
Chapter 829: Hell is empty

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The storm continues to sweep through the hell.

There are more than five of them like Yang Ting.

There are a lot more!

Cold, evil, suspicious, bloodthirsty, crazy ...

There are all kinds.

Xiao Zhen went to take over one by one.

It is Xiao Zhen's strength that shocked the students whose fighting power has reached the level of the true fairy. It is simply unfathomable!

There are even three powerful immortal **** creatures of the level of the real immortals who secretly shot and wanted to kill them in one fell swoop. As a result, even a piece of clothing corner on Xiao Zhen's body was not touched, and he was blown away!

Xiao Zhen still did not kill them.

They saved their lives, and ... conquered them.

Until the moment when Xiao Zhen came to Yang Ting and their five powerful **** creatures.

Yang Ting and they actually believed the words of the old zombie.

This man, really, came to save all **** creatures!

However, they, including more powerful **** creatures, have a huge question in their hearts.

"Where did you come from?" Yang Ting asked.

"Earth." Xiao Zhen answered calmly.

"Earth? I haven't heard it." Yang Ting frowned, thinking that this place is very common when he hears the name.


What ball?

Should it be a planet?

Are n’t the creatures living on the planet the lowest in the world?

The level of civilization is extremely backward, not to mention the practice.

Most are developing the so-called technological civilization.

Being able to build a spaceship and travel down the universe at the speed of light makes me feel great.

Isn't that what the planetary creatures have in common?

Could this terrible existence come from such a place?

"Under the Quartet, in the Thousand Worlds, the most common planet in an ancient universe." Xiao Zhen explained to Yang Ting with a smile.

In fact, it is also explaining to everyone.

However, at the next moment, he continued: "But that planet is the first choice for the top creatures in countless eternal **** realms and immortal realms ... Samsara!


The countless people around Xiao Zhen were all stunned. They looked at Xiao Zhen in disbelief.

Intellectually, they believed in Xiao Zhen's words.

Because this person is too powerful and terrible!

It's unfathomable!

But emotionally, they are difficult to accept.

How can a lowest-level planet become the first place of reincarnation for immortal and eternal gods?

Isn't it good to reincarnate the big world?

Xiao Zhen didn't explain that much, but looked at Yang Ting: "Are there any other questions?"

"Yes." Yang Ting simply questioned.

He looked at Xiao Zhen: "What state are you in?"

Xiao Zhen smiled and said: "I? No state."

Suzaku next to Yang Ting said with a lip: "This is a bit boring, how can there be no spirits in this world? Why don't you say you are an ordinary person?"

Xiao Zhen smiled: "Of course, I am not ordinary."

This sounds a bit pretending, but the **** creatures present, but no one thinks so.

Because Xiao Zhen has this qualification.

Xiao Zhen said: "However, to say the realm, it really does not exist. Before the endless years, when I decided to leave from the eternal **** realm, the moment the reincarnation reincarnation, the realm has no meaning to me."

Yang Ting asked: "Then, what is your ability equivalent to?"

Xiao Zhen looked at Yang Ting: "Why bother with this problem so much?"

Yang Ting sighed: "No tangled, no, because I really want to know, if we follow you to the Eternal God Realm or the Immortal World, will it be wiped out in one breath! After all, we want to follow The existence of **** ... is the enemy. "

"Then, are you afraid?" Xiao Zhen asked.

Yang Ting smiled: "This, I'm not afraid."

Many years ago, from the moment when his two monks committed suicide, Yang Ting was actually not afraid of anything.

What a terrible thing is a rational lunatic?

"Relax, for this matter, I have prepared forever."

Xiao Zhen said lightly: "At that time, you will understand."

He did not explain what he really was, and Yang Ting did not continue to ask.

Because Xiao Zhen told Yang Ting one thing.

"Your most powerful group of **** creatures, combat power, is probably equivalent to the top real fairy in the upper realm."

With this sentence, it is enough!

Here, no one can help Xiao Zhen.

Then Xiao Zhen's realm, at least ... should be the Immortal Venerable.

It may even be stronger!

However, in Yang Ting's mind, there is another matter of particular concern.

He asked Xiao Zhen in private.

"You made such a big move in hell, are you not afraid of being noticed?"

In response, Xiao Zhen just glanced at him and said, "Are you going to waste food because of choking?"

Yang Ting asked: "That is to say, we ... maybe soon, we will face a war?"

Xiao Zhen nodded: "Someone will come!"

There was no fear in Yang Ting's eyebrows, but instead he laughed.

His smile was full of ... anticipation!

"Someone? Fairy Realm? Or Eternal Realm Realm? Great! I, already can't wait to see those people!"

Xiao Zhen smiled and said: "If, who is coming, is it Xianzun?"

"Into this **** ... no matter who he is." Yang Ting said calmly.

This day is coming soon!

When Xiao Zhen swept through most of the hell, he brought together countless **** creatures, and let this cold and evil world, from the day of birth, almost stop the moment of killing for the first time.

Rumbled over the hell.

A fairy came into the world!

Here is a terrible fairy.

The realm of the other party is unimaginably high and deep, and it is almost between Xu Zhen and Xiao Zhen.

Moreover, this Immortal Venerable, directed at Xiao Zhen!

Did not go to anyone at all.

There is no nonsense.

An immortal statue is like a cold-blooded killer.

After locking the target, pull the trigger without hesitation.

However, this terrible shot failed to explode Xiao Zhen's head.

This supreme supernatural power, containing the attack of the top road, was dismissed by Xiao Zhen in the face of countless **** creatures.

Xiao Zhen said with a smile: "Thank you so I can prove that I am capable and qualified to take them ... revenge!"

With his words, the immortal Venerable exudes a strong and unmatched breath, and he will not move.

Being stiff, imprisoned in the void.

In that cold eyes, finally, there was also a rare ... fear.

"Who are you?"

he asks.

Yang Ting rushed up first, slashing hard and slashing towards the man's face.

"Don't even know him, you deserve ... to be an Immortal Venerable?"


This knife directly cut the face gate of this immortal statue into blood.

The wound can go deep into the bone!

This knife is too cruel!

Before that, no other **** creatures moved.

Including the old zombies, they did not move.

Because everyone is not confident.

Come, after all, is a fairy!

In the realm, far beyond their **** creatures.

A fairy, even standing there, is not a level of true fairy that can hurt.

But who knows, Yang Ting not only moved, but actually wounded the fairy deity.

Countless **** creatures, almost instantaneously, became restless.

Crazy rushed to this immortal statue.

This fairy, was divided directly.

Even he himself didn't expect that the creatures in **** were so cruel.

The point is, his almost immortal body of the Immortal Venerable, here ... to be precise, in front of this man in white, it is so ... vulnerable

At the next moment, Xiao Zhen sacrificed several magical instruments directly and slammed into the hell.

A passage was rigidly framed.

He said: "The one who wants to leave **** is now! There is not much time, let's go quickly while some people haven't responded yet!"

This time, all **** creatures are crazy!

Wuyang Wuyang poured into this passage.

Originally, there were still some **** creatures who couldn't believe it.

They are still hiding in observation.

But after this passage appeared, the rich ... long-lost aura suddenly poured into hell.

They are crazy!

Whether or not to become Xiao Zhen's subordinate is another matter.

But the whole hell, there is no creature, willing to stay here!

Hell is empty.

Completely empty.

When the passage that Xiao Zhen opened was completely closed, the whole **** was completely clean!

No creature is visible!

Just as it was when the place was just built.

Perhaps, in the future, some creatures will fail to ascend and fall here.

But that is another matter of reincarnation.

At least now, hell, really, empty!

If Xiao Zhen issued a big wish of **** not vowing to become a Buddha here, then at this moment, he has become a Buddha!

The passageway was closed for a long time, and the whole **** was surging. There were dozens of terrible hazy figures coming here.

The breath on them was astonishing and terrifying.

His eyes glowed with divine light, and he looked at the land of hell.

At the next moment, all of these figures gave out incredible cries.

"How can it be?"

"Hell is empty!"

"It's empty!"

"Who is it? Let them go?"

"Those creatures in hell, where have they ... gone?"

Ting Yang's feet, the moment he stepped on the earth of Eternal God Realm, he wept.

Endless years, he has never been so excited.

At the same time, he was extremely sad.

If, the two women he loves, can stick to today.

Then they are really free!





Yang Ting couldn't help but growl in the sky: "Beasts, Dad is here!"

This is a vast mountain.

Every mountain is very tall.

At least Yang Ting has never seen such a tall mountain.

I have never felt such a strong aura.

He looked at Xiao Zhen and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Lord, for taking me to leave hell. From today, Yang Ting is a knife in Lord!"

All **** creatures have at least tens of billions. At this moment, all fell down.

Without any words, everyone's spiritual will is enough to explain everything.

When Xiao Zhen returned, he was already a prince!

He looked into the distance and whispered: "In the past, I buried the endless resources here. And he set up a terrifying magic circle. For the sake of today!"

He looked at everyone: "From now on, we, retreat."

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