
Chapter 986: One incompetence will kill the three armies

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"How did you expect them to divide troops like this?"

"Commander, how do you know they will not go to rescue the people in Seongnam?"

"How did you think they would not directly attack our main city?"

A group of city masters couldn't help but feel the vibrations deep in their hearts, and they couldn't care about their identities to ask whether this kind of childish question is appropriate.

Even the veteran veterans of Fatty City looked at Chu Die with shock.

Strategize to win a thousand miles.

This woman is terrible!

Fortunately, she is her own.

If she is standing in the opposite camp, what resistance can this Daze World have?

It is weak in itself, plus such an enemy with an IQ near demon ... really, besides waiting for death, they have no other way of thinking.

Chu Die is not used to being praised in this way, and she has become accustomed to do it alone in the endless years.

Used to give orders in secret.

Even when it is in the Eternal God Realm, she rarely shows her head.

"Actually, they attacked all the same results, only to say that they are too stupid, really not how clever I am." Chu Die explained.

The fat city master smiled bitterly: "Are they really too stupid? How do I feel we are more stupid?"

"Hmm, I feel the same way."

"me too……"

Chu Die: "..."

Fat City main road said: "Think about it in empathy. If I stand in the opposite camp, I am afraid to do so at this time. Who can think of a formation in the formation, the pit is still under the pit!

The circle that trapped the four noble private soldiers was actually just a bait.

It belongs to Taigong fishing, the kind who wants to hook.

If the enemy doesn't bite the hook, it doesn't matter, just use the hundreds of thousands of troops here to break them one by one. Under the blessing of the magic circle, the balance will change.

Sooner or later, they can wipe out the opponent.

If the opponent bites the hook and sends someone to rescue, then Chu Die's plan happens.

Because the real killing is the second most important thing!

Do n’t mention Chen Xiao before, even on the Moon City side, except for a few city owners and seniors with high weights, other people do n’t even know that the sky-like scene in the sky is actually Chu Die A link in the circle.

Anyone who saw it would think that the vision above the sky was caused by the endless murderous energy accumulated in the monks who rushed out of Moon City.

This is the so-called murderous skyrocketing.

Chu Die also used this kind of blind spot in people's hearts to set up the magic circle there.

Once someone comes to rescue and wants to attack the first circle, then the second circle will be activated instantly.

The top lightning in countless chaotic domains will come.

One or two such lightnings will naturally not cause much harm to this group of practitioners, and even some people can easily carry it with the magic weapon.

But what if it is billions? Even more?

How to resist?

What kind of resistance?

This thunderbolt is the perfect thunderbolt of the power of this rule of heaven world!

In addition to the enlightened ones, in addition to those king-level creatures, who dares to say that they have not changed their colors in the face of these hundreds of millions of lightnings?

That's bragging!

Not convinced to let him try?

A large number of monks, under the thunder and lightning array, disappeared.

Countless magical instruments took off, and countless people wanted to escape.

But in the end, few people were able to escape.

Most of them buried their lives in this thunder and lightning array.

Over there, Chen Xiao's confidante, carrying 50,000 soldiers and horses, had just arrived in the north of the city. He had seen such a horrible scene before he even attacked the phalanx.

"Stop! Stop! No one should attack the circle!"

The general collapsed, watching the thunderbolt array drowning a group of people who had just survived.


He acted decisively and directly commanded the army, wanting to retreat.

But at this moment, around them, numerous thick beams of light rose from the ground and ran straight into the sky.

These beams of light exude a dazzling light, which contains endless laws of the avenue.

Another battle!

In order to lay this killing formation, Chu Die has almost used up all the resources here in Moon City!

This is an astronomical wealth.

Speaking of which, Chu Die has never had such a huge amount of wealth.

But she used it without blinking.

At that time, many people were still questioning in their minds. If the enemy didn't hook, wouldn't these resources be wasted?

It ’s like trying hard to cover the entire hillside with mines.

As a result, the enemy bypassed the mountain.

So after seeing the emergence of these two groups of people, those talents on the Moon City side are completely calm.

Can't calm down!

The commander-in-chief is just like a god!

It's amazing, it's amazing!

Look at Chen Xiao in the distance, there are 50,000 elites around him.

Must he be in a bad mood?

The Fat City Lord thought to himself, licking his lips, and there was a bit of Chudie regret in his heart.

If you have more time, more resources, and more combat power ... that would be great!

With a sigh, he looked at the south of the battlefield.

On the Moon City side, the casualties are already very large.

For a while, I do n’t know how many people died on the battlefield.

But no one flinched!

The Cangming Army will never retreat!

The descendants of the blood of the Cangjun Army flowing in the body also inherited this spirit.

Never retreat!

Hundreds of thousands of monks, after a battle in the west of the city, and a life-and-death fight in the south of the city, have already killed a third.

Although the aristocratic private soldiers in the south of the city did not have much combat power, which made people look down on them, but the beasts were still fighting.

In the face of life and death, how can it not be desperate?

So this time, the battlefield of the city battle has become a real meat grinder.

Almost every second, someone died.

For those on the Moon City side, they hated this group of invaders!

It is really old hate and new hatred, this hatred has been so strong that it cannot be added.

They dare to set foot on the battlefield, they are ready to sacrifice.

For this group of aristocratic private soldiers, they had come to gain war exploits and came to the N-day tour of the battlefield. Whoever thought of a non-hazardous activity would actually be in danger of life.

After slowing down, they are all crazy. If they are not crazy, they will be killed by chopping melons and vegetables!

"Kill! Fight with them!"

"This group of weak chickens, they don't have much strength at all, don't panic, come up with the state of usual training ..."

"Crush their mind before taking it out!"

The generals of the noble private soldiers mobilized madly.

But it's still messy.

Although they are desperately trying, their formation has been completely cut off, and it is a mess.

It's just that this group of noble soldiers almost has all kinds of magic weapons. Their equipment and resources are actually much better than the Moon City side.

If they could have a good commander and a group of generals, the casualties would never be so heavy.

Even if people are trapped here, it is impossible to be so miserable.

Unfortunately, they did not.

The thunder and lightning array in the east of the city is enduring and continuous.

Countless people inside were howling, and those who were trapped before, all of them were completely crazy.

Crying, roaring, screaming, and begging forgiveness all joined together.

But who takes care of them?

The west of the city is dead!

Hundreds of thousands of troops were almost killed completely!

In the north of the city, the 50,000 elite army led by Chen Xiao's confidant will be trapped.

The huge and unmatched pillars of heavenly light radiate a peerless killing intent.

That's not an ordinary killing intent, it makes you cold at most.

That is something that can really kill people!

From the beam of light, the killing intentions released can sweep away a few hundred lives.

Although there are so many 50,000 troops, they can't afford this kind of consumption.

The key is that even if they want to fight desperately with the enemy, they can't find the enemy!

After this second magic circle was activated, even those people who had been trapped were bad luck.

The 50,000 elite who wore the tie around Chen Xiao was definitely not comparable to those noble private soldiers. But this is of no use. Because you are in a state of panic or calmness, the killing intention in the phalanx will never miss a person.

The general roared and directed everyone to sacrifice the magic weapon to form a defense, trying to resist.

Not very successful, but after all it blocked most of it.

Those who had been trapped before did not have such good luck.

The murderous intentions swept through, and the noble private soldiers inside died into pieces!

In all directions, it's a purgatory on earth.

But for the Moon City side, this is an incredible victory!

It was a shocking victory!

This battle will be destined to be written in the annals of Chaos Domain in the future.

Chu Die's method is terrible.

But she was still very dissatisfied.

Looking at the north direction of the city, he sighed: "Still blocked by them."

The elite around Chen Xiao is really extraordinary. After the initial panic, let everyone sacrifice all the magic weapons, and then combine the power of these magic weapons together to form a defense.

After all, the attack of the killing team was blocked.

Although the 100,000 people who were trapped earlier died in a blink of a third.

And it continues to die.

But after all, most of them survived.

"It's a pity ..." Jiang Zilian couldn't help murmuring.

Everyone looked at her in shock, then looked at Chu Die again.

Well, you two women won!

Although you do n’t look good, you are really ... really amazing!

It's like a god!

And the whole plan is like walking a tightrope.

Once that Chen Xiao ’s actions were not guessed, then the Moon City now may have fallen into a flame of war.

Why hit the west of the city and then the south of the city?

Because of these two directions, Chu Die has no resources to set up a second law circle!

That is to say, if Chen Xiao obeyed the previous general, gather all her fighting power to attack Seongnam.

Then in this battle, Moon City will be defeated!

Not even a terrible victory!

But he did not do that after all.

Because he is afraid!

He was afraid of losing his power!

Because once you choose to attack Seongnam, you must face hundreds of thousands of monks in Moon City!

Under the desperation of both parties, who dares to guarantee the result?

Even if it is a victory, it is a terrible victory.

That is what Chen Xiao can't bear.

This is the result of courage, determination, wisdom ... not enough.

This is the consequence of cronyism!

A former personal soldier has now become a general.

One incompetence will kill the three armies!

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