
Chapter 272: Mirror World Change

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Time back to just now.

When Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian left from Xuexue.

"The look of the little girl who likes you tells me that her grandpa is not good!"

"What's a girl like me?"

"Originally, don't tell me you can't see it."

"I can only see that you have thoughts and attempts to me ..."

"Nonsense! I don't have any ideas or attempts at you. I thought of you as a brother."

"Well, stinky girl, I treat you as a brother, but you ..."

The two quarreled, watching the battleship leave the void.

Suddenly, a warning sign rose in Chu Yu's heart, and he froze in his heart, and said that the old guy who looked like Einstein, wouldn't he really think of him?

At the next moment, there were several warships that were unusual at first glance, blocking the seemingly insignificant spaceship that they were only a dozen feet on.

"What am I saying?" Xu Xiaoxian looked down at Chu Yu with a smug look.

"Still thinking about how to leave here." Chu Yu said lightly with no expression on his face.

There was not too much anger in his heart.

Because from the beginning to the end, he didn't feel any malice from Xue Xue's grandfather.

More likely, it is an old man who does nothing to study.

But it is true that Chu Yu didn't like him.

"What else is there to say? They play high-tech with me?" Xu Xiaoxian sneered.

At the next moment, Chu Yu didn't even make any response, and a huge battleship that surrounded them burst out like this!

I don't know how many Martians there. Anyway, this battleship exploded, and Chu Yu saw several figures escape from there. The rest is estimated to be killed by this blow.

"How did you do it?" Chu Yu looked shocked.

He was with Xu Xiaoxian along the way, so familiar with them that he could no longer be familiar with this boat.

I never thought that it would have such terrible firepower?

Just this time, even if this power hits a planet, it is enough to destroy the stars!

Xu Xiaoxian squinted him: "You don't know much."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly at this time: "Well ... But, as for this?"

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at him: "You see it!"

At this moment, a large number of battleships began to fly out of the behemoth.

Flying towards Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian like a swarm of bees.

It's clear that you want to be aggressive.

Chu Yu even felt a little funny, so many warships, used to deal with the two of them?

As for it?

Later, Chu Yu saw the behemoth and began to sink below the surface.

"Did you see it? You hid yourself and released so many battleships." Xu Xiaoxian sneered: "What do they want to do, don't understand yet?"

"I don't understand." Chu Yu shook his head.

"They want to kill us!" Xu Xiaoxian's eyes were cold and cold: "It's not confusing at all! We are still mirroring the world now! No ... we are now in a broken world!"

"Go!" Xu Xiaoxian said no more, and steered the spaceship, turned and left.

Huo Di!

This space has undergone drastic changes, and the entire void is distorted.

The surrounding scenes changed instantly.

The spaceships like the swarms also disappeared.

There is only one high, three heads and six arms, all black, like a demon.

Facing the eyes of the two people, there was a cold light, and in the breath, a ray of light appeared from the nostrils, ears and mouth.

There was lightning in the glow.

The creature suddenly stretched out an arm, which suddenly became extremely long, and directly grabbed Xu Xiaoxian and their spaceship.

At the same time, in the mouth of this creature, he drank a scale that the two had never heard.

This scale actually penetrated the spaceship and directly reached the ears of the two.

The bodies of Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian instantly fell to the ground and could not move.

This ability is really terrifying. It is simply killing invisible.

"What is this special?" Chu Yu's face was shocked.

"Start the ultimate defense, the ultimate weapon!" Xu Xiaoxian shouted.

"The energy currently stored can only be selected one ..." came a cold electronic sound.

Xu Xiaoxian exclaimed: "Start the ultimate weapon!"

The spaceship turned around in an instant, and a slight shock, a beam of light, shot at the creatures with three heads and six arms.

The gruesome creature seemed to feel a huge crisis and turned around and ran!

But he was still struck by the ray of light, and the arm was directly annihilated.

Then, the light shot at a head of the creature at an incredible speed.

The skull burst into a blood mist, and in the blood mist, a huge grimace appeared, grinning at Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian.

Chu Yu is a bit bad for the whole person.

Before, he really didn't see any problems, everything, just like they suddenly passed a mysterious road and traversed to the ancient star.

He didn't think at all that all of these were actually false ... It's an illusion!

Someone who was cheated was miserable, and Chu Yu's face was very ugly.

After the terrifying three-headed and six-armed creature shattered a head, it gave out unwilling roars and growls.

But he didn't dare to rush again, but watched the spacecraft go away.

Xu Xiaoxian used his voice to direct the spacecraft to fly directly in one direction.

I don't know how long it took to fly. The spaceship seemed to hit a wall, and then it crashed into it.

At the next moment, as if being confused by a sticky force, the speed of the spaceship became extremely slow.

But it is still moving forward firmly.

Both Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian knew that this was entering the enchantment.

I don't know how long it took, the spaceship finally got out of the enchantment.

Mirroring an unknown mountain in the world, behind a huge waterfall, Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian's spaceship rushed out.

Then, the spacecraft fell into the water and sank to the bottom.

The bodies of the two still seem to belong to themselves, and they can't move at all.

He glanced at each other, and then they all showed an expression for the rest of their lives, and laughed at the same time.

"It's terrible behind that wall." Xu Xiaoxian said with a lingering fear: "That thing, famous in the last era, is a kind of demon. It is good at using spiritual power to control other creatures. I didn't expect this place There will be another ... "


Chu Yu let out a breath, called out the light brain, and inquired about what happened recently.

This did not matter, both Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian were startled.

On social media, huge handwriting is highlighted on top ...

"The saints of the solar system were born 60 million years ago to suppress the Tianshui Bay!"

Chu Yu quickly entered, with just a few glances, he could see the blood boiling!

"Tianshuiwan, the road that leads to the hometown of the Tao, is actually a terrifying hoax!"

"A dozen saints in the mirror world have been planning for many years and want to set up a few saints hidden in the hometown of the Dao Dao. But they do not want to. Reinvented Luojia ancient Saint Luo Xuebai. "

"Successfully killed two ancient saints in the mirror world ..."

"Holy blood stains the sky, the sage falls, and the world changes!"

"The strength of Moon Shadow is incomprehensible and incredible!"

"The World War I, the mirror world's young Tianjiao suffered heavy losses, and a lot of Tianjiao was damaged there."

"Those ancient saints are so ruthless, they actually cheated even their descendants, but they have not been able to deceive the saints such as Moon Shadow and other hometowns of evangelism. None of the previous arrays arranged before were used. It said that it was actually used by Moon Shadow, holding down several of our saints, and finally all of them were hit hard. "

"Failure, this is an unprecedented failure!"

"The first young Tianjiao, Tianmeng Academy, was seriously injured, Yan Xudong was seriously injured, Lin Shi was seriously injured, Shuijia Shuilanxi was injured, Qu's prince Qu Ming was seriously injured, and Zongjiatian's arrogant female Zong Yueyao was seriously injured, and almost died ... … "

At the moment when Lin Shi was injured, Chu Yu's heart twitched and hurt.

She chopped off her own memory, but all of Chu Yu's memories are still there!

This turmoil has affected the entire mirrored world, and its scope is so unprecedented.

At the same time, its impact is too great!

A saint fell in this war.

Chu Yu saw a detailed description of the war on social media. After he fled with Xu Xiaoxian, several ancient saints from the hometown of Taoism appeared again!

These saints in the mirrored world are being laid out, and those saints who want to prove the land of Taoism are actually counting them!

Several saints in the hometown of testimony, after a big victory, drifted away and disappeared.

Chu Yu saw her heart swaying and could hardly hold herself.

Almost clap your hands!

Really happy.

He believed that if Lin Shi did not cut off his own memory, he would certainly be happy for this matter.

"It's a pity ..."

Xu Xiaoxian murmured.

"How?" Chu Yu gave her a strange look.

"If you can kill the arrogance of the mirrored world with one brain, you can save a lot of trouble in the future." Xu Xiaoxian said with a look of expectation.

With a look, she glanced at Chu Yu: "However, your girlfriend is also injured. Let's hurry back to Tianmeng Academy. You can show her."

After talking, Xu Xiaoxian threw a pile of big medicines that had been made in the Immortal Land before, and each one was sealed.

"Exactly, I still have something to do. I have to leave for a while, and I will find you when I get there."

After finishing talking, Xu Xiaoxian turned and left.

Chu Yu was a little strange, and he said that the little demon girl had not said that she was leaving.

However, Lin Shi was indeed concerned about him, and he didn't think much about it now. He directly determined the location of the next school from the light brain, and then galloped in that direction.

Xu Xiaoxian was depressed in his spaceship and muttered: "Why should I leave? I ... what's wrong with me?"

As she said, a frightened expression appeared on her face: "Do I like him? Am I jealous?"


"Grandma, a natural beauty with such a beautiful and beautiful crown, is a uniquely beautiful and bubbling big and beautiful woman in heaven and earth. How can you be tempted by a man?"

Xu Xiaoxian murmured with words in his mouth, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

In the end, she directly steered the spaceship, the opposite direction of Tianmeng Academy, galloping all the way! .

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