
Chapter 929: shadow

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How can Chu Yu miss this good opportunity? He raised his hand with a knife!

Qu Lie made a crazy roar, and the light of the infinite avenue burst out of his body. His body also skyrocketed at this moment.

It is now in its original form!

Because Qu Lie knows better than anyone in his heart, if he does n’t work hard at this time, he will surely die miserably!

His original form turned out to be a huge, unmatched old turtle.

Walking across this boundless void, only the huge figure gives a feeling of suffocation.

too big!

But at the next moment, Qu Lie's choice made Chu Yu completely speechless.

The moment when the original shape appeared, Chu Yu's knife had been cut off.

Cut **** the turtle shell.

The huge turtle shell full of Daowen was instantly cut by Chu Yu, but he didn't hear the sound of Qu Lie screaming.

Looking at it again, Qu Lie even put Yuanshen into the reincarnation fuzhuan ... that reincarnation fuzhuan exploded with a bright light, and instantly broke away!

Even if Chu Yu wanted to shoot again, it was too late!

What kind of suicide is this?

Chu Yu is a bit bad for the whole person.

This is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

Said Qu Lie is afraid of death?

He himself activated the reincarnation seal.

Said he had courage ... but he didn't even have the courage to confront Chu Yu head-on.

You do n’t need the flesh anymore, you do n’t need the spiritual practice anymore.

With all the memories, reincarnation reincarnation.

Chu Yu's mouth twitched, and then he looked away.

I don't know who, just kicked Qu Lie from there.

But this strength is definitely only possessed by the top creatures.

Chu Yu originally speculated that he was one of the three gangster-level creatures of the Xiao Dynasty.

Perhaps Xiao Madman ... after all, the style is a bit like.

Chu Yu secretly said.

But then, a person came out from there, making Chu Yu startle slightly.

He knew this person, and it was quite familiar.

The young man in blue once inferred him at the cost of an old man.

Mulan's ... Ancestor!

"Don't come unharmed!" The young boy in blue looked at Chu Yu with a smile on his face.

Chu Yu looked calm, Shi Li said: "It turned out to be a predecessor, what a coincidence."

The blue-clothed boy looked at Chu Yu, his eyes deep, and said lightly: "Unfortunately, I came to you specifically."

Chu Yu remembered what Xiao Madman had said, sighed in his heart, and looked at the young man in blue: "Does the senior also want something from me?"

The young man in blue was silent for a while and said, "I just want to see."

I'll just take a look and I'm sure I won't touch it; I'll just touch it and I'm definitely not going in; I'll just rub it there and really don't go in ...



Chu Yu looked at the blue-clothed boy and said, "I am good friends with Yingning and Yingxue."

The young man in blue smiled, with a touch of irony in his smile, looking directly at Chu Yu with a pair of eyes, and said seriously: "What are you thinking of? Also deserve to be friends with them?"

Chu Yu was silent for a while: "Seniors didn't seem to say that at first."

"Yes, at that time, I think you are a material that can be made. If you can become the son-in-law of the Mulan, it seems to be good. After all, there is no foundation, and the character is OK. The key is that the talent is really good!"

The blue-faced boy's face showed a bit of emotion: "Ultimate Heaven Tribulation! It's rare."

"But after I finally determined that you had a Tianwei weight, I didn't think so much."

The young man in blue, the old ancestor of the Mulan, said, he shot directly!

His shot is the real shock!

His way is too deep!

In comparison, the gangster-level creatures that Chu Yu had dealt with before were really nothing.

That is a supreme avenue!

Overwhelming the universe universe.

With a kind of ultimate restraint power, he immediately covered Chu Yu.

This is the top Taoism in this world!

The young man in blue suppressed Chu Yu with the avenue, then turned into a residual image, and threw his fist towards Chu Yu.

"Why don't you try to let me give it to you?" Chu Yu asked slightly ironically.

"When I'm an idiot? That thing has already recognized you as the master! You're immortal, it can become mine?" The cold-eyed expression of the young boy in blue came: "I have followed you for many years! , It is now asleep! "

"You have no way to escape!"


Chu Yu condensed his fist and punched hard.

Under the suppression of the Mulan clan's ancestors' avenue, Chu Yu's movements were much slower than usual.

So for this blow, Chu Yu was in a hurry, and punched him.

Wow, a spit of blood spewed out.

Then, a sound of bone cracking sounded.

Chu Yu's body was also blown away by a blue boy.

The blue boy followed.

Did not intend to leave Chu Yu any room.

Every blow is a trick!

Almost in a blink of an eye, Chu Yu was seriously injured.

As one of the founders of the dark camp, the ancient ancestors of the Mulan tribe are too high, the way is too deep, and the fighting power of the whole person is too powerful.

Even if he had been able to suppress Chu Yu completely long ago, he still waited so long.

It was finally determined that Chu Yu really had no cards, and then he really shot.

That metal ball is definitely limited in use!

It can never be used unscrupulously.

At that time, when Chu Yu used a metal ball to kill the elder brother of the dark camp, the old ancestor of the Mulan tribe watched coldly.

His hiding ability is super strong, even the metal ball has been cheated!

The key is that he is far enough away to use all kinds of star fields in the universe to observe Chu Yu.

This ability is absolutely second to none in the entire Eternal Realm.

Chu Yu kept bleeding, trying to summon metal balls.

At the same time, he was urging his own avenue to fight against the avenue suppression of the Mulan ancestors.

A little effect was received, but it was only to offset the suppression of the Dalan ancestors of the Mulan ethnic ancestors.

For the first time in his life, he encountered such a terrible opponent.

And the other party already knows him quite well!

Almost know all his details.

He can be crushed on the realm again.

In this battle, Chu Yu's winning face was almost insignificant.

Even if he wanted to regenerate a drop of essential blood, the metal ball did not awaken. There is no way to cooperate with the previous attack.

Moreover, Chu Yu has a feeling that even if he can exhibit that kind of means again, I am afraid that the old ancestor of the Mulan ethnic group also has corresponding means.


There were continuous roars in the void.

This hands-on place selected by the ancestors of the Mulan tribe is also quite subtle.

At least, no one should be here before this battle is over.

Chu Yu is still struggling to support.

He exhausted almost all means.

Tianbao gourds, Tianbao ancient clocks, stone towers ... All played out, and they could only last for a while and a half.

"You don't have any chance!" Mulan tribe's ancestor said coldly.

He didn't mention his two favorite juniors again.

Because it makes no sense at all.

In the face of this type of heavenly heavy weapon that would allow him to step into the level of the dark overlord, let alone two juniors ... even his own son, he was willing!

Chu Yu's body was already scarred.

Senran bones can be seen in many places.

Most of the high-level runes attached to it had been broken.

The whole person looks miserable.

Chu Yu issued a wave of divine thoughts: "Is it right, to me, to this point?"

"Other people, I don't even bother to kill." Mulan's ancestor responded coldly, and then asked: "Do you want to commit suicide?"

"I won't commit suicide, my life is so beautiful, I have experienced many deaths ..." Chu Yu sighed: "Why do you commit suicide? Even if it is not your opponent, I will die in an upright battle!"

"Haha, okay, then you're done!" Mulan clan's ancestor once again hit Chu Yu with one blow.

This time, even Chi Tian fell from Chu Yu's hands.


Chi Tian groaned.

As if feeling the master has come to an end.

At this time, the ancestors of the Mulan tribe walked towards Chu Yu step by step.

Two machetes appeared in his hands.

He whispered: "It has been too long, and I haven't used you! The blood of a peerless arrogant person who has spent the ultimate sky should be able to make you happy!"

During the speech, the ancestor of the Mulan clan flew up, and with two scimitars in his hand, he cut towards Chu Yu.

His body burst into endless bright light.

Countless Avenue Runes and Divine Rings wrapped around him.

If it weren't for the devilish expression on the teenager's face, it really looked like a god.

The machete cuts off the space directly, as if to cut off time!

Almost instantly, he came to Chu Yu!

At this moment, Chu Yu's eyebrows suddenly burst into an unparalleled avenue of breath!

This breath of avenue reminded Chu Yu of the scene where the metal ball suppressed the statue of the evil statue in the land of evolution.

That breath is almost ... exactly the same!

All are so grand that they can't be added!

In the blink of an eye, it set the Mulan clan's ancestor there.

Then, a figure came out from there.

Chu Yu opened his eyes hard and wanted to see the figure clearly.

Because he thinks that figure is very familiar.

Looking at the shadow, there is a feeling of looking at your own shadow!

Unfortunately, the figure was shrouded in light.

Moreover, it looks like a shadow, completely without physical kind.

It's not clear at all.

The figure walked in front of the Mulan clan's ancestor, held out his hand, and pinched the Mulan clan's ancestor.

The eyes of the ancestors of the Mulan clan suddenly widened!

There was a thick, incredible look in his eyes.

"Why ... maybe ... you you you ... who are you?"

He never dreamed that there could be a shadow coming out of the metal ball.

Moreover, it is really a shadow!

But the shadow, like holding a baby chick, pinched his neck.


A soft sound.

The throat of the Mulan clan's ancestor was crushed.

For mortals, this one is deadly enough.

But for one of the world's top practitioners, crushing his throat is not fatal at all.

Body universe, body secret. Almost all weaknesses are refined.

Generally speaking, it is the Dadao who has been decapitated and killed all his vitality.

The battle between the top creatures is divided into birth and death, which is basically the suppression of the Avenue.

Surprisingly, the Mulan clan's ancestor died on the spot.

Chu Yu watched this scene, and he couldn't even figure out how the Mulan clan's ancestor died.

Because even the reincarnation sealant on him ... didn't light up at all.

Then, the ancestors of the Mulan tribe turned into a pile of powder and dissipated in the void of the universe.

Such a terrible gangster-level creature died so unknown.

Mo said that he was not reconciled, even Chu Yu felt inexplicable.

How did the sleeping metal ball come out of the figure?

And it's so scary?

The shadow did not go back into the metal ball.

Instead, standing there, it seemed ... to glance at Chu Yu.

Then at the next moment, it also dissipated in this universe.

"Wait, tell me ... what happened?" Chu Yu shouted.

However, no one answered him.

At the next moment, Chu Yu spewed out another blood.

But then, an ancient scripture, very suddenly, passed from the metal ball into his spiritual knowledge.

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