
Chapter 903: Zangxiu Mountain Villa

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Zangxiu Mountain.

Far from the Mulan, it is located at the junction of the Xiao Dynasty and the Xiao Dynasty.

Knowing the exact hiding place of this army, Chu Yu knew that Tang Yunlian had not lied to him at the time.

Mulan Hongyun did feel guilty for not helping Xiao Zhen.

After Xiao Zhen disappeared, Mulan Hongyun built a huge secret area here.

Used to train troops.

Time has passed, so many years have passed, even the eternal God Realm has long been a vicissitudes of life.

The army here has never been used.

But the guards here will know very well that one day, someone will come here with Mulan's tiger charm and token and dispatch them.

No matter who is going to attack, they will obey the order unconditionally.

Among Tibetan mountains, there is a Tibetan village.

This mountain village covers an active area, with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery.

It is the people in this army who are responsible for outreach.

Their main task is to keep abreast of the latest developments in this world.

A strong army must not only possess iron will, strict discipline, strong combat power and fearless death, but also have a clear grasp of the enemy's situation.

In this way, it will not happen on the day of coming out, ‘I do n’t know there is a Han, regardless of Wei Jin’.

Therefore, this is a truly top-notch force.

On the day of its establishment, there were 50 million people. By now, it has grown to 300 million!

Although the three hundred million super legions are not as powerful as the soldiers who attacked the Xiao dynasty, they are far superior to any army in terms of combat power!

Because the worst of these 300 million soldiers are true fairy realms!

Chu Yu remembered what Mulan Yingning once said. She said that the true background of the dark camp is unimaginably powerful.

This can be seen from this private army in Tibetan Xiushan.

For private forces like this, there are at least seven or eight Mulans!

And this is just the private army of the Mulan.

So why many people have said that only the dark camp can kill the dark camp ...

I thought it was terrifying to attack the 10th Route Army of the Xiao Dynasty.

Dark soul warriors all over the sky, almost everywhere in the entire Xiao Dynasty.

Now I know that those soldiers, in the dark camp ... are nothing.

Most of the soldiers who lead the war are young people in the dark camp.

If the dark camp dispatched is the true essence, then now the Xiao dynasty and another Chen dynasty may have already become a part of the dark camp.

Chu Yu sighed in his heart and came to Zangxiu Villa.

From the outside, this beautiful mountain villa is no different from other places on this eternal earth.

For hundreds of millions of years, almost no one would think that behind such a mountain village, there is a hidden secret realm with hundreds of millions of elites!

The warship flew to a place hundreds of miles away from Zangxiu Mountain Villa and stopped slowly.

First, forty-three followers came out from the battleship.

Then, Chu Yu sat on the **** shoulder, and finally came out of the warship.

In the Tibetan Hideaway Villa over there, some people had discovered the warships, but they did not show any tension.

Throughout the ages, there is no shortage of thieves and bullies playing this villa.

Zangxiu Mountain Villa also used hard means time and again to make those thieves bully chill, and finally away from this place.

It is admirable that Zangxiu Mountain Villa has never exposed any information related to the army.

By virtue of the villa's own strength alone, those who dared to hit the idea here have been discouraged.

A middle-aged man stepped into the void step by step from Zangxiu Mountain Villa, looking at the crowd coming to this side, with a trace of seriousness on his face.

His eyes fell subconsciously on Chu Yu sitting on the **** shoulder.

But then, he looked at the forty-three people, those three who had stepped into the level of immortal venerable.

Zhu Tianhe, Kang Yuchen and Helian Boyi!

These three people, just like Chu Yu before, have just stepped into the level of Immortal Venerable, and they have not been able to send and receive sincerely.

They were not as lucky as Chu Yu. A group of big brothers from the Mulan family helped them out, and they completely conquered the aura with a banquet.

So no matter where they go, the aura of these three people is too dazzling.

It's really like a bright light in the dark night, how far away can you be seen at a glance.

Middle-aged people are a little surprised, Zangxiu Mountain Villa is a very remote place.

Even the army that attacked the Xiao dynasty on the tenth road, no one ignored this small place.

What is the origin of this group of people?

Immortal statues are with me?

This middle-aged man suddenly thought of a legend.

A very old legend!

That is, the person who established this place once said that one day someone will come here with a token and take them away.

As for what the token is, the middle-aged people are not clear, but some people in the secret realm know.

The group of people who suddenly arrived inexplicably in front of them, is it ... related to the legend?

It is impossible for him to give birth to such a conjecture, because besides this, it is difficult for him to speculate what a person who can take the follower of Immortal Venerable Realm comes to this small mountain village.

It would be ridiculous to say that you are here!

Not to mention the noble son sitting on the gorilla, even if the three people exude terrible fairy aura, there is no reason to play such a small mountain.

The middle-aged man walked over and respectfully bowed to the courtesy: "I don't know you, why do you come to me to hide and show in the villa?"

Chu Yu said: "Go and tell you that the defender will come to meet me in the secret realm."

This sentence shocked the middle-aged!

Although he had such speculations, when this speculation became a reality, his mind suddenly became confused.

They also guessed privately on weekdays, who the **** was, and built this place. Since the endless years, a lot of resources have been input continuously.

But it has never been enabled!

Now there is a resurgence of smoke throughout the eternal earth, but no one has come to them yet.

Say it was abandoned?

They don't believe it themselves.

Because every certain time, someone will send a lot of cultivation resources.

For the guesses of the masters behind the scenes, they all think that they are from the dark camp.

Because if a place like the Xiao Dynasty was cultivating them, why not summon them now that the war has begun?

From the bottom of my heart, everyone in Zangxiu Mountain Villa, including the generals in the secret realm, does not want to work for the dark camp.

They have been here for hundreds of millions of years. Although they have always been in control of the outside world, their minds are very pure.

They are a group of particularly pure people.

Good is good, good is good, evil is evil.

In their eyes, this world is like this.

The dark camp kills innocents indiscriminately, it is a group of bad guys!

But if the master behind them is really a dark camp.

Then they can only obey orders.

They are the masters behind the scenes.

The most two words in the blood in their bones and souls are loyalty.

Now, is this day finally here?

This handsome young man sitting on the gorilla, who is he?

Is it your son of the dark camp?

Or the prince of an ancient dynasty?

Where will he lead the army in Zangxiu Mountain?

For a time, countless thoughts appeared in the mind of this middle-aged man.

He aimed at Chu Yu and once again gave a deep gift: "Dare to ask, what general?"

There is no token, just like this, God knows if this person is the master behind him?

Chu Yu smiled slightly and said, "Zangxiu Mountain Villa is worth hundreds of millions of years, only when the edge is blooming."

The middle-aged man listened, shuddered violently, thumped, and knelt to the ground in the void. The body even shuddered.

Even when he saw the appearance of the three powerful horrors in the realm of immortals, he did not show any excitement.

Although he is not an Immortal Venerable, the generals in the secret realm have already stepped into that level.

After getting used to it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But when he heard these two sentences, the complexity of the mixed feelings deep in his heart made him excited to himself.


This is the person sent by the master behind the scenes!

Or, this young man is the master behind them!

In addition to the tiger symbol and token, there are two sentences that can prove identity.

Tiger symbols and tokens are for the master in the secret realm.

These two sentences are given to Zangxiu Mountain Villa!

Outsiders simply cannot know these two sentences.

Therefore, at this moment, the middle-aged man's head even appeared a short gap.

This is actually an unforgivable mistake for a person who walks outside all year round.

Because no matter when and where, you should maintain the most basic calm.

But now, he really can't calm down.

"Get up, don't worry, everything will go in a good direction." Chu Yu said softly.

"Um, um, let the Lord laugh!" The middle-aged man has also seen the world after all. After hearing Chu Yu's words, he was ashamed. After deep knocking, he stood up and said, "I'll summon several generals Please invite the Lord to stay in the villa for a while! "

Chu Yu nodded, led the crowd, and led the middle-aged man into the Tibetan show villa.

At this moment, the entire Tibetan Hideaway was completely sensational!

Countless people are hiding in the dark, watching Chu Yu secretly.

They did not dare to appear in front of Chu Yu at random, but they were extremely curious about him.

They waited for the master of endless years, and finally appeared!

Moreover, it is actually such a beautiful person!

No matter which camp he is in, no matter what changes will happen in the future. At least, there is such a handsome master who looks and looks good!

After many years of training and training, the maid in the Tibetan Hideaway Villa was very nervous when pouring water to Chu Yuduan.

You know, these people, outside, any one, are considered elites among spies.

Chu Yu looked a little funny and said, "Have you ... haven't you ever been to a mountain villa?"

One of the maids boldly said: "We all walk the world often, but ... we have never seen the Lord, and we are too nervous. I fear that the Lord will blame."

Chu Yu smiled and said: "Relax, don't blame you."

The maid showed a happy expression on her face and couldn't help but say: "The Lord's long ... It's so pretty. I can't help but want to look at it twice, and I'm afraid that the Lord's blame will naturally make me nervous."

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