
Chapter 953: Mature

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Chu Yu said: "You have something to say but it's okay to say, there is nothing wrong with asking."

"Well." Li Fu nodded and looked at Chu Yu. "Do you have any hatred against the current domain master?"

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Chu Yu looked at Li Fu with a smile.

Li Fu chuckled: "My old man, although there is no big deal, there is no big skill, but well, after a long life, there is naturally more knowledge. If you are not wrong, then the law enforcement team's little boys come When you are, you intend to do it. Right? "

Chu Yu nodded with a smile.

Li Fu said: "Look, I'm right? If it's not hatred, how many people dare to kill that group of people in the entire Tiangong world? After all, you are not a warrior under the domain master, and you don't have a Cang Ming Jun can rely on it. "

"That's it?" Chu Yu was speechless.

White-haired Li Fu looked at Chu Yu and smiled, said with a smile: "Never underestimate the wisdom of an old man. In many cases, even relying on the most basic intuition, I can distinguish a person."

Chu Yu believes in the wisdom of life. However, to say that only by virtue of this, it was concluded that he had a hatred with the current domain master, Chu Yu always felt a little playful.

Sure enough, Li Fu's turbid old eyes were quietly looking at him at the moment. When he saw Chu Yu, the old man smiled and said, "Oh, actually I have guessed some since I first saw you. Yes. You came out of the mountains at that time, remember I asked where did you come from? "

Chu Yu nodded.

Li Fu said: "You young man is also a child who doesn't want to lie, so you said you are from outside, not a person in Tiangong. At that time I had some doubts, this chaotic domain, but no one has the conditions and ability And the qualification to cross at will. "

"After all, those messengers are not decoration."

"So I suspected you were the son of a high-level family in Chaos Realm, a young son brother, with four women, playing around."

"But then I found out that there are only two people who are close to you. The other two are like your sister and the other is like your friend."

"And you, the stranger to Tiangong, doesn't seem to be pretending. If you are really the son of the bigwigs, there is no need to pretend to be in a remote town."

"So I decided at that time that you are not the son of those noble families under the current domain. But the temperament of you is quite extraordinary!"

The old man looked at Chu Yu with a pair of cloudy eyes: "In addition, when the people of the law enforcement team appeared later, if you are really related to the current domain owner, you will definitely speak out. And you are going to be with us and want to be with each other. War! "

"While this doesn't mean that you have a grudge against them, it's enough to show that you are not familiar with that group of people!"

"Let's practice anything, that can't deceive people, the whole chaotic domain, who will run to Tiangong for training now? Especially in the case of not being close to the current pseudo-domain master, wouldn't it come to die? ? "

Li Fu looked at Chu Yu: "The most important thing is that not far from our town, there is an altar in the big mountain that few people know!"

"Being able to pass the altar, but not familiar with those in power in the Temple of Heaven, nor see any messengers appear ..."

Li Fu looked at Chu Yu: "Such a young man, if my old man doesn't make friends, he will live in vain for so many years."

The inference is very fine. Although it is not very clever, it is very detailed. The so-called reasoning is actually to carefully scrutinize all the information, find useful things from it, and finally combine them together to draw a conclusion close to the truth.

I have to say that Li Fu, a former veteran of the old army, was really excellent.

A glimpse of the whole leopard, an ordinary squad leader has such a meticulous mind, it is conceivable that this ace army in the chaotic domain of the past must be a terrorist army powerful enough to make all enemies frightened.

Li Fu looked at Chu Yu and suddenly said, "The thing that made me feel the most incredible is the news I heard after I came here. I think it may be that the domain owner knows that I am loyal and that my old man is not a few years old. Alive, and gave me the rest of my luck. "

Chu Yu looked at Li Fu, and Li Fu also looked at Chu Yu, and then suddenly stood up and knelt down on his knees, knocking on Chu Yu, sobbing: "Li Fu, captain of the 986th Squadron of Cangming Army Your Highness Prince! "

Lying trough!

Chu Yu was totally embarrassed, and Li Fu was able to infer the previous information, he could still understand. After all, the appearance of several of them is not flawless. A thoughtful person can indeed reach those conclusions.

But the Prince of Chaos Domain ... This identity was actually inferred by Li Fu, which shocked Chu Yu.

How can such information be inferred?

How did he know this?

Chu Yu stared blankly at Li Fu who was kneeling in front of him. The whole person was a little dazed. But soon, he hurriedly got up, helped Li Fu up, and said in his mouth, "What are you doing, how could I be His Royal Highness?"

"You are! No one but you!" Li Fu couldn't get up, and tears came out of the old muddy eyes, saying: "After waiting for so many years and looking forward to so many years, I finally gave you back!"

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "I can't understand what you said." In fact, after seeing the young man, Chu Yu could almost confirm his identity.

That young man is the former domain master of the chaotic domain that was legendarily killed in the battle with the real world demons. At the same time, he is also the ancestor of the Chu world, the master of the killing heaven and the killing mind in the world of Thousand Worlds!

Think about it too, who else, besides his biological father, can use all his means to give all his luck to a person?

In addition to luck, there are swordsmanship, cultivation techniques, and even that small metal ball ...... What the mind of the infinite Taoist ancestor gave him is now debatable.

As for the couple of Chu Tianbei and Song Yu, it goes without saying that, out of ten or nine, this is the master of the domain and his wife.

This supreme existence will never allow his own flesh and blood to appear in the reincarnation of other living parents. Just look at Xu Xiaoxian and you will know everything.

Even Lin Shi may well be in the same situation! It's just that Lin Shi's family is not so good now. Not even the girl ink was mentioned at the time.

Supported by Chu Yu, Li Fu stood up and said: "The King Zhen Zhen quietly sent a letter to the general, and asked him to quietly send people to the altar to wait. At that time, the old man I was lucky to be selected. Wait ... for so many years. "

"The general told me that as long as there were a man and two women, and they came out of the forest, it should be you. As a result, I waited for a man and four women."

"I didn't dare to confirm at the time, whether it was you. But I still took a try and took you back here."

"After I came back, I heard that there was news from the Prince over there in the Eternal Realm!"

"Later, more news came that the prince disappeared over the eternal realm! Haha, now that the pseudo-domain owner sent a large number of people and wanted to find it, they were doomed to find no one!"

Li Fu laughed with excitement, with a relieved burden on his body.

Chu Yu: "..." He figured it out. The old man was really brave and bluffed. With clues that were so weak that others could hardly notice, he cobbled together into a complete picture.

The old general of the old army sent him to wait there, and it was true.

Really powerful!

At this time, Li Fu suddenly looked at Chu Yu and said: "However, Your Royal Highness, I did not report the news. Those people now do not know your identity."

"Huh?" Chu Yu stunned slightly, squinting, looking at the old man of the chicken thief.

Li Fu sighed and said, "Cang Xunjun, dormant for too many years, the sea can become a mulberry field, and the people's hearts will eventually change. The little old man is really a little confused now, should he report this news? What kind of reaction will those senior executives have after they know it. "

"What about the general who sent you in the past?" Chu Yu asked.

Li Fu shook his head: "I don't know, since I came back to the present, he has not summoned me for more than 100 years. Because sending me out in the past was a secret mission. In the eyes of others, I have retired from the Cangming Army. So I dare not ask questions. If he is there, knowing that I am back, and bringing people back, I will definitely meet me. "

Chu Yu nodded and said, "I can't confirm my identity until now. Are you sure that I am your high prince?"

Li Fu nodded, and three large portrait projections suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chu Yu only glanced at it, so there was no need to look at it, because the three people above were exactly the same as Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, exactly the same!

There are some things, no matter how unbelievable, when all the evidence is in front of you, you have to believe it.

Li Fu said: "Your Highness, rest assured that the news of your return, except for the summons of the generals, otherwise I will never tell anyone!"

Chu Yu nodded and looked at Li Fu: "How much do you know about the subordinates of the former domain master?"

Li Fu glanced at Chu Yu and said, "His Royal Highness, to understand, Xiao Lao'er's identity is low, and he dare not say how much he understands. But to say that he knows the identity of those people, this is no problem. I suggest you contact those people at this time. "

Of course Chu Yu understands this truth, and hastily contacted, even if those people have not changed, but I am afraid that they will be targeted by those who are the current domain masters.

Subsequently, Li Fu told Chu Yu that those who had followed the master of the Chu domain in the past, one by one, were like a few treasures.

In Chu Yu's mind, it became harder to believe that the wise old man in front of him was actually just a low-ranking squad leader in the army. But he didn't ask about it.

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