
Chapter 824: Jiang Hanhan

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The two of them beat upside down here.

Even if Tianqin Mountain is a **** mountain, I can't bear this kind of toss.

But at this time, Tian Yinzi, after being able to take a breather, finally recovered a bit of energy.

This man is here to save me!

My Tianyinzi, although not a great person.

But can't be indifferent to the life-saving grace!

Tian Yinzi's eyes looked at another magic instrument suspended in the sky.

That big drum!

There was a sharp flash in his eyes.

See this time, how do you sound this murderous drum!

Tianyinzi took a large lot of immortality from his body and swallowed it.

There was a strange flush in his face.

This realm is an immortal venerable master who has never experienced such a thing. This time, he is finally desperate.

He once again performed exercises.

Brush, brush, brush!

On Tianqin Mountain, once again ... five strings are condensed!

"Xue Ye!"

Tianyin roared.

His voice is a bit deformed.

"Something, you **** ... break my five strings again!"


The strings tremble slightly, and there is a murderous opportunity to directly hit Xue Ye.


Xue Ye spurted blood out of his mouth.

Half of them were beaten, half ... but they were angry.

"I Xue Ye killed countless lives in this life! His hands are stained with blood. Those who want to kill me are countless!"

"The Lord was born and died, bleeding and sweating, but never frowned! I dare not, I feel bitter!"

"Lao Tianyinzi, and this little beast ... You listen to me, today, if you can't wait for you to die, my Xue Ye will die here!"

"Then you die here."

In the void, suddenly a cold female voice came.

Numerous phalanxes, following this voice, exploded one after another.

All the terrible explosion attacks directed at Xue Ye.

Xu Xiaoxian!

Taking advantage of their fighting opportunities, they have been here for a long time.

Finally, the layout is completed and activated!

Tian Yinzi shouted, "Wonderful! It's just amazing!"

Xu Xiaoxian's magic circle is completely based on the general arrangement of Tianqin Mountain.

Her comprehension of Yinyue Avenue, as a whole, is indeed not as good as Tianyinzi's immortal statue.

But in some ways, she has her uniqueness, and even ... Xu Xiaoxian, who mainly focuses on the temperament and kills the road, is 100 times stronger than Tianyinzi in attacking methods!

Tianyinzi shouted, "Girl, the controlling power of Tianqin Mountain ... it's up to you!"

This is the great courage of the great practitioners!

Before, he did not take the four people Chu Yu into his eyes.

Where does the field repair come from? I want to see him when I come, is it possible?

But now, in his heart, these people have been regarded as life-saving benefactors.

It is not an exaggeration to repay the life-saving grace.

Xu Xiaoxian was overjoyed and took over the control of Tianqin Mountain from Tianyinzi.

This time, Xue Ye is in danger!

Tianqin Mountain is a real **** mountain.

The power of God Mountain is unfathomable.

Even if it is the power of the Immortal Venerable Realm, it must not be aggressive.

Tianyinzi is not so proficient at killing Dao, so under this control, Tianqin Mountain cannot exert real power at all.

Five strings were cut off by a murderous drum on one side, not to say that Tianyinzi is not angry, even if it is Tianqin Mountain, there is no face!

Shenshan has spirits and suffers from being unable to initiate attacks.

Nowadays, it is Xu Xiaoxian's control that is the real power.

At this moment, this group of talented practitioners finally showed their own style!

At this moment, Xu Xiaoxian was no longer the little woman who could only hide behind Chu Yu.

It became a terrifying ... female **** of war!


Tianqin Mountain buzzed, with the magic circle she had just laid, radiating unimaginable terror.

With only one scale, Xue Ye's arm was blown away.

Xue Ye uttered a scream that shook the earth.

This is not an ordinary arm, this is his deity!

It is he who condenses hundreds of millions of years, an immortal golden body composed entirely of energy and laws!

But at the moment, Jin Shen was broken.


The huge strings of Tianqin Mountain trembled again.

Xue Ye felt a breath of death and enveloped him instantly.

"Could it be that Xue Ye really wanted to die here?"

"How could a little woman, a little woman in a real fairyland, be so powerful?"

"How could she ... be more terrifying than Jiang Hanhan?"


Scales are coming.

Xue Ye sacrificed a puppet avatar.

That puppet turned out to be a fairy!

It was an immortal venerate who died in his hands in the early years, and he was refined into a puppet.

It's the best thing to use this puppet to block killing.

But in the face of the general trend of Tianqin Mountain, this puppet suddenly fell apart.

At this time, Xu Xiaoxian's mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

After all, her realm is still too low.

The understanding of Yinlu Avenue is enough, but it is still difficult to completely control this **** mountain.

But Chu Yu moved at this moment.

If you don't move, just move ... it's shocking!

Kill the sky in your hand and cut to Xue Ye!


Xue Ye raised his arm, and a shield full of runes appeared on his arm.

This is also an immortal defensive weapon.

It's almost the baby he pressed the bottom of the box.

But after the killing of the sky, there was a crisp sound, and this instrument ... was directly cut in two.

Xue Ye pulled his arm back like he did.

The next moment, he turned and left.

Can't beat it!

No way to fight!

He would have to fold it here again.

An immortal venerable who would never fight, a man and a woman, and two people in the real fairy realm, actually hurt him to such a degree.

Xue Ye is about to explode.

But at this time, if he doesn't leave, he really can't.

This time, careless!

I didn't expect to encounter the most wicked existence in this world, and I was really able to win.

Xue Ye retreated in discomfort, recalling the Fang Dayin and the murder drum.

Almost instantaneously, hundreds of millions of miles away.

But then, there was an extremely angry woman yelling in that direction.

"Get me back!"


After a shocking loud noise.

Xue Ye's body rolled out from there in disarray.

If one arm is gone, it will not grow at all for a while.

Because the injuries there were caused by Tianqin Mountain.

At this moment, a new wound was added to his body.

Xu Xiaoxian is planning to launch an attack again, so that Tianqin Mountain will give Xue Ye some cruelty.

Chu Yu blocked her secretly: "Don't shoot."

Xu Xiaoxian also understood why, a flash of regret flashed in his eyes.

This is an enemy of life and death, let him go this time, and next time he wants to kill him, I am afraid it will be difficult.

"Jiang Hanhan, what are you going to do? You can't kill your colleagues?" Xue Ye veiled her hair, looking extremely embarrassed, looking at the figure of the distant void.

The figure was hazy, wrapped in a chaotic atmosphere.

The cold voice came from there.

"Xue Ye, be bold! Even the person who wants to protect the Lord dare to kill!" Jiang Han said coldly.

No matter what, just put on a big hat first.

"What are you talking about? Who is the Lord who wants to protect? Jiang Hanhan, you spit blood and make people speak clearly!" Xue Ye is not stupid, how could he be confused about this kind of thing?

Jiang Han coldly said: "Go!"

She knows that Xue Ye insists on acting hard, and this matter is hard to bear on him.

Therefore, at this time, it is useless to say more.

Tian Yinzi didn't die. For her, even if the task was completed.

You can breathe a sigh of relief.

At least, the Lord will not blame her.

Xue Ye spit out blood, and then looked at Jiang Hanhan with a smirk: "OK, Jiang Hanhan, today this matter, I remember in my heart!"

With that, he looked in the direction of Tianqin Mountain: "The people who killed my three brothers, you also remember to Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu remember you! Please ask for your blessing, next time, see if you still have Tian Qin A mountain like a mountain can rely on! "

Xue Ye didn't mention Tianyinzi anymore, Qiu had already settled, but Jiang Hanhan had already made it clear that he wanted to provoke Tianyinzi again, and that would be disrespectful to the Lord.

After Xue Ye finished speaking, he turned and left.

On Tianqin Mountain, Tian Yinzi pointed at Jiang Hanhan in the distant sky: "Thank you, Jiang Jiang, for your righteous action."

Jiang Hanhan's voice became milder: "Seniors don't have to be polite, I was late and surprised the seniors."

Jiang Hanhan said, flying towards Tianyin Mountain.

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian did not appear here.

They originally planned to shoot, but when they saw that the overall situation had been decided, Jiang Hanhan appeared in a hurry, then concealed her body and left quietly.

This woman is very dangerous, after all, a handsome man in the dark camp.

It's better to keep some distance with such people.

Even if you wo n’t be an enemy right now, if you are remembered, it ’s hard to be afraid.

Jiang Hanhan came to Tianqin Mountain, looked at the embarrassed Tianyinzi, and the beaten Tianqin Mountain, and sighed softly, saying, "This thing, blame me, I didn't make it clear before, and almost caused my predecessors to be robbed. . "

Tianyin Zi said: "The girl has a heart, no wonder you, the poor Dao is too late."

With that, Tianyinzi looked at Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian, with grim gratitude in his eyes, and said, "If these two Taoists don't help, the old Dao may have reincarnate."

The chaos in Jiang Hanhan dissipated, revealing his true content.

Is an extremely beautiful woman.

Short hair, fair and delicate skin, a pair of eyes with a touch of coldness, but it has a strange beauty.

She looked at Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian and snorted softly, saying, "Seven of the ten generals under Xue Ye's seat, did you kill them?"

Chu Yu pretended to be silly: "What are you talking about, I don't understand, I have never seen that person before."

Jiang Han snorted coldly and looked at Chu Yu sharply: "If you don't meet here, I will kill you!"

Chu Yu said lightly: "Dao friends kill countless people, and naturally they don't care to create more killings. However, although our realm is not as good as Dao friends, no one can kill anyone who wants to kill.

"Really?" Jiang Hanhan sneered.

Tian Yinzi rounded the side and said: "They are all poor life-saving benefactors ..."

Jiang Hanhan nodded: "Well, this time give seniors a face."

With that, she looked at Chu Yu seriously, and looked at Xu Xiaoxian again, saying: "You killed Xue Ye's brother of life and death, he will not let you go, stay away from him in the future. He Is not something you can imagine. "

After finishing talking, he did n’t wait for Chu Yu to say anything. He took out a token from his body and handed it to Tianyinzi, saying, “Seniors can embed this token on Tianqin Mountain. , See this token and will definitely back off. "

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