
Chapter 858: Land of evolution

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Finally it was time to enter the land of evolution, Chu Yu followed Dong Lanjiang and Tian Laojiu and boarded a luxurious warship.

Jiang Yuanzhi did not stay with them, but went separately.

There are a total of 17 practitioners who are qualified to enter the ring.

This number is relatively high compared to the last time.

But Chu Yu felt a little sad.

Because there are more than 700 people in the dark camp who are qualified to enter the land of evolution!

More than seven hundred, to seventeen.

This ratio is too disparate.

This is why only three monks outside the dark camp came out alive in the last evolution.

There are too many enemies!

Being able to obtain entry qualifications is sufficient to prove their talents.

It's even more remarkable to be able to come out alive in the end.

They are truly top-notch Tianjiao.

On the warship, the group of Dong Lanjiang was also discussing the 17 people.

"It doesn't matter to others, it's what you see when you are killed. But the one named Yu Shengjie, even if you can't see him, you must pull him out!" Someone sneered and said: "Step on the body of the person on our side, you must Kill it! "

"It's not just him, everyone else, don't let it go." Dong Lanjiang said lightly: "The last time the land of evolution opened, and finally let them go out three alive, it is simply the shame of that dark world!"

He looked at everyone: "As a top camp in the dark camp, how can we tolerate this kind of thing? So this time, on our side, several camps have been discussed, internal conflicts, put it in the back to solve, kill the ten first Seven guys. Don't let any one go. "

"Haha, Dong Gongzi is domineering!"

"Yeah, this is what we should be in the dark sky!"

"Don't think of those seventeen people going out alive!"

A group of people were happily discussing.

Aside, a warship passed by quickly.

"Damn, dare to overtake our ship? Is this hurried to reincarnate?" Someone said angrily.

"Catch up and knock it over! Dare to surpass us even if there is no identity?" Someone said with a sneer.

Dong Lanjiang narrowed his eyes and waved his hand: "Don't look for things at this time, there are big brothers sitting here, those who have no identity, may not necessarily be ordinary people."

The crowd calmed down.

At this time, I saw the speed of that ship, getting faster and faster!

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into their sight.

This is a vast universe!

They are all in the depths of the sky at the moment, and they are in the starry sky hundreds of millions of miles away.

The speed of that ship can reach at least five times the speed of light.

Others also realized at this time that the ship should not be ordinary people. Although everyone can exceed the speed of light two or three times.

But those who can reach five times the speed of light, even in the dark camp, are rare.

At the moment, in that fast and incredible ship, an extremely beautiful woman was sitting quietly in a chair with a book in her hand.

The woman looked like she was in her twenties, wearing a red dress with extremely fair skin, long hair and waist tied with a ribbon.

She can't see any jewelry on her body, which gives a very clean and refreshing feeling.

At this time, there was a young girl in a yellow dress who looked 18 or 9 years old. She was also very beautiful and looked very cute.

The girl in the yellow skirt pouted and seemed a little unhappy, muttering: "I know to read and read all day and night, when will you be able to chat with me?"

The woman in the red dress did not speak.

The yellow skirt girl frowned: "Sister!"

The woman in the red dress sighed, put the book down, and looked at her a little helplessly: "What are you talking about?"

"Hey, how do you talk about your attitude?" The yellow skirt girl pouted, her eyes suddenly rolled, and said, "Sister, the ship just now seems to be Dong Lanjiang's."

"Oh." The woman in the red dress responded lightly and looked at her: "How?"

The girl in the yellow dress said: "I heard that a few days ago, they shot together and killed a monk from a war zone."

"What's there to say about this kind of thing?" A red skirt woman's eyes flashed with disdain: "Several dozens of people, besieging others, it is easy to win, and there are faces running to the Fairy House to celebrate, not shameful enough."

The girl in the yellow dress grinned: "Yeah, that group of people is indeed a bit unbearable. However, I heard that the monk killed by them had a good relationship with Gu Jian and Tu Guangyuan. The man was killed, like Gu The sword is still angry in private. "

The woman in the red dress glanced at her sister and said softly, "Put more of your mind on cultivation, nothing more, no more inquiries about these things, it makes no sense."

"Cultivation, cultivation, cultivation is all day long ..." The yellow skirt girl glared at her sister: "Then what do you say, what is the significance of cultivation at such a high level?"

The woman in the red dress froze slightly, and did not speak.

The girl in a yellow dress then said: "In this world, all creatures are immortal. In that case, what kind of energy do you have to practice? All day long, killing and killing ... Isn't it boring? At that time, it is better to go out and walk around. Let ’s take a look at the different beautiful scenery of this big world, is n’t it? As a result, they are now so sullen that they do n’t dare to go out and walk. The people in the dark camp are very hostile and annoying! "

The woman in the red dress probably didn't expect that these words would come out of her sister's mouth. Some surprises, for a long while, she smiled bitterly: "This is not something you and I can change."

"Why can't it?" The girl in the yellow dress glanced at her sister: "Look, your rival, Jiang Hanhan, don't you go to the war zone? She is a militant, we can fight against it!"

The girl in the yellow dress said seriously: "The reason why I want to enter the land of evolution this time is to break through to the realm of the Immortal Venerable and then do something to stop the war!"

Looking at the serious sister, the woman in a red dress smiled bitterly: "Do you know, in your capacity, if you say this in public, what effect will it have?"

"I don't care what impact it has. Anyway, I don't like my life now. Some people are simply sick! The brain is sick! Dark ages, darkness is coming, darkness is sweeping the earth ... Why don't they die!" The yellow dress girl said The more angry, the look was fierce.

But it seems that it gives a more lovely feeling.

The woman in the red dress shook her head helplessly, and she was a little helpless to this wayward sister.

However, the younger sister made these reckless words, in fact, it was also her voice. However, due to her status, she could not be as unscrupulous as her sister.

"Okay, this kind of thing, just talk in front of your sister, but don't say it in front of others. Otherwise, it will cause big waves." The red skirt woman said.

The girl in the yellow skirt sneered, but she did not refute.

At the same time, Yu Shengjie, another ancient warship, was with 16 other people.

There is not much tension on the faces of these people.

In fact, if they are really afraid of death, then they don't have to come here at all.

These people, whoever they are, are true personalities, and their personalities may vary, but in other respects, they are all equally good.

"It's a pity that the guy named Chu Yu." A young-looking person sighed and said: "If you can see it earlier, you must persuade him, just like us, upright in the ring to defeat the dark garbage!"

"That kind of person has more than a death." A very beautiful woman, sitting there, spoke lightly.

Everyone looked at her with some surprise.

She sneered: "It was a good idea to kill the arrogance in the dark camp and replace it with an impostor to enter the land of evolution. It was still feasible. But he actually made this kind of thing public? Many people Said he is arrogant and domineering, but in my opinion, he is sick of his brain! "

Her words made many people silent.

Yeah, this kind of thing is supposed to be secret but not public. How can it be publicized?

After you hang out, everyone has preparedness, how can it succeed?

And when the fact that this matter was thoroughly spread in Mulun City, it was actually still so high-profile. Kill those assassins on the street.

This looks very bloody, feels relieved and domineering.

But in fact, this is obviously putting yourself on the fire to roast!

He burned himself to death in one breath, then there was no more.

The woman said: "I came from the Xiao Dynasty. I have never heard of his name before, and I do n’t know where he came from, and I do n’t know how to die. So I said that he died by himself. , Might as well stay on the battlefield of the Xiao Dynasty, maybe you can do something useful! "

"Hey, what I said is that since coming out of the war zone, you should keep a useful body and go back to guard your homeland."

"But here, I think the inside of the dark camp does not seem to be a monolithic one. For example, the brothers of the two dark camps who contacted Chu Yu before did not seem to care about his identity as a war zone?" Someone said.

Yu Shengjie, who has been silent for a while, said lightly: "That's why people didn't take him seriously!"

With that in mind, he glanced at everyone: "Not a hungry beast, even if food is delivered to his mouth, he is too lazy to bite."

Everyone stunned slightly, and then all smiled bitterly.

Although these words are unpleasant, they do make sense.

That Chu Yu finally found himself dead, it also just shows that he actually ... still can't.

A large number of flying machines, traversing the dark and icy endless void, after flying for a few days, finally ... came to the place of evolution.

From afar, you can feel the breath of killing.

This place has always been guarded by a large number of dark camp strongmen.

Now it is even heard that a big brother is sitting in town!

You can see how much the dark camp attaches to it.

Chu Yu followed a group of people off the battleship and looked forward to an abrupt mountain that appeared in the universe.

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