
Chapter 865: Differentiation

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In the following days, the entire evolutionary land was plunged into a great horror.

Some news came out after all.

Someone has set up a lot of terrifying magic circles in the land of evolution, and has already killed many people!

Jiang Yuanzhi lost contact, Duan Tianya had no news, and Lu Huamao disappeared ...

These people are all distinguished princes of the dark camp. The team led by each of them has at least 40 or 50 people.

Almost all monks are future elites in the dark camp.

Just like the top ten generals under Xue Ye, like the ranks next to Jiang Hanhan, the nobles in the dark camp, the group of confidants around them, are the future ranks, and they are their left and right arms.

This group of people has their own strengths, and no team should be underestimated.

But now, these teams have disappeared as a whole.

No news came out!

Are they counted dead or swallowed by the restricted area?

Until now, there have been different opinions.

Because there is no evidence!

Mulan Yingning looked a little grim, she looked at her sister next to her and whispered: "There is something wrong with the situation."

Mulan Yingxue nodded and said, "I feel it too."

Although Mulan Yingxue's experience is not so rich, she was born in a large family such as Mulan.

No matter how naughty and mischievous, but from a young age, the knowledge gained is much stronger than others.

She looked at Mulan Yingning: "I think all this is artificial!"

Mulan Yingning nodded: "I am so artificial too."

"Who can it be?" Mulan Yingxue frowned at Xiumei, murmured: "In the past, the land of evolution opened, although there have been many disputes, and there are many battles between life and death. But it has never happened This kind of ... we must thoroughly remove the opponent from the grass. Doing so will not benefit the entire dark camp! "

"This is weakening part of the forces." Mulan Yingning is, after all, the proud daughter of the same name as Jiang Hanhan.

She whispered: "Moreover, it is possible to apply the magic circle to such a perfect fire ... and only one family can do it."

Mulan Yingxue raised her head: "Tu Shi?"

Mulan Yingning nodded and sighed, "It's bad."

"Did you find something?" Mulan Yingxue asked.

Mulan Yingning said: "It's not about discovering, but guessing something. The problem is much more serious than I thought before."

With that in mind, she looked at Mulan Yingxue and said, "Yingxue, you remember, just in case ... I mean in case, I am also trapped by that magic circle, and I will definitely help you out of it."


"Don't speak first, let me finish."

Mulan Yingning looked at Mulan Yingxue with a serious face: "Once you get out of trouble, you immediately turn on the magic instrument and then hide it. Calculate the time. One hundred years, no more than one day, no less than one day! Now, put on the Mulan suit ... "

Mulan Yingning took a deep breath and said: "No matter who is calling you or attacking you, you don't care!"

"The defense of Mulan's suit is by no means a group of their true immortals!"

"Even the Immortal Venerable can't break its defense in a short time!"

"You just run, and when you run out of the land of evolution, don't forget to say nothing and do nothing. Start the Mulan boat and go home!"

"If it's really stopped by someone, remember, just say you don't know anything. No ... no."

Mulan Yingning thought.

At this time, Mulan Yingxue weakly said: "Sister, what do you say, how this kind of thing must happen ..."

"Don't intervene!" Mulan Yingning looked at her: "This kind of thing has a probability of more than 90%! Since the other party has already started, then it will not take care of anyone and anything! The princess of the Mulan family, here In such a time, nothing is worth it! Understand? "

"Oh ..." Mulan Yingxue agreed weakly.

"Yingxue, although things are not absolutely going to happen, at least 90% of them may happen. This probability is too high. I have to protect your safety." Mulan Yingning said, then pondered again.

A moment later, she looked up and said, "If someone stopped your Mulan boat after going out, you said, my sister has passed the message to the Mulan."

Mulan Yingning nodded: "Yeah, that's it, no one will be embarrassed by then. At most ... It's holding you up, but you don't have to worry, they don't dare to hurt your life!"

Mulan Yingxue whispered and said: "Before we came in, the old ancestors had already said that the fortune was there, accompanied by the crisis, but in the end it was fine?"

Mulan Yingning stunned a little, then said: "Do you remember my words?"

"Well, remember." Mulan Yingxue nodded.

"That's good, the ancestor said it was the ancestor said, we can't wait so passively to be counted!" Mulan Yingning's pair of phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, coldly said: "Gu Jian, Tu Guangming, and Bi Yuanqing And that Yang Feng ... If you really count on me, I will let you understand why I and Jiang Hanhan existed in the same name. "

In the land of evolution, people continue to acquire various opportunities and abilities.

Switching to the past, I am afraid that people who have the opportunity and character will have a lot of fun.

It doesn't matter if you may face someone's robbing at any time. Anyone who enters here will not have a bad background.

Life and death, who is afraid of who?

But this time is really different!

That terrifying atmosphere almost enveloped the entire evolutionary land!

So even if you get a good chance and good fortune, no one feels too happy.

A total of 100 years, and now less than a year, more than 400 people have completely disappeared!

More than 700 people came in!

In the past, the largest number of deaths, and the final data, is less than 300.

And among those three hundred people, there are those outside the dark camp.

This time, only about a year later, more than 400 people died.

The key to death is still the people inside the dark camp!

The group of people in Yu Shengjie had been seen some time ago, and everyone was living well.

Not only that, the strength of that group of people ... has been greatly improved.

Obviously, the group of people got a good chance.

With that piece of heavenly soldiers, in such a place, in fact, it already occupies too much advantage.

Dong Lanjiang also panicked.

The dead ones are basically very close to him on weekdays, and the families behind are all in the same camp.

Jiang Yuanzhi, Lu Huamao, Duan Tianya, these noble sons of the dark camp, whichever one they are, are all big names among the younger generation of the dark camp.

But now, they are all dead!

To be precise, it is gone!

Together with their subordinates, they disappeared without a trace.

There is no trace at all.

Dong Lanjiang also tried to contact those people with the sound of jade, but in the end, he did not get any response.

He was very flustered now, and even the killing of Dude was unconsciously much less.

Du De continues to buy people's hearts, and now in this team of nearly 100 people, more than 30 people have become stooges beside him!

His performance is indeed stunning.

Dong Lanjiang had already made plans with Tian Laojiu and others, and had to deal with Du De in advance.

But this thing broke out suddenly, he hesitated.

Dude **** it!

This is beyond doubt.

A white-eyed wolf that had been hidden for many years finally revealed his fox tail.

In the place of evolution, where the King and Lao Tzu can't control, they began to do whatever they wanted.

Invited to buy people's hearts!

Such a person is of course damn, not too many deaths 10,000 times.

But he is indeed capable.

No matter how much Dong Dongjiang hates Dude, he also recognizes Dude's ability.

Now that the elite of such a large group of dark camps have disappeared, it is said that they were devoured by the restricted area, and Dong Lanjiang didn't believe it.

This kind of thing is 100% artificial.

Therefore, he finally decided that Dude could not die yet.

This **** king **** has to be alive for the time being.

Otherwise, the enemy ’s calculations are really encountered, and their lives are difficult to guarantee.

No matter how proud Dong Lanjiang is, he doesn't think he is much stronger than Jiang Yuanzhi's group.

Chu Yu has been very comfortable these days.

Even a little leisurely.

He originally wanted to create a contradiction in the team of Dong Lanjiang, and then continued to show his domineering side, and finally left them to find opportunities alone.

Unexpectedly, among these young people in the dark camp, there is actually quite a crowd, and he eats his suit very much.

The more he behaves, the more submissive those people are!

Even for this, he gave up Dong Lanjiang and preferred to switch to his door.

And after getting along for a while, Chu Yu found that this group of people ... the spirit of rebellion in his bones was particularly strong.

They all belong to the concept of not many camps and the country, and whoever agrees will follow.

That is to say, if Chu Yu took them and returned to attack the dark camp, as long as they did not attack the family of the group, they would also follow along.

Even rushed fiercer than anyone!

This discovery made Chu Yu feel very interesting.

His ultimate goal is to overthrow the entire dark camp.

The ultimate goal of Gu Jian's group of people is to subvert the entire dark camp and then change the pattern of this world.

Therefore, whether the men are in the dark camp or outside, for Chu Yu, there is not much difference.

They are willing to follow, and Chu Yu doesn't mind giving them benefits.

In the recent period, they even found a Tianyao!

It was directly occupied by Chu Yu without politeness.

This time, no one even said who this natural medicine should belong to.

Dong Lanjiang's team has now been completely divided.

Although Chu Yu did not follow Dong Lanjiang as much, in fact, there were more than 30 people who followed Chu Yu with heartbreak; more than 50 people followed Dong Lanjiang with heartbreak.

As for the remaining twenty people, they are watching.

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