
Chapter 882: Suggest

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

This is indeed a huge game.

Chu Yu still needs to use Dude's identity, which means that he wants to make a difference in the dark camp.

Is he a man with a heart to the dark camp?

Although there is not much to know about it, Mulan Yingning still thinks that Chu Yu is not the kind of person who wants to go to the dark camp.

He has no sincerity in the dark camp!

Then what he wants to do is self-evident.

It seems that this time, the dark camp is really going to change completely.

Even the ancestors can not stop the kind.

Mulan Yingning suddenly said: "In fact, I have always been very disgusted with some practices in the dark camp."

"For example?" Chu Yu looked at her and asked.

"Like the great cleansing of the dark age."

Mulan Yingning said lightly: "They think there are too many useless creatures in this world, and they are still increasing. I am afraid that one day the resources of this world will be exhausted. So a cleansing of the dark age was launched.

"This method is too brutal."

"Later, the dark age receded, and the world was divided into two, but it was calm for many years."

"I once thought that it would continue like this."

"But I did not expect that now the darkness is sweeping again."

"All means are not only the same as in the past, but even more brutal."

"If the people who started the dark age were aiming for the balance and operation of this world, but the wrong method was used; then now, it is purely for selfish desire and wants to rule the king."

"I used to understand the dark ages but disagreed; now the darkness is coming, I am against it."

Mulan Yingxue on the side said: "Yes, my sister and Jiang Hanhan were the best girlfriends, but because of this ..."

"Don't say it." Mulan Yingning interrupted her sister, obviously not wanting to mention what happened that year.

She looked at Chu Yu and said: "So, what you want to do, actually, in my opinion, is still a little appreciated. Although the methods you use are also dark enough ... But, there is a reason for it."

Mulan Yingning sighed: "After all, most of them were killed by you, and most of them are not good people."

"But one thing, I need to remind you."

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu seriously: "You have a life-saving grace for my sister, we will definitely not betray you. So you can rest assured. But what you are going to do is not me attacking you, even you There are artifacts, there are legendary magic items, and now there is another Tianbao ... but not enough! "

"If you want to subvert the dark camp, with these, it is just a drop in the ocean."

"Not even close!"

"The inside of the dark camp is definitely not what you see."

"To put it this way, the time of the eternal God Realm has only been used to record the staged development and changes of things."

"From a long time to now, how many years have passed, I can't even tell you."

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu and said lightly: "The fertility rate of Eternal God Realm is very low, or even outrageously low, but this does not mean that the total population of Eternal God Realm is small."

"But when a creature grows to a certain level, it gets tired of moving outside."

"There are so many creatures in the dark camp!"

"That is to say, the dark camp creatures you are currently seeing are still a very small part of the whole dark camp."

"Here, I don't know how many top-levels exist."

Mulan Yingning shrugged at Chu Yu.

"Isn't it? I haven't been clear how much power the dark camp has. You know, in Dude's memory, there is not much information in this regard." Chu Yu said.

Mulan Yingning glanced at Chu Yu with some helplessness: "You're intimate. If I tell you, isn't it an enemy?"

Chu Yu smiled at her and said, "It's an enemy or a friend. It's hard to say in the future."

Mulan Yingning gave Chu Yu a white glance, this one was actually full of amorous flavors, and she smiled: "Then wait for a friend to say that day!"

Mulan Yingxue suddenly said quietly on the side: "Brother Chu Yu, if you bring a gift to my house to raise relatives, maybe ..."

"Mulan Yingxue, shut up for me!" Mulan Yingning blushed and glared at her sister.

Mulan Yingxue didn't care at all about her sister's behavior, and blinked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu shook his head and smiled, saying, "I already have a buddy."

"That's one more!" Mulan Yingxue said.

"Smelly girl, your skin is itchy!" Mulan Yingning was so embarrassed and annoyed that she was going to fight Mulan Yingxue.

Mulan Yingxue shrank her body behind Chu Yu, then silently spit out her tongue at Mulan Yingning: "Slightly slightly ..."

Next, along the way, although Mulan Yingning didn't really do the enemy's thing, she still told Chu Yu about many things in the dark camp that she thought were not so confidential.

He has Dude's memory, even if I don't say it, he probably knows it most?

Mulan Yingning thought so.

Chu Yu looked very casual, and occasionally chimed in. A few short paragraphs make the sisters very happy.

Dahei moves quickly, and its familiarity with the evolutionary place is far better than Chuyu's group of outsiders.

Take the three people galloping all the way, and seeing that they are going to the entrance.

At this time, Mulan Yingxue suddenly sighed and said, "It would be nice if I could continue like this."

Mulan Yingning couldn't help being silent.

If there is no opposition between the dark camp and the whole world, if life has always remained calm, she should be a quiet lady show.

Those ingenuity will only use the places she is interested in, and will never be used in the first half of the calculation.

It's a pity ... No one can survive the turbulent times, under the huge shady, no matter who is the enemy.

Chu Yu said: "No matter how bad things are, there will always be a day in the past. There is no need to worry too much about it."

"However, like my sister, after the breakthrough, you will have to go to the battlefield in all likelihood." Mulan Yingxue whispered: "I don't want my sister to be your enemy."

Chu Yu glanced at her: "Silly girl, I am Dude! At that time, maybe I will become the commander of the way, your sister will come to be my man!"

"Smelly!" Mulan Yingning glared at Chu Yu, but in his eyes, there was a flash of light.

Mulan Yingxue thought for a while, and suddenly surprised: "Yes! It seems to be ok! At that time, you lead the army all the way, we will ... just go swimming in the mountains and mountains! What fights, what life and death fight, let it Go to hell. "

Chu Yu: "..."

Mulan Yingning: "..."

I don't know how many years this little girl has lived. If calculated according to the previous time algorithm, she may have to live at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

Satisfiability, but it is no different from those 17- to 18-year-old naive girls on earth.

Just a child.

Dahei suddenly took Chu Yu away in the other direction.

"How did you change direction?" Chu Yu asked.

Big black stuffy channel: "Treasure."




Dahei began to run wildly, and every step on the ground made a heavy noise.

In a blink of an eye, he came to a place.

The three Chu Yu looked up.

The place was enveloped by a thick fog, and in the state of three people, there was no way to see through the scene in the fog.

Divine consciousness entered, bewildered and could not perceive anything.

"What is there?" Chu Yu asked Da He on the shoulder.

Dahei said with some fear: "Treasure, danger!"

Think of this guy who has been guarding Tianbao for so long, so that it can be seen, it should not be a mere thing.

Chu Yu glanced at Mulan Yingning and Sister Mulan Yingxue, and said, "What do you think?"

In Mulan Yingxue's eyes, with a bit of excitement, she has a strong curiosity about all mysterious and unknown things.

Mulan Yingning was somewhat hesitant.

The area shrouded in heavy fog felt a bit ominous to her.

She deduced it in her heart, and felt that the danger was a bit high.

"This place is a bit like a restricted area ..." She looked at Chu Yu and said, "Our harvest this time is already very big."

This is a little bit back off.

Dagang: "Good baby!"

Chu Yu thought about it and said, "You are here waiting, I will go in and see."

Mulan Yingxue said: "I want to go too!"

Mulan Yingning waited for her to glance: "You are waiting here, I will go and see with Chu Yu."

"No ... I want to ..." Mulan Yingxue didn't finish talking, she saw her sister frowning, pouting her lips, and said a little unhappy: "Okay, okay, you go, you go, I don't bother you guys."

Mulan Yingning's mouth twitched, too lazy to say anything.

Later, Chu Yu walked in towards the fog.

The metal ball at the eyebrow just gave a very clear reminder.

There is indeed something in this place.

It ’s not right if God does n’t take it.

For Chu Yu, he does not want to miss any kind of character that can enhance his strength.

Since the endless years are behind those in the dark camp, it is certainly not enough to catch up with, or even surpass ... using conventional means.

Because according to convention, people must be much better than you!

There are more resources available than you think!

Then why do you want to fight with others?

The things I learned from the inscriptions on the four walls before are really a great fortune.

But for Chu Yu, it still felt insufficient.

He wants to polish his real immortal realm more completely.

At that time, once stepping into the realm of immortal respect, you must be able to traverse a large number of powerful people in the same realm at the same time, before it is considered to pass the level.

Mulan Yingning whispered beside him: "You want to use Dude's identity to fight for a high position in the dark camp. Personal strength alone is not enough."

Chu Yu glanced at her: "What do you mean?"

"The status of Dude is an orphan. The family is in a long time, and its status is not low. Now that you rise with the status of Dude, I believe that those families who have made good relations with Dujia will come over and draw you.

Mulan Yingning looked at him seriously and said: "But I don't suggest you ignore those families."

"Why?" Chu Yu looked at Mulan Yingning: "Because those families then chose to shrink after their families were destroyed?"

Mulan Yingning nodded and said, "Yes, those families are not trustworthy. I have a choice here for your reference."

Chu Yu looked at her without speaking.

Mulan Yingning stared at Chu Yu and said, "You can choose to join the Mulan!"

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