
Chapter 889: Old man in black robe

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Chu Yu nodded.

Yang Feng said: "It's useless to pull anything else. It must be remembered that the more powerful the big guys, the more they will deceive people. In their eyes, only utilitarian, there is no emotion."

Chu Yu nodded again and said to Yang Feng: "I will pay attention to this, you have to take care this time! What has happened in the land of evolution, although it has not yet spread, but will be known to everyone sooner or later. This is not a Things that can be clarified in two sentences, so be careful. "

Yang Feng smiled and said: "Relax, we have already made a thorough preparation. This matter will not touch you nor touch me!"

He also blinked at Chu Yu with a smirk.

Seeing Chu Yu somewhat puzzled, Yang Feng threw a memory spar at Chu Yu's hand and said, "Look at it when no one is there. Don't forget to admire it. Don't let others see it. Otherwise, we can It ’s really unclear. ”

Chu Yu nodded and then said goodbye to Yang Feng.

On the way, Mulan Yingxue asked curiously: "That guy whispered to you for a long time, is he talking about our bad words?"

"Yingxue, don't talk nonsense." Mulan Yingning glared at her sister.

Mulan Yingxue spit out her tongue: "Brother Chu Yu won't be angry with me."

Chu Yu nodded with a smile: "Of course I won't be angry with you, I didn't say anything, just reminded me to be more careful."

Mulan Yingning said: "I didn't expect the situation to be more serious than I thought. It seems that inside the dark camp, a war is inevitable."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there wasn't even a greeted person, and their family didn't come. Why didn't our family come?" Mulan Yingxue muttered: "Even if they want to fight, you can talk to us Mulan , Does it matter? "

"Silly girl, there is no egg under the cover? Where does it matter? The relationship is over!" Mulan Yingning sighed.

Then took out an old chariot from the space bracelet and glanced at Chu Yu: "Let all of you come up, we have to rush back to the Mulan tribe as soon as possible.

Mulan Yingning's judgment is accurate.

Even if they got on the chariot marked with the Mulan clan, but not too far away, they were still stopped.

They were stopped by an old man in black robe.

There is only one person.

The old man looked incredibly old, full of decay.

It seemed that he had just crawled out of the coffin.

Even talking, with a smell of death.

"Mulan's baby, go slowly, old man, I have a few words to ask, and you are free to ask."

As soon as the other person came up, he directly pointed out the identity of Mulan's family. His tone was very relaxed. He could see that there was no feeling of awe because this was the chariot of Mulan's family.

Mulan Yingning didn't want to stop, but the other party's body directly burst into a shocking momentum, making this top Xianzun chariot difficult to move forward.

Mulan Yingning came out of the chariot and looked at the old man in black robe and asked, "Which one is the senior? What happened to our car?"

The withered face of the old man in black robe seemed to have a smile on his face, but when he looked carefully, it seemed to be none.

He said slowly, "You all came out of the land of evolution?"

"Yes predecessor." Mulan Yingning didn't turn over because the old man in black robe didn't report to her door, still keeping a smile.

"Then, can you tell me, what's going on inside?" The old man in black robe still had a calm tone, but the next words were a little unpredictable: "Why have so many people died, only you Someone came out alive? "

Mulan Ying Ning Xiu frowned slightly, still smiling, saying, "Senior said this, but I asked the wrong person. After I entered the evolutionary land with my little sister, I was looking for opportunities for innovation alone. I was not clear about other things. "

Mulan Yingxue also came out of the chariot at this time. The little girl behaved innocently in front of acquaintances, but outside, it was completely different.

She did not intervene indiscriminately, standing quietly beside her sister, looking at the old man in black robe.

Who knew that the old man in black robe seemed to just ask casually, and when Mulan Yingning shook off, he no longer asked this question, and instead asked, "Are there any big things happening in the land of evolution?"

"Big thing? What does the senior mean?" Mulan Yingning didn't know the old man, but from the breath of the other person, he could feel that the old man was not easy to mess with.

"For example, is there anything that was born in the land of evolution and exudes a breath that makes you unable to breathe?" The old man in black robe asked.

Mulan Yingning thought about it and said, "There are many, the evolutionary land is very dangerous. I have encountered a lot of forbidden areas with my little girl, and there have been accidents on several occasions. Fortunately, we all have the magic tools given by our ancestors. , It's a safe ride. "

Mulan Yingning was very smart and moved out his ancestors.

Because she has a feeling, this old man in black robe seems to be a bad comer.

At the same time, I felt strange in my heart. Where did the big brother sitting here? Why didn't every family send someone to meet?

Even if there is a drastic change in the dark camp, it should never be left unattended here.

Is the truth of the matter related to the old man in black robe?

The old man in black robe nodded: "Your ancestors of the Mulan tribe, they are indeed powerful! They are also the eternal predecessors of the entire eternal **** realm. But little girl, if you don't make it clear today, you might not be able to leave."

For a while, the patience of the old man in black robe seems to have been exhausted. Looking at Mulan Yingning, he said lightly.

"What do you mean by seniors?" Mulan Yingning put away her smile, without any fear on her face, and looked at the old man in black robe calmly: "Is it necessary to force us to be free?"

The old man in black robe said: "It's nothing, just ask you to be a guest in a place, it won't be too long, and at most a few months, it will let you go."

"What if we don't agree?" Mulan Yingning's voice calmed down and looked at the old man in black robe. "Does the predecessor still want to be bullied?"

The old man in black robe made two rotten laughs, and then said: "Little doll, don't test the patience of the old man. Don't say it's you, even if your contemporary head of the Mulan tribe is in front of the old man, you must call the old man a senior!"

During the talk, the old man in black robe stretched out a hand and grabbed Mulan Yingning their chariot.

On the chariot, a powerful road breath erupted directly.

This breath instantly filled the whole world.

Then, a faint phantom appeared in front of the old man in black robe.

"It's over." There was an old voice in the phantom.

The old man in black robe raised his eyebrows, and said a little unexpectedly: "Mu Lan ancestor? Do you care so much about these two younger generations?"

"Go." Xing Ying said.

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't go." The old man in black robe said, the big hand continued to grab toward the chariot side.

Only this time, a powerful force broke out in his hands.

At this moment, the real state of the old man is revealed.


And it is an ancient immortal venerable who has not known how many years.

The surging avenue exploded at this moment, which was shocking.

The phantom rising from the chariot shot directly.

Both sides blasted in the void.

No sound came, but the vast void collapsed directly.

This is the eternal God Realm that is extremely perfect!

Under normal circumstances, even in the battle of immortals, this kind of scene is very difficult to appear.

The old man in black robe said: "It is worthy of being the ancestor of the Mulan ethnic group. This body is amazing, and a ray of divine body is even so divine. However, I am a avatar, you can't stop me! . I also have a cause, and I am not far away from you. "

The old man in black robe has become more polite at the moment.

Because if what appears here is not a ray of psychic mind of Mulan Patriarch, but an avatar, then the old man in black robe is definitely not an opponent.

In this state, the difference between strength and weakness is extremely disparate. It can never be reversed desperately.

"Tell me young Mulan juniors and want to take them away, do you think I will agree?" On the chariot, this phantom voice was full of majesty, even with a hint of anger.

"I said, you are just a dharma body, which can't stop me at all." The old man in black robe said: "I'm not malicious ..."


Above the chariot, this phantom erupted into a majestic avenue, slashing fiercely toward the old man in black robe.

Chu Yu could clearly see this scene along the chariot window.

In his heart, he confirmed each other with the statue in the Evolution Land, and found that they were far worse than the statue.

Of course, neither of these two is a deity, perhaps the deity will be more powerful.

The old men in black robes approached each other, and a large collapsed void appeared again in the sky.

The old man in black robe backed far away.

At this time, Xu Ying suddenly said to Mulan Yingning: "Go!"

Mulan Yingning, without any hesitation, went straight into the chariot and pushed the chariot to the extreme.


The chariot erupted into an extremely intense light, which disappeared instantly.

The old man in black robe wanted to chase, but was stopped by the ghost.

In addition, this ancestral spirit of Mulan ancestors still denounced the old black robe: "Although I don't know who you are and hide your head, my deity will definitely push you back."

"Hey, Senior Mulan, so, the juniors can only offend!" Said the old man in black robe, and began to exhibit a top-level magical power.

At this time this piece of void also began to produce strong shocks one after another.

After about a dozen rounds, Mulan's ancestors' ray of magical thoughts could not withstand a fierce attack of the Xianzong avatar and began to dim.

The old man in black robe didn't stop, but still launched a strong attack.

Obviously, after the conflict broke out, he no longer planned to show mercy to his men, but to keep the ray of Mulan's ancestors here.

"I heard that the senior Mulan ancestor is the first in the world of divination, and I don't know the true or false. Today, I leave the ray of the body of the senior here. If the senior can come to the door, the younger will be convinced!

The old man in black robe exudes a strong wave of thoughts, and laughs wildly.


Under the mad attack of the old man in black robe, Mulan's ancestors of magical thoughts finally dissipated.

Subsequently, the old man in black robe shot a large number of runes to remove all the residue in the air.

Lightly said: "A few little dolls in every area, but also want to escape?"

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