
Chapter 878: Tianbao

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After Chu Yu left here, he did not stay, and headed all the way to the heights of the land of evolution.

After comprehending the inscriptions on the four walls, Chu Yu's trip to this evolutionary land can be said to have been completed.

No regrets.

Calculating that there is still time, I am ready to go to the highest point to see what is there.

You can only come here once in your life. Although it is difficult to walk around every corner, at least, you should try to see more scenery.

Chu Yu's speed is super fast, and he keeps walking towards the height of this huge mountain.

The higher the height, the more restricted areas.

However, with the metal ball in the center of his eyebrows and his strong sense of ability, Chu Yu avoided those restricted areas one by one.

However, the danger level of some restricted areas made Chu Yu feel cold on the back.

The most terrible one, Chu Yu felt that something was not right when he almost stepped in.

Quickly returned, almost shocked out of a cold sweat.

I am afraid that even if Xianzun came in, the restricted area would be difficult to get out of.

In particular, I just pitted Chu Yu, a restricted area. At that moment, Chu Yu felt the endless chaotic avenue!

His divine consciousness was directly shattered by the invisible power.

Can it be a terrible place that can devour everything!

Only by encountering this kind of place can we feel that there is still a forbidden place in this world where souls cannot step on.

No matter how powerful it is, it is relative to other creatures.

Chu Yu relaxed, shook his head, and continued to walk forward.

At this time, there were two red and yellow figures behind them, coming together.

Seeing that he was about to bump into the restricted area, Chu Yu shouted, "Stop!"

Mulan Yingning stopped in an instant, and at the same time reached out and pulled a hand of Mulan Yingxue beside him.

Mulan Yingxue almost stumbled there.

Dissatisfied said: "Why?"

Then looking at Chu Yu in front, Mulan Yingxue Liumei raised her eyebrows and scolded: "Hey, Dude, what are you shouting about?"

Chu Yu looked at Mulan Yingning beside Mulan Yingxue with a smile.

Mulan Yingning frowned slightly, looked at her sister and said, "Don't start talking!"

"Hey? Sister, what's wrong with you?" Mulan Yingxue's big eyes twitched around twice, and suddenly said: "No? What happened to you before ... what happened to him?"

The children of the Mulan family are very smart.

But this time, Mulan Yingxue misused her cleverness.

"Don't talk nonsense, close your mouth!" Mulan Yingning was a little angry.

Mulan Yingxue spit out her tongue and didn't dare to talk nonsense.

She rarely sees her sister so harsh.

It can even be said that it has hardly been seen!

So she didn't dare to continue her anger, dragging her head to admit it.

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu and said, "Stop what do we do?"

Chu Yu pointed to the place not far in front of her: "That's a restricted area."

"Huh?" Mulan Yingning didn't believe Chu Yu to some extent, and felt that this outsider must have lied to her.

Could it be that I didn't want me to compete with him?

Where is this restricted area?

However, she still prefers this kind of thing.

Standing there, carefully deducing and calculating, frowned, "This place ... isn't it a Jedi?"

The restricted area usually appears in the mountains and rivers of the Jedi.

Only in that kind of place can terrible terrain be nurtured. Once the creatures stray in, there is almost no way to live.

But this place, in the deduction and calculation, reached the conclusion Yangchun Baixue.

According to Feng Shui, it is a treasure of Feng Shui!

If the ancestors are buried here, the future generations will all receive endless benefits.

Therefore, Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu who was not far away with a puzzled expression, and was puzzled.

"If you are tired of living, you may as well break into it. The restricted area may not be a Jedi. Maybe you can get a big makeover when you go in." Chu Yu finished and turned away.

Mulan Yingxue said angrily: "Du De, why are you like this? Do you know who you are talking to?"

The little girl swelled a little.

She used to be less bold.

Although it is the little princess of the Mulan family, the family has always been very disgusted with the character of being arrogant.

But now she thinks she is too powerful!

It is simply the kind of invincible in the world!

What Duan Tianya, Lu Huamao, what ancient sword Tu Tuoguang ... If you see you again, and discuss with them, you must not be your opponent.

So Mulan Yingxue felt that she was qualified to expand.

However, she looks very cute in the eyes of others.

Therefore, the practice world is actually a face-seeking world.

Or would you try to say something like this for a big ugly girl?

"I know, the princess of the Mulan tribe, maybe the Mulan tribe has special abilities and will not die in the restricted area." Chu Yu said while walking away, then said lightly: "The real road is about two on your left. Ten feet, don't believe it. "

Seeing Chu Yu walking further and further away, Mulan Yingning hesitated, or she took her sister and walked in the direction Chu Yu said.

"Hello, sister, wouldn't you really believe Dude's bullshit? That guy doesn't look like a good person at first glance, and I have heard a lot of rumors about him ..." Mulan Yingxue glared. Eyes, it is hard to believe that my sister actually believed that Dude's gossip.

"Don't talk nonsense." Mulan Yingning hesitated, but still didn't say that it wasn't Dude.

At this time, there was a figure suddenly, skipped over from their sisters, straight towards the place where Chu Yu said it was a restricted area.

Mulan Yingning recognized at a glance that this man was a monk in the ancient sword and Tu Guangming camp.

Hesitated for a while, but still shouted: "Don't ..."

Her voice did not fall, but the monk had rushed in, and she disappeared instantly.

As if disappeared out of thin air!

Mulan Yingxue was a little dumbfounded and murmured: "There is no sign at all, there is no breath ... This, how could there be a restricted area?"

Mulan Yingning's face was also pale.

Don't look at the inscriptions Mulan Yingxue has learned more than her, but when it comes to the realm, she is much higher than her sister.

So, just the moment the man disappeared, she already felt many things.

The restricted area in front of me is like a real devil's cave!

The chaotic laws in it were just a glimpse of the glory, but it also made her feel cold in the back.

Without saying anything at the moment, she took her sister and moved directly twenty feet to the left, and walked towards it.

Mulan Yingxue is still struggling with this matter: "How did Dude see it? How can he see it?"

Chu Yu had already gone far.

His speed is extremely fast. If he didn't stop to pick up various treasures, he might have reached the top of the mountain.

His gains along the way are not small.

All kinds of top metals and various materials have been very rewarding.

Even Tianyao found four strains!

There are seven or eight rough embryos of Heavenly Soldiers.

However, these rough soldiers were not found by Chu Yu.

But killing the sky!

At the moment of finding the rough embryos of Tianbing, Chi Tian directly slipped out of Chu Yu's body, and then swallowed the rough embryos of these Tianbing ...

Yes, like a hungry tiger.

Just rushed over and ate it.

In addition, Chi Tian is very picky, not everything.

Because Chu Yu also found a good-quality Tianbing, when he wanted to feed it, killing Tian did nothing.

I do not want to eat!

In other words, for Chitian, it's picky eater, has nothing to do with grade!

Before Chu Yu saw those near-perfect sky soldiers, Ji Tian was completely motionless.

In addition to these, Chu Yu also discovered two scriptures.

He probably understood it a bit, and found that these scriptures were too simple and immature compared to those he had realized.

After reading it, I just put it aside.

In the future, some juniors can be enlightened and gain a lot from it.

In the end, when Chu Yu approached the highest point of this **** mountain, the land of evolution, he encountered a real challenge.

There are creatures on this mountaintop!

And this creature is absolutely not the kind that comes in from the outside.

It's the creatures in the land of evolution!

Since ancient times, the magical place of the land of evolution has been explored by countless predecessors countless times!

But new things appear almost every time.

That is to say, in the 1.268 billion years of each closure, the place of evolution here ... will update itself!

However, according to various information from ancient times to the present, there are not many creatures appearing here in the place of evolution.

In this evolutionary land, creatures such as Golden Saint Python and Xiaoyue Sirius belong to the category of lower-level creatures.

Although it can bring terrible killing, it is not invincible.

Because of its scarcity, every time it is discovered, it is almost impossible to escape doom.

Of course, almost every time these things are actively launched attacks.

But the creature lying in front of Chu Yu in front of him was a behemoth that exudes supreme breath!

It looks a bit like an orangutan, but it is too big.

It is hundreds of meters high, covered with stone armor, sitting there, leaning against the cliff and looking at Chu Yu coldly.

Chu Yu stopped and looked at each other with this creature.

"Get off." The creature spoke out.

Afterwards, he grabbed a huge stone from his side and slammed it towards Chu Yu.

Chu Yu waved his hand, and a terrible force blasted past.


There was a loud noise.

The stone was smashed by Chu Yu.

But at this moment, the creature jumped up like a mountain, pressing against Chu Yu.

The breath on it was so powerful that Chu Yu felt almost breathless.

This is by no means a true fairy level creature!

This guy's physical strength is probably among the top ranks in the field of Xianzun!

With this movement, the blood in his body burst out completely.

so horrible!

Chu Yu was ripped apart.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a terrible monster in such a place.

At this time, Chu Yu had seen that the top of the cliff, which is the highest point of this evolutionary land, had a golden vine growing on a huge dead tree.

On the tree, there was a golden yellow gourd with a big slap.


This thing is much rarer than the sky soldier.

There are still some people who have obtained perfect soldiers from ancient times.

Especially the families of the big brothers in the dark camp, there are so few in almost every family.

It all originated in this evolutionary place.

But Tianbao ... In Dude's memory, it has only existed in legend.

It is said that someone has seen it before, but not at all!

Because there are terrible creatures, guardian Tianbao.

Anyone who is close will surely die.

It is said that the horror of that creature is comparable to that of the restricted area.

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