Lin Shilang Gu

Chapter 162:

"You put others to sleep, don't you intend to be responsible?" The woman's gentle grievance came from the telephone receiver.

Qu Xuesong's face changed slightly.

The assistant beside her glanced at her, looking at her nose and heart.

Qu Xuesong stepped aside, held the microphone and sighed lightly before answering, his voice softened a little: "Miss Cheng."

Cheng Guiyuan's mood rose a little, and she shouted softly, "Sister Qu."

Qu Xuesong took a breath and said, "I'm sorry."

Cheng Guiyuan: "I didn't want you to apologize."

Qu Xuesong: "What happened last night was that I drank too much."

There was no speech for a long time, and then there was a low, suppressed sob. Cheng Guiyuan squeezed out a few crocodile tears with difficulty, and said in a choked voice, "I see..."

Qu Xuesong stroked his forehead and sighed again in his heart.

Confused, she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary for a long time, how come last night...

Everything has to start from scratch.

Cheng Guiyuan tried to flex Xuesong but failed, and that woman was simply insufferable. Cheng Guiyuan did not deliberately pursue anyone abroad before. She has a good-looking skin, not a boring soul, and a good tutor, which naturally attracts many girls to approach her. She naturally chooses the right eye. , everything happens is a matter of course.

Girls are easily moved by some small details, such as menstrual care, breakfast every day, gentle words and deeds, etc., and often fall into the trap. Cheng Guiyuan is really good to her girlfriend, she can do everything, and it is hair. Sincerely want to do for each other, gentleness is the most difficult temptation to resist. Only Qu Xuesong, Cheng Guiyuan remembered the last time she found her stomachache and wanted to help. Qu Xuesong said she was allergic to pollen; last time there was an event they attended together, and she found that Qu Xuesong seemed to be a guest at the invitation of a friend. What kind of movie, her arm was accidentally injured. No one noticed the small suit she was wearing that day. Cheng Guiyuan noticed that her arm was unnatural, so she changed seats with someone to her table, and wanted to help a little, but this woman They didn't appreciate it at all, and they also changed their positions, so they were far apart; the last time they met in a hotel...

Cheng Guiyuan didn't want to talk about all these things, Qu Xuesong probably saw her pursuit intention, so he avoided her on purpose.

Cheng Guiyuan wondered, she wasn't a beast, and she didn't do anything out of the ordinary. There was nothing to hide from her natural pursuit. Even if she didn't agree, she didn't need to be so obvious. Besides, she had a stable career in her thirties. The actress, should enjoy love, same-sex marriage is legal, it doesn't matter if she is a woman, isn't her ex also a woman.

Cheng Guiyuan thought about it, but what her father, Mr. Cheng, said came to her mind. She used to have an ex-girlfriend, but after breaking up, her temperament changed so much that she was resistant to relationships.

But Cheng Guiyuan felt that she was so stupid. To punish herself for others, Ren Jihan happily changed her girlfriend's clothes like a jade, and she was like a jade by herself. Could it be that she still wanted to break the mirror and reunite?

Cheng Guiyuan threw a beef nib into her mouth and chewed absentmindedly. The long-lost distressed expression on her face was reflected on the computer screen that was already dark in front of her.


Cheng Guiyuan was stunned.

Thinking back to the stubborn eyes of Qu Xuesong when she first saw the weak Qu Xuesong, and then to her indifference, Cheng Guiyuan suddenly wanted to see other emotions in her eyes, and wanted her not to. so lonely.

Yes, lonely.

Cheng Guiyuan felt that she was lonely, even though she was standing on the top of the pyramid, her world was desolate and lonely, and there were no bright colors.

She wants to be her color.

Cheng Guiyuan made up her mind to chase Qu Xuesong from this time.

Before this, Qu Xuesong was no different from every job she had pursued before. She found it interesting, and then approached. If it fits, talk more for a while. The whole of the kite, but she adjusts the necessities of life.

The only thing she felt more deeply was her predecessor, the one she was designed by the high school girl in country M to break up. She liked him very much, and even after breaking up, she would never forget it for a long time.

Qu Xuesong is different from others. She is someone who can't be easily provoke. Although Cheng Guiyuan is a bit rambunctious, she still has basic morals. She can recover in a few days and months. The wound is unforgettable for three years, five years, ten years, and even a lifetime.

Cheng Guiyuan thought about it for three days, and asked for all the information about Qu Xuesong. She didn't need to use her shady means. As an insider, Qu Xuesong had a good grasp of her resume from the past to the present.

Mr. Cheng and Qu Xuesong are good friends. When he knew that she was going to chase after Qu Xuesong, he asked her solemnly if she wanted to be serious. Cheng Guiyuan said yes. Mr. Cheng gave her Qu Xuesong's personal contact information and joked about it. Said: If you really catch up, in the future, Cedar will have to call me Dad hahaha.

Cheng's mother, Cheng Guiyuan and old Mr. Cheng, hid it from her first, lest she worry too much about what will happen again.

Cheng Guiyuan looked at Qu Xuesong's resume, except for the period when he was suspected of falling in love, the others were very indifferent, just running the announcement, saying some old injuries, in short, it was of little help. She flipped through her preferences again and recited it.

Cheng Guiyuan began to prepare.

Qu Xuesong didn't like too obvious pursuit and affection, so she changed a set of methods and kept a businesslike tone. Qu Xuesong is very dignified and decent in front of outsiders. Cheng Guiyuan pulls friends together every time. Although the results are minimal, Qu Xuesong can no longer avoid her.

At this look, Cheng Guiyuan found that she really fell in love. Qu Xuesong is not very tall. If he didn't wear high heels, he was only 165. He was half a head shorter than her. He was obviously from Shandong, but his speech was melodious and soft like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. His frame was also small, and his appearance was delicate and soft One that makes people feel a sense of protection.

Usually the aura is too strong, and after converging, she sits in the corner, like a well-behaved and quiet little girl next door.

Makes me want to hug her.

Cheng Guiyuan, who was six years younger than her, thought so, and absently put the dish that was empty of chopsticks into her mouth, and the friend beside her slapped her arm: "What are you doing?"

Cheng Guiyuan lowered her head, looked away, shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

"Aren't you? Are you really playing?" The friend looked in the direction she had just looked at from memory, and saw Qu Xuesong, who had already left the seat, who was probably waiting for the driver to pick him up, sitting alone in a corner with few people. .

"No fun," Cheng Guiyuan said.

"Then I'll take back the words, seriously?"


"I wish you good luck," the friend said gloatingly, "I told you that she is very difficult to chase, and no one has succeeded in so many years. I have tried it all, and it's fine if I touch my nose."

"It's a coincidence, you are about to see the first successful one."

"Hahahaha I believe you." But the friend's laughter clearly represented disbelief.

Cheng Guiyuan saw that Qu Xuesong's assistant said something in her ear, Qu Xuesong stood up, the assistant put a shawl on her, the soft girl turned into a queen in a second, and she went out in defiance of the world.

Cheng Guiyuan looked at her back and laughed.

The friend exclaimed in surprise: "You fell!"

Cheng Guiyuan handed a wine glass to her mouth: "I want you to talk more."

Cheng Guiyuan approached her patiently and slowly, and the turning point of the matter happened at the dinner last night. Cheng Guiyuan inquired about Qu Xuesong's confirmation to attend, asked someone to ask for an invitation card for her, and went too.

As the saying goes, when a rival in love meets, they are jealous.

Coincidentally, I was meeting Ji Han and Shao Yasi. Even more coincidentally, Qu Xuesong and Ji Han were sitting at the same table. Managers and artists were almost the same in both vertical and horizontal terms. Anyway, they were more suitable than the prince-child of an entertainment company such as Cheng Guiyuan.

Cheng Guiyuan knew that there was a period between Ji Han and Qu Xuesong, so she paid special attention to it.

Qu Xuesong has a bad stomach and is still in the recovery period. In the past, she would drink one drink and refuse three glasses of wine to her, and reluctantly deal with it.

Cheng Guiyuan guessed that it was because of Jihan, and felt sour in her heart, but she had no position to stop her.

That Ji Han had never seen Qu Xuesong in the whole process, and even raised his head very little, and devoted himself to serving the little girlfriend beside him. How could Cheng Guiyuan not see that Qu Xuesong was unrequited love, and he was even more angry.

Qi Qu Xuesong did not know how to cherish himself, and he had to hang himself on a tree with a crooked neck in his good years.

Qu Xuesong got up and made a mouth shape like "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom and excuse me for a while" - after such a period of time, Cheng Guiyuan has almost mastered lip language, especially Qu Xuesong's lip language, even The basic meanings of certain actions can be discerned. For example, when she flips her hair, it means she is irritable and impatient with the situation, and when she touches her earlobe, it means she is ready to leave. One, can feel the secret huge joy.

This time, she not only lifted her hair, but also touched her earlobe. As expected, seeing her leaving, Cheng Guiyuan followed.

The woman in front was walking steadily, and she couldn't seem to be drunk at all. Cheng Guiyuan walked not far or near. In order not to let her find out that she had stopped wearing high heels recently, Qu Xuesong went into the bathroom and opened a space. room, closed the door.

An unpleasant gurgling sound came from inside.

Cheng Guiyuan turned on the faucet and sighed softly.

Qu Xuesong wiped his mouth, took out a vanity mirror from his carry-on bag, adjusted his hairstyle, and opened the door calmly.

There was a dark shadow in front of her, and before she could react, the man stepped forward, blocked her back into the compartment, and covered her open red lips.

The familiar fragrance of flowers and fruits invaded the nose, Qu Xuesong's eyes only had a moment of panic, and then he regained his composure.

She took Cheng Guiyuan's hand on her lips and asked in a cold voice, "What do you want to do?"

Cheng Guiyuan moved her fingers hanging by her side, as if reminiscing about the touch of the soft red lips she touched just now.

A smile slowly emerged from the corner of Cheng Guiyuan's mouth: "You said what I want to do."

Qu Xuesong said calmly: "Miss Cheng, your father and I are good friends, so I will give you three points of thin noodles. Please don't pester me anymore, otherwise I will tell your father to go and let him educate you in person."

Cheng Guiyuan said in her heart that my father supported me in chasing you, so go and sue.

Cheng Guiyuan looked down at her by taking advantage of her height. The compartment was crowded, and the two were very close to each other in the same room. Cheng Guiyuan lowered her head slightly, and could smell the fragrance emanating from her neck.

I don't know how to describe it. It was like the fragrance of flowers, the sun, and the fragrance of wine. It was different from any fragrance she had ever smelled, and it was the smell that could confuse her the most.

Cheng Guiyuan made a breathing movement that was not obvious, but was still noticed by the keen Qu Xuesong, Qu Xuesong pressed against her shoulders and pushed the person away, scolding in the tone of an elder: "Cheng Guiyuan, I really I don't have time to play this kind of boring trick with you, if you want to play it, go find someone in the same way, why bother me?"

Cheng Guiyuan's focus was completely deviated from Qu Xuesong calling out her full name. Every word seemed to be shouted in her ear, falling on her heart neither lightly nor heavy, and smashed into small holes.

Cheng Guiyuan looked at her face full of anger, how could she be afraid, her mind was full of how she was so cute, she wanted to hug her, but her reason restrained her emotions, Cheng Guiyuan took the initiative to retreat to a safe distance, and went straight to the road : "Did you miss Jihan?"

Qu Xuesong's face that had just recovered a little blood turned pale in an instant, and there were many violent emotions in the bottom of his eyes looking at Cheng Guiyuan.

Cheng Guiyuan couldn't tell the names of those emotions, she only knew that she was very jealous, so jealous that she was going crazy.

Cheng Guiyuan asked, "Do you want to get rid of her completely?"

Qu Xuesong took a light breath and said nothing.

The fist clenched by her side was gently opened by a palm, and a hard card was stuffed inside: "I have a way. After the dinner is over, come here to find me."

"I'm leaving, I just want to help you, no malice." The beautiful girl who was several years younger than her was sincere.

Qu Xuesong's face was no longer so cold, and he said lightly, "I don't need it."

"Then I'll wait for you until dawn tomorrow." Cheng Guiyuan held the doorknob of the compartment, and suddenly turned around, "Also, don't drink so much alcohol, it's hard to suffer from stomach problems. Your own, I..."

I looked very distressed.

Cheng Guiyuan swallowed the last sentence and smiled at her.

"I'm going back."

Qu Xuesong looked down at the thing in his palm, it was a room card. After she went out, there was no one outside. Qu Xuesong held the corner of the room card and wanted to throw it into the trash can, but he didn't let go of his hand hanging in the sky.

Maybe it's alcohol, maybe that girl looks really kind, or maybe... She's really been stuck in this nightmare for too long, someone wants to reach out and give her a hand, and she doesn't want to let it go.

After thinking about it, that girl is Lao Cheng's daughter, so she wouldn't do anything to her.

Qu Xuesong kicked back with his fingers and put the room card into his bag.

On the way out, at Guiyuan's table, Cheng Guiyuan was toasting a person's wine, his mouth was so sweet as if he had been smeared with honey, he coaxed people into laughing, Qu Xuesong's gaze stayed for two more seconds, and was caught by Cheng Guiyuan, Looking over, Qu Xuesong hurriedly looked at the road without looking sideways.

Cheng Guiyuan: "Pfft."

Even though he had already walked out several steps, Qu Xuesong could still clearly hear this chuckle from the crowd.

"Sorry, I'm late." Qu Xuesong smiled apologetically at everyone in his seat.

At the banquet, there was an actress who was in a good relationship with her and said, "Look at you coming over with a spring breeze on your face, I really don't see where the apology is, let's have a drink."

Qu Xuesong was startled.

Does she have a spring breeze?

After the banquet was over, Qu Xuesong refused the invitation of her friend, and also refused the assistant to call a car for her. After everyone was almost dispersed, he took the elevator to the floor where the room was located.

It was rare for Cheng Guiyuan to be nervous. She took a few steps first, and took care of herself in the room. She took off her makeup, changed her dress, and put on her normal shirt and shorts. After thinking about it, she changed her shorts to He put on trousers, then sat on the sofa like a little daughter-in-law and waited.

Qu Xuesong did not disappoint her, and the doorbell rang after counting the time.

Qu Xuesong took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief after seeing Cheng Guiyuan's outfit. If the other party's clothes were exposed and his long legs were bare, she would definitely turn around and leave.

Cheng Guiyuan turned sideways: "Please come in."

After Qu Xuesong came in, she gently closed the door and locked it.

Cheng Guiyuan: "Anything to drink?"

Qu Xuesong: "Water is fine."

Qu Xuesong was about to sit on the sofa. Cheng Guiyuan came over and naturally lifted the skirt of her dress for her. Qu Xuesong glanced at her, and Cheng Guiyuan said embarrassedly, "I'm used to it, it's a conditioned reflex."

"Are you so considerate to girls?" Qu Xuesong asked casually after sitting down.

However, Cheng Guiyuan tasted great sweetness from these words, the flowers in her heart were about to blow away, she shook her head and said, "No."

In fact, yes, but how could she say it!

Qu Xuesong said "Oh", but there was no special reaction.

Cheng Guiyuan speculated: Are you jealous? Didn't I say no? She doesn't believe me?

Cheng Guiyuan pondered her emotions and poured two cups of warm water over. Qu Xuesong took a cup and said indifferently, "Thank you."

Cheng Guiyuan looked for a topic and said, "Sister Qu, when will your new play be broadcast? I've been waiting for a long time."

Qu Xuesong frowned slightly because of her title. According to her seniority, she should call her auntie, but she is indeed a sister in her age, so she did not correct it and said, "Don't say that there are some things, I'm here to find you. Seriously."

Cheng Guiyuan gritted her teeth secretly, Qu Xuesong really didn't give any chance to be polite, she sat down beside Qu Xuesong and asked obediently: "Sister Qu, you see that other people have a good time with new girlfriends, why don't you? Try handing in one too?"

"None are suitable."

Cheng Guiyuan blinked at her.

"You are too young." Qu Xuesong shook his head, and she was the daughter of her old friend, so she always felt like a junior.

"I'm twenty-six years old."

"That's still a child." Qu Xuesong disagreed.

"Then what are you looking for?"

"Mature and tolerant, you can rely on me." Qu Xuesong shook his head again, "I'm too busy with work, I don't have the heart to think about personal things, I want to forget her now."

"I take the liberty to ask, Sister Qu." Cheng Guiyuan gave her a careful look.

"You ask."

"Have you had that... life in these years?" Cheng Guiyuan was very open, but in front of her she pretended to be an introverted good girl, instead of speaking directly, she only used her eyes to convey information.

Qu Xuesong blushed.

Cheng Guiyuan laughed in her heart, but looked at her earnestly.

Qu Xuesong said: "No."

Cheng Guiyuan said "Yeah": "Then how do you usually solve it?"

Qu Xuesong: "..."

Cheng Guiyuan said, "I heard people say that thirty is like a wolf..."

Qu Xuesong blushed again.

Cheng Guiyuan was going to be mad at her cuteness, because her cheeks became flushed with excitement: "Sister Qu, do you want to make a breakthrough in this aspect?"

Qu Xuesong: "Huh?"

"That's it..." Cheng Guiyuan licked her lips, a dim flame ignited in her eyes, and muttered, "Like this."

She leaned over and kissed Qu Xuesong.

She has had so many exes, and naturally she has perfected her kissing skills. She supports Qu Xuesong's cheek with one hand, making her raise her neck, while the fingers of the other hand gently caress the back of her ear.

Qu Xuesong was stunned by her sudden attack, until Cheng Guiyuan snorted involuntarily, drawing on the fragrance of her tongue, and then pulled back abruptly, breaking the kiss.

Her veins jumped violently: "You are so brave!"

Cheng Guiyuan recalled the taste between her lips and teeth, her eyes were almost intoxicated, she bullied her again, and exhaled like blue: "Sister Qu."

Qu Xuesong was about to push her away, but was held down by Cheng Guiyuan's arm: "Listen to me."

"Did you think about Jihan when you solved it yourself?"

Qu Xuesong was furious and was about to break out. Cheng Guiyuan blocked her back with one sentence: "Aren't you cheap?"

Qu Xuesong's lips trembled slightly.

Cheng Guiyuan let go of her arm, one leg was crossed and sat on the sofa, her hand casually brushed the long bangs that covered her eyes, looked at her, and said lightly, "Others and newcomers are turning over the clouds and the rain, why are you guarding your body like jade? "

"I'm not!"

"What are you? Come on, you want to find another one, I see your eyes are sticking to others, wake up, you are the only one stuck in the same place, and you think you are loyal What about the strong girl? Do you want an archway? I'll have someone call you one tomorrow and deliver it to your home in person."

"you shut up!"

"Poke your sore spot?"

Qu Xuesong was short of breath and his hands were shaking.

Cheng Guiyuan took her hand and kissed her neatly trimmed fingertips. Qu Xuesong's fingers trembled and raised his head, his confused eyes met hers.

Cheng Guiyuan looked directly at her and said softly, "Qu Xuesong, get on me."


Then Cheng Guiyuan was attacked. As a person who is used to attacking, Cheng Guiyuan is not used to it, but the other party is someone she likes. Although the technology is really not good, she still enjoys it very much. night.

She just didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless, and she sacrificed herself to help her resolve the knot. She was so good that she didn't even give a phone call.

"I see..." Cheng Guiyuan choked, "I did it of my own accord last night, I won't cause you any trouble, and I won't tell my father about it."

Qu Xuesong: "You..."

Cheng Guiyuan sucked her nose and cried, "But sister Qu, I'm a little scared. I'm a little uncomfortable right now. I just went to take a bath and found that I was bleeding."

Qu Xuesong: "..."

She is really not a human being, and she only cared about venting last night, and Cheng Guiyuan didn't begrudge her nice voice, which made her more and more excited, and her movements were unknown.

Last night, Qu Xuesong wanted her to come back, and it was even. There were still tears in Cheng Guiyuan's eyes, and she said pitifully that she would not. Qu Xuesong went out and led her to take the initiative. Cheng Guiyuan kept going Back off, and then go to seduce her again.

Qu Xuesong didn't sleep all night, and after putting Cheng Guiyuan to sleep, he put on his clothes and left. I have to say that solving it by myself is a world apart from being with others. Qu Xuesong's mind has been distracted when he put on makeup this morning, and Cheng Guiyuan's intoxicated and painful expression appears from time to time.


A kid fell asleep.

Qu Xuesong regretted it.

Qu Xuesong said softly, "Go see a doctor?"

Cheng Guiyuan replied obediently, "I will go to the doctor, I will go later."

"Then..." Qu Xuesong said softly and stiffly, "Are you going alone?"

Cheng Guiyuan sighed and said, "Yeah, my friends are all at work, I'll go alone."

As an actor, Qu Xuesong has a very strong empathy ability. As soon as she said this, she made up for a poor little girl who was scumbag, dragging the "sick body" in the hospital line, and still watching that Kind of, she's not married yet.

Qu Xuesong hesitated.

Cheng Guiyuan didn't wait for her to come up with the result, and she said, "Sister Qu, I've hung up the phone, I'm going to the hospital, and I have to go to work in the afternoon."

It can be said to be very understanding.

Qu Xuesong said "oh", and there was a beeping busy tone.

She opened her mouth blankly, and wanted to persuade the other party to take a half-day leave.

Cheng Guiyuan hung up the phone, laughed loudly, and wiped away her tears with a tissue. Last night, she was really worried that Qu Xuesong would not be provoked.

Counterattack? How is it possible, how can she rely on the other side after attacking back? Wait until the person is locked up first, and then let her see what she can do.

Cheng Guiyuan sorted out her belongings, made sure that nothing was left behind, and left Shi Shiran.


Gu Yanqiu told Lin Yuewei the results of her question to Cheng Guiyuan, excluding Gu Yanqiu and Cheng Guiyuan, and Lin Yuewei could not think of anyone else who could help her so much. Is it Qiu Yuanan? Her friendship with Qiu Yuanan didn't seem to be at this level yet.

Miss Zou Heng and Qiu are even more unlikely. The most likely one is the one surnamed Chen, who seems to be interested in himself?

Lin Yuewei's head was about to go bald, and she couldn't think of a candidate.

But when things got to this point, it was to catch the ducks on the shelves and take a step by step.

Chen Xuan sent her the script, which consisted of a few pages and a brief background introduction. Lin Yuewei flipped through it and found that the role of this female general was really... At this time, it's really not good.

Naturally, it's not a female lead, but a female supporting role, and a female supporting role for the unrequited male lead.

Lin Yuewei pinched the script, read it for a long time, and sighed.

What else can I do? Work hard to audition, anyway, there is no other announcement right now. The ancient puppet drama in the middle of the year has been finished. There is no wind and no waves. Lin Yuewei, as a small villain, brushed a wave of her face. Due to the magical power of the crew, her face did not get anyone's amazing attention. When she was filming that play, she knew that the heroine was so good-looking that she didn't stand out. She put on makeup and barely improved her appearance. She didn't allow other supporting characters to look better than her, otherwise she would be worthy of her title of "XXX No. 1 Beauty". Therefore, the makeup in Lin Yuewei's play is terrible, that is, the foundation is good, and it can still be maintained at the benchmark level after being so badly abused.

Lin Yuewei made the calculations. She has made three dramas in total. The ancient puppets that have been released look like a fantasy, and there is also a "Misty City" with high hopes, which will be released at the end of this year. Picking up and down, there will be no good books to find her now.

"Misty City" will be screened until next year, and it will go to the second in five years, and the remaining three years will also come up.

Lin Yuewei was stunned for a while, and then he worked up his energy to stick to the script, no matter what role it was, just like Qu Xuesong said, just play it with all his strength, and every ounce of hard work in the future will become proof.

When Gu Yanqiu came home, Lin Yuewei was practicing guns in the yard. The wooden guns, which I don't know where they came from, danced like a tiger, but the moves were a bit monotonous, and they should have been played by himself. Gu Yanqiu watched her play for a while, and stopped to gasp in sweat.

Gu Yanqiu applauded vigorously: "Okay!"

Lin Yuewei held the wooden spear and folded his hands: "My surname is Gu, my first name is my wife, and I am from Jiangzhou. As the saying goes, I rely on friends at home, and friends when I go out. All Yanning's fathers and villagers, I want to go to Gu Yanqiu's heart and pass by. Here, it is a pity that the entanglement is exhausted, so I have to perform here. Please support the money field if you have money, and support the private field if you have no money, thank you."

Saying that, she used the air to make a gong, holding it back, "Thank you, thank you" and circled around, and finally came to Gu Yanqiu: "This..." She paused and grinned, "This beauty Son."

The three words "beautiful woman" were not pronounced in the local erhuan pronunciation, but separated from each other.

The beauty said, "I have no money."

Lin Yuewei licked his lips and said, "It doesn't matter, it's okay to show your body."

Gu Yanqiu opened his arms, shrugged and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Lin Yuewei threw the wooden gun aside, hugged her and smiled: "Can you be more reserved?"

Gu Yanqiu touched the sweat on her forehead, and then laughed: "Your surname is Mrs. Gu, if you want to reach my heart, I will be more reserved, how hypocritical."

"I just like you being hypocritical." Lin Yue kissed her slightly sweetly, and the two entered the house together.

Lin Yuewei went to the bathroom to wash his face, Gu Yanqiu was sitting in the living room, Lin Yuewei's mobile phone was on the coffee table, it vibrated buzzing at this moment, Gu Yanqiu glanced at the caller ID: Teacher Qu.

Lin Yuewei asked, "Who is it?"

Gu Yanqiu did not answer.

She thought seriously: I'm going to start being hypocritical.

The author has something to say: Lin Gong: I am dry, how about you?

Teacher Qu: I'm tired too

↑ two recipients

The deputy cp should not have too many scenes? It may be put on the show, but what I said doesn't work very well. Before "Everyone Knows I Love You" Season San and Qin Er's fan show didn't work either hahahahahaha

I think the big kite can compete with Qin Mu.”

Today's pomegranate is also for everyone to sit down

Big kite, why are you wearing Pinru's clothes? ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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