
Chapter 983: People with pursuit

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Many people in that small town successfully escaped, and some fled to the city where the fat city master was, and once again saw Chu Die and Jiang Zilian, their identity, naturally, was exposed.

Real self!

Although so far, no one here knows Chu Yu's prince's identity, but Chu Yu is the one Li Fu brought back.

Although Li Fu is not a general, but his name in the Cangming Army is not small.

In the past years, a large number of realms have been killed, and they belong to the king of the army.

How could the person brought back by Li Fu be a bad person?

Not to mention Chu Die and Jiang Zilian rescued the people in the small town and killed a large number of enemy troops.

Since he is his own and has the ability, why can't he become the commander-in-chief?

At the beginning, some people doubted Chu Die's ability, after all, they didn't understand it. But it didn't take long, as Chu Die's ability showed a little bit, and those who had doubts in their hearts also all put away their doubts.

These city lords are almost all veterans of the Cangjun Army. Their vision is naturally not comparable to that of middle-aged people who were killed by Jiang Zilian's slap.

"Sir, report that a large number of enemy troops are killing the Moon City!" A young monk flew from the sky with a wound on his body, but it did not seem to be seriously injured, and appeared in front of Chu Die and others.

This is a scout, the combat power is not particularly high, but the man is very clever and very fast.

The face of a group of people around Chu Die changed slightly, and he said that finally came!

The enemy army pushed all the way, leaving the armor where it passed.

Kill everything that can gasp, grab everything that can be taken away, burn everything that can burn.

A group of beasts!

Chu Die nodded and said, "You have worked hard, go down and rest."

Afterwards, Chu Die looked at everyone: "The first battle is about to start. Are the kings nervous?"

"Hahaha, the commander-in-chief made a joke. At that time, we had not fought against the more terrifying realm. On the battlefield, there are only two results, either you die or I die. There is nothing to be nervous!"

"Not nervous, just **** fucking!"

"Yes, this group of bastards, the stuff of the dog day, is simply a group of beasts! Commander-in-chief orders, let's wait for them in Moon City!"

"Wang, the dog didn't offend you, don't talk nonsense." A dog-family monk rolled his eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I forgot you are a dog." The man laughed and apologized.

"Mother, how do you feel that you are still swearing?" The monk of the dog family is also a veteran of the Cangjun army. Although he is a mature man, his mouth is still sharp and flashing cold light.

Although this group of veteran soldiers are very old, and stay here, almost all of them were seriously injured, and lost their peak fighting power. But the veteran is not dead, the fighting power is gone, but the courage is not lost.

At the next moment, Chu Die directly ordered that a large number of veteran soldiers, as well as the new generation of strong men staying here, sent waves through the teleportation to Moon City.

"The enemy won't swindle? It's a slap in the face." Jiang Zilian secretly whispered reminder around Chu Die.

"You look at them too high." Chu Die said: "If you come from the elite troops of the kings under Zhou Han, this possibility is really there. But now this group of people ... They are pushing all the way to crush Coming here, there is no goal or direction at all. It is to plow the caves and use absolute violence to sweep the entire Daze world and break all the cities. "

Jiang Zilian nodded: "Then the army will be scattered and the remnants will be killed everywhere?"

"Yes." Chu Die nodded. "This is a crush under absolute strength, so you don't even need to move your brain."

"It's really ..." Jiang Zilian was speechless, but understood it after thinking about it.

In the face of an old, weak, sick and disabled world, with the power of absolute crushing, why bother to play with your brain?

"It's better, just give them a shot!" Jiang Zilian said.

"Unfortunately, I can't do it all." Chu Die's face showed some regret.

Subsequently, a large number of people appeared in Moon City through the teleportation array.

Chu Die and they were the first to come.

Unlike the fat city owner, which is full of traces of technological civilization, Moon City is antique, and every corner is full of ancient charm.

Although there are many high-tech civilizations in it, they are almost invisible on the surface.

A large number of monks were transported from various cities here, under the command of Chu Die, ambushing.

Finally, a group of Chu Die, sitting in the center of Moon City, the top floor of the tallest building, drinking tea while quietly waiting for the enemy to come to the door.



Chen Xiao recently did not know why, and there was always a feeling of inexplicability in his heart.

It is said that the war was very smooth. He took this group of private nobles and pushed it all the way, sweeping all the enemies with a crushing attitude.

Cough, in fact it is not an enemy at all.

It is a group of weak chickens.

The rest of the old, weak and sick are not even decent to resist.

Chen Xiao initially hit the other side by surprise. Every time he went to a city, he slid in the fastest way and then slaughtered the city.

Whatever his old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, he will kill him!

Solve the battle with the fastest speed.

Chen Xiao is different from the ignorant nobles. He was a personal soldier who had been with Zhou Han.

Not only does he have a superb vision, but also a person with real skills.

This time as the commander-in-chief of the army, he came to attack the world of Daze, breaking the trail of the army, although this was his first battle as commander-in-chief. But he was not nervous.

I have been with Zhou Han for so many years. Although it is impossible to learn everything about Zhou Han, it is okay to learn one tenth of it.

So in the initial stage, they played very smoothly.

And Chen Xiao is also hard-hearted, every time he arrives in a city, he will be blocked by the array at the first time to ensure that the message cannot be delivered, and then kill, and then keep the armor!

He was not afraid of any terrible counterattack after leaking wind, but fear of trouble.

He didn't want to stay in this world for too long.

There are more battles waiting for him outside.

He is different from those **** with mixed military skills. Those **** with a little military power will be happy for a long time.

He wanted more than that.

He is a man of pursuit.

Although he was a personal soldier around Zhou Han, he is now also expensive as a general.

But he wanted to build a huge family like his new aristocracy and have his own power.

Then continue your own family and make it a real behemoth in the entire chaotic domain!

A general in every area, he can't look down.

He wanted to be a real nobleman.

Great nobility!

Just like this time, the children of the noble king and **** were stuffed in one by one, and he had no solution at all.

Even if he has a low status, he can't offend those **** that are stuffed in.

Although it doesn't matter if you offend, you can still do nothing if you offend people.

After having been with Zhou Han for so many years and seeing Zhou Han's guilt of so many people, Chen Xiaoxin is not indifferent.

In his view, if Zhou Han could be softer and humble, maybe ... there won't be so many people against him today.

After all, the first king of Kaitian is really under one person and above ten thousand people.

The domain master died, even if the crown prince was in power, Zhou Han was also an absolute auxiliary political king.

Would n’t it be better to turn the crown prince into a puppet, and then take control of yourself without committing sin?

For him to be Chen Xiao, he will definitely not become a real lonely family like Zhou Han.

Unfortunately, he is not Zhou Han, he is just a personal soldier next to Zhou Han.

Since Zhou Han can't be successful, try to be a big man.

So Chen Xiao did not want to delay too long in this place.

Although the news of their coming in will sooner or later leak, but the later the leak, the better for him.

Lest the news leak, countless wolves rushed to and fro, and then they would have to work hard to kill them.

It is likely that it will take a year to destroy all the cities, but it will take ten years to destroy the rat-like remnants.

He didn't want to waste so much time.

It is a pity that the problem ultimately lies with those nobles.

Chen Xiao really had enough tolerance for those bastards. He placed them at the exit and let them guard the place.

In fact, they do n’t ask for anything they can do, as long as they do n’t make trouble.

As a result, the group of beasts robbed beautiful women everywhere and robbed beautiful men.

The coalition of noble private soldiers led by him is almost all the bastards. Therefore, even if Chen Xiao severely stopped it, it would be useless. How should the **** do it?

As a result, the news of their killing inevitably spread.

In the subsequent battle, they still ran across the land in a crushing attitude.

But the cities that got the news are almost half empty.

Many people who got the news ran away.

Run everywhere!

What annoying thing!

Why can't you all escape to death, why can't you choose a happy death?

Why did you have to waste Chen's time?

Therefore, Chen Xiao has only one way to deal with those who escaped after being caught-torture!

All kinds of torture came over in public, and finally died late.

After he died, he didn't let go of his soul, and threw it into the magic lamp for fuel.

This sensational method really terrified countless people after it spread.

But it's no use, it's still the same run.

How could it not escape?

If you escape, there is still a certain chance that you will not be found, but you will not escape ... it must be dead.

Chen Xiao had to split up a small group of people to chase down those who had escaped with the news.

As a result, the number of their large troops is also steadily decreasing.

But Chen Xiao didn't care much about this matter. In his hand, he still held one hundred thousand true elites. These soldiers are his own strength.

As long as these 100,000 people are in hand, even if all forces in the entire Daze world are united together, he is not afraid.

He even wanted to do this, once and for all.

As a veteran who had gone to the battlefield and killed the realm of the realm that year, Chen Xiao knew how strong the Cangming Army was, but he did not believe that the Cangming Army was so powerful.

But in recent days, he has become more and more disturbed.

More and more scouts appeared, which also gave him a sense of alertness.

Could it be that the cities deep in the Daze world are really united?

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