
Chapter 981: Kill the enemy in one thought

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Between heaven and earth, an ancient bell sounded.

This bell is the actual evolution of Lin Shi's supernatural powers.

Accompanied by ancient bells at the same time, there is a great burst of chanting sounds.

As in the super soul, the force full of compassion is overwhelming.

Its power, far beyond the ordinary Daxian Zunsheng!

This is the power after awakening!

To achieve the status of a Bodhisattva and to become a Buddha, there are too many factors required.

Just the point of reincarnation of the whole world is enough to wipe down most of the creatures in this world.

Because the end of reincarnation is to be awakened!

This compassionate force, combined with Chu Yu's domineering power, completely exploded over Daze.

No one can stop this force, and no one can intercept it.

Even one of the generals in this group has the strength to surpass the Daxianzun and is a real strongman, but in the face of Chu Yu, like a god, he still quickly collapsed.

He made only one move and was crushed by the overbearing power that fell from the sky.

The higher it is, the greater the gap between them.

Too big!

It is boundless!

Therefore, Lin Shi was so excited when he learned that Chu Yu had entered the Tao!

Enlightenment, unpredictable!

That is really the Tao of the practitioner!

If the predecessor once practiced the Tao, that is called learning Tao, and it is by no means a Taoism!

In less than half an hour, here at the entrance of Daze World, Haiyan Heqing!

The thousands of people before, even a piece of clothing, failed to stay.

Chu Yu was just pale, sitting in the void, and there were countless vortices around his body, frantically drawing unimaginable masses of energy from all around.

Lin Shi Ling Kong sat on the other side. Her face was very solemn and solemn. There was an aperture behind her. Look carefully. In that aperture, there were countless ancient Buddhist discs sitting and chanting.

There is also endless energy, frantically injected into Lin Shi's body along the aperture.

Just this battle, for Chu Yu and Lin Shi, the loss is very large.

This is like a nuclear bomb. Although the power is huge, it is less than one. If you want to make something new, it will take time after all.

Chu Yu's just wild bombing under the gods is actually equivalent to putting a nuclear bomb.

If he said that he had a total of 100 nuclear bombs, he just released at least 60 of those attacks.

More than half of the energy in his body was consumed in half an hour!

If now there is such a large army again, Chu Yu can only fight and retreat, and can no longer kill the Quartet like the gods just like before.

This is actually terrifying and numb.

There are certainly not many people with this ability in this world.

Whether it is Lin Xuesong or Xu Zhen, at the peak of that year, they had this ability. But nowadays, whether they have this ability or not, they are both saying.

It may be gone.

Because if there is, they should be able to see Chu Yu's change.

But they failed to see it.

Still looking at Chu Yu with his old eyes, he still stubbornly believes that the younger brothers who were the flowers and the moon in the past could not become the best.

Therefore, Chu Yu returned, they were only happy one thing-the teacher is famous!

In addition, they didn't care much about Chu Yu.

Even the two father-in-laws didn't care, how could anyone else care?

Chu Yu didn't explain, and he was too lazy to explain, because he knew that there were too many things in the world that he couldn't do.

You say, others will think you are bragging.

Only when you make it, others will think that lying on the trough, he is really good.

No matter how big the character is, it is no different.

It took half an hour for the two to kill this group of people, but it took nearly a day to recover.

After the death of this group of powerful practitioners, most of the energy that has been left is obliterated.

Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, and dissipates between the world.

But even if the rest is only a small part, they can't stand them.

So, one day later, Chu Yu and Lin Shi completely restored to their original condition.

The two looked at each other and walked towards the entrance of Daze World.

The entrance and exit are separated by a powerful magic circle.

So, what is happening outside is ignorant inside.

The moment Chu Yu and Lin Shi came in from the entrance, they were not attacked. Because no one thought that someone could get in through the outside guards.

Unless it is a king-level creature.

But didn't the few heavenly kings, as well as those former strongmen, gather in Lucheng?

How could a king appear in an empty world?

The people here are very happy.

It's just very busy.

Most of the noble children who came to gilt are concentrated here.

They are not even as good as the young and noble children killed by Chu Die and Jiang Zilian. They don't even want to go to the battlefield!

Just staying in the back of the battlefield, you do n’t need to go anywhere, and you can easily take advantage of the battle. This is the real beauty.

Those on the battlefield who want to gain more merit are fools.

I don't know if I have a few pounds or two!

In fact, it seems to be the case. Was the noble child who knew nothing about heaven and earth thickly killed by Chu Die and Jiang Zilian?

But staying here so boringly doesn't make much sense. Must have some fun?

Therefore, the beautiful women in the big and small cities at the entrance are considered to be bad luck, and some beautiful men are also following the bad luck.

A large number of beautiful young men and women were looted to such places and lived in a dark day.

Most of these looted people are still not low.

Because the cultivation is too poor, in the eyes of these new aristocratic children of Tiangong World, it is too dirty!

In fact, practitioners practice to a certain level, and their bodies are almost flawless. But if the level is too different, in the eyes of higher-level creatures, the lower-level creatures are still very dirty.

As an aristocrat, a woman with too low a level has no interest in ignoring them.

This group of people is very happy to play. If they play enough, they will reward these looted men and women to those around them.

It didn't take long for the army to enter, but the defender at the exit of the Daze World has become an indescribable place.

Chu Yu and Lin Shi entered here, not only were they not attacked, but they were not even blocked!

The two were above the sky, overlooking the ground below, the temporarily built palace.

In the realm of two people, it is impossible to find a lot of dirt hidden there.

Lin Shi's face became very ugly on the spot.


At this time, someone finally saw the two.

A drunken person swayed, stepped on the void step by step, appeared in front of the two, and looked at Chu Yu and Lin Shi dizzyingly.

Lin Shi's appearance at the moment is also ordinary and ordinary, but his figure is excellent. With her realm there, it is impossible for her temperament to converge.

So the drunk man was talking about Lin Shi, and he suddenly ticked his fingers: "Where's the chick? Come and play with the uncle? Guarantee not to kill you!"

This drunk, at this moment, did not realize that the two came in from the outside.

Lin Shi slapped the drunk ghost to death with a slap.

The smoke disappears, the soul disperses!

But this time, it is like stabbing horse honeycomb.

Countless figures flew in the large army barracks below.

Chu Yu swept across with a knife in his hand.

Hundreds of people were killed before the group of people had figured out what happened!


"Foreign invasions!"

"Someone came here!"

"Gosh ..."

"What's going on? Are the people on the battlefield in front of me eating shit? Have you let such a terrifying person over?"

In the camp below, there was chaos.

Countless people cried and ran away.

Chu Yu is like a heavy sniper rifle. Those who have escaped a long distance and escaped, feel the body light, as if stepping on the clouds. Then it will be a while before I find out that I have made the move.

A terrible attack erupted from Chu Yu.

He fluttered in white, standing above the sky, like a fairy.

The wind is light and the clouds are light, and there is no fireworks, but in the eyes of the group of people below, he is an outright terrorist demon.

"Gosh ... it's a king-level creature, came in from the outside!" Finally someone came to understand it and cried out with a cry.

But it was too late.

Is there a strong man who can fight in this place?

Of course there is!

But there are more in this place, but those noble children who came to gilt.

The big nobles, the little nobles, and the new noble children of Tiangong World who are currently attached to Zhou Han, all stay together here. After the battle is over, we will discuss the merits.

I never dreamed of such a terrible attack.

Therefore, most of the strong players can fight to protect this group of people.

The young masters crying and yelling at their mothers like the dogs of the bereaved family. They can't abandon the young master and rush into the sky to fight Chu Yu.

And even the strong man, in the face of the terrifying demon in the sky, all felt cold in his heart.

so horrible!

Can't be enemy at all!

This group of people, to put it bluntly, is the group of new aristocratic private armies in Tiangong World.

They weren't the old army, they would rather die than fight, and they would fight with rules.

Among the group of people who have some rules and fighting power, they all rushed to the front line. The rest of these are basically the kind that haven't even participated in a decent battle since birth.

In the eyes of Chu Yu, a battle-hardened person, these people are no different from a group of rabbits.

But this group of rabbits not only participated in the descendants of the massacre of veterans who came to Daze World, but also committed adultery and looting!

What kind of garbage do you keep?


Chu Yu stood there motionless, but the bodies of countless people who fled in all directions in the sky exploded one by one!

This is no longer crushing, this is killing the enemy in a single thought!


Happy New Year everyone! Everything goes smoothly in 2019!

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