
Chapter 300: Big bully

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But this method is a bit too rough for a **** ...

It's not useless, but the whole process will make people unhappy!

Because of the spirits of the Divine Monarch realm, the Divine Soul is too powerful.

In this state, the soul can be transformed into an entity and walk in the daylight!

Wearing a battle armor and holding a halberd, the combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the deity.

It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to extract a trace from this level of spirit.

So Bai Gongzi sent out a scream of sternness, which made Chu Yu speechless. Bai Xiaozi's screams all felt a little weak and slow.

Although not obvious, it is indeed different from others.

"You are the demon means ... not counting!"

"you can not do that!"

"Ouch, it hurts me to death!"

"If you do this again, I will fight with you!"


Bai Gongzi suddenly burst into a very powerful breath.

His soul finally couldn't stand the extraction of Chu Yu's hard pull and was pulled out of the body.

Bai Gongzi was unable to resist because of the seal. He really regrets it now.

If I knew this, I might as well fight with this person!

In his realm of princes, if he is allowed to explode and explode, he can definitely die of this **** human.

It's too late to say anything now. Although his state is high, he is not Chu Yu's opponent in terms of combat effectiveness.

The power has been sealed, and it is impossible to resist.

Bai Gongzi's soul is a huge white giant!

There was an armor on his body!

At first glance, the armor shone with a dark luster.

Chu Yu plucked the armor off without any politeness. He was not proficient in the refiner and could not recognize what metal it was.

I knocked on it a few times, but I didn't knock it out.

"You return my black gold armor!"

Bai Gongzi wailed: "You are an upright human, not a bandit bully, you are not a robber, you can't do this!"

"Who told me you are not me?" Chu Yu glanced at him, and then cast a spell.

Bai Gongzi wailed loudly, and all the demons outside were listening in his ears.

The big dog said in a panic, "The son is going to die this time?"

Ergou nodded pretending to be wise: "I also think so Wang!"

"Wang your sister!" Tiger-headed man said angrily: "The son must be finished this time!"

Leopard head female whispered: "Shall we run?"

"Why run?" Big Dog said: "Isn't that human being said before, let the young son hurt us? I think he is a good person!"

"Shit! Why would a good person torture a young man like this?" Hutou Man was still very loyal to White Man and was beaten.

The big dog and the two dogs immediately glared at the tiger-headed man, snarling his teeth, and growled in his throat.

The tiger's head froze for a moment, and said, "Okay, huh, don't you?"

Inside the cellar.

Bai Yuzi's ray of soul was simply and rudely extracted by Chu Yu.

But Chu Yu at this time was also exhausted.

But still holding on, he collected the ray of spirit from Bai Gongzi into his own sea of ​​consciousness, and directly suppressed it with heavy seals.

At this point, he only needs one thought to make Bai Gongzi desperate.

If you really want to kill Bai Gongzi, it is just a matter of thought.

"Beasts like you, you have to do it yourself later. That's why this skill is a bit rotten, and you have to find a way to get a higher level later." Chu Yu gasped.

Bai Gongzi was lying on the ground like mud, without even saying a word.

Crystal tears hung in the corners of both eyes.

This time it is really completely over.

He prides himself on having a very high IQ, and the wisdom of mankind is nothing more than that in his eyes.

He thinks he can play with humans between the palms, especially Chu Yu's kind-bravely.

He likes it the most.

With a little trick, you can let him into the urn!

Facts have proved that he is only so far away from success.

As if there was only one layer of window paper left in front of me, it would break once poke.

But this layer of window paper also blocked his eyes and heart.

I didn't see that I wanted to play with a behemoth, an ancient beast!

Where is this simple-minded person?

This is clearly a harmless appearance but actually more sinister and fierce!

He had just been so pitiful, so miserable, and so sincere, but still useless.

This cold-blooded guy is completely indifferent!

In contrast, Master Bai felt that this human being was more like a cold-blooded creature than himself.

"Don't pretend to die there, get up and work!" Chu Yu kicked him.

Bai Gongzi hummed unwilling to move.

"Don't feel wronged, ordinary people want to be my servants, I don't want it yet." Chu Yu has also recovered a bit at this time, looking at Bai Gongzi and said: "For example this stupid bird and Lao Huang ... so they are just My good brother only. "

"I ... I want to be your brother too!" Bai Gongzi wanted to cry without tears.

"You're so unworthy," Chu Yu said.

"Do you want to be so direct?" Bai Gongzi got up, disregarding the others, and first caressed the dust on his body carefully.

A grieving expression: "My top Italian tailor tailor-made clothes, another set was scrapped ..."

Chu Yu said lightly: "It's the most important thing to have a life. Save them all quickly. If you die, I will let you pay for it!"

"Slave master just like you ..." Bai Gongzi said weakly.

Afterwards, he flicked the hair that blocked the red eyes with his hand, and a red light shot from his eye.

However, it is not the kind of attack form, but like a net of light, quickly skipped from everyone.

Seal the blue ice cubes of these people and disappear instantly!

Instead of turning into water, it disappeared completely.

Then, on many people's faces, expressions began to appear.

The thief and Lao Huang were sealed for the shortest time, and the two guys recovered quickly.

After sobering up, he saw Bai Gongzi, who looked like a gas bag, and Chu Yu, who was standing beside him.

The beast group quickly understood what was happening.

Everyone said in anger: "Xiao Bai, you are not honest! Your conscience is broken!"

Lao Huang also looked at Bai Gongzi coldly: "Fuck! Stew snake soup!"

"Hey, I'm sorry, you two, we are in a camp now." Bai Gongzi laughed carefully, but he was thinking in my heart, I dare not deal with this **** human, or dare you?

Two small dregs, to be replaced as usual, you little demon, I have frozen you directly into ice cubes, and then smashed them little by little with a hammer.

Chu Yu glanced coldly at Bai Zizi: "Do n’t blame me for not warning you. In the future, you must be respectful and respectful. If you dare to give birth to any eccentricity, I will tell you not to survive, to die!"

"Why? I'm not that kind of jiao, I can't do that kind of thing!" Bai said.

"That's the best!" Chu Yu sneered.

At this time, Zhao Mantian slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, initially with a faint confusion, his body was very weak.

Sealed by Bai Gongzi with magic power for so long, he distributes all his power to maintain vitality.

So at this moment it seems a bit dazed.

But soon, he recovered.

Seeing Bai Gongzi, he did not do it for the first time.

Zhao Mantian seemed domineering, but he was not brainless.

After losing to Bai Gongzi, he already knew that he was not an opponent of this great demon in a short time.

He then looked at Chu Yu, a smile on his blank face.

Without asking or guessing, he already knew what had happened.

The brother saved him.

Subsequently, Xiaoyue and others also woke up slowly.

When Xiaoyue saw Chu Yu, a sweet smile appeared on her face, but her body was weak and she almost fell to the ground.

Chu Yu passed by, supported her, took out an elixir, and fed it to her mouth.

Zhao Mantian smiled and said: "Brother, you are clearly treating you differently!"

Xiaoyue was blushing.

Chu Yu smiled: "Brother, you are very healthy, my medicine is very expensive!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Mantian laughed, not bothered.

He naturally knew Chu Yu's temperament, and then glanced at the somewhat embarrassed Bai Gongzi standing there, and smiled: "Why, Bai Gongzi is so kind? Was he influenced?"

Promote your sister!

Bai Gongzi is about to die.

From now on, freedom is gone ...

And at first glance, this human kid is a bad embryo, or the kind that is broken, what can he do with it?

Rolled his eyes directly, but he turned a bit of style.

The entire Qingqiu Fox family, everyone, woke up in turn.

After waking up, many people were paralyzed and unable to move.

Fortunately, they were just exhausted, and did not suffer any greater harm.

Chu Yu looked at Master Bai: "This is not like your character, why didn't you kill them?"

The leopard-headed girl had already betrayed Bai Zizi before, saying that it was cold and brutal in nature, and the little demon said to kill if they killed.

"Someone won't let me kill them, only let me shut them up." Bai Gongzi honestly explained.

"Some people ... not letting you kill them?"

Chu Yu was slightly startled, and said that this son of Bai had already stepped into the realm of God, and his character was cold and cruel. What kind of person's will would make him willingly obey?

"Who?" Zhao Mantian asked coldly.

The doubts in his mind are even greater. Although the land of China is limited, Qingqiu is indeed a treasure.

But the problem is that with the power of Bai Gongzi and his group of demons, it is not difficult to occupy a good place.

Many small families with early accession to the WTO occupy treasured land, and they can lay down a bunch at will.

Bai Gongzi even dare to beat Qingqiu unscrupulously, would he still care about the failure of those small families?

Bai Gongzi kept silent.

Chu Yu glanced at him: "Who?"

Bai Gongzi smiled bitterly and said weakly: "Master, don't ask, it's not good for you. In short, I can explain it to you like this."

He glanced at Chu Yu and glanced at Zhao Mantian again, and said, "I'm not the man, but I dare not resist his command. He only needs one thought and I can't live."

Zhao Mantian frowned, and then asked, "That man asked you to attack Qingqiu, but he was not allowed to kill us?"

Bai Gongzi nodded: "If the master is a small bully, that person ... then ... a big bully, cough ... I can only say so much."

Zhao Mantian's brow twisted into a Chuan character, as if he had thought of it, his face was uncertain.

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