
Chapter 798: Tian Jing mother stone vein

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Of course, the biggest and best palace was naturally Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian.

This group of thieves has no complaints.

Moreover, what is interesting is that although these thieves still call Qiu Dahan the boss on the surface, deep inside, they are already hidden, and regard Chu Yu as their new leader!

The reason is simple, Chu Yu is more powerful than their boss!

Moreover, let them live in such a beautiful big house!

Although for this group of immortal people, the wind and rain are not afraid, there may be a beautiful house to shield the wind and rain, who would not be more decent?

Otherwise, why do those celestial beings and true celestial brothers live in the immensely luxurious fairy palace?

Why not just find a tree branch to live in?

Facing the precarious position of the walled master, Qiu Beard finally made a decision to go to Heifeng Walled Village and sell these people!

The little devil is very capable of fighting. After being tamed, it must be no problem to be a thug; as for the three beautiful women with beautiful flowers ... it must be very valuable!

Speaking of which, he had never seen such a beautiful woman long.

At first glance, a primal impulse erupts deep inside.

Really miss them!

Damn it!

It must be cool!

Qiu Dahan came to see Chu Yu.

"Yeah, look, we have built so many beautiful houses in this village, but they are empty. So, I want to go out and go to a town outside the mountain to buy something and decorate it. Do you think it is good? "

Chu Yu looked at Qiuhan Han with a smile, "Wouldn't you want to go to Heifengzhai?"

Qiu Dahan looked wronged: "Yeah, you are my life-saving benefactor ... cough, you didn't kill me, it's the same as my life-saving benefactor, life-saving grace, grace reinventing, making things ... hey, villain I have n’t read a few books, but I will never do something ungrateful. "

"Really?" Chu Yu looked at him with a smile.

"Really, it can't be more real!" Daoqiang Han swears to heaven.

"OK, you go." Chu Yu said lightly.

"You can rest assured, I will never ... eh? You agree?" Qiu Dahan was ecstatic in his heart, carefully watching Chu Yu.

"Yes, I agree, you go." Chu Yu said.

"Okay, villain must go back quickly!" Qiu bearded big man jumped out of his heart, very nervous.

It is forced to suppress with one body.

After leaving the village, Qiu Ran quickly ran away, and then far away, turned around and glanced at the cottage that had changed greatly.

Clenched his teeth and said: "Wang Ba Dan, wait for the uncle! There is also a group of ungrateful things ..."

As soon as Qiu Dahan left, someone came to Chu Yu.

No one else, it was the guy from Da Luo Realm who was stabbed by Chu Yu.

This guy is the four heads of the village.

He came to see Chu Yu with a ghostly head and said anxiously, "Sir, how can you let our boss leave?"

"How?" Chu Yu glanced at him.

"He must have gone to Heifeng Village for help!" Si Dangdang sighed and said: "In Heifeng Village, there is the existence of a fairyland, they can fly to the sky, and the magical power is extremely great! Dangerous! "

"Oh?" Chu Yu smiled and leaned on the back of the chair, looking at him: "I almost killed you, why did you come to tell me about this? And, your boss, it seems to you that it's not bad for you. When it's dangerous, I can still help you. Do you betray him like this, does your conscience hurt? "

The corners of Si Dangjia's mouth twitched and looked at Chu Yu, a little confused.

I'm clearly showing it myself!

Can't he see it?

He had a touch of sorrow, and felt that Chu Yu simply didn't recognize goodwill.

"However, you can come and tell me this, it shows that you are not bad, rest assured, look back, you will have your benefits." Chu Yu said.

Four headed home ecstatic, kneeling directly on the ground: "This sentence is enough!"

With that, he knocked a few heads and Le Dian went out.

Xu Xiaoxian came out of the room and said a little puzzled: "Why did he do this?"

Chu Yu smiled: "He thinks I'm not ordinary."

"Cut!" Xu Xiaoxian rolled his eyes.

But then he said: "I think this guy, like you, is like a brother of a great man. You see, you obviously only have the eternal realm, but you can easily crush the practitioners of Da Luo realm . And, with three beautiful girls swaying through the city ... "

Chu Yu smiled and said, "Yeah."

"But why did you let that guy go to whistleblower?" Xu Xiaoxian said a little bit depressed: "The veins are too large, and we have no one-tenth of them now!"

Just below their main hall, there is a huge vein of gold ore!

And the purity is extremely high!

It can be absorbed directly without refining.

The energy contained in each piece of celestial mother-of-pearl ore is an incredibly surprising number.

Even beyond the original cognition of Chu Yu and others!

In the Great Thousand World, even the top energy crystal contains less energy than the one hundred millionth of the mother-of-pearl!

If it is in a large world, such an ore appears absolutely unbelievable.

This is like the era of calculating storage capacity in K. Someone took out a hard drive of 1,000 T. This is definitely a complete subversion of cognition.

The energy spars of the original Thousand Worlds have lost their meaning to eternal practitioners. Even if it is a huge mineral vein, it is also a lot of money.

There are few resources in the entire universe that will allow eternal creatures to continue to evolve.

However, the energy contained in the crystal mother-of-pearl is enough for the eternal level and even higher levels of souls to rely on it and can quickly practice towards the higher levels.

Therefore, this thing is the universal currency of Eternal God Realm!

No one does not love it!

Before, Chu Yu only felt something through the metal ball, but did not expect it to be a complete giant Tian Jing mother stone vein!

On the day the house was built, Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian followed behind Chu Yu, turned into absenteeism, punched a passage straight into the ground in the secret room, and began to collect the aragonite.

According to the predictions of Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, you can leave here after collecting all of the Tian Jing mother stone.

That heifengzhai is a trouble after all.

Even if the big bear does not go to whistle and betray them, I am afraid that one day, sooner or later, it will provoke people over there.

Eternal God Realm is vast and there is no identity verification for the creatures here.

As long as you have money, you can travel all over the world!

Although Shangxian and Zhenxian are powerful, they rarely kill people innocently.

In fact, the rules here in Eternal Realm are far better than the world they once were!

After all, this is an undead world, and if someone acts arbitrarily, it will surely cause more panic and anger.

Obviously you can live forever, but you are killed. The anger that such things can cause is extremely strong.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yu let go of Qiu Dahan at this time.

Once he attracts people from Heifengzhai, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chu Yu smiled: "Relax, we can finish mining this mine in a while."

"What?" Xu Xiaoxian stunned slightly: "How is it possible?"

It's not that they haven't tried it, take the robot out of the storage space to work.

But as soon as the robots left the storage space, they immediately turned into metal dust.

The whole process didn't even take a second!

This is a perverted world with powerful laws!

Unless the material of these robots is made of **** gold above the eternal level, don't even think about it.

Chu Yu said: "You forgot something."

With that said, he took out the half stone tower directly.

Qi Ling in the stone tower exclaimed suddenly: "You ... entered the Eternal God Realm? God ... Really the Eternal God Realm ..."

It was extremely shocked and particularly incredible.

Because in its view, even if Chu Yu can enter the eternal God Realm, it must be something after the endless years.

"Don't be anxiously surprised, come, there is a job to be given to you." Chu Yu said with a smile.

Taring will know the next moment.

On the half-cut stone tower, a stunned expression appeared: "You ... actually found a Tian Jing mother-stone gold vein? Purity ... The purity is still so high? Here, what is the **** luck!"

"Pay attention to your words." Chu Yu reminded.

"It's really ... incredible, the veins of Tianjing mother-of-pearl ... this is the veins of Tian-Jing mother-of-pearl! Do you really don't understand what this means?" On the half tower, various expressions change back and forth.

It looked like it was poisoned.

Chu Yu was too lazy to take care of it: "Hurry up and work!"

"No, there is a question, I must ask first, I'm too curious!"

Taring said: "How did you find this vein?"

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Is it strange?"

Ta Ling shouted: "What is weird? You don't think about it, Eternal God Realm ... This is an eternal world! The creatures here are immortal! How long it has existed, no one can tell. In such a world, how many things do you think have not been developed? "

Its words made Chu Yu and others stunned slightly.

"You said, it's true ..." Xu Xiaoxian murmured.

"What does it mean? Eternal God Realm has a vast territory, but since ancient times, the natural ore veins that should be mined have been mined for a long time. If such a huge mineral vein, if spread out, it may even cause competition for Immortal Venerable! Your luck ... "

Taling said this, already too lazy to talk down. Because it suddenly found out that it was superfluous!

Even the artifact of its level did not end up in Chu Yu's hands?

So, what else can I say?


The half-cut stone tower, in the form of a miner, began to gather frantically.

Its mining speed is much faster than Chu Yu's!

In the world of Thousands of Thousands, you ca n’t feel its magical powers, but in the eternal **** realm, the power of the stone tower is really awakened.

In other words, if Chu Yu met this half-stone tower in the Eternal God Realm, he had no chance to conquer.

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