Lin Shilang Gu

Chapter 111:

In the presence of Gu Yanqiu, Lin Yuewei couldn't even cry, and she was going to work, so she consciously said, "Auntie, Yuewei, I'm going to the company."

Lin Yuewei rubbed her face against Ran Qingqing's sweater and said, "I'll give it to you."

She is still a cat with a colorful face, pitiful and cute, Gu Yanqiu's mind moved, Gu Nian's mother was there, he restrainedly reached out to wipe the water on her face, and said softly, "No need to send it, I will come to accompany you at night. ."

Lin Yuewei was a little reluctant to part with her, and put his hand on her shoulder. It was obvious that he wanted to do something. Gu Yanqiu avoided her and motioned to Ran Qingqing to watch.

Ran Qingqing turned around coldly and reminded: "I can't see anything now, what do I want to do quickly, don't take too long."

Gu Yanqiu was ashamed.

Lin Yuewei took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips lightly, and gently pushed her towards the door: "Go to work."

After Gu Yanqiu left, Lin Yuewei folded her arms with both hands, stared at the back of her own mother, Ran Qingqing, and said, "Your daughter-in-law is gone, you can turn around."

Ran Qingqing opened her fingers to cover her eyes and continued to look no evil. She sighed, "Young people today are really amazing. Think of our generation..."

When Ran Qingqing said this, she probably remembered the unhappy results of their generation, and temporarily changed her words: "The beginning is still very good."

Lin Yuewei's crying was interrupted twice. Now she is alone with her mother, and her mother has such an optimistic and positive attitude, so she can't stop crying anymore. She pulled her mother to sit down and asked, "You What are you going to do?"

Lin Yuewei pointed to the sky with three fingers, and declared in advance: "No matter what you plan, I will stand by your side."

Ran Qingqing thumped her shoulder, raised her eyebrows and said, "You dare not stand by my side, then I've raised you so much for nothing."

She seemed to be a little ecstatic now.

Although Ran Qingqing has been hiding this matter, and it was Father Lin who was at fault first, she was not 100% sure what kind of reaction Lin Yuewei would have, because from childhood to adulthood, even if Father Lin accompanied Lin Yuewei to compare She is a full-time housewife, but Lin's father is a successful businessman. With the blessing of idol worship, Lin Yuewei would prefer her father.

Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, she was worried, and now she was finally completely relieved. She has a daughter and is really not afraid of anything.

Ran Qingqing did not rush to answer Lin Yuewei's question, but asked, "How did you know?"

Lin Yuewei told about her encounter with her father when she went to the banquet last night, and Ran Qingqing said with a clear face, "You said there is a woman standing beside him? How old is he?"

"Twenty or thirty years old?" Lin Yuewei had a thought in his heart, could it be...

Ran Qingqing sneered: "Dogs can't stop eating shit."

Lin Yuewei pressed his chest, feeling that the porridge he drank in the morning was about to return from his stomach.

After a quick glance last night, her attention was all on her father. She only remembered a young woman who was shocked by the "confession" of Lin's father and was speechless, and then she deliberately refused to go. Thinking about this, if Ran Qingqing hadn't brought it up again, she would have ignored the fact that there were other women beside him. Maybe when he answered his phone last night, he had just finished messing with others.

Lin Yuewei subconsciously wanted to save some face for her father, so he frowned and said, "Is it not that kind of relationship with him?" If so, how could he be so embarrassed to ask Ran Qingqing for mercy.

Ran Qingqing spread her hands and said, "I don't know, is it still important?"

Lin Yue was slightly dumbfounded.

Indeed, it doesn't matter who that woman is, what matters is the fact that it happened. His dad cheated on him more than once.

Ran Qingqing said: "It's not that I didn't give him a chance, and I didn't believe it at all when the little girl told me at first."

"Which girl?"

"Just the college student."

Dad Lin was very smart. He didn't leave any evidence for the second cheating, and he didn't let the little girl leave any trace of him. The two of them spent a crazy night.

But this little girl somehow got lost and found Ran Qingqing's contact information, and secretly told her about it. When Ran Qingqing first received a confession from a stranger, she thought it was nonsense. After all, she grew up carefree, with kindness towards everyone, and with the guess that she might have sent the wrong person, she sent a message back to the other party.

Then the other party swore that the one who had a one-night stand with her was Dad Lin, a successful businessman who occasionally appeared in the news and magazines. Not a single word of his first and last name was wrong. , otherwise legal action will be taken.

The little girl was also stubborn, and she took a picture of her student ID and sent it to her, still holding it.

Ran Qingqing hesitated, unable to figure out what the purpose of this little girl was.

The little girl also said that if Ran Qingqing didn't believe it, she could meet her. When confronted, there were some details about Lin's father that people who were not close would never know.

Ran Qingqing looked at the words, as if she was scalded. She almost didn't hold her cell phone steady, and almost immediately replied: Nonsense, don't come to me again.

Lin Yuewei heard this and asked, "When did you meet her?"

Ran Qingqing glanced at her, as expected of her daughter, she really knew her.

Now that Ran Qingqing is very calm about this matter, it has been more than half a year, and time is the best medicine to heal everything.

The seeds of doubt were planted in Ran Qingqing's heart, like an opened Pandora's box that could no longer be closed. Ran Qingqing was stunned by the girl's determined attitude, and couldn't help but become suspicious, and some details of Lin's father that were usually not taken into her heart were also included in her suspicion chain at that time. For example, he spends more time looking at his phone than before, for example, he makes a lot of fuss, for example, he occasionally becomes distracted and absent-minded. When he asks him something, he says it several times before he hears it, which was never like this before.

After more than half a month, Ran Qingqing dragged the girl's contact information from the blacklist.

【still there? When will we meet? 】

"Is that girl good-looking?" Lin Yuewei didn't know why her focus suddenly became so crooked, maybe it was her mother's expression that made her really heavy.

"It looks good." Ran Qingqing said, "but it's far worse than when I was young."

Lin Yuewei cheered her on and tweeted on the side of her face: "Of course, who can look good on you."

Ran Qingqing said: "The old man is turning yellow."

Lin Yuewei said, "No, I am the most beautiful in your heart."

Ran Qingqing said: "People have to face their own aging, although I can't compare to young people, but at my age, I am definitely the best looking."

Lin Yuewei: "..."

Okay, her mother doesn't need her comfort either.

Ran Qingqing went to see a female college student who had a one-night stand with her husband. The two had an appointment in a cafe. The girl arrived first and stood up to greet her. She was wearing a cardigan sweater, blue jeans that were washed to white, and a pair of imitations. Nike, the hook is still blurred, and the whole body does not exceed 200 yuan. It can be seen at a glance that the family is not very good.

Ran Qingqing is not someone who can't handle it clearly, the affair is really a slap in the face, and the bigger fault is her husband. Dad Lin is a successful man in his forties. The other party is just a student who may still be ignorant about the world. If Dad Lin hadn't pushed the boat along the way, this would never have happened anyway.

Ran Qingqing couldn't blame her, especially after seeing him.

The girl was very courageous when chatting with her, but the real person was not like that. She looked a little timid and a little timid, and sincerely apologized to Ran Qingqing. If Ran Qingqing hadn't stopped her, she would have been in the cafe. Ran Qingqing knelt down on the spot.

The girl was so sorry that she burst into tears.

Ran Qingqing asked her, "Why did you tell me?"

The girl was stunned, because Ran Qingqing's face was very bad at that time, and Ran Qingqing wanted to know how much better her face could be when she was a wife who had just found out that her husband was cheating.

Ran Qingqing stopped, Lin Yuewei said, "Did the little girl cry from you again?"

Ran Qingqing said, "What do you mean by being scared to cry by me, she has been crying all the time."

Lin Yuewei said, "Then what did she say?"

Ran Qingqing said: "She said that she was very satisfied after that time. Even if you... cut off all contact with her, she still admires him and has no regrets. But then she listened to one of his lectures. , I was mentioned in the middle, and she called me 'my lover' in a very intimate tone. She was sobered up by the love at that time, and decided to tell me the matter and recognize the truth of a scumbag."

Lin Yuewei said, "Okay."

She then asked, "Is it during the time when Aunt Gu died?"

Ran Qingqing nodded.

Lin Yuewei: "..."

Ran Qingqing saw her delicate expression and asked, "What?"

Lin Yuewei had already made a showdown for her yesterday, and he didn't hesitate at this time, and said embarrassingly: "I thought you were always in a daze because Aunt Gu died, and you have a deep-rooted love for her..."

Ran Qingqing: "..."

She stared at Lin Yuewei for a few seconds, and couldn't bear to flick her finger on her forehead: "How did I give birth to such a thing as you?"

Lin Yuewei stuck out his tongue: "No matter what, you were born in October."

Ran Qingqing said coldly: "That's not necessarily, maybe your dad had an affair outside."

Lin Yuewei: "Hahahahaha."

The father may not know whether the child is his own, but it is impossible for the mother to know, especially Lin Yuewei's peach blossom eyes are 100% inherited from her mother.

Ran Qingqing snapped her finger again and said, "Can you be a little more sympathetic to your mother?"

Lin Yuewei stopped for a second.

Ran Qingqing said: "After seeing the girl, I believed more than half of it, and the other half was after I hired a private detective and saw the photos and videos of him and other women entering and leaving the hotel. Seeing is believing. ."

Ran Qingqing was disheartened, and since then began to plan the transfer of property. She herself knows nothing about business, but she has the money to consult a lawyer. The lawyer asked her to collect evidence of Lin's father's derailment. The more evidence, the clearer the better. It can't be said that Dad Lin can go out of the house, but it can give her more initiative in the divorce, and transfer property without knowing it, Ran Qingqing chose to buy it for Lin Yuewei Real estate, use all the liquidity that the family can use.

Dad Lin is a very shrewd businessman, but it is true that he loves Lin Yuewei. When he was a child, he kept it in his mouth for fear of breaking it, and held it in his hand for fear of falling. In fact, Dad Lin should have become suspicious later, because Ran Qingqing's acting skills were not that good after all, but he acquiesced.

Ran Qingqing was not unshakable when she dreamed back at midnight. She and Dad Lin were each other's first love. They have been in a relationship for more than 20 years. The other party used to be a good husband, and now he is still a good father. She swore each other, turned her head and went to sleep with another woman, or a student about the same age as his daughter, and she was disgusted by the shaking.

Although Ran Qingqing's family is not a particularly rich person, they are also small and wealthy. They have grown up rich and raised from childhood to adulthood. According to her temper, she directly broke the matter and divorced, and she couldn't see it, but she couldn't, she couldn't be so cheap as a scumbag.

So she endured it all the time, pretending that nothing happened, and successfully bought a lot of real estate for Lin Yuewei in just half a year, and now she can pay almost as much. It won't take long for her to confess.

Lin Yuewei suddenly realized: "That's why you have to write my name."

Ran Qingqing said: "Otherwise? It's not for you, I've already shot and scattered."

Lin Yuewei said: "Your attitude is to resolutely divorce? You won't give him a chance at all?"

"No." Ran Qingqing's brain sounded the alarm and stared at her vigilantly, "Aren't you going to plead for him? I tell you, it's absolutely impossible. I've endured nausea for almost a year, and I can't bear it anymore. already."

"No, no." Lin Yuewei quickly cleared himself and said, "I'm not a child anymore, and I'm still begging my parents not to divorce, but I'm just a little embarrassed."

Ran Qingqing didn't let down her guard, she narrowed her eyes and said, "What are you sighing for?"

Lin Yue subdued her and raised his voice: "Then my dad cheated, and my mother quietly transferred property with wit. This kind of TV drama and novel happened to me, so I can't let me sigh? Is there any humanity?"

Ran Qingqing scratched her ears and shouted, "You sigh, but I didn't stop you from sighing."

"Then I just sighed at your expression. Don't you believe that I will be on your side? Do you think I will plead with my dad? You are really my mother, and you don't trust me so much."

"I didn't!" Ran Qingqing was quite guilty at first, but after hearing Lin Yuewei say this, she immediately shouted back.

"You have! You have!"

"No is no."

The mother and daughter murmured face to face in the living room.

"I said no means no." After Ran Qingqing finished speaking, she suddenly covered Lin Yuewei's mouth.

Lin Yuewei: "!!!"

Lin Yuewei: "Uuuuuuu!" (You are cheating!)

Ran Qingqing threatened her: "If you talk back to me again, I will let the dog bite you."

Lin Yuewei: "..."

Is it great to have a dog?

After the two stared at each other for three seconds, Lin Yuewei was defeated. Yougou was really amazing. He had known that she had brought Schrödinger and let Schrödinger perform a cute offensive.

Ran Qingqing let go of her.

Lin Yuewei took two sips at the trash can and drank water to moisten his throat.

"Which step have we reached now? Dad said last night that he was cutting the property? Has there been a decision on how to divide the two of you?" Lin Yuewei didn't eat enough pork and saw the pig run away. Rich people like their family divorced. It was painful. It took a while to count the assets. The most important thing was the Lin family's company, whether it was the transfer of equity or something. The Lin family is a listed company, and Dad Lin holds the majority of the company. He is young and strong, and serves as the chairman and general manager.

"It's almost over. We have an appointment for a day with a lawyer to chat face-to-face with gongs and drums, and we will understand the property division."

"What about the company?"

Ran Qingqing shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"do not know?"

"It depends on the situation." Ran Qingqing sighed.

Shares are dead, people are alive, even if Ran Qingqing gets half of the shares in Dad Lin's hands and gets a director seat, for the company's stability, she must support Dad Lin to continue to serve as the company's chairman, and she can't bring him. What is the impact.

Ran Qingqing now regrets how she became a housewife. After so many years, pigs can learn to speak, can't she learn how to manage the company?

Ran Qingqing turned her attention to Lin Yuewei.

Lin Yuewei wondered: "My career has just started, and the company really can't take care of it." Gu? Lin Yuewei had an idea and suggested, "Or you can ask Gu Yanqiu?"

Ran Qingqing hummed and said, "You think it's beautiful, your company, your elbows are turned out."

Lin Yuewei said dissatisfiedly: "We are all married, how can we be considered outsiders?"

Ran Qingqing said: "Come on, wait for you to think of Gu Yanqiu, I knew you were unreliable, otherwise why would I promote the marriage of the two of you so much?"

Lin Yuewei was shocked.

"Did you expect such a day to come?"

Ran Qingqing folded her arms in her hands, swayed from side to side, and said a bit like showing off, "That's not right."

Lin Yuewei looked at her mother like a monster, and felt that she was very strange for a while.

Ran Qingqing pushed her forehead and said in disgust, "What kind of eyes do you have?"

Lin Yuewei blurted out: "I really didn't expect you to have such a brain. It's a little scary to think about it."

Ran Qingqing: "..."

Sure enough, he got a swipe of the finger.

Lin Yuewei covered his forehead.

Ran Qingqing said: "Is it because I have been idle for so many years and caused you trouble? When your mother was not married, she was also a talented girl, right? Later, she stepped into the grave, and even her IQ decreased, so I will guard you and you every day. Dad has a third of this acre, and as soon as he plans to divorce, hey, his IQ will come back."

"Aren't you afraid that Gu Yanqiu will be unreliable?"

"People like her mother should have a reliable daughter."

"But her mother may not be a good person." Lin Yuewei said, and couldn't help rolling his eyes. Speaking of IQ crushing, the beginning of the matter was entirely because of her mother's fan filter for Shen Huaiyu, which put gold on her face.

"That's why I tested her for so long." Ran Qingqing said, "your mother is a bit of a judge. Did you know that after you go to record the show, she will be my second daughter? Every time she came to see me, she didn’t come empty-handed, she brought me things I liked. At that time, she found that I was restless and gave me the string of Buddha beads. She said that you don’t have to believe in Buddha. Even this dog was suggested to me by her, if you feel lonely, you can keep a pet, don't you care?"

Lin Yuewei lowered his head a little guiltily.

"A person's acting skills can really make a fake come true, but I can't think of a reason for her to act in front of me. She was so kind to me before you were with her at that time."

Lin Yuewei couldn't help but put some gold on his face, and smiled: "Actually, she had a crush on me back then, so she wanted to please you, don't you know?"

Ran Qingqing rolled her eyes to Tianling Gai and was shocked by her shamelessness: "Can you get it, just you?"

Lin Yuewei was unconvinced and said, "What's wrong with me? I'm pretty neat, and my body is soft. Mom, can you wish me a little better?"

"I'm looking forward to it. I'm your biological mother. I hope you are well, safe and sound every day." Ran Qingqing shook her head and said, "But I don't believe it. You must have a crush on someone first. Look at them Looks, that temperament, isn't it a thousand times better than you?"

"Mom—" Lin Yuewei was really about to get angry.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, if you say she has a crush on you, she just crushes on you." Ran Qingqing's face is that I'm too lazy to care about you, you like to deceive yourself and others.

Lin Yue was a little angry and turned into a gourd with a saw mouth.


After returning from get off work in the evening, as soon as Gu Yanqiu entered the forest house, he saw a human-shaped object rushing towards him. Gu Yanqiu caught the person, took a step back, stood still, and asked amusingly, "What's wrong?"

She smelled the aroma of the food in the air and said, "It's so fragrant, did Auntie stew the chicken soup?"

Lin Yuewei: "I know what to eat as soon as I come back."

Gu Yanqiu was shot indiscriminately by her anger, stunned for a moment, cupped her face with both hands, kissed lightly on the tip of her pretty nose, and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, who offended you?"

Lin Yuewei said, "My mother."

Gu Yanqiu's face is clear, Lin Yuewei has been scolded by her mother for not a day or two, and the two usually win or lose each other, but since Ran Qingqing is a mother and she is a daughter, it's usually fine, but it's not enough to face each other, so Lin Yue Micro is basically a losing battle.

Gu Yanqiu: "Why did she provoke you today?"

"She said - she's **** me off!" Lin Yuewei stopped talking.

Gu Yanqiu felt a strong force and was dragged forward. Lin Yuewei opened the kitchen door and said to her mother, "Gu Yanqiu is back."

Ran Qingqing said leisurely: "So what?"

Lin Yuewei turned his head to Gu Yanqiu and said angrily, "My mother doesn't believe that you already had a crush on me, and mocked me all afternoon."

Gu Yanqiu raised his eyebrows.

So now in this situation... is she asking her to testify to Lin Yuewei?

Sure enough, I heard Lin Yuewei say: "You told her, did you have a crush on me first?"

Originally, the question was not like this, and there was no question about secret love, but this question sounded more respectable, and she was confident that Gu Yanqiu would give a good answer.

Gu Yanqiu nodded, smiled slightly, and said to Ran Qingqing, "That's right, Auntie, I fell in love with Yuewei at first sight."

Lin Yue smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth.

Ran Qingqing was silent for a second, then immediately waved her hand and said, "Let's go, is it appropriate to say this in front of someone who is about to get divorced? Are you ashamed?"

Gu Yanqiu: "..."

Lin Yuewei: "..."

She never imagined, where did her mother come from so many new tricks to deal with her, especially now, the reaction is getting faster and faster, the mouth is getting more and more powerful, does it really answer the sentence, the IQ of a woman who wants to get out of marriage immediately Ride a rocket up?

Lin Yuewei took Gu Yanqiu out in confusion.

The two sat on the sofa.

Gu Yanqiu took the pot onto himself and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't behave well just now."

If she changed her lines, it might not be the result.

"It's not your fault, my mother has changed." Lin Yuewei shook his head and said deeply, "The former Ran Qingqing was buried by her own hands, and now Ran Niuhulu Qingqing is standing in front of us."

The author has something to say: Ran Niu Hulu Qingqing: It is impossible not to divorce, I can be more beautiful :)

I don't know if this stalk of Niu Hulu originated from Zhen Huan's Biography of TV. Didn't Zhen Huan turn black later and became the champion of palace fighting.

Niu Hulu·XX, which means that he buried his past self with his own hands and returned to become very powerful.

It's become a meme now, and it's pretty fun

Explain it to the little penyus who don't understand, okay?

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