
Chapter 860: Scramble

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"Heavenly soldier!"

"Lying trough!"

"What a heavenly soldier!"

"Damn, what kind of luck is this? Why do they have to go?"

The dark camp was already a little restless, and many people's eyes were red, staring at the black long sword hanging in front of the young monk.

Heavenly soldiers, no rank.

It is not a kind of ordinary magic weapon.

But this kind of thing is a magical soldier formed naturally between heaven and earth.

Generally speaking, even if it is only a soldier with a prototype of weapons, it is already very remarkable, and it can be compared with the magic weapon of Immortal Venerable.

If you go one step further, you can see at a glance that it is a kind of weapon, and it is even more remarkable. It can already be compared with the top-level immortal magic weapon.

The black sword in front of you, if it is not obtained here, if it is not the unique avenue of radiance above it, it will even be regarded as a normal sword of refining!

The sword is slender, and there is a lot of radiance on it. Although it doesn't see much gloss, the blade is very sharp!

The hilt is integrated with the sword body, and there are two hand guards on it, like an ingot shape.

The growth of the sky soldier to this point shows that it is already a spiritual real magical soldier!

No need to cultivate, you can grow on your own!

Once holding its master and stepping into the realm of immortal venerable, this Heavenly Soldier can exert unimaginable horror power.

For example, under normal circumstances, as long as this young monk steps into the realm of immortal venom and encounters evenly matched opponents, no one can do anything but use the sky soldier, then a sword can split the opponent in half.

From ancient times to the present, there are many such examples on this eternal earth.

Anyone with a little knowledge can give a bunch of them.

That's why the young monk hesitated and showed the sky soldiers.

Anyway, people in the dark camp will not let go of these seventeen people.

It's useless to be careful!

In a hundred years, in addition to searching for opportunities and creation, one of the most important things may be to deal with endless chasing.

He now shows that the sword of the Heavenly Soldier is actually a shock.

Although this kind of superb heavenly soldiers, it is only in the realm of Immortal Venerable that they can exert their greatest power. But he is in the hands of a top true fairy, facing a group of opponents who are also in the real fairy realm, and no one dares to underestimate this sword!

"Go **** luck!"

Almost all the people in the dark camp are envious and jealous.

This emotion does not need to be covered up at all.

Because this young monk's luck is indeed a bit too good.

Even Mulan Yingning's eyes showed a bit of envy.

"Heavenly soldier ..." she murmured softly.

The Mulan tribe has a few sky soldiers, and one of them reaches the top quality. However, the sky soldiers are in the hands of the big brothers, but they are not their turn.

Mulan Yingxue looked envious, swallowing, and said softly: "Sister ... their luck is so good!"

"No hurry, no hurry ..." Said no hurry, but Mulan Yingning couldn't help but eagerly.

Can you hurry!

This coming in is either a Scripture or a Heavenly Soldier. It seems that this evolutionary place is really like what the ancestors said.

Dong Lanjiang transmitted the sound of Shennian wave to everyone in the team: "Stay to the boy who has won the Heavenly Soldier, this Heavenly Soldier ... we have to settle!"

Except for Chu Yu, everyone's eyes showed eagerness.

In fact, there is no need for Dong Lanjiang to say that they never thought of letting go of the kid.

Heavenly soldier ... How can you be in your hands?

"Relax, he can't walk out of this evolutionary land alive, we can't take our things." Tian Laojiu narrowed his eyes and looked at the young monk over there.

Exactly, the young monk's eyes looked over.

Tian Laojiu stretched out a white, slender palm and laid it across his neck, making a gesture.

Many people have seen this scene.

The young monk sneered, "Sow, if you have the ability, just roll over and die now!"

What a cruel!

Many people were stunned by him.

This is provocation in person.

Du Guqian standing beside Jiang Yuanzhi, with a deep jealousy in her eyes, she wanted this heavenly soldier.

But more in her heart was a grudge.

Why are these garbage so lucky?

Tian Jing, Tian Bing ... Why can't I get it?

Yu Shengjie glanced at the young monk, then at a group of people here, and said softly, "Let's go!"

These seventeen people also held a group.

Like their predecessors who came in in the past, they all knew that this was a matter of fighting for food. Once scattered, no matter how strong they are, they will eventually be broken by each. No one will survive by then.

If you want to leave here alive, there are only two words left-unity!

"Go, keep up." Dong Lanjiang said lightly.

At the same time, there were several groups of people who also followed up with fairness.

Gu Jian, Yang Feng and Tu Guangming's group left in the other direction.

Chu Yu knew that this time, Gu Jian they had a big move. It was just specific details, and he was not very clear.

But the conjecture should be a black hand against Dong Lanjiang and Jiang Yuanzhi.

Anyway, it ’s time to act by chance.

Mulan Yingning took her sister Mulan Yingxue in another direction.

Just then, not far from Chu Yu, a monk in a dark camp suddenly screamed.

Then, in just a few seconds, his body was burned to ashes by an inexplicable fire!

There was only one reincarnation fuzhuan, which was extremely high at the first glance, carrying the fire, emitting a light and disappearing in front of everyone.

"I depend!"

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

Everyone was a little hairy.

Even Chu Yu feels cold all over the body.

Because before the monk was burnt, he didn't even realize the danger.

"Tianhuo." Dong Lanjiang said expressionlessly: "Before the attack, it can exist anywhere in the form of lines, such as on a leaf, such as a stone, and no one will notice its existence. Once it encounters it, it will immediately attack. This kind of fire burns the real fairy, but it is just a blink of an eye. Please be more careful. "

There is also a flame of refining in Chu Yu's body, and he grew up with him for a long time.

It is just that the fire of lava now can't keep up with Chu Yu's growth rate.

In Eternal God Realm, it is no problem to burn the eternal-level creatures, but it is difficult to make a difference if you meet the fairy realm.

However, he was not abandoned by Chu Yu. After all, he followed him for so many years.

Seeing the rapidly disappearing skyfire, Chu Yu thought, if it could be refined, and then fed to the lava fire a little bit, maybe the lava fire could continue to grow.

In fact, the fire of lava is not of poor grade, it has unlimited growth possibilities.

Only in these years, Chu Yu has not found a better flame to feed it.

At this time, Tian Laojiu said: "I said brothers, remind you one thing, don't try to conquer this fire, otherwise, you don't know how to die!"

Dong Lanjiang also said: "Skyfire cannot be conquered. It is one of the top flames in the world. Even the Xianzun can't conquer it, so if you have this thought, you should quickly eliminate it as soon as possible.

Chu Yu listened silently, but in his heart, he was still somewhat eager to try.

His confidence in the metal ball is extremely strong!

If the metal ball is used for collection, it will succeed in eight out of ten.

But not now.

Chu Yu can't take the metal ball out to conquer Tianhuo under the eyes of everyone.

At that moment, he was the target of the fire set.

He didn't believe the gibberish of these people Dong Dongjiang, what could not compete with each other for chance.

Wool ...

It depends on how big the chance is!

Just a Heavenly Soldier made almost everyone restless.

If there is a better treasure than the Heavenly Soldiers, and it is obtained by someone in the team, Chu Yu does not believe that Dong Lanjiang can hold it back.

He silently noted the location where Skyfire had just appeared, and then followed the group of people, moving on.

At this time, a fierce battle had already begun.

Someone in the dark camp couldn't help but shoot the monk who got the sky soldier!

This person is not a reckless person who has no confidence at all. He sacrificed a small flag, which was colorful and painted with many kinds of creatures.

With a gentle shake, a creature rushed out and rushed to the young monk.

The creatures thrown out are all terrible beasts.

Either way, in a short time, have the power of Immortal Venerable!


Although the young man had just obtained this Heavenly Soldier, he seemed to have mastered it for a long time and seemed to be one with Heavenly Soldier.

He was holding this black long-sword sky soldier and chopping off with a sword, showing amazing swordsmanship.

A terrible creature rushed towards him, and was split in half on the spot.

Although the defense of this fierce beast is not as strong as the real fairy, it is definitely a creature that surpasses most real fairy realms.

But the young monk split it with a sword, and caused a burst of exclamation on the spot.

"The prestige of Heavenly Soldiers ... really fascinating!"

"Tianbing is really powerful!"

"It's so fierce!"

The little flag then shook, and several fierce beasts broke free from the little flag and pounced on the young monk.

The young monk's face remained the same, holding the sky soldiers and slashing them one after another.

Show amazing fighting power.

Those who had originally underestimated them finally put away the contempt.

How can there be a weak person who can be killed from the ring?

Relying on the prestige of the heavenly soldiers, the young monk jumped into the sky after slashing the fierce beasts, and flew towards the small flag in the sky.

Raised the long sword in his hand and cut it straight.

The dark camp monk who sacrificed the banner shouted, "Shut up!"

The little flag brushed away, disappeared there, and returned to the monk in the next moment.

However, the monk of the dark camp made a roaring shout: "You destroy my magic weapon!"

At this time, all the people saw a small flag above Gao Tian, ​​falling down in a fluttering manner.

The young monk sneered, "Take your dog's head next!"

Just talk about coming up.

The monk of the dark camp suddenly made a defensive gesture with alert look.

The young monk laughed and stood there without moving.

The dark camp monk holding the flag of the damaged magic weapon felt a sense of self-control, and when he roared, he was about to pounce.

The result was stopped by people around.

The man looked at the young monk with a sneer: "Don't be complacent, the days are still long, and you can go out alive in the end.

The young monk smiled coldly: "I will definitely go out alive, and you dark dogs ... will be buried here!"

With that, along with Yu Shengjie, he turned around and continued on.

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