
Chapter 995: Is it wrong?

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Shang Wenhong looked at the three people and suddenly laughed. The whole person leaned on the chair. Two long legs threw them on the table and hugged him: "The old lady wants to say no, do you immediately strike the old lady? ? "

Wen Wei ha ha smiled: "What is the name of Sister Hong said? Who do we deal with, we will never shoot you against Sister Hong!"

"And then?" Shang Wenhong asked.

Huo Xiuwen looked at Shang Wenhong: "Do you really want to refuse?"

Shang Wenhong glanced at him and said, "Before our army came, Xu Zhen had looked for me."

"I knew that guy would not stop." Huo Xiuwen sneered.

Shang Wenhong ignored him and said, "He wooed me and was rejected by me. I asked him to bring Chu Yu a word and wash his neck and wait for the old lady to chop."

"Are you serious?" Huo Xiuwen frowned at Shang Wenhong.

"Of course it is serious!" Shang Wenhong looked at Huo Xiuwen with a sneer: "You want to fight against Zhou Han, Cheng, I have no opinion, the surname Huo, I understand the meaning of you, then I ask you, we are How many people can you take away from this army? "

Shang Wenhong looked at the three men: "Also, don't tell me, you don't know Zhou Han's method."

"I don't tell you how much damage the war will cause to the entire Tiangong world, and you don't care about it anyway."

"I only ask you, are you clear about what cards and methods Zhou Han has?"

"Don't forget, the ace army in the Chaos Realm is indeed the Cangming Army, but under the Cangming Army, there is another open army!"

"It's just that the light of the Cangjun Army is too strong!"

"Because that is the invincible teacher created by the domain master!"

"The strength of the domain master is undoubtedly unprecedented in heaven and earth!"

"But have you all forgotten selectively, open the heavenly army, and have never had a defeat?"

"Without the Heavenly Army, why did Zhou Han usurp the throne successfully, with your support?"

"Others believe this, do you believe it yourself?"

"After so many years, Kai Tianjun has been dormant. Are you just thinking that they no longer exist?"

"Zhou Han can clean everyone, but he will never clean his Kaitian army!"

"That's where his real heritage lies!"

"Cangming Army is certainly an invincible teacher, but how much progress have they made over the years?"

"Regardless of anything else, we have also fought a few tentative battles, and both sides have lost or won."

"Yes, they did not use the Cangming Army, but have you thought about it? Is today's Cangming Army still the opponent of the Kaitian Army?"

Shang Wenhong said with a sneer: "On one side there is no resources, only an army that is dormant in Tibet; on the other side, it is enjoying the top resources of the entire chaotic domain, recuperating the undefeated teacher who has lived for countless years!"

"Which is stronger and weaker, you are all leading soldiers to fight, are all fighters who crawled out of the **** sea of ​​corpses, do you have nothing in your heart?"

Shang Wenhong looked at Huo Xiuwen: "One more thing you may not know."

Huo Xiuwen frowned at Shang Wenhong.

Shang Wenhong said faintly: "You know, the realm in the chaotic domain has not been completely removed?"

"I don't know what's wrong with this, the domain master himself said in the past, the realm is cunning, and it's hidden deep ..." Huo Xiuwen said.

"Yes, you know this, but do you know where they are hiding?" Shang Wenhong mocked: "They are hiding in the endless abyss! And, in recent years, Kai Tianjun has not been idle, constantly Attacking there, but not completely destroying them, do you know why? "

Min Yushan's ugly face said: "Training."

"Yes, it's training!" Shang Wenhong hugged his arms, his two long legs dangling on the table, sneered and said: "You now understand why the old lady has no thoughts? You really are Zhou Han Stupid? Why did the old lady immediately support him as soon as he came to power? The old lady knew him better than you! "

All the people present were silent.

What Shang Wenhong said about the front, they didn't care.

How many people can be taken from this army? Not much to take away.

There are sporadic parts of them, which can take away some people. But there are more newcomers who have been promoted by Zhou Han over the years.

These people have extremely high loyalty to Zhou Han, and they are not what they can persuade.

So they didn't plan to take many people from here at the beginning.

They intend to let this group of people be eaten by the opposite side!

Their confidence comes from the soldiers who used to be under their command.

That is the group of people who were disbanded by Zhou Han early!

When they came out this time, they all used their own methods to contact the old department.

Anyone who can connect them is absolutely loyal.

And they have already received a response. As long as they need it, the group of people can bring people at any time.

So the first one is not a problem for them.

The key is the second one, this is a bit terrible.

They certainly know very well about Kaitianjun.

Shang Wenhong did not exaggerate the fighting power of the Celestial Army.

In the past, people only knew that there was a large army, which was the pride of the entire chaotic domain, and the invincible teacher in everyone's mind. Few people know that in the light of the Cangming Army, there is also an open army.

The army led by Zhou Han is equally invincible!

But Zhou Han is too low-key!

In other words, he is too good at hiding and disguising himself.

Although he is the first king of Kaitian, he made him feel that he was on the top of the world by nepotism!

In fact, the left seven and the right seven all followed the world of Chu domain early on.

Where is the nepotism?

To insist that there is, then everyone is!

After all, the left seven and the right seven are all confidants of Chu Yu. No exceptions.

There is no such thing as a good warrior. This sentence is most vividly manifested in Zhou Han.

Even today, even gangsters at the Huo Xiuwen, Wen Wei, and Min Yushan levels have subconsciously ignored that equally terrifying army.

Moreover, after so many years, how many cards Zhou Han made. Including his own realm, no one knows whether he will take another half step!

Even the most trusted people around Zhou Han do not know!

The cold water of Shang Wenhong poured over, and Wen Wei, Huo Xiuwen and Min Yushan were all silent.

"Since today, you still take the old lady as a brother, then the old lady will say one more thing that you don't know." Shang Wenhong glanced at the three people, swaying two long legs, and said lightly: "The matter of Huntian Wangfu , Do you all know? "

"You said that little cook lady?" Wen Wei reacted first, looking at Shang Wenhong.

Shang Wenhong's mouth turned up: "Little clever ghost, you're smart."

Wen Wei was black.

Anyway, he is also the king of the king, so shameful to be so praised.

However, the things that Shang Wenhong can actively mention are obviously not simple. He ignored the shame in his heart and asked with a cheek: "What's wrong with that little chef girl?"

"What's the problem? The problem is bigger!" Shang Wenhong smiled and said: "Zhentianwang lays out the formation of the splitting king. The two kings gritted their teeth to destroy the dog thief of Huntianwang. You think that under this layout, you can Escape from a little chef girl? "

"It's really a problem to make you say this," Wen Wei murmured.

"Nonsense, of course there is a problem! And only you guys who think you are very clever in battle and fools will ignore it." Shang Wenhong pouted: "That little girl is an avatar of Xu Zhen's daughter! "

"What?" All three were stunned.

Min Yushan looked at Shang Wenhong: "Sister Hong, how do you know everything?"

Shang Wenhong smiled and said: "Because my sister has no desire or need! So, no matter what news, Zhou Han's **** will not hide from me."

"You mean, Zhou Han also knows?" Wen Wei looked surprised.

"Nonsense! Otherwise, how do I know?" Shang Wenhong shook his head and sighed: "That little girl thought she was hiding very well, and she didn't want to think she could escape alive from that kind of situation, which is a huge loophole in itself! Zhou It ’s so cold, how can you not even check this? "

"That is, the waste Prince is a little clever and escapes fast, plus the sudden occurrence of the incident, the dog thief of the Heavenly King is dead, and Zhou Han's hand will not be reached for a while."

"However, it doesn't matter. People pushed the stupid girl to the palace. Hey, you said that the waste Prince, would you take the initiative to send it to your door?"

"No, the prince must not be allowed to throw himself into the net!" Wen Wei said with a straight face: "This is not a child's play, he is going to die, this play will not sing, everyone still play a hair?"

Shang Wenhong looked at him and took his two legs off the table with a serious look: "The old lady has said this point, do you still want to react?"

"It's late." Wen Wei said bitterly: "We have already started, and we want to close it, but it's too late! Those old departments are all seen by the law enforcement team. If you want to get together, you must pass the law enforcement team. That level. "

"Already started?" Shang Wenhong looked at Wen Wei.

Wen Wei nodded: "It's time to do it. Now, in the entire Tiangong world, everywhere, I don't know how many animal heads of the law enforcement team have been cut down and kicked."

Shang Wenhong's face changed a lot, he stood up immediately, patted the gray that didn't exist on his buttocks, and went directly out: "The old lady doesn't play with you anymore, you can do it for yourself!"

Shang Wenhong walked to the door and was stopped by Min Yushan.

"Sister Hong, do you really want to go?"

Shang Wenhong stopped and turned his back to several people, and smiled bitterly: "The old lady is so special to you at this point, you still don't want to let go. What should you do if you call the old lady? Did you go to die with you? Is n’t it easy to pretend to be a grandson? It ’s easy to live a few calm days, and I really do n’t want to make any waves, let alone contaminate the blood of my old robe. Is it wrong? ”

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