
Chapter 917: Aftermath

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Here at Tianqin Mountain, everyone in the dark camp gangster-level **** bird feast was delighted.

Fried, cooked, fried, with a small honey barbecue of the original bee family, eating meat and meat, soup and soup, it is almost everyone's face.

A large number of creatures on the mountain that had originally escaped inescapable, singing and dancing at the moment, venting the rest of their lives.

It also vented their emotions after witnessing a world war.

A big man in the dark camp just fell in front of them.

Even the reincarnation of Fu Zhuan was cracked ...

This result may be a big brother, completely abolished!

Although it has not been completely eradicated, for the creatures outside the dark camp, this is simply an unimaginable victory!

This may become a war that changes the pattern of this eternal earth.

"Hurry up! Let more souls know that the dark camp ... is not invincible!"

"Although we are not capable of participating in the war, we have witnessed it with our own eyes! This thing ... happened around us!"

There is so much movement here on Tianqin Mountain, how could it not be heard at all?

Especially those creatures who had escaped from Tianqin Mountain at the beginning of the battle, but they watched the dark camp's big brother descend from here.

At that time, all the souls felt that Tianqin Mountain was finished.

Completely abolished!

Although just before the arrival of the dark camp gangsters, people in Tianqin Mountain continued to cross the immortal robbery.

The vastness of the scene is only seen by almost all living creatures.

But perhaps this is the reason that led the dark camp gangster to come off in person.

This place is going to be hit by a catastrophe, and there will be no good results.

Even the most optimistic person does not dare to have any hope for the results of Tianqin Mountain.

As they fled, they looked back, and the entire Tianqin Mountain was shrouded in breathless coercion.

Let all creatures breathless!

Sure enough, there is no pure land under the darkness!

Tianqin Mountain is almost the last safe place for the entire Xiao Dynasty.

There are a large number of souls fleeing here.

But now, this last hope is completely shattered.

Endless creatures mourn.

The facts also seem to confirm their conjecture.

The foundation of Tianqin Mountain has been broken!

The whole mountain was uprooted!

An ancient divine mountain collapsed in the catastrophe of war ... Tianyinzi and others who guarded all the living creatures around him, fearing that they would completely fall into this battle.

A few of the more powerful creatures even saw it with their own eyes. The advent of the dark camp gangster, as well as the asylum tokens left here for the dark camp gangster, all shattered directly!

Everything will be annihilated.

This is so sad.

Farewell, Tianqin Mountain!

And we are about to become a group of homeless people who are completely homeless.

Wander around in this terrible chaotic world.

Maybe at some point, they will be completely wiped out by the souls of the dark camp.

It didn't take long, everything ... seemed to be different.

The battle at Tianqin Mountain has subsided.

In the beginning, no creature dared to come back and watch.

In their hearts, Tianqin Mountain was over, and all the creatures on Tianqin Mountain were completely destroyed.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to be bold and approach the sidelines?

One thing that can happen with it has caused countless students to be puzzled.

Around the hollowed-out Tianqin Mountain ... actually ... recovered!

Yes, that's right!

The original huge abyss was filled!

The foundation has been broken, and the celestial Tianqin Mountain has been relocated back.

Then ... the imaginary dark camp gangster, but nothing happens!

Neither chase-of course, they are of no importance; but did not leave-perhaps quietly leave, they do not know.

Anyway, the Tianqin Mountain was miraculously restored to calm.

"I want to go back and see. Anyway, that place has sheltered our family for a long time. Master Tianyinzi is a good person. Even if he falls, I will pay tribute." Someone who escaped said.

"Go back to find death?" Some people persuaded: "We are all a group of small characters, no one took care of it, fled and fled, but if we go back, wouldn't we go to die?"

"Oh, even if we don't go back to die now, do we really have a way to live? There are eggs under the nest?" The man sneered before and insisted to take a look at the results.

Then, the man brought some people who also wanted to witness the result with his own eyes, and approached Tianqin Mountain a little bit.

Later, they saw a variety of gods, birds and beasts singing and dancing on the Tianqin Mountain.

I smelled the strong aroma that I would never forget.

In the end, they even heard Master Tianyinzi ... singing a song!


Even with the "in case" thought in mind, no one really dares to think about another result.

They all felt that they were hallucinating.

When I checked with other people, I realized that this was not an illusion.

So, some of them had some kind of friendship with some gods and birds on Tianqin Mountain, or Daotong, and began to contact for verification.

So, the news that will shake the entire eternal God Realm was passed on without reservation.

"Yes, the big brother of the dark camp, fell!"

"We are eating the meat of that big brother now! Ha ha ha ha, well, I am indeed bragging, I failed to participate in eating meat, no no no no, not a master not willing to give up, it is our realm, one bite will die. So we can only drink soup. "

"Really, of course it is! Really can't be more real! I can swear with the life of all the creatures in this world ... cough, isn't it more solemn?"

So, soon.

The big man in the dark camp is dead!

Was shot out of the original form, and then was killed. Now it is eating its meat!


Eat the meat of the dark camp gangster?

is this real?

The creatures who heard the news couldn't believe their ears.

I feel like my spirit is about to go wrong.

Tianqin Mountain, when was terror like this?

Master Tianyinzi, has this ability?

"It ’s mainly those women who have just gone through the robbery. They are too powerful! Really, under their control, Tianqin Mountain is almost invincible! Of course, this is not enough. The most ruthless is the long woman. Good looking people ... "

One message after another was delivered without reservation.

No password!

This world, this world shrouded in darkness, really needs surprises and surprises!

Countless creatures, too, need to be stimulated by this news to boost their determination and fighting spirit to resist.

The vast and vast expanse of the eternal earth took less than two months, and the news of the fall of a dark camp gangster was spread.

Tianqin Mountain, become famous in one battle!

Tianyinzi is even more famous!

As more and more information was transmitted, Chu Yu, Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian, Jiang Zilian ... these names, for the first time, covered the entire eternal land.

Young power!

Genius beyond the legend!

When many people in Chu Lun heard Chu Yu's name, they were all confused.


Was n’t Chu Yu from the Xiao Dynasty War Zone already destroyed by the group of Dong Lanjiang?

It is said that the bones are gone!

Is it the same name?

Is there such a coincidence?

It's just that it's a little difficult to find Dong Lanjiang's group to confirm this.

Because that group of people, none of them could return from the land of evolution.

Inside the dark camp, fierce fighting has long erupted.

A behemoth that is not a dynasty but surpasses all dynasties. Although it has not collapsed, it has been torn apart.

Now, the fall of a gangster in the dark camp has caused the interior of the dark camp to collapse even more!


Brothers Tu Guangming and Tu Guangyuan were summoned by their ancestors.

The two brothers were so excited!

Although they are ancestors, they have no chance to see the ancestors in their own hands, from small to large, no more than three times!

Every time, I watched from afar.

And looking at it, it is almost all the ancestors of the ancestors.

The things they did in the land of evolution, although they were the orders of their ancestors, did not know how many people passed them.

But at this time, they have been summoned by their ancestors?

Tu Guangming has just broken through to the Realm of Immortal Venerable.

As he, Gu Jian and Yang Feng walk out of the evolutionary land, it means that the younger generation is rising on the eternal earth.

Are following along the road of countless seniors, chasing bravely.

"Brother, the ancestor called us for that guy?" Tu Guangyuan looked excited.

The guy in his mouth was naturally Chu Yu.

Tu Guangming smiled bitterly: "It's all right ..."

To Chu Yu, he was full of emotion.

He felt that he had overestimated that person enough!

But I still can't imagine that after that person grows up, he will stir up this situation to such a degree.

A big brother!

It was beaten to its original shape, then beheaded, and finally eaten!

Of course, he had heard of that group of gangsters.

Among the gangsters in the dark camp, although not the most powerful, they are definitely the real high-weights.

Speaking of which, if such a gangster-level creature appeared in front of him, he was afraid that he would not even stand.

But Chu Yusheng was born to slaughter.

"That guy, I didn't expect it to be so terrifying ... He grew up so fast!" Tu Guangyuan said unstoppably: "I'm afraid that this war inside our dark camp may be completed in the end. Got him. "

Tu Guangming glanced at his brother and frowned: "Don't talk nonsense."

Subsequently, the two were taken to the ancestral retreat.

The ancestors of the Tu family, where they met them in person.

In the speech, first of all, they affirmed their excellence and applauded. Then I asked directly about Chu Yu.

Very straightforward, without any cover-up.

"Give me all the information about that person." The ancestors of the Tu clan are very serious. For the first time in their lives, they communicate with their descendants who do not know how many generations.

In the past, this was almost impossible.

As an ancestor of the Tu family, such a high priority for a young junior, this was more unlikely in the past.

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