
Chapter 901: Tang Yunlian

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The Xiao dynasty was afraid that it could not be dragged on for too long.

Therefore, let's take the army first and return to the Xiao Dynasty.

As for the identity of Dude, put it there first.

There is a Mulan clan in the back, he can use it whenever he wants.

But before that, Chu Yu decided to go to those forty-three dark camps who chose to follow him and explain some things to them.

Use is limited.

At the right opportunity, always disclose your identity.

Chu Yu is also confident now, even if this group of people knows the truth, they will almost be willing to follow him.

The more you understand the internal situation of the dark camp, the more confidence Chu Yu has.

Unlike the past, the dark camp was just a codename for him--

Represents a group of vicious murderers.

Chu Yu hadn't waited to leave for the forty-three people. An unexpected person appeared in front of him.

It's Tang Yunlian.

The Patriarch of the Mulan.

A man came here quietly and saw Chu Yu with a smile on his face.

"Auntie, why are you here? It should be me visiting you." Chu Yu hurriedly greeted her.

Tang Yunlian smiled and said, "What do you do when you see this outside with your aunt?"

He said, looking at Chu Yu and said: "Will you not invite Auntie to sit down?"

"Please inside Auntie!" Chu Yu said quickly.

After Tang Yunlian came in, he looked around for four times. It seemed to be seeing that the place they had arranged for Chu Yu was unsatisfactory. Then he sat down and looked at Chu Yu and said, "Do you know my intention?"

Chu Yu nodded: "Auntie came for Yingning and Yingxue?"

"Yes, hey, two baby girls, who fell in love with the same person, but were ashamed to open their teeth. As a mother, I have to help them a little." Tang Yunlian sighed softly.

She is naturally very optimistic about Chu Yu and likes it very much, but the two daughters of Fanghua Peerless, after following this man, will leave and make her feel melancholy.

"Ying Ning and Ying Xue both told me the process of getting acquainted with you. To be honest, they like you, so it's not surprising at all. Instead, it's me. When I meet such a man, I will also be moved." Say: "So, I like you to them, there is nothing to be faulty about your character."

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "Aunt Miao praised, actually ..."

"Tell me about it." Tang Yunlian interrupted Chu Yu's words and smiled: "You are such a good person, the origin is so mysterious, it always makes people have a strong curiosity."

Chu Yu said: "I come from the lower realm."

"Born on a particularly occluded small planet, that planet, named Earth ..."

With Chu Yu's narration, it seems as if there is a huge scroll, slowly spreading like an epic, presenting to Tang Yunlian.

If before this, Tang Yunlian liked Chu Yu, an excellent and beautiful young man, after listening to Chu Yu ’s account, Tang Yunlian ’s perception of Chu Yu, her future son-in-law, had changed Like, rose to shock with endless admiration!

In terms of age, Chu Yu, before and after, together with the two million years under the starry sky dam, are not very big.

The era of Eternal God Realm is in the same vein as the lower realm. Although there is no sun rising and falling, the algorithm of time is the same.

Therefore, the years that Chu Yu lived in, even Mulan Yingxue is much worse!

But Mulan Yingxue is in front of him, that is a simple child.

Even her, the wealthy and rich lady who has seen the storms and waves, the wife of today's top wealthy patriarch, is completely inferior to those of Chu Yu.

Not even close!

What shocked her most was the place where Chu Yu was born, which is actually a world of ordinary people!

It's like the very old one on this land.

But it's different!

Even the ordinary people on this land of the eternal world are immortal.

But the place where Chu Yu was born, the time of the shortest life span, was actually only 30 or 40 years old.

Thirty or forty years ... For Tang Yunlian, it may even be just a time for a gathering between their ladies!

Sometimes, a cheerful party will take more than 100 years!

So, this is simply incredible!

"There really is such a world in this world?"

Tang Yunlian exclaimed: "And this is the world, you are born such a strange ... Cough, hero!"

Chu Yu smiled and said: "In that world, in the era when I was born, the average life expectancy has been greatly improved. Even ordinary people who are not practicing can still live for more than 100 years through advanced medical technology."

"That's too short!" Tang Yunlian said with emotion: "However, in such a world, people can be so mature, and I'm a bit longing for what I say."

Chu Yu said with a smile: "Auntie, don't mess up, the lower circle reincarnates, but you will lose your mind."

"But it's really fun!" Tang Yunlian was like Mulan Yingxue at the moment, like a naive little girl.

But then, she said in earnest: "So, there are actually a few girls who love you by your side, such as that Lin Shi, I really envy you, the sweetheart, you can still follow you for so many years It ’s not easy! "

"There is also Xu Xiaoxian, the little girl of the Demon Church, hehe, Demon Church, this name is very similar to the dark camp, so cool ... haha."

"Huanyin and Shi Qingya definitely love you."

"It's just that their talent is obviously inferior, so that it is difficult to break through the shackles, but I believe that they will come back to you one day."

"From the lower realm to here, this journey has been really hard and really enviable. You are not easy, you are not easy!"

"Listening to your story, I suddenly felt that compared to these, my two stupid girls are really too much difference!"

Tang Yunlian said with emotion.

She looked at Chu Yu with some distress in her eyes: "Auntie is also very grateful that you are so candid. Ordinarily, these are your secrets. I didn't expect you and Xiao Zhen to have such a deep connection. Uncle knows this and will be very excited! "

"The one thing he blamed the most over the years is that he failed to protect the Xiao Dynasty, hey ..."

Tang Yunlian sighed: "At that time ... it was really, very difficult! Although we are the top and most noble giants of the Eternal God Realm, at that time, in the face of that trend, it was really helpless."

"And Xiao Zhen at that time was very stubborn and did not want to listen to your uncle's persuasion ... forget it, it's all gone."

"At least for now, I finally heard his news, and it's a matter of our minds."

"According to your statement, Xiao Zhen should return soon!"

Tang Yunlian whispered: "Your uncle's old regrets, this time, it should be round."

Chu Yu said: "Auntie, I also have a question."

"You said?" Tang Yunlian looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu asked: "When did the dark camp begin to show large-scale reflection emotions?"

Tang Yunlian was slightly startled, not expecting Chu Yu to ask such a question.

After thinking for a while, she said: "In fact, it has been there since the dark age. Our old ancestor of the Mulan, one of the initiators of the dark age, saw the scene of the charcoal on the eternal earth with our own eyes I once said in private that I do not know if this behavior is right or wrong. "

"Later told us that we will be retaliated someday."

"Later, it was the entire dark camp, and countless people began to reflect on ..."

"Because in the endless battles, a large number of people have died here on the dark side."

"Not everyone has the reincarnation of reincarnation, nor everyone with reincarnation, can successfully reincarnate on the land of eternal **** realm."

"No matter how ruthless, even if it kills hundreds of millions of people, it will still be caring for their descendants."

"Unfortunately, future generations fell, and reincarnation failed, and they will be sad."

"After a long time, it will naturally start to reflect. It is right or wrong to do so."

"However, this is a super big proposition that spans endless years, and the scope is too wide and too deep."

"However, wantonly depriving others' lives and wantonly killing lives is ultimately wrong."

Tang Yunlian sighed softly.

And this is precisely the source of the huge contradictions within the entire dark camp.

Hearing from ears and seeing with my own eyes, there is a huge gap after all.

I heard how many soldiers were killed and how many people were in distress. At most, I felt some emotion in my heart. I might even clap my hands when I met that kind of ignorance.

Just like the ancient earth where Chu Yu was born, there was even an emperor who knew nothing about the suffering of the people and asked his ministers, why don't people who suffer from hunger eat meat emulsion?

The truth is the same.

If they were allowed to see an army of hundreds of millions of creatures, they would be pushed across the vast and eternal earth, and the corpses would be everywhere, and countless civilians would be slaughtered.

I believe that there are still a few people who can remain indifferent.

If you let the emperor who is completely unaware of the sufferings of the people, feel the life of the common people and experience the taste of starvation, I believe that he will not say "why not eat meat" in his death.

There are too many gangster-level creatures in the dark camp. In the past, they have never been on the battlefield.

So they clamored for their own theories and carried out what they believed to be correct.

But one day, their descendants also died in battle, the reincarnation failed, fell into the lower realm, and fell into a daunting endless reincarnation; one day they came outside the battlefield, and nine days above, overlooking the flames of war on the eternal earth, Seeing all the people suffering, seeing the blood flow into the river ...

There will always be many people who feel uneasy.

Finally realized that this was a mistake.

So since then, the interior of the dark camp has actually been divided.

Tang Yunlian left Chu Yu without mentioning anything between Mulan Yingning and Sister Mulan Yingxue and Chu Yu.

Because she realized that this matter, in the final analysis, still depends on the fate between her two daughters and Chu Yu.

After listening to Chu Yu's experience, she did not want to force Chu Yu through them, the elders.

It's one thing to tie it up, but another thing to do it.

At least as a sensual woman, she is not willing.

She told Chu Yu that she could leave at any time and could return at any time.

"The Mulan is a strong aid behind you and a safe haven."

It is actually enough to have her sentence.

The words of Tang Yunlian, the wife of the Mulan patriarch, are equivalent to the attitude of the entire Mulan tribe now!

Chu Yu brought the **** to the closed place of the forty-three followers.

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