
Chapter 978: The Great City of Daze World

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"If you dare to talk, it doesn't matter ..." The man threatened coldly.

Chu Die looked up at him and smiled brightly.

The man suddenly startled slightly.

"Be calm." Chu Die said.

The man also understood that the woman was buying time for the residents of the small city who had escaped. He couldn't help being irritated and depressed.

Although in the end, no one wants to run out. But this time when I went back, I was ridiculed by other robes who didn't come. It was small, and it was big to be cut off by the general for the reasons of protecting the world.

One of Shizi's arms looks dead, and half of his face is swollen like a pig's head.

Especially this time, I heard that Shizi's fiancee is here.

By the time this matter spreads, what face does Shizi still have?

The Lord has humiliated his deceased, and the world has lost such a big face. What can be better for their group?

It ’s all this **** woman!

"We must find a way to hold these two women. Our guilt may be smaller because of it, so we will not be killed." Another person said.

"Okay, use that thing in a moment!" Said the man.

On them, there is a magic weapon that only a few people can use together.

This magic weapon is something that can protect the world at a critical moment.

Once activated, Shizi can have a strong defense for about half an hour. As long as it is not a king-level power shot, almost no one can break it within half an hour.

This thing can be used for defense, and it can also be used to trap others!

They did not believe that the two women could escape the siege of the magic weapon.

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian extended their powerful thoughts, and "watched" the inhabitants of the small cities to flee wildly.


The white light wrapped around the young man suddenly rioted!

The young man didn't even have the skills to speak, and was cut into countless pieces by countless white lights!

Soul flying!

Because this is magical power!

There was only a little real spirit left, which was a fluke.

But that's dead too!

The group of people responsible for protecting this young son were all frightened on the spot!

I was shocked!

They never dreamed that the woman would dare to do it, and it was still so no sign, so neat.

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian then rose to the sky, and did not give the other party any chance to activate the magic weapon, and there was no shadow!

Even if a group of people followed and snarled at the two women, they didn't even see their shadows.

Not how fast they are, but they are too well prepared.

In this void, a lot of magic arrays have already been set up without knowing it. If it is not activated, even if the creatures at the level of the Great King come, they may not be noticed.

Whenever you use your brain more, it ’s actually true. Otherwise, no matter how strong the strength is, it may be turned around by others.

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian were not stupid enough to rush towards the exit to die, but chose to rush into the world.

In the process of running, the two women changed their appearance and changed their clothes at the same time.

Become two ordinary women.

Beauty, in many cases, is really an original sin.

It's too easy to cause trouble.

The two women ran to the depths of Daze World for a few days in a breath. Although the chasing soldiers behind them were thrown away by them from the beginning, they still had to be cautious.

Those who fled in the small town can only wish them good luck.

To be honest, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian can do this kind of thing, it is already a big miracle.

After all, in that situation, it was already amazing to be able to escape and save one's life.

Before this, they did not have an in-depth understanding of the Daze World, only that this was a world built by imitating the earth.

As for what the world is like, they are not so clear.

After these few days of escape, their understanding of the world has gradually deepened.

Seeing too many inhabited places, full of quiet and peaceful atmosphere-there are too many ordinary people in this world!

People who can sense that the army has entered the world of Daze only account for a relatively small part of the world's population.

Most of them are the veterans of those years, and some are younger juniors who have grown up over the years. And more people simply do not realize that the sky has changed.

Faced with this situation, the two women felt very heavy.

"Is there any chance?" Jiang Zilian looked at Chu Die.

Even if it was once the master of the world, Jiang Zilian has always admired the wisdom of Chu Die.

"There is no chance." Chu Die smiled bitterly: "Cang Mingjun retired here, dormant, fearing that this would never happen to me one day. If I guessed right, what they thought was probably, If the enemy is coming, there will be a death battle! After all, there is no way to retreat. "

Jiang Zilian nodded gently.

Chu Die said: "This time I was called out, I'm afraid it was particularly hasty, so that they had no time to do the clean-up work so clean and meticulous that they were caught by the enemy."

"Yeah, as soon as they walked on their front feet, someone came over to carry their nest." Jiang Zilian's eyes showed helplessness.

"If we hide now, we hide deep enough, maybe we can avoid this disaster." Chu Die said lightly.

Jiang Zilian nodded and lived the endless years, and she was not the kind of person with strong righteousness in her blood. Naturally understand the principle of seeking benefits and avoiding disasters. So it is very clear that Chu Die is telling the truth, but also the heart.

"However, since I was with that guy, I have changed a lot." Chu Die smiled and looked at Jiang Zilian. "This army that came in seems to have no weaknesses to use, but I believe there must still be Yes. Just look at the guy who came in with the gilding to understand. "

Jiang Zilian's pupil shrank slightly and looked at Chu Die: "Are you thinking?"

Chu Die nodded: "Zilian, you hide it ..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Zilian shook her head and said, "Although I didn't live enough, the motivation for me to live is actually because of you. If you are all dead, what is the purpose of my continued life in this world? Pursuit Is it higher? "

Jiang Zilian said, shaking her head and laughing: "I always feel that my talent is good enough, the realm is high enough, but in fact, I still can't see the essence of the world. So, it doesn't matter what you do, I'll be with you."

"Not afraid of death?" Chu Die looked at her.

"I'm afraid ... a little." Jiang Zilian smiled and said, "When I think of myself, there is only a little real spirit left, fluttering to reincarnate, and then come back, that person is not me, but the real spirit. On the basis of it, another person who evolved ... or a creature felt a little sad. "

"Yeah, think, is that person still me?"

"If it weren't for me, could it still be called reincarnation?"

Chu Die thought about it and said, "So on this matter, many mighty people may mention a word called awakening. Only those who can awaken the endless reincarnation experience and memory can they be regarded as the real powerhouse of this world. ? "

When the two women arrived at such a level, in the face of these things, they still only dared to guess.

This feeling is actually similar to going to school. The school bully in the elementary school, invincible all the way to the sixth grade, is still dazed and unknown in the face of junior high school.

Even if it is the kind of top-level excellent, there is confidence in my heart, I feel that I will not be bad in junior high school, but what is in junior high school and what will happen, almost most of the primary school students are still unknown.

The two girls are like top-notch elementary school students, practicing to a level that can cross the lower realm, but looking at this dazzling world, the information they understand and master is still too little.

But this does not hinder their expectations for the future.

The two women chose a bustling city with a population of tens of millions and came in from the outside.

This is a big city without walls. In fact, most of the big cities in Daze World are like this. It is very similar to the super cities on the earth.

The city is surrounded by water on three sides and is backed by a mountain.

The mountains are steep and steep, with few trees, and there are tremendous boulders everywhere.

The city is extremely prosperous and full of technology.

In the sky are various flying machines, and various tall buildings are scattered.

Countless huge light curtains broadcast various advertisements or other programs in the sky.

Here is more earth than earth!

Of course, in the long lives of the two women, such scenes have been seen for a long time.

No matter where in the world, there is such a high-tech entertainment-oriented civilization.

"Go to the main palace." Chu Die walked on the street, ignoring the endless stream of people around him, and said to Jiang Zilian.

The main palace of this unknown Daze World City is in a quiet mountain in the north of the city.

It is a rolling ancient building. The tallest building is only three or four floors, but each floor is very high. Like a palace in the ancient world.

Unlike the prosperity in the city, it is very quiet, except for a few parades, it is hard to see many people.

The two women thought they would be stopped outside the main palace, but in fact no one came to stop. The bodyguard was also squinted at their arrival.

"Interesting." Jiang Zilian said with a smile: "I thought it would take a bit of tongue."

"Maybe there is no consciousness in Yamen's entrance?" Chu Die also smiled.

I just don't know if the high-level officials here have received any news about the incoming army. Seeing the prosperity of this big city, it seems that it hasn't been received yet.

The two women walked all the way to the interior of the city's main palace. Only when they wanted to enter the real office, did the guards step forward.

"This is the place where the lord of the city works, and it is not open to the public." The bodyguard is a young man, quite polite.

Chu Die glanced at the bodyguard, an eternal practitioner.

Putting it in the eternal God Realm is the bottom layer. In this Tiangong world, the practitioners of this realm are really not much different from ordinary people.

"We have something important to find the city owner." Jiang Zilian said, "Can you please give me a word?"

The guard's face was embarrassed: "This ... I'm afraid it's inconvenient. The city owner is now in a meeting."

"Then, after he has finished the meeting, will you please inform us again, is that okay?" Jiang Zilian smiled. Although he looked ordinary at this moment, practitioners of the state of Daxianzun wanted to show a little affinity. It's still easy.

"This ... that's okay." The bodyguard finally nodded.

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