
Chapter 848: Banquet

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Tu Guangyuan is like a real teenager. Every move is full of sunshine and lively.

Gu Jian gave Yang Feng a look. Yang Feng was a little speechless.

I had some worries in my heart before. I grabbed the quota of others and entered the land of evolution, which might be hated by others.

After all, guys like Gu Jian who have no ambitions are still a few.

Jiang Hanhan's hard work is the majority.

This would have to end up with a genius-like arrogance like Jiang Hanhan, which was hated by others, and in every case would be a stumbling block in the land of evolution.

Failure to do so will damage it there.

Although it can be resurrected after death, it is unhappy after all!

Too much delay!

Delay yourself in enjoying this beautiful life!

As a result, Gu Jian told him not to worry, saying that the guy who was knocked out by him did not know how happy he was.

Yang Feng was still a little unbelieving at first, until he saw Tu Guangyuan.

Tu Guangyuan walked inwards, and said with a frown: "Old man, I tell you, my old man is full of food, I have to go to the land of evolution this time, I am still a child! , You said too much? "

Without waiting for Gu Jian to speak, he said quickly again: "But just a few days ago, he suddenly told me with a guilty face, saying that my quota was taken by an outside guy. Looking at him then Unhappy, I can only say with a painful face, the guy outside is too much. But in my heart, all of them are blooming, ha ha ha ha ha! "

Chu Yu: "..."

Du Guqian: "..."

Yang Feng: "..."

Gu Jian glanced at him and said, "Do you know that the excessive guy is by your side?"


Tu Guangyuan froze for a moment, looking at Gu Jian: "Really?"

Then looked up and down Yang Feng and Chu Yu, and finally looked at Chu Yu: "Is this good-looking guy taking my place?"

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "I thought, but unfortunately did not have that qualification."

"Wool's qualifications! I said brother, are you stupid? What do you go in? Do you get in a group? You hang up if you are not careful! Fools want to go in!" Tu Guangyuan danced, his expression very vivid.

Gu Jiandao: "It's your brother Yang Feng!"

"I'm going!" Tu Guangyuan rushed directly to Yang Feng, stretched out his hands, held Yang Feng's hand, and burst into tears with excitement: "Brother, you will be my brother in the future! Good man! You are really good! Thanks, we must drink a few more glasses later! "

Then he said with emotion: "I finally ... can be at ease, playing for a long time for a long time! Hahahahaha!"

Yang Feng's face was stiff, and the ancient sword on the side was also somewhat stiff.

What's wrong, this little bastard, who said a fool?

Do we want to enter?

We do n’t want to go in!

"Hey!" Yang Feng and Gu Jian sighed almost simultaneously.

I don't want to talk about it again.

Tu Guangyuan was so excited that he felt it was too coincidental.

The one who replaced his place was actually a brother of a brother, so what else can I say? Go back and say hello!

After all, in front of his Lao Tzu, he had to make a painful look.

Then the brothers of the Tu clan who got the quota all patted their chests and said that as long as they met that guy, he would definitely not be able to walk out of the land of evolution, and they would not be regarded as eight paragraphs.

Tu Guangyuan thanked the brothers for their righteousness with tears in their eyes.

After all, acting needs a full set.

Otherwise, those mischievous brothers who sold him to the old man would be miserable.

With the ability of the old man, it is really not difficult to get him another quota.

Therefore, he acted indignantly at the time.

Well, I must think about it and say hello to my brothers secretly, saying that the person who replaced me is the best brother of Gu Jian!

Well, just like that, they dared to betray me, but they still had to face Gu Ge.

Gu Ge is Jiang Hanhan's fiance of the crazy woman!

Thinking of Jiang Hanhan, Tu Guangyuan couldn't help shivering. Fortunately, she went to war.

I wish her a hundred billion years of battle on that battlefield!

As long as it does not die!

Otherwise, Gu Ge might be a little sad.

The heart of Du Guqian couldn't help but beat strongly.

She was reluctantly suppressed with the implements and repairs.

Try to calm yourself down.

She came to Mulun City in order not to go to the land of evolution.

She didn't have any good feelings about the place where she could get a great chance, but it was also cruel to the point that she couldn't add.

The man's world is all about killing and killing, what's the point?

At first she just wanted to leave a perfect memory here.

But now, she has a new idea!

Yang Fengming did not like her, and looked down upon her forcibly coming up. She is not ignorant.

But what about that?

Opportunity is always in your own hands.

If you only care about face and self-esteem, you will miss too many opportunities.

She doesn't care what other people think.

Anyway, the benefits won are all yours, not others!

Gu Jian ... I'm afraid I'm not interested in her.

In this case, then give up early!

Du Guqian is actually a very smart woman. She knows exactly what is available and what is absolutely not available.

Tu Guangyuan had just seen the light in her eyes when she looked at her two large dining halls, but she could see clearly.

She wanted to be a man a moment ago, but now she feels very proud.

These two canteens of hers are original!

Never used energy to transform.

It has always been something she is proud of!

As for height ... Meng is enough!

Can't please everyone.

Those women with tall legs, long waists and thin waists are more like that, each of them bears an awl face, which at first glance looks like a sister or sister.

What's the point?

The same face, no matter how good-looking, it will get tired of seeing more.

On the contrary, she is so fierce and cute that she will be truly remembered.

Then it is him!

Tu Guangyuan, you are destined to become a prince under my only lonely skirt!

As for Chu Yu ... Oh, who is Chu Yu?

From the beginning to now, Du Guqian has never regarded Chu Yu as one thing.

Just like Yang Feng and Gu Jian don't take her seriously.

Everyone's status is too different, there is nothing to chat about, and she doesn't need to remember it.

At this time, Gu Jian suddenly looked at Chu Yu said: "Since Brother Chu is from the war zone, wouldn't he want to enter the land of evolution?"

Chu Yu nodded, not denying, and said, "Yes, but ... I haven't figured out how to go in now."

"Wow, do you want to break through to the level of Xianzun, and then go through the guys who dare to invade? For example, Jiang Hanhan ... cough." Think about the shadows she brought to herself that year, still lingering.

Tu Guangyuan was a little excited, and accidentally exposed himself with a little thought.

Gu Jian was expressionless and ignored the little **** boy, but gently said to Chu Yu with a smile: "In fact, it is not difficult to get in. At least, there are several ways to do it."

Chu Yu smiled: "Middleman? Mix in? Or ring?"

"Let's just forget the ring." Gu Jian shook his head: "Too much hatred! After all, not everyone, like us, has no position."

What this said is quite frank, and it is enough to prove that he did not take Chu Yu as an outsider.

"It's not advisable to mix in. There is a big guy sitting at the gate, and the possibility of mixing in is too low."

"As for the middleman ... this one can be considered."

At this time, Tu Guangyuan said aside: "Fart, what's for you to consider? If you really want to go in, just kill one and go in instead of your identity, will it not be over?"

Everyone present looked at him dullly.

Tu Guangyuan narrowed his neck and asked cautiously, "Am I wrong?"

Gu Jian suddenly laughed: "Yes, you kid, have grown!"

At the same time, Gu Jian was secretly speaking for Yang Feng: "What does Chu Yu have to do with you? Do we have to help him?"

Yang Feng responded: "I'm not familiar with it, but I always find this person very interesting. As for why it feels like this, it's hard to say ... It is from the bottom of my heart, subconsciously, that this person is interesting, then, Want to be close to him. "

"Strange, I have this feeling too!" Gu Jian said suspiciously: "Could it be that this guy has been reincarnated? Has something to do with us before?"

"It's hard to say, in fact, the entire heaven, although there are countless creatures, can have a relationship and cause and effect with each other ... It is also innumerable." Yang Feng said: "So I think it would be interesting to help him."

"Wipe, you think it's interesting!" Gu Jiandao said: "Don't forget, my fiancee is on the battlefield! Help him to upgrade ... and then beat my fiancee?"

"If you can wake up, that's not bad." Yang Feng said.

Gu Jian thought deeply, and then said: "You said, it seems a bit reasonable!"

At this time, a group of people had already passed through a spacious and luxurious passageway and were about to enter the banquet hall.

Gu Jian looked at Chu Yu and said: "Since you are Yang Feng's friend, that is my Gu Jian's friend. You can think about your business again. Let's go to the banquet first and have a good meal before we talk!"

Gu Jian took the lead and pushed open a door.

Chu Yu saw that in the hands of the ancient sword, a great rune of light appeared. Inside my heart: This place seems ordinary, but in fact the defense is very strong, and it is not so easy for outsiders to come in.

When the door was pushed open, there was a loud noise.

This is a huge hall, crowded at the moment.

There are some other race creatures that still maintain some original racial characteristics.

For example, Chu Yu saw a kobold at a glance, wearing a magnificent dress and grinning a big mouth, where he was talking and laughing with a few beautiful female practitioners.

The lower body looks like a unicorn, but the upper body is humanoid. Four legs walked around on the ground, with a glass of wine in his hand, tasting from time to time.

There is even a snaketail ...

The top world, the diversity of races, is dazzling.

Some people have a dangerous breath, and their eyes are relatively cold, and it looks like everyone is watching prey.

More people looked more peaceful, with gentle smiles on their faces.

The moment Gu Jian brought Yang Feng, Tu Guangyuan, and Chu Yu, and the female nun Du Guqian, who did not leave, the eyes of many people turned to them.

Some people's faces suddenly showed happy smiles, gestured towards this side, or simply walked over to say hello to Gu Jian.

But Chu Yu also noticed that some people looked very badly at Gu Jian.

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