
Chapter 968: Do not attack

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Almost everyone in Lucheng has been alarmed by this time.

The Cangming army is under pressure. It is false to say that it is not nervous. But to say how scared, it is not.

The era of the former Chu domain master was good, or the current era of Zhou Han domain master. For the living beings in Tiangong World, there is actually no special difference.

It's just that Zhou Han's era is very strict with everything.

But most of the creatures in this world are actually enslaved. After being enslaved for a long time, they gradually get used to living on their knees.

In addition, Yun Tongshu does have two brushes, and it has a very high reputation in Lucheng. All the creatures in Lucheng lived fairly well. Relatively speaking, it is happier than the creatures in other cities.

As long as there is contrast, as long as someone is unlucky than himself, the hard times can actually be tolerated.

As long as there is no war.

But now, the war is coming!

"I heard it was the old army!"

"That's our first army in Tiangong World!"

"Isn't the Cangming Army specializing in the fight against the realm? Why should we attack us?"

"I heard that the current domain master is not in the right position ... The Chu domain master died in battle. The person who inherited the domain master should be the prince."

"I heard that His Royal Highness was ridiculous, and at a young age, he didn't know how many women were scourgeed. He didn't even qualify to become a domain master, and no one would support him.

In the process of confrontation between the two armies, various arguments have begun to appear in Lucheng.

Therefore, when Xu Zhen said that, almost all people in Lucheng walked out of the house and looked up at the sky.

There, a huge black giant curtain appeared, completely covering the whole sky!

On the giant screen, there was a voice.

"Those fool-like things, huh, huh, we sold them and still applaud."

This sound is a bit strange, and many people in Lucheng are confused. I can only feel the voice is young and full of ridicule.

"Dad, you said, are those people stupid? As long as we use a little bit of tactics, they cry out and take out all the money, hahaha."

The calm expression on Yun Tongshu's face disappeared at once, and the face of a young man beside him suddenly changed.

The corner of Yun Tongshu's mouth twitched slightly, and his face instantly turned green, and the group of people beside him all showed strange expressions. But more is shocked!

The people in Lucheng don't know, how could they not hear that young voice is Yun Xiaoting, the son of Yun Tongshu!

And the fools in Yun Xiaoting's mouth are all those ordinary people in Lucheng.

Then, in the shady scene, another voice came, which was low and very calm: "Do your business well, don't talk nonsense."

"Dad, you are too careful. Speaking of it, our family has now become a new nobleman in the chaotic realm. Do you need to be so careful? Besides, there is no one else here. Can the five-colored deer king betray us? ? "Said the young voice.

"It's not about who is betraying you, but about doing things and being careful. Whenever and wherever, you should be cautious." The deep voice continued.

In Lucheng, countless people froze, and the young voice was strange to them, but the low voice, but they could n’t get acquainted anymore. That was their city master, Master Yuntong Shuyun!

Subsequently, the young voice began to talk about all kinds of things, all of which were how to use the reputation and status of the Yun family to frantically gather money.

Among them, at least half of them are familiar to Lucheng people. And they are also proud of them, and deeply admire Yun and the owner of the book city.

They never dreamed that the things they clapped to applaud were actually the means used by the Yun family to accumulate wealth!

The whole Lucheng, at this moment, was silent.

Almost no one spoke, and all stood quietly.

Then, in the shadows of the sky, the young voice began to comment on the wealthy lords of Lucheng.

Those who can become the deluxe lords of Lucheng in this era are naturally upstarts on the side of Zhou Han.

The old nobles who supported the master of the Chu domain before were either killed or had already turned to Yun Tongshu.

With the comments of the young voice, the faces of many people on the city's head began to look hard.

"Dad, you said that the so-called upstarts are just a bunch of mud legs. Why do you want to give them a lot of benefits?" The young man's voice was endlessly ridiculed: "That group of people is very greedy, don't smell bad The face is a bit like a group of dogs who have seen a bone. "

A low, restrained voice followed: "Don't talk nonsense."

A group of deer giant nobles at the head of the city looked more ugly, but fortunately, the city master Yun Tongshu did not ...

Just thinking, the voice of Yun Tongshu came out from the huge shady sky in the sky: "What dog, that is a group of pigs, you have seen the little piglets and killed them? Have you seen the skinny pigs killed? Pig, total Only after fattening can we kill! "

"Hahaha, what dad said makes sense!" The young voice laughed wildly.

"As for the group of ordinary people, that is a group of leeks! Do you understand leeks? You can cut one stubble after eating, and then wait for a while, they will grow up vigorously, wait for the lush to grow, and then cut the second stubble. , One after another. The leeks ca n’t be cut, but keep in mind that they ca n’t be cut too often or they wo n’t grow up. They ca n’t hurt the roots. If they hurt the roots, they wo n’t have to eat them in the future. ”

This remark made everyone in Lucheng stunned. I don't know why. I always felt that the Lord of the City said something reasonable.

But why is it so angry?

Feelings In the mind of Master Yun who loves the people, are we a group of pigs and leeks?

This time, everyone in Deer City was completely irritated!

"Defilement! This is defilement!" Yun Tongshu opened his mouth and roared with a roaring voice.

He roared: "All the fellow folks in Lucheng, what kind of person are I in the same book? Do you not know for so many years? Powerful practitioners, with all the means, do not want to make such a fake dialogue. Easy! I have lived in the same book all my life, and I am glorious! "

Those of the wealthy tribes at the head of the city were all silent, and no one should write with Yun.

Because they are not fools.

Although it is called a group of pigs by Yun Tongshu, it is necessary to fatten and then kill the pigs. But they are not so stupid!

Whether it is fake or not, they will judge for themselves.

Most of the ordinary people in Lucheng will doubt the letter.

"Yeah, Master Yun loves the people as a child. For so many years, he has never done anything bad?"

"Oh, who knows what bad things have been done? Our level is far from him!"

"Master Yun shouldn't be that kind of person. I also think it's a slander!"

"I don't think there's anything in the air ..."

The ups and downs of Lucheng, which had been almost aspiring, became a little confused because of this dialogue.

Wait for Yun Tongshu to say anything. Suddenly, the dark black curtain in the sky appeared in the image!

At the same time, there was a charming female voice: "Adult, don't be here."

"Haha, how good is it here? It's just exciting here!" It was the low voice before, but it didn't sound low but it was full of magnetism.

As for the picture, it made countless people blush.

A charming and charming young woman is snuggling in the arms of Yun Tongshu.

Just a short distance away from Yuntongshu, a deluxe house owner of Lucheng suddenly gave a roar: "Bitch!"

It turned out that the beautiful and charming young woman was the concubine of the rich head of the house, and I don't know when she would actually hook up with Yun Tongshu.

The scene in the picture should be inside a car. Fortunately, anyone who has been in the Yuntong Book Car can recognize it at a glance, that is the Yuntong Book's car!

In the picture, the young woman's face was crimson, her eyes were dripping, her breathing was short, and she was being held by Yun Tongshu on the side.

The next picture was even more unsightly, and the two turned upside down in the car.

At the same time, the young woman gave a compliment to Yun Tong's book: "Adult is really strong, and the adult is so powerful ... It is much stronger than the dead ghost in my family! Looking at a very strong practitioner, but that aspect is very poor Every time it makes people unable to stand up ... "

"Ah!" The owner of the noble noble made a roar, his figure flashed, and disappeared here instantly: "Yun Tongshu, I am incompatible with you!"

Even after experiencing countless winds and waves, at the moment, Yun Tongshu couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Shouted: "Fake, it's all fake! Xu Zhen, I can't think of you as the emperor, so shameless!"

Lin Shi sat on the five-colored deer, glanced at Chu Yu next to him, and took a sip and said, "Why are all these things?"

She didn't dare to look up at the sky, the scale of the picture was too large.

However, a group of sturdy men actually looked at it with interest, and many people still quietly commented in secret with the fluctuation of the mind.

The five-color deer king under Lin Shizui made a crisp girl voice: "There are countless more than this pervert, that is an extremely shameless thing!"

Afterwards, the huge screen of the sky covered the sky like a horse lantern, quickly playing a lot of pictures of Yun Tongshu messing with countless aristocratic women in the city, the most powerful, there are actually pictures with his daughter-in-law .

Even his son Yun Xiaoting was stunned!

Who would have thought that an adult who looks so upright not only treats the people like grass and musters, but also treats his colleagues like pigs and dogs, and his style is incredible.

In fact, in the status of Yun Tongshu, what kind of woman can't find it?

Tiangong World does not limit the number of women to marry. Generally, men with a little status status are all wives and concubines. Women with a little status status are also countless. However, there are really few people like Yun Tongshu who have no lower limit.

Looking at the scene in the sky giant curtain, Yun Tongshu's eyes were black, he knew that he was finished, Lucheng ... also finished!

No need to attack, just discard it!

"Five-Colored Deer King! I'm going to smash you tens of thousands of corpses!" Yun Tongshu let out a screaming roar, a mouthful of blood spewing from his mouth.

Right next to him, there was an unknown number of attacks in an instant.

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