
Chapter 909: I am your uncle

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Then to the strong fluctuations, the initial direction was Xiao Runze!

After all, a prince of the Xiao dynasty, where the status is placed, if it is captured, it is also good to threaten the Xiao dynasty.

This direction is very clear, it is directed at Xiao Runze.

This was also explained when Xi Yutang passed the message.

Otherwise, even if he is a marshal all the way, it is not that simple to want to move a gangster-level character.

But as Chu Yu rushed out, the turbulence suddenly changed direction!

The big man in the dark camp did not see Chu Yu at this moment.

But the aura bursting on Chu Yu's body went straight through Jiu Xiao!

Let him mistakenly believe that there is a great power of the same realm.

Therefore, the dreadful energy fluctuation pointed from Xiao Runze to Chu Yu in an instant.

At the same time, a cold and powerful wave of spiritual thought came: "Which ancestor of the Xiao Dynasty?"

In the eyes of the dark camp tycoon, it is only one of the three ancient ancestors of the Xiao dynasty that can exude such a strong breath!

This guess is also normal, after all, Xiao Runze is the prince of the Xiao Dynasty.

It is very normal to protect our juniors.

Chu Yu smiled: "It's your uncle Chu!"


A wave of earth-shattering shock came from the depths of the universe sky, and a figure rushed here many times faster than the light.

This is a magical power that uses folding space.

Because he was angry with Chu Yu!

The voice is young, and the words spoken are not in tune.

At a glance is a young junior!

The gangster-level presence of the dark camp appeared in front of Chu Yu in an instant, and looked up and down at Chu Yu standing there, his eyes showing a deep doubt.

The origin of his life can be traced back to the primitive era that was very far away. He is a member of the primitive race.

Almost living creatures with heaven and earth!

It is one of the oldest creatures in this world.

In the eyes of this creature, there is almost nothing in the world that can deceive him.

At a glance, I can see that this handsome and handsome man is not only young, but really young!

Such a young fairy? Emit this aura of terror?

How can this be?

Could it be a reincarnated person, then piled up with endless top resources?

That's impossible ...

At the level of Xianzun, although there may be people who once realized the road of Xianzun and then reincarnated, in a short time, with countless top resources, they rushed back to the field of Xianzun.

But that kind of, in the eyes of the big guy like him, after all, there are still some things that can't get on the table.

It's just a coincidence!

He has never died like him. It is the real strongman who walks all the way to the end of the cultivation path!

"You ... who are you?" The big brother of the dark camp didn't shoot at the first time. He looked at Chu Yu's eyes, full of inquiry.

"I am your uncle!" Chu Yu said.

"you wanna die!"

This dark camp gangster is also one of the participants in the dark ages. Why has he suffered such humiliation?

A young man who was too young when his great-grandson's great-grandson's great-grandson's great grandson dare to talk to him so brazenly.

Even if the whole body is full of weirdness, then **** it!

It's not too late to slap him and torture him!

The big man in the dark camp slapped at Chu Yu with a slap.

The top cultivators really don't have many tricks to attack.

Just like a person facing an ant, one finger can be pressed to death, and one foot can be pressed to death. Do you need any more tricks? Need to perform a Wing Chun show to the ants?

This palm contains the Supreme Avenue!

A large number of Avenue Runes flew around his palms glowing with golden light.

Each avenue rune represents a fierce attack method, which is a Tao.

This palm shot over, the starry Zhou Zhou, which was so far away, all the stars were shattered.

Dao is the perfect world, and with this palm shot, the world collapsed!

This scene is really the same as the end!

This attacking method is somewhat similar to the statue of Evil Venerable that Chu Yu had seen in the secret realm of the evolutionary land!

But there is still a gap compared to that statue.

But Chu Yu was not just watching Chu Yu when the statue was raging.

In his eyes, light also shined, and endless Avenue Runes flew in the light.

Facing the terrifying palm of the other party, Chu Yu actually only responded with a glance!

This is too much!

This big man from the dark camp was almost mad.

I have seen arrogance, but I have never seen such an arrogance!

He Qiao and others who were gathering soldiers below also witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they were almost not scared to death.

Heart said my lord, do you want to be so crazy?

All in all, the moment when Chu Yu just appeared, he really scared everyone like He Qiao and others.

That kind of momentum is terrible!

Shake this world!

This is the style of the most powerful practitioner in the world.

How does such a young person do it?

If they had previously followed the orders left by their old masters, they surrendered to those who held tigers and tokens.

Well, at this moment, this surrender has become a real awe from the heart.

But then Chu Yu's two words your uncle, so that the style of this peerless strongman instantly shattered the ground.

He Qiao broke their hearts and almost collapsed.

My heart says my little ancestor Yo, you are a peerless master!

Do you have no points in your heart?

Do you want to let yourself go like this?

As a result, that was just the beginning ...

In the face of the opponent's horrible slap, he only responded with a glance.

Really, if someone says they are a group of proud people in the future, He Qiao must slap in the past.

Proud to fart!

We are all humble and low-key!

Deep in the sky over there, Xiao Runze and Xi Yutang of the second battlefield were all covered with black lines.

The two sides are in different camps and are endlessly hostile.

But at this moment, their hearts were surprisingly consistent.

MMP is enough to describe their mood at the moment.

Time at this moment seems to be frozen.

Obviously the attack was almost extreme, but it seemed strangely slow.

No matter the palm of the dark camp lord, or Chu Yu's response to this, actually contains the laws and ways of endless time and space.

So to others, time seems to have stopped completely.

But the contest between the two sides has already fought countless times in a micro-dimensional world!

At this moment, it seems that there are countless worlds born and died!

The various laws and Taos evolved, the amount of information is enough to make an ordinary Immortal Lord collapse.

This is the dialogue between the truly peerless.

It's just that the age difference between the two sides is indeed too big.

The big man in the dark camp did not expect the other party to be so terrified.

That kind of Tao is not worse than him at all!

Even from the perspective of avenue and law, the other party's way and law are even stronger than his.

How can this be?

The big man in the dark camp couldn't accept this fact at all, and couldn't believe it was true.

This kind of character cannot appear on this land!

He lived with heaven and earth, and as a primitive race, how could he have never seen this world scenery?

Even if I have n’t seen it, at least I have heard of it!

But the scene in front of him made his sturdy primal spirit tremble.

Who is hiding behind this kind of person?

Could it be that he came from the fairy world?


Until this time, in the eyes of others, the confrontation between the palm of the dark camp lord and Chu Yu's glance was not over.

Both annihilated!

The collision of the two Dao and the Fa, no one can shake each other.

The Tao disappears, the Fa annihilates.

Cancel each other out!

In the battlefield below, the fighting almost completely stopped.

Even the senior generals of the Sixth Route Army almost forgot to blame their men and continue to intercept the enemy's retreat.

They all look silly!

Many people even gave birth to a blessing.

If that young man, if he came off in person at the beginning, would they still have a chance to stand here?

I am afraid that they have been stunned by others at first glance?

He Qiao was completely relieved.

He knew that even if the Lord was not the opponent of the opponent after all, but he wanted to leave, no one could stop him.

Kuguping and Yao Yuanzhi and others speeded up their recruitment.

Then the group of people took a bunch of secret realms and fled directly.

This level of battle is not to watch, but not to watch!

On the one hand, it cannot be a burden on the Lord; on the other hand, it is the battle fluctuations of the two sides. Once it reaches the bottom, then ... all those who watch the lively will be bad!

Didn't see the people from the Xiao dynasty, ran quickly?

The last to escape was the defeated remnants of the Sixth Route Army in the dark camp.

They are not so stupid, who would dare to stay here at this time?

Above the sky, only Xiao Runze and Xi Yutang are still facing off.

But almost all of their energy was placed on Chu Yu and the dark camp gangsters.

Only a little left, put on each other, beware of the sudden hands of the other shameless.

Chu Yu and the dark camp gangster soon joined hands with each other.

Chu Yu suffers from his energy reserve, which is definitely not as good as this dark camp leader.

This is an unquestionable thing.

This has nothing to do with what he did.

But his advantage is equally obvious!

The immortal venerable surviving the extreme sky-tribulation is absolutely the best in the world in terms of Tao and Dharma!

This is also what the dark camp gangster with extremely powerful energy reserves does not have.

Therefore, the two sides hand in hand, and in the short term, Chu Yu was actually suppressing the big brother of the dark camp.

"Who the **** are you?" The gangster of the dark camp exudes strong energy fluctuations.

He was really shocked and curious too.

There have never been such a stunning character in memory.

This man is so young, if there are hundreds of millions of years, no ... in tens of millions of years, who will be his opponent on this eternal earth?

By then, wouldn't he young junior grow into a horrifying power truly invincible?

Chu Yu said angrily: "I have said, I am your uncle! Your uncle, are you stupid? Ask me, ask your sister!"


He also slaps and pats hard.

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