
Chapter 480: Old ghost

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

Xu Xiaoxian's speed is too fast!

In the void, there is no shadow left, and only the strongest of the Holy Land can capture her trajectory.

Many people showed shock on their faces, and they couldn't believe that Xu Xiaoxian became so powerful after he became a saint.

Moreover, it is too strong!

Ji Shuangye's status in the Tiangong Palace is obviously unusual, and is another ancient saint who has lived for tens of millions of years.

The power of this kind of state usually regards the face as more important than life.

The result was Xu Xiaoxian slapped in the face.

The injury is not important anymore. The feeling of trampling on self-esteem drives Ji Shuangye crazy.

She was crazy all of a sudden!

The stunned after not being slapped, there is no daze.

Some are just infinite shame.

"Little bitch, I'm going to kill ..."

Before she finished, she felt like she was hit by a big mountain.


Her body flew straight out.

Yes, it's not slap.

Yes bang ...

Xu Xiaoxian's blow was extremely precise and his power was incredible!

Even many people in the Sky City couldn't help feeling pain for Ji Shuangye.

It's too cruel!

Ji Shuangye's body flew far away from the sky like a broken kite.

A bite of blood flew out with a few teeth.

The thieves stared at the boss with a pair of eyes, and shouted there: "Holy tooth! Little fairy, fly a few more, and make a string to prevent evil!"

Lao Huang pouted: "Disgusting?"

Everyone: "..."

Ji Shuangye was almost mad at Qiqiaoye over there.

What kind of stuff are these?

Too low quality!

But at this moment, she was extremely dangerous.

Because Xu Xiaoxian did not let her mean.

Still killing her.

The hands are slender, but he wields a terrible killing power.

Xu Xiaoxian is murderous!

This piece of cosmic void is full of her unabashed murderous opportunities.

It belongs to the field of the powerful in the sanctuary.

Once the repair is close, the body will collapse directly.

"The bear kid should fight."

Xu Xiaoxian's mouth suddenly emerged.

Countless people froze for a while, all with strange expressions on their faces.

Everyone, thieves and fat guys, almost laughed like crazy.

Ji Shuangye is about to collapse, who is the bear child? I have lived a long time ... longer than your ancestors!

But who made her just cheap and soft, must she say that she is a junior?

This was caught by Xu Xiaoxian, and a wave of merciless ridicule.

Ji Shuangye's original beautiful face has been transformed by Xu Xiaoxian.

For a woman who loves beauty, it is totally intolerable.

She is crazy!

An ancient scroll ... flew out of her and unfolded directly!

Everyone on the side of the sky city was shocked.

Mountain and river map!

Another terrible picture!

It was this picture of mountains and rivers that took Liu Wutong, who was provocative, away, and made him escape.

Unexpectedly this time Ji Shuangye came to the door to provoke, and actually brought this picture again.

Paralyze Do you think this picture is omnipotent?

The people on the side of the sky city were not very beautiful, and they all backed away.

Here the Minghui ancestors and others began to exert mana to form a barrier to block the terrible coercion brought by the pictures of mountains and rivers.

Otherwise, many people will be injured or even fall.

Because this picture ... is really omnipotent!

Especially in the hands of Ji Shuangye, a powerful old man, the power exerted by him is not comparable to that of Liu Wutong's monks who have not been in the sacred for a long time.


Terrible coercion poured down.

It seems like there is a world that directly oppresses Xu Xiaoxian!

Especially in this void of the universe, there are plenty of shadows, and there are a lot of ghosts of mountains, plains and lakes.

Although it is just a phantom, that momentum and field ... but it is real ... heavy!

Although Xu Xiaoxian entered the Dao by war, the time to become a saint was too short.

She has enough combat power, even fierce. But the reserve of mana and energy is much less than that of Ji Shuangye, an old guy who has lived forever.

This is her shortcoming, a bit disadvantaged.

This is the case among monks, especially among top monks.

If Xu Xiaoxian's combat power can be stronger, just taking advantage of Ji Shuangye's suitability against the enemy, the two successful attacks are enough to kill Ji Shuangye in seconds, so that she has no time to sacrifice the Shanhe Tu.

But Xu Xiaoxian was successful enough twice.

Want to spike Ji Shuangye ... This is really difficult!

An ancient saint, unless suppressed by a stronger presence ... How can it be so easy to die?

Ji Shuangye was also completely furious, vowing to kill Xu Xiaoxian with the mountains and rivers!

She didn't come here to fight, she didn't enter the battle with battle, and her combat strength was not her strength.

She came to the city of the sky today, mainly to demonstrate, preparing to use the power of the Tiangong to oppress Chu Yu's surrender.

As a result, Chu Yu didn't see it, and was slapped two times in a row by a young and beautiful young junior who was incredible.

If you can't kill Xu Xiaoxian, her old face ... even if it is completely lost.


Ji Shuangye injects stronger mana into the mountain and river map.

Mountain and river chart instantly unfolded four fifths!

Almost all will be unfolded!

The vast mountains and rivers in the sky became more solid in a flash!

It's like an entity.

And the scope is still expanding, like a vast world, suddenly came here!

There was a trace of blood in Xu Xiaoxian's mouth over there.

But in her eyes, it is like two worlds are dying!

This is a supreme supernatural power!

She is using this pressure to temper herself!

This is a crazy move, but also a helpless move.

Because at this time, it is difficult for her to escape.

Carrying a mountain is already the ultimate.

Carrying a world ... too difficult.

almost impossible!

Minghui Patriarch and others saw this and stepped forward to prepare to help Xu Xiaoxian.

This is not the time to talk about more bullying and less bullying. Everyone knows that if Xu Xiaoxian had any good or bad, Chu Yu would be crazy!

The Buddha's light flashed on Lin Shi's body there, and a huge bodhisattva image was displayed behind her, which was very high!


She rushed straight away!

The relationship with Xu Xiaoxian on weekdays is really not good, the two women even rarely communicate.

After all, they love the same man.

Two such excellent women who can tolerate each other and live under one roof have been considered a huge concession.

At least now it is difficult to make them like sisters.

In any case, Lin Shi could not just watch Xu Xiaoxian accident.

So her reaction is faster than others.

When Ji Shuangye unfolded more mountains and rivers, she rushed out.

Xiaoyue also followed, rushing with Minghui's ancestors.

No one would watch Xu Xiaoxian fall.

At this time, Ji Shuangye couldn't help laughing: "A group of predecessors, can't help but bully them? Unfortunately, who can resist this mountain and river map?"

One of her faces was swollen by Xu Xiaoxian's slap and became like a pig's head.

Even if it is used, it is difficult to completely eliminate it in a short time.

So the original charming woman looked very ugly at this moment.

"Mother Yasha, laugh at your sister!" The thieves all burned with gorgeous red light, spread their wings, and rushed directly to Xu Xiaoxian.

Ji Shuangye sneered: "What do you think of the pictures of mountains and rivers? Ordinary sacred objects? The more people come, the more powerful it is!"

During the talk, she spouted a sip of blood directly, but her body suddenly surged again!

The four-fifths of the pictures of mountains and rivers have been unfolded. At this moment, they are fully unfolded!


A vast world is directly projected by the pictures of mountains and rivers.

She didn't lie. The more pressure this mountain and river map is indeed, the stronger its power will be.

Xu Xiaoxian was suffocated by this pressure, but the light in her eyes grew stronger.

Ji Shuangye gave birth to an irritability, why is this **** little **** still not dead?

Seeing the group of saints thrashing, Ji Shuangye said angrily: "Today all of you have been suppressed with mountains and rivers! A group of things that do n’t know what to do, what are you going to do alive? Go to death!"

The mountains and rivers are constantly oscillating in the void.

That huge world is becoming more real.

Faintly ... as if there were creatures appearing in that world!

This pressure is too heavy!

Lin Shi's masterpiece of Fayin can still be suppressed by this pressure.

Ancestor Minghui waved his hand and shone a ray of light, wanting to break the boundaries formed by the world of mountains and rivers. But this ray of light hit the enchantment, but actually failed to break through the defense!

This is amazing!

Ji Shuangye's face was grim, and he shouted sharply: "A group of local chickens and tile dogs! You can also break through the mountains and rivers? I'd rather lose tens of years of cultivation, and I will suppress all of you here today!"

Xu Xiaoxian over there is already at stake!

This is the danger of fighting among top monks.

Life and death in a moment!

You will never know what your opponent's hole cards are before you play.

Just at the moment Xu Xiaoxian was about to use the secrets of Tianmojiao to fight Ji Shuangye's death, a soft voice came from her ears.

It's an old ghost.

"Child, the way forward depends on yourself."

"Teacher ... no!" Xu Xiaoxian shouted loudly.

"The teacher can teach you, I have taught you, watching you have someone you like, watching you into the Holy, the teacher is already very satisfied. Children, take care!" Lao Gui passed to Xu Xiaoxian the last paragraph Directly reveal the ontology.

Wearing golden armor all over him, he was holding a golden halberd.

Although the body is shining with infinite light, it is dazzling like the sun.

But all the monks in the Holy Land could still see clearly that they were a very handsome young monk in the golden light.

He is like a golden **** of war!

This appearance is exactly what the old ghost looked like in its heyday.

Minghui ancestor looked at the old ghost like the Golden Armor God a little, and murmured: "It turned out to be him ..."

"Mountain and river map? Ha ha." The old ghost smiled coldly, lifted the golden war halberd in his hand, and hacked it directly.


With a terrible loud noise, the world evolved from the pictures of mountains and rivers was split.

Ji Shuangye wowed, with a spit of blood, eyes split.

The old ghost holding the golden war halberd rushed in.

Grab Xu Xiaoxian and throw it outside.


The old ghost raised the golden war halberd and directly cut Ji Shuangye who was about to escape.

Not even the soul can escape a trace!

The picture of mountains and rivers was instantly rolled into an ancient scroll, and the sight of the sky disappeared in an instant.

The pictures of mountains and rivers rolled into ancient scrolls, directly breaking through the void, will leave.

"Get over here!"

The old ghost once again lifted the golden war halberd and slashed into the mountains and rivers.


As if the star exploded.

The burst of light that burst out was clearly seen above the earth. I don't know. I really thought it was the sun exploding.


The rolled up picture of the river and river was directly hit by the old ghost.

Then he used hundreds of seals in the shortest time by the old ghost, and then threw it towards Xu Xiaoxian.

"Take it, this is ours!"

Xu Xiaoxian took the picture of the mountains and rivers, but there was no joy on his face, and there were tears in his face.

In the depths of the universe, there was a roar: "Who ... dare to take my Tiangong heavy weapon?"

The old ghost laughed: "I can't find you, come here, junior, let grandpa kill you!"

Between speaking, the old ghost turned into a golden light and disappeared directly here.

In the depths of the universe, in a blink of an eye, there are terrible energy fluctuations and ... a loud noise like the world.

The entire solar system, between the moment, lights up the infinite array.

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