
Chapter 951: Pond and sea

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Then, under Daze, an invisible circle formed a portal to let the spaceship land inside.

After coming in, Chu Yu and other talents discovered that there were no caves in it. There is a huge world hidden in this place.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the river is magnificent. At this time, the world inside is just in the evening.

"It's so beautiful here!" Xu Xiaoxian narrowed her eyes, glanced at the setting sun, and said softly, "I haven't seen such a scene in a long time."

The middle-aged man said, "Here, it was built after imitating a place. That place is the hometown of our domain master."

He was just a heartless sentence, but in the ears of Chu Yu and others, he felt something else.

The domain master in their mouth will naturally not be the incumbent, but the one who has already died in battle. Is n’t his hometown the Tiangong? Is it somewhere else?

This place is very similar to the earth!

Including a round of stars rising and falling. In the entire universe, this is not the case for the larger spiritual practice. Almost all are like the eternal **** realm, a vast continent, lying in the void of the universe. Starry stars, like embellishments, hang above the continent.

Looking at the entire universe, the continent is a giant, floating across unknown galaxies.

Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Chu Yu glanced at each other, all murmured in their hearts: Could it be that the former chaotic domain master also came from the earth?

An ordinary life planet in the vast universe, looking at the entire universe, such a life planet should not be too much.

It is difficult to imagine the status of the earth in the entire chaotic domain. There could be so many shocking characters, even the chaotic domain master, who might have been born there.

This group of people was housed in a separate town, which was just built. It should be just knowing that this group of people is coming, and now they have built such a small town for them.

Chu Yu privately asked Li Fu what the rules of Cang Mingjun were.

Li Fu told Chu Yu that Cang Mingjun will always be a family. ‘Once in the army, the army will be brothers for life.’ The army did not retire. No matter when, no matter where you are, as long as you encounter difficulties, you can ask the Cangming army robe for help. Regardless of your status, even if it is just a minimum rank of soldiers, you will get the help of the Cangjun in the first time.

This rule is really shocking. After all, it is simple, but it is not easy to achieve.

This also reflects from the side that the man behind Cangming, the once chaotic domain ace army, is definitely an unimaginable existence.

Li Fu also told Chu Yu some of the rules here, but it can only be summed up in eight words: military power, not to go around.

In this regard, Chu Yu expressed his understanding that this kind of rules could not be more common.

"Except for those restricted areas that are clearly marked as not allowed to enter, there are no restrictions. However, I suggest that you should not go around, so as not to be misunderstood. What other thoughts do you have." Li Fu said.

Chu Yu nodded, indicating that he understood.

Beside this small town, there is a river, not too big, about two or three hundred meters wide. The river is clear, and you can even see some fish swimming in it.

Chu Yu found a fishing rod, dug some bait, and sat on the bank of the river, fishing quietly.

The last ray of the setting sun before the eyes fell on the horizon, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

Chu Yu enjoys this feeling very much, and has not passed it for many years. Only when he was a child in his memory did he still have the "waste material" he couldn't cultivate, and he had the opportunity to carry a fishing rod and go to the river for fishing.

Because it has become a waste that cannot be cultivated, there were very few people who wanted to target him at that time. But there are still people secretly protecting him.

But in order not to disturb him, he almost never showed up. Sometimes Chu Yu would deliberately mischief and let those people show up. For example, if you bend your body and fall into the river; or you slip under your feet and fall into a deep hole.

Anyway, at that time, he was basically a naughty bear child. Although he was polite in front of outsiders, he was very bearish in private.

Looking back now, some years have passed.

People say that once they enter the practice, there are no years. For practitioners, only when Shouyuan comes to an end. As for the past few years, few people really calculated this.

Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian and others were decorating their "new home", but did not follow, so Chu Yu enjoyed a rare and clean time here.

Leave your mind blank and try to keep yourself from thinking about how strong the enemy is and what will happen in the future.

At this time, footsteps came from behind, and at the same time there was a light voice: "Do you like fishing?"

Chu Yu glanced back and saw that he was a long and slender young man. The young man was not so handsome, but gave a warm and jade-like feeling. Very strange, never seen this person.

At this time, the young man pointed to the fish hook in front of Chu Yu: "There is a fish hook."

Chu Yu glanced at her and shook her head: "No, it's just eating bait, there's no bite hook."

The young man's mouth twitched and looked at him: "Fishing also cheats? It's too boring." He said, walked to Chu Yu and sat down, and then took out a fishing rod from his body, slowly set up the bait, put the fish Hook thrown into the river. Then some complacent said: "I will never cheat when I fish!"

At this time, a big fish seemed to be guided by some kind of mysterious force and swam straight towards the hook of the young man inlaid with bait.

Chu Yu was speechless, was this never cheating? The youth did not even conceal the faint power breath emanating from his body.

The young man happily mentioned the fishing rod, and then he laughed and said, "I haven't seen this fish for a long time. It's very delicious to use for making soup." . With a wave of his hand, a large copper cylinder with a height of one appeared next to him and threw the fish into it.

"Just be happy," Chu Yu said.

The young man glanced at Chu Yu and said, "Are you coming with Lao Li?"

Chu Yu nodded.

The young man smiled and said, "Listening to Lao Li, are you from outside the Tiangong?"

"Yes, come and travel." Chu Yu said.

The young man rolled his eyes and said: "What is worth visiting in the current Tiangong? Countless ancient buildings have been demolished long ago, but any place with a trace of the domain master is intolerable to the group of people today. . Moreover, today's Tiangong is a typical outside loose and tight inside, and coming here is no different from a self-casting cage. "

"No matter where, there are reasons to visit." Chu Yu answered with a smile.

The youth said: "Also, young can be wayward."

"Aren't you very young?" Chu Yu looked at the young man and felt his real age wouldn't be much.

The young man shook his head: "My age is not small, I haven't been a child for a long time. But you are really small."

With that, he also used magical power to attract a fish, and threw the fish into the big copper tank cheerfully. He smiled and said, "It seems that the harvest will be great today."

Chu Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes. He said that if you are willing, the fish in this river are not enough for you. This kind of cheating can still be so happy.

For a time, Chu Yu felt that his fishing mood was corrupted by this shameless guy.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoxian walked slowly from there, seeing that there was a stranger beside Chu Yu. He froze slightly, and then sat beside Chu Yu, saying, "Did you catch a fish?"

Chu Yu shook his head: "These fish are too cunning, only eat bait, not bite."

The young man laughed aside: "These fish are psychic guys, do you expect them to bite the hook? Next life!"

Chu Yu was speechless, Xu Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Then use magical powers!"

Speaking of direct thoughts, a group of fish rushed towards Chu Yu's fishing rod like crazy, scrambled, and almost jumped ashore.

The youth's face was green, and he looked at Xu Xiaoxian silently: "You cheated!"

"Aren't you?" Xu Xiaoxian asked back.

"I'm still fishing. You're just taking fish, it's different." The youth continued to fish slowly one by one.

Xu Xiaoxian also fished one by one, and counterattacked in his mouth: "I am also fishing with a fishing rod, right?"

The two are like a game, you come and go to raise fish.

Chu Yu looked ecstatic and had no way to understand what the two skinned people thought.

At this time, the young man suddenly looked at Chu Yu and said with a smile: "You see these fish, although there is a little bit of shallow spiritual wisdom, but they are still a group of lowest-level spirits. They are also the most basic life forms in this world.

Chu Yu was slightly startled, looking at the youth.

The young man seemed to be unaware of Chu Yu's strange eyes, and said, "The power of space and time is very magical and weird. Different areas have different laws of space and time."

"Sometimes, in the time and space you are in, it may only be a moment to others, but it may be eternal to you."

"Different dimensions have different rules."

The young man looked at Chu Yu: "This world is just one pond after another. Between each pond, there are big rivers connected to it, and finally they converge into the sea. There are still seas overseas."

"The creatures in the pond have their own set of laws governing the food chain. But if one day, a behemoth suddenly appears in the pond. What will happen?"

Chu Yu felt very strange in his heart. I wonder why this young man suddenly talked about this.

The young man smiled and looked at him: "Or, it swallowed all the creatures in the pond, but it still can't eat enough. After swallowing all the creatures, the pond is empty, what should it do?"

"You can only find a way to leave here and go to another pond."

"It's still not going to work like this again and again."

"It can only find the sea."

"Or, it knew the truth from the beginning, instead of swallowing the creatures in this pond, it went directly to the sea."

"Maybe it will succeed, finding the vast sea; perhaps, it will fail, dying on the way to the sea."

"It is impossible to stay in that pond forever."

"Unless you never grow up. Like the fish in this river."

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