
Chapter 940: Fallen leaves

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Chu Yu, Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian have never appeared since the battle of Dapingchuan.

Until the end of the battle, their figure did not appear on the battlefield.

It's like disappearing completely!

It's just a legend about him, but it has been in full swing in just a few decades.

Mulan Yingning and Sister Mulan Yingxue left quietly after the battle, and reportedly returned to the Mulan tribe. Then there has been no news for years.

On the other side of the Mulan clan, they never tried to contact Chu Yu again.

They already knew that the ancestors had fallen. This kind of thing, no one from the entire Mulan tribe would say anything.

Mulan Yingning and Mulan Yingxue also returned to the Mulan tribe, only to know that the ancestors had fallen. In this regard, both Mulan Hongyun and Tang Yunlian have speculated that this matter is very likely to be related to Chu Yu.

But once there was no evidence, and second ... Even if it was really related, it could only be the trouble of the Mulan clan ancestors to find Chu Yu.

Sister Mulan also had some speculation in her heart. Chu Yu did not show up even after the battle, but in fact it can explain many problems.

Perhaps, this is good. In this life, not every experience needs an ending.

Gu Jian and Tu Guangming and others tried to find Chu Yu after the war, but did not find it. So people sent a message to the Xiao dynasty, telling Chu Yu when they have time to go to Mulun City to drink with them.

But speaking of it, even within the Xiao dynasty, there were very few people who knew the trail of Chu Yu. There is only one Xiao Madman.

One thousand and five hundred years after the Battle of Dapingchuan, it was a vast mountain more than 700,000 light-years away from the Xiao Dynasty.

Chu Yu, Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian, Chu Die, Jiang Zilian, Xiao Kuangren and Tian Yinzi gathered together and were drinking and chatting.

Xiao Madman was a little bit confused, looking at Chu Yu and said: "You don't know that Xiao Zhen's complicated eyes when he was leaving that day, and later he specially asked me to inquire about your whereabouts."

"Inquire about my whereabouts? What to do?" Chu Yu was a little strange. He has great respect for Xiao Zhen, after all, it is the person who restarted the earth's cultivation civilization. Can also be regarded as the person who indirectly completed his Chu Yu.

But in reality, he did not have much contact with Xiao Zhen. There was a time before, it was the illusion created by Chu Die. Not really.

"Two things, the first thing, he wanted to know if the big factions of the dark camp suddenly disappeared collectively, is it related to you."

Chu Yu smiled and did not answer, but asked, "What about the second thing?"

Xiao Madman's mouth twitched slightly, and his face was somewhat weird, looking at Chu Yu: "He wanted to know, did you take him a Tianjing mother gold stone vein?"

Chu Yu: "..."

He looked at Xiao Madman: "Is that his?"

"Really did you take it away?" Xiao Madman was surprised, and then could not help laughing: "God, really God!"

Chu Yu said: "What's wrong? A vein ... can't decide what?" Although it is a great fortune, if a vein can determine a person's luck, Chu Yu feels a little bit ripped.

"I can't decide anything, but it's enough to show that his luck is not as good as you!" Xiao Maniao smiled and said: "He stayed there in the mine, no one knows, but you don't want to be picked up by you. And you It ’s simply unintentional, and that ’s where the real power is. ”

With that, Xiao Madman put his smile away and looked at Chu Yu seriously: "I heard a news recently."

"Huh?" Chu Yu looked at Xiao Madman.

Chu Die and others, sitting and listening quietly, did not intervene.

Xiao Kuang said: "Some people say that you are in contact with the people in Tiangong. At that time, it was because the people in Tiangong shot that group of gangster-level creatures from the dark camp. Otherwise, Dapingchuan's decisive battle would be difficult. material."

Chu Yu made a haha ​​and said with a smile: "Where is Tiangong? There was a force in our earth called Tiangong. Is it related to this?"

Xiao Madman smiled and smiled. He knew that Chu Yu would not tell the truth, but he still reminded: "Before the eternal land was in chaos, and some people rumored that you were related to the Tiangong, so some people who originally planned to trouble you chose silence. But as time goes on, I believe more and more people will come to you, you have to be careful. "

At this time, Chu Die said aside: "There are still some immortal world, and they have always wanted to find you. If they knew you were hiding here, they might have come to the door."

Xu Xiaoxian frowned slightly and said, "It's endless!"

Lin Shi's eyes flashed coldly.

The reason why they didn't even show up in Dapingchuan, they chose to leave quietly because they didn't want to get involved in these troubles.

Gu Jian, Yang Feng, Tu Guangming, Tu Guangyuan, or the group of people, or the big figures in the ancient dynasty, such as the Xiao Dynasty, even Xiao Zhen who re-founded the country ... Chu Yu did not want to deal with them too much. .

Among them, Gu Jian's group was better, and he really treated him as a good friend. But after all, they are not the people in power. Behind them, there are huge interest groups.

Like Xiao Madman's evaluation of him, he is not a person who likes to plan and win a thousand miles, nor is he an ambitious person who wants to be the king of the world.

The so-called ambition is usually because you haven't possessed it or haven't seen it before you will have the kind of thought you want.

Like Chu Yu, in the endless years of practice, what has he not experienced? What scenery does he have not seen?

Therefore, after the war of Dapingchuan, he took Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian to leave and came here to live in seclusion.

Just waiting for one day to step into a higher realm, and then will leave this eternal land and return to the lower realm to reunite with relatives.

Knowing the essence of Eternal God Realm, Chu Yu didn't even extinguish the idea of ​​receiving loved ones here.

I thought that the eternal God Realm and the Immortal Realm are the ultimate place in this world, even if it is not the ultimate land, but at least, the souls in this place are immortal.

But after seeing the girl ink, Chu Yu finally understood that the so-called immortality is always only relative!

Like a burning star, it may burn for billions or even hundreds of billions of years, but one day, it will extinguish the flames and die completely.

But who dares to say that that kind of death is not another kind of new life?

After the death of a huge star, it will continue to collapse and eventually form a black hole-also a horrible celestial body!

The death in the eyes of such creatures may be an evolution and transformation for stars.

The creatures in the eternal **** realm will face decay someday. Only this day, it hasn't arrived yet.

In the eyes of young girls, the entire eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm and all the big worlds below are just a new big universe.

Since this is the case, the eternal life in the eternal God Realm is just a joke.

Everything is relative! There is no such thing as eternal life in this world.

A group of people are drinking and chatting here, and Xiao Madman no longer talks about those things about Xiao Zhen. He knew that Chu Yu had little interest in these. Although I was very curious about Chu Yu's relationship with the legendary Tiangong, I didn't ask again when I saw Chu Yu not wanting to say it.

This place has beautiful scenery and strong aura, and there are many tyrannical creatures hidden here, all of which are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

Only some ancient creatures knew their existence, so no one came here to bother.

Chu Yu is hiding here, which many people did not expect, because this place, in the eternal God Realm, can be regarded as a top forbidden land.

"What are your plans in the future?"

Fine wine and delicacies, Xiao Madman has drunk a little and looked at Chu Yu and asked.

"Consider how to leave here." Chu Yu smiled.

"Huh?" Xiao Madman stunned slightly, looked at Chu Yu, frowned, and said: "Why leave?"

Chu Yu said: "The fallen leaves return to the roots!"

Xiao Madman laughed and said: "Isn't this the root here? When there was no separation between the eternal God Realm and the Immortal Realm in the past, this vast world is the root of all creatures! The root in your mouth is the lower realm? Have you experienced Endless reincarnation, and finally back here, how come the idea of ​​wanting to go back?

Chu Yu was holding the wine glass and shaking it gently. The amber liquor in it exuded a rich fragrance. He said softly, "That's for you, for me, my roots are in the lower boundary of your mouth. . "

Xiao Madman was silent for a while and said, "It's not easy to go back."

Chu Yu nodded: "Yeah, it's very difficult."

Even in the realm of Daxianzun, it is almost impossible to cross the wall of the eternal **** realm and enter the lower realm completely.

Otherwise, why did Xiao Zhen use sabotage to reincarnate?

In addition to the eternal-level creatures, with the help of the powerful, there is a chance to enter the lower realm through the boundary wall. Once other creatures enter the lower realm completely, then only the aura of the body will stir the lower realm. Chaos.

The higher the realm, the greater the damage to the lower realm.

After all, the laws of that world simply cannot accommodate such a deep state of life.

But the girl ink successfully left this world. What method did she use?

Chu Yu somewhat regretted it, why didn't he ask clearly.

Thinking about it, Chu Yu's eyes suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes shot two divine lights, looking at somewhere deep in the sky.

Subsequently, Xiao Man and others also raised their heads and looked there.

In the depths of the boundless universe, there is a little light, which is constantly being enlarged.

As if there is a huge unmatched planet, it is constantly smashing towards the ground!

And the target is the area where Chu Yu and others are located!

"What's going on?" Xiao Madman Jiujin disappeared all at once, his eyes full of runes, and looked at that bright spot.

But at this time, Chu Yu had already risen into the sky and rushed towards the lit light directly.

The next moment, Chi Tian appeared in his hands.

Chu Yu's speed is so unparalleled that even a gangster-like creature like Xiao Madman can barely keep up with his speed.


Chu Yu slayed the sky in his hand, slashing towards the light.

Daoguang cuts hundreds of millions of miles and cuts the sky directly.

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