, Brother Yan also said, if you want to go that way, as soon as possible ..."

Chu Yu heard the words, smiled, and nodded: "Okay, please, teacher Qiuhong."

"No trouble." Qiuhong's face was red, slightly shy.

Xu Xiaoxian secretly scolded: the little **** smashed, pretending to be quite like!

She had entered Tianmeng Academy several years ago, and she has a deep understanding of the top students in Tianmeng University.

This Qiuhong was once a proud daughter of Tianmeng Academy. When Yan Xudong entered school, he seduced others.

However, Grand Master Yan has a very high vision, and naturally looks down on Qiuhong's slightly girly appearance.

After being rejected, Qiu Hong did not give up, but did not use any excessive means. Just quietly doing something for Yan Xudong.

For example, this time, it was said that she was a teacher of Tianmeng Academy anyway, and once a proud daughter of heaven. For people who come from such small places as Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian, under normal circumstances, she must not be guilty. I won't take a second look.

But because these two people are the people that Yan Xudong is optimistic about, Qiu Hong does his best.

It wasn't Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian at all, but Yan Xudong.

Qiuhong settled Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian in an exquisite small building, and then took the two of them personally and went around in a circle.

"Because you are the people that Master Yan values, you are directly treated according to the highest treatment. You can come and go as you please with all the top book collections here."

During the speech, Qiuhong pointed to one of the collections: "Did you see that collection? We are the strongest celestial female Lin Shi of the Tianmeng Institute of Contemporary Art ... It was enlightened there! Lin Shi is our Tianmeng A genius can only be born in a thousand years! "

Qiuhong said these words with a smile, but even Chu Yu could feel that she was a little fake.

Xu Xiaoxian sneered in his heart: Huh, green tea ...

Chu Yu remembered the collection of books that Qiu Hong said.

After the two went back to rest for one night, early in the morning the next day, Chu Yu quietly came to the collection of books that Qiuhong said.

The old man sitting in front of the library's gate seemed to be napping when Chu Yu came in.

After Chu Yu walked up and down the second floor, the old man's eyes opened slowly, frowning slightly, and muttered to himself: "It seems a little wrong ... The one hidden in this kid How can such a powerful blood surging? This kind of blood ... strange, strange! The entire Tianmeng Academy ... is there no one? Is it new? "

Chu Yu didn't know that as soon as he came in, he was already stared at.

He took care of himself on the second floor and glanced over. On the ancient wooden shelf made of gods, a collection of books was placed in such a random way.

Subsequently, his eyes fell on a large book.

The way the book is placed is a bit strange.

Of course, it's just strange in Chu Yu's eyes. In the eyes of others, it's just a book leaning at the end of the bookshelf.

Lin Shi ... I have always placed books like this.

Chu Yu has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, and everything must be neatly arranged.

But Lin Shi was very careless, and every time he placed things, he threw them everywhere.

After being corrected by Chu Yu for N times, this girl's head was revenge. Every time she put the book in a crooked manner, she came to disgust Chu Yu.

These are games that the two often played when they were young.

We are all familiar with this routine.

Chu Yu wanted to enter the Tianmeng Academy, but there are actually a lot of reasons for it, because he wanted to find an answer.

He needs to know, what happened to Lin Shi?

Based on what he knows about her, it is impossible to do things impulsively to the point of no consequence at all.

She will definitely leave clues that she can understand!

Chu Yu reached out and took the big man from the bookshelf.

This book is called Mirror World General History.

Chu Yu opened it casually and looked seriously.

Quickly turn page after page.

Originally he wanted to find something left behind by Lin Shi, but when he looked at it, he suddenly discovered that there were many things in it that he had never heard of.

In the end, Chu Yu simply sat down and looked at the contents quickly with ten lines.

However, when turning to twenty pages, Chu Yu found that there was indeed something left by Lin Shi.

Later, he began to turn to more than thirty pages ...

This is a tacit understanding between the two since childhood, a game that was played as a child.

One of them left something in the book, the other went to find it.

Then you have to connect these things together to form a complete event!

Chu Yu's movement of turning the book faster and faster, his brows were locked more and more, and in his eyes, there were two cold rays of light.

He spent a whole day in this library.

The sky outside was completely darkened, and Chu Yu stretched out, walking calmly and calmly out of the library.

When passing by the old man, the little man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yu said: "Are you new here?"

Although Chu Yu was slightly startled, he nodded calmly: "Yes, Senior, Song Hong ..."

"You are Song Hong?"

In the muddy old eyes of the old man, two flashes of light flashed, looking at Chu Yu: "That Song Hong who is known to send the true monarch into the **** lord?"

Chu Yu stunned slightly, and then smiled: "It may be me, but the juniors are not so powerful."

"Oh, well, you go." The little old man suddenly waved his hand and let Chu Yu leave.

Although a little inexplicable, Chu Yu felt that he didn't show any flaws. The old man noticed him, it must be because of something else.

Back at the residence, Xu Xiaoxian also just walked back from outside.

When he saw Chu Yu, his eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, "Where did you come back from?"

"Collection of books." Chu Yu said in a deep voice.

"What did you find?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

Chu Yu looked up at her.

Xu Xiaoxian rolled her eyes: "Hey, don't treat everyone as a fool? Do you dare to say that you are not looking for what she left there?"

"Women are too smart to be able to marry." Chu Yu said.

"The girl is happy!" Xu Xiaoxian whispered, and then sneered: "Hurry, have you found it?"

Chu Yu nodded: "Found it."

"Really?" Xu Xiaoxian showed surprise in her eyes, and said, "Come on, what has she left behind?"

"We know almost all the other things." Chu Yu said calmly: "She asked me to wake her up at an appropriate time and return these memories to her."

"When is the appropriate time?" Xu Xiaoxian looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu said: "You ask me, who do I ask?"

Xu Xiaoxian flicked his sleeve, turned and left, and looked very unhappy.

But one night later, in the next morning, Xu Xiaoxian returned to normal again.

The two did not continue to stay in Tianmeng Academy, but drove away in the direction of the road.

The news that Song Hong and Chu Xiaomei joined the Tianmeng Academy, although both of them are low-key, but such a big thing, after all, it still has to spread.

"Mr. Ziyun Song, who taught very powerful students, joined our Tianmeng Academy?"

"Good birds choose wood for habitat. This is a wise choice."

"How can a small place like Ziyun support Song Hong's arrogance?"

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Yan, he has received two more help."

Yan Xudong responded lightly: "That's the talent of Tianmeng Academy, not mine."


I really can't write anymore, and strive to get up early tomorrow to continue.

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