
Chapter 959: Huntianwangshou birthday

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"My Wang Shou's birthday is imminent, and I still dare to quarrel here, could I despise my king?"

As soon as Xu Xiaoxian approached, he heard a loud voice shouting and filled with indignation. Can't help but yell in my heart, does your king know who you are?

"You don't hang your hat like that, it's because you accidentally stepped on my tail, and I don't apologize. What king are you still mentioning? That's not your king, but the king of all of us!" An angry voice sounded, with a trace of grievance in it.

Stepped on the tail?

A few black lines appeared on Xu Xiaoxian's forehead, some inexplicably felt funny.

Then she came closer to see a man of the Fox family, dragging a thick, long, fluffy tail behind him. From a dress point of view, it doesn't look like a lot of money.

As for the looks ... cough, isn't it like the fox and elf races, the handsome women who are born male are beautiful? What's wrong with this?

The man of this fox family looks more than forty years old, with hair draped, rough skin, a thick beard and triangular eyes.

Even if you look ugly, the key is his gestures and actions, from mother to Xu Xiaoxian can not bear it.

The opposite one, who is also long, looks more than forty years old, was born five big and three thick, his head looked square, his face was obviously big, but his eyes were squeezed into a slit. A big mouth, open like a shark.

Although it is humanoid, Xu Xiaoxian has a strong intuition, this guy is definitely not a human race!

The two quarreled there, and some were watching. It seems that it has been arguing for a while. Someone finally became impatient: "Whether the two of you can't fight? Really, how can you just move your mouth after watching it for so long?"

"That's it, just go away without hitting, wasting everyone's time and enthusiasm!"

"Why do you want to quarrel?"

The onlookers all accused one another.

The ugly fox of the fox tribe followed the ugly man with a shark's mouth and glared around.

But these onlookers were not guilty of them, and stared back.

"What are you looking at?" The ugly fox looked around.

"Look at you!" A group of people around returned in unison.

The ugly fox pointed his orchid up and pointed out, "We can't fight, what does it have to do with you? Who wants you to watch?"

The shark's mouth is simple and direct, loudly: "It's your business?"

"Hey, you have itchy skin, right?" There were also grumpy people in the crowd.

The shark's mouth said unfailingly: "There is a kind of beating me!"

"There is such a cheap request, the brothers go together and lie down with him!"

"If you don't kick your **** today, you really think Huntiancheng is a reasonable place ... get him!"

Watching these people suddenly rushed over seven or eight.

The shark's mouth and the ugly fox didn't have to run even if they wanted to run.

Ping pong and ping pong at the moment, fight with this group of people.

Xu Xiaoxian stood stunned and looked not far away, always feeling a very familiar sense of both eyes.

The people of the law enforcement team are coming quickly. This side has just started, and the people there have already arrived.

This group of people is also very restrained in fighting. Although there are defensive magic circles everywhere, they have not used too much mana.

After the law enforcement team arrived, it was divided by three, five, and two, and the people were separated, and then one by one, all under control.

"It's against the sky, isn't it? When fighting on the street, what do you think is this place?" A law enforcement player who looked like a leader shouted coldly.

The ugly fox twitched her orchid finger in aggrieved expression: "They provoked first, I was wronged!"

"Bah, take back your paws, and dare to reach out and chop!" The leader of the law enforcement team looked disgusted, and then waved his hand: "Bring them all back, go to the jail to complain about it!"


A group of law enforcement members shoved the people they were holding and left.

"I'm so wrong!" The ugly fox wanted to cry without tears: "It's this guy who stepped on my tail and refused to apologize to the onlookers. He also laughed at us from the beginning to the end. I have nothing wrong!"

"Shut up!" The leader of the law enforcement team kicked fiercely on the ugly fox's butt, yelling loudly.


The people watching around all laughed cheerfully.

The head of the law enforcement team turned his head and stared fiercely at the onlookers. The fierce eyes swept over everyone, threatening: "There are fewer **** to cause trouble for me! Wang Shangshou's birthday is imminent, and there will be countless big figures in front of him Come to worship, even the domain master will send people to come. Who dares to add chaos at this time, beware of your doghead! "

Turn around and leave.

Look at a kobold in the middle of the bustle, touch his own head, the dog's face is full of grievances, and he said who is the one who provokes the head?

A little move in Xu Xiaoxian's heart, Wang Shangshou's birthday? The king of heaven ... to live long? Do people in this world need to live too? Do they have the concept of age?

Xu Xiaoxian was very puzzled.

In fact, obviously there are. It's just that the age calculation in places like Tiangong World is a little different from elsewhere. Their calculation method, either through the era, or through robbery again and again. For example, tens of thousands of epochs have been lived, or how many times the world has suffered.

It is very likely that this king of the heavens has just passed through a big disaster, so he wants to celebrate the feast.

Xu Xiaoxian's eyes lit up, and the king of the heavenly king held a birthday feast, but gave himself some opportunities for these people.

Since it is such a large-scale birthday banquet, there must be very many guests. By that time, no matter how strict the Royal Mansion is, there will be various opportunities to slip in.

That night, after Xu Xiaoxian returned, he told Chu Yu and Lin Shi that Chu Yu and Lin Shi also thought it was an opportunity.

However, Lin Shi, who has awakened his memory, reminded: "The man of the Heavenly King, who is meticulous in his mind, is like a cold viper, especially cunning. Although this birthday feast is not fake, at this time point, I am I think he might have made some proper arrangements in private. "

Xu Xiaoxian wondered: "What arrangement?"

Lin Shi looked at her: "Don't forget, this Tiangong World is not just our three rebels."

Yes, there are a lot of people in Tiangong World who are dissatisfied with the current domain owner. Not counting the fans of the former domain owner, there are countless fans turning black and passersby turning black.

Lin Shi then said: "Don't forget, the prince of Chaos Domain appeared in the lower realm, but now the news disappeared, they should already know!"

Xu Xiaoxian murmured: "Yes, there are still some ancient existences in the Tiangong world, and their deduction techniques are not comparable to ordinary people."

Lin Shi nodded: "So if we act rashly, maybe we will get caught in the other party's trap, or we will get into it silly."

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at her: "It's not that you said you want to kill him ..."

Lin Shi nodded: "Yeah, so I mean, we have to act early."

Chu Yu and Xu Xiaoxian stunned slightly, looking at Lin Shi.

The birthday of King Hun Tian, ​​calculated according to Earth Day, is one month later.

For Tiangong World, it is imminent.

The three people walking on the streets of Huntian City can obviously feel the growing tension.

Almost all law-enforcement team members are like general enemies, and many roads that could have been freely walked are also blocked, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

The three of Chu Yu were not in a hurry. They came out every day to eat, buy, buy, buy, just like a few tourists from other places.

Gradually, the three people's clothing, speech and manners, and even the aura of their body, merged with this muddy city.

All three are the kind of top-level smart people. It is very simple to deliberately want to learn something.

In this way, when it was ten days before the birthday of Huntian Wang Shou, Xu Xiaoxian actually succeeded in obtaining the identity of three Huntian cities!

This thing is amazing.

As long as they have the identity of Huntian City, even those of the law enforcement team will take a look at it.

Under the same circumstances, foreigners will be directly taken away, and thrown into the jail without asking, but the local residents of the city will be scolded at most, warned, and then let go.

It is not so easy to get the identity of Huntian City. I do n’t know how many creatures there are. There is no chance to stay here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Afterwards, Xu Xiaoxian told Chu Yu mysteriously that she can now be mixed into the palace of Hun Tian Wang!

In recent days, the three have been acting separately.

So Xu Xiaoxian was very proud. With her excellent cooking skills and a few new dishes that Huntian City didn't have, she successfully moved a steward in charge of Huntian Wangfu. Of course, there are certain bribes. This is inevitable.

However, Xu Xiaoxian is not short of money. Chu Yu gave her a third of the gold coins given by Li Fu. Such a huge sum of money can be very comfortable living in Huntian City.

It is more than enough to bribe a manager in a royal palace.

After becoming a cook in the Wang Mansion, Xu Xiaoxian didn't even need to go back to the hotel to live, but lived in the area where the Huntian Wang Mansion was exclusively reserved for the people.

It is said to be for the next person, but the conditions are not worse than the hotel they used to stay.

In the words of that steward, the kennels in our palace are stronger than those restaurants! Otherwise, our prince can't afford to lose that person.

This is really not a blow. The extravagance in the Royal Mansion is simply breathtaking.

Xu Xiaoxian is not the kind of person who has no knowledge. She has traveled so many worlds, and she has seen more luxury things. But entering the palace of Huntian King still gave her the feeling of grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Covering a huge area, all kinds of garden flowers and plants are the top artifacts in the Tiangong world. Even the rocks used for rockery in the pond are all kinds of top-quality stones. And all exude a huge amount of Dao Yun.

It is worth mentioning that the entire Huntian King's Palace is a group of architectural palaces built here. Not a small world!

This is enough to show that in the bones of the Heavenly King, there is a person who is quite confident and even conceited.

The mansion is here, not afraid of anyone to attack!

Of course, anyone who knows him well, I'm afraid he can't even think of attacking Hun Tian Wang Mansion.

Because it may not even touch the gate of the palace, people are already dead.

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