
Chapter 925: Chase

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This guy is a bit tricky!

Being able to kill a dark camp gangster is really not easy!

Although I knew that this young man was very powerful before, but deep down in my heart, I would inevitably look down on him.

This contempt stems from the invincible belief accumulated since ancient times. As a top-level practitioner, as a teenager, he has barely experienced defeat in his spiritual practice.

So no matter how much I feel that Chu Yu has paid enough attention to it, in fact, it is inevitable that there will be such a slight enemy after all.

Fortunately, it does not matter, he has seen Chu Yu's hole card!

Tianbao gourd, Tianbao ancient clock ... and the knife in his hand.

There is still a piece of heavy equipment left unused on his body.

The teenager began to take it seriously, his attacking methods were fierce and strange.

Relying on the speed of the blue horse, it has always been unfavorable.

Even in the face of the dark camp gangsters of the same level, he is confident that he will eventually be able to cut the other party down.

The expression of the teenager's face that I've seen through you makes Chu Yu feel a little bit tired.

The creatures in this world are probably like this.

This is especially true of this group of high-level gangsters.

I like overlooking the sentient beings from the top.

At any time, it is a virtue that is winning.


Chu Yu suddenly blasted the stone tower out.

The stone tower erupted in infinite light.

At this moment, Chu Yu smashed the metal ball again.

The moment the boy saw the metal ball, his eyes erupted endlessly.

At the next moment, the runes of the Avenue of Heaven surrounded the body of the teenager and formed a powerful defense.

The stone tower hit this defense, but there was a sharp wave.

The fire of the Tianbao gourd went up, but it was extinguished by the rune of the avenue.

The ancient clock of Tianbao smashed in the past, and it could not break the opponent's main rune defense.

The teenager said lightly: "You are already very good, but ..."

Chu Yu raised his hand with a knife.


The young man's words were interrupted, and the little sword was sacrificed.


The swords collided together in the sky, making a loud noise.

At the next moment, the teenager exclaimed.

Because of his little sword, a lot of cracks appeared!

"How can it be?"

The teenager looked shocked.

Chu Yu took a deep breath and smashed the metal ball directly.

He couldn't display the means of killing the dark camp gangsters before, but he never lacked the means of attack.

When the boy saw the metal ball, he reached out and grabbed it!

He grabbed the small metal ball in his hand, his face showing joy.

The blue hippo under a hip.

Na Linma turned and ran!

The speed is too fast!

But also at this moment, the teenager gave up most of his defense and was cut off by Chu Yu in his waist.

The jersey of the teenager was cut open instantly, and a huge wound appeared there.

The intestines almost flowed out.

The boy groaned.

But he didn't stay. He was going to leave here while riding the blue horse.

The metal ball was quiet in his palm without any movement.

The teenager believed that with his way, this metal ball could definitely be refined into his own treasure.

How can I get it, even if I am injured?

Unexpectedly, the metal ball in his palm suddenly produced countless spikes.

Suddenly penetrated into his palm.

The pain was completely intolerable by the teenager, and he made a scream.

Then he watched the small metal ball break away in a blink of an eye and disappeared in front of him.

"Do not!"

The teenager urged supreme mana and wanted to imprison the metal ball.

But it's useless.

Although Chu Yu could not urge the metal ball to release a vast avenue to suppress the enemy.

But the metal ball itself has unimaginable spirituality.

With the help of this young man, he couldn't suppress it at all.

"How could this be?" The young man's palm was bloody, and then watched Chu Yu escape, disappearing into the void.

In the eyes of the boy, there was a cold light, and he murmured: "No one has ever escaped from me! Chase!"

Blue Linma made a hissing sound, and also tore the void instantly, disappearing here.

Chu Yu did not play smart, and facing such an evenly matched opponent, any idea of ​​playing smart is foolish.

This teenager's cultivation practice is higher and deeper than him, the energy reserve is more than him, and the speed is faster than him!

His advantage is the level of Tao and Dharma, which is slightly higher than that of this young man, and the magic weapon on his body ... looks better than this young man.

Taken together, the battle between the two sides is actually evenly matched.

It's hard to say who can completely prevail.

And this is only a short time.

If the time is long, Chu Yu will definitely suffer.

So at this time, Chu Yu did not want to fight with him at all.

It was only this young man who finally caught Chu Yu's shadow, and why would he let it go easily.

In this way, the two sides chased and fled, and in a blink of an eye, they ran out of a great distance.

As Xiao Madman warned, as long as you go out, someone will find you.

And none of these people looking for you is simple.

Chu Yu understands, but it is under this kind of oppression that he keeps climbing upward.

If you want to become stronger, this kind of thing must be faced and experienced.

Otherwise, it is really hidden in the secret environment for tens of billions of years. After they came out, would n’t people accumulate tens of billions of years?

Not the same result?

Only face!

Only fight!

Thoroughly frightened, convinced this group of people who pretend to be beautiful ... No, it is the guy who pretends to be his magic weapon to be eligible to enjoy tranquility.

The speed of the blue horse is indeed incredible.

Chu Yu was caught up by the teenager several times.

Then the two sides fought once again.

The teenager added some wounds again, and Chu Yu was not lucky. There were also many wounds on his body.

But fundamentally, neither side has taken advantage of much.

Chu Yu's direction of running was not the direction of Chu Die's army.

Behind him was such a gangster-level creature, he didn't want to cause trouble to them.

In a flash, more than half a year passed.

The old injuries on Chu Yu's body recovered, but many new injuries were added.

The teenager has never given up on his hunt.

Chu Yu used the process of escape to constantly comprehend the avenues on the four walls.

Turn these Dao and Dharma into your own.

Completely integrate into yourself.

The teenager ignored one thing.

That is, Chu Yu is still growing infinitely!

Almost all of them have grown to the peak.

The road ahead of them is already over!

Chu Yu still has a long way to go.

Therefore, every time the two sides fought, the teenager could feel Chu Yu's promotion.

This change made him a little irritable, and even a little uneasy.

Facing an opponent whose realm is similar to his own is no big deal, at least there are counts in his heart, but if he is facing a constantly growing opponent, he is the most troublesome thing.

Because you don't even know where his limit is.

All along, Chu Yu's target has been the young man on the blue Linma.

But when he was caught up by the teenager again, his shot goal suddenly changed!

The terrible attack poured over towards the blue horse.

The young sword, which passed through Chu Yu's arm, the majestic avenue and the violent killing road and the vast energy, made Chu Yu's arm almost abandoned on the spot.

However, Chu Yu's hands were slashed in the leg of the blue horse.

The rune protector on the Dao body was directly shredded!


One leg of the blue Linma was also cut off by Chu Yu.

"There are horse legs to eat." Chu Yu said lightly.

Then he turned around and left.

There is no intention of chasing after victory.

The teenager really has a back hand.

Facing Chu Yu, who turned and fled, he could only yell in anger.

The blue Linma let out a shrill cry because it lost a leg.

Although it can regenerate a leg, it was ultimately hit hard.

Speed ​​is also greatly affected.

In this way, it is almost impossible for the teenager to catch up with Chu Yu as easily as before.

Chu Yu escaped unbelievably fast.

And as he eats the Tao on all four walls, his understanding of space has also become stronger.

Continue to use the folding space to escape, and in the end, the boy actually lost the trace of Chu Yu.

This result almost made him spit out old blood.

Chu Yu is too cunning!

In the young man's eyes, a bright divine light bloomed, staring at the various traces left in the void.

Finally, an angry roar made.

At this time, it was almost a year since Chu Yu came out of the mountain.

Chu Yu hides in a wild secret area deep in the earth, and withdraws all the spiritual thoughts.

Hidden in such a place, he is actually betting.

He can discover this wild mystery, and the teenagers can naturally discover it.

What Chu Yu wanted was just a time difference.

He felt that he had reached a critical point in understanding the avenues on the four walls.

As long as you understand more, you can break through this critical point.

By then, his way and law will rise to a higher level.

There is nothing good in this secret realm, there are some great medicines, and now Chu Yu has been somewhat dismissive.

He directly took a few Tiandao fruits from his body, and after eating, he began to realize Tao here.

After the boy lost Chu Yu's trace, he also knew that Chu Yu could not escape far.

So began to search carefully in this territory.

There was still a mumble in his mouth: "Little beast, don't let me find you! Never let me find you! Damn ..."

Chu Yu's cunningness was beyond his expectations.

A young practitioner has unimaginable opportunities and qualities. Such a person should be proud to the extreme.

It should be reasonable for the kind of unseen person.

The fact seems to be the same.

Chu Yu is indeed very proud and very unpretentious. But other things are even better!

Such as shameless hiding, unscrupulous raids, all kinds of backhanding, various calculations.

These things, in Chu Yu, far exceed his pride and nobody in his eyes.

The two played back and forth for almost a year, and this young boy-like creature was discovered. The pride and unpretentiousness of Chu Yu showed that the main purpose was to anger him!

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