Lin Shilang Gu

Chapter 164:

Gu Yanqiu looked at Lin Yuewei who was curled up at the corner of the bed, blinked his eyes, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Come here."

Lin Yuewei shook his head.

Gu Yanqiu's voice was gentle: "Come here, I promise not to do anything to you."

Lin Yuewei was dubious.

Gu Yanqiu said, "I swear."

Lin Yuewei came over slowly, Gu Yanqiu put a hand on her shoulder, wrapped her around her in his arms, Lin Yuewei moved uncomfortably, Gu Yanqiu pressed his hand down to the skin of her arm .

Lin Yuewei didn't dare to move anymore.

In fact, looking back on it, it wasn't that scary, but Lin Yuewei had never seen Gu Yanqiu like that. First, she was not used to it, and secondly, she couldn't stand it because the tricks were too new, and she had to slowly get used to it.

It was like a child who was just learning to walk, stumbled and suddenly flew up, Lin Yuewei swallowed down his throat, turned his head to look at Gu Yanqiu, and frowned.

I don't know where she went to get the scriptures. If this goes on, will she still have any status in this family.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuewei moved "rebelliously" in order to regain her little remaining dignity.

Gu Yanqiu held her down: "I'll have a good talk with you for a while."

Lin Yuewei said coldly, "I've already slept, what can I say?"

Is this being too much tossed and so unhappy? Gu Yanqiu raised his eyebrows, but since she had just had a perfect enjoyment, Gu Yanqiu turned to coax her patiently, and said with a smile, "Of course we have to make it clear, didn't we say that the day's affairs should be resolved that day?"

Lin Yue gave her a sneer.

Gu Yanqiu didn't care, he hugged and coaxed, "I'm not jealous."

"What's that for?" Lin Yuewei immediately forgot that he was still holding his temper.

"Because you made your own decision and didn't tell me."

"Didn't I tell you? I didn't leave without saying goodbye."

"Is there any difference between you and saying goodbye? Tell me directly that you are going to move to another place tomorrow. It's a notice, not a discussion."

Lin Yuewei thought about it for a while, but still said stubbornly: "I told you and you would agree."

Gu Yanqiu clicked his tongue.

Lin Yuewei buried her face in her neck, gently kissed her ear, and whispered, "I know I'm wrong."

"I said what happened at the beginning of the year, and I didn't mean to object to you going out to play. You were like this last time. As soon as a message was sent over there, you agreed immediately. You didn't ask me a single question. After answering, you changed your clothes and went to the appointment. The attitude of talking to me afterwards made me feel that we are not lovers, but superiors and subordinates, and this is my tone for Lin Zhi."

"I didn't mean that." Lin Yuewei said miserably.

In fact, she didn't do it on purpose, but a habit she cultivated since childhood. Dad Lin and Ran Qingqing always let her make her own decisions. Over time, she became accustomed to this kind of notification-type "consultation", and she didn't let it go to Gu Yanqiu's place. In her heart, coupled with her staying at home during the day, Gu Yanqiu was busy with work now, so she contacted her without any thought at all.

"That weekend at the racecourse..." Gu Yanqiu thought about it and told the truth, "I deliberately pushed work to accompany you at home, but you went to the racecourse to socialize, and later quarreled, it was a waste."

Lin Yuewei let out an "ah", the memory of half a year ago came to mind, and he seemed to have gone too far.

Gu Yanqiu couldn't see the self-blame between her brows, and said thoughtfully, "I don't mean to blame you, I am also at fault in this matter."

"What's wrong with you?"

"I ran to the racecourse without telling you in advance, and I was jealous, and ran to ride a horse. You are worried that I was almost hurt, I..."

Her attitude was sincere, and Lin Yuewei became more and more embarrassed. She waved her hand to interrupt her and said, "Okay, don't mention the matter of Chen Zhi's rotten millet. Let's both change it. I have something to do next time..." She suddenly After a pause, he said, "What if you're not available when I'm looking for you?"

Gu Yanqiu said, "Then send me a message and I will see it later." She is not that unreasonable.

Lin Yuewei nodded: "Okay."

The two were silent for a while, then Gu Yanqiu asked, "Reconciled?"

"Well, make up..." Lin Yuewei stopped in time and said, "Then how do you settle the account of the cold war with me? Then why didn't you say it directly when you were angry at first, you have to be yin and yang, and wait until now."

"Who was yin and yang first? I wanted to tell you, just mentioning that at the beginning of the year, you came over with a lot of bangs."

"I'm not..." Lin Yuewei's aura weakened in minutes, and he raised his voice again, "I'm not angry? How can I take what I say when I'm not rational?"

"When you're irrational, you're talking nonsense and crackling. When I'm irrational, I don't want to talk to people. It's because of my personality. When people are really angry, they can't control them. You are, and so do I. I now ask you not to talk nonsense when you are angry, can you do that?"


"I'll add one more." Gu Yanqiu said thoughtfully, "Within two hours after the quarrel, you must speak clearly, whether it's speaking in person, typing on your mobile phone, and not staying overnight, do you think it's alright?"

"Under special circumstances, I am in the crew and you are at work." Lin Yuewei added.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Pull the hook."

Pulling the hook and revising the conflicting solutions is one step closer.

Lin Yuewei put down the stone in his heart and began to question where Gu Yanqiu learned those new tricks. How could Gu Yanqiu say that he only vaguely said that he learned it on the Internet. Lin Yuewei asked her to give the address, and she also went there. study.

Gu Yanqiu was asked many times by her, and he blurted out, "What's the use of learning this?"

This aroused Lin Yuewei's long-silent attack, and immediately showed that what she learned was useful, and the tricks Gu Yanqiu had just used on her were immediately returned.

But the effect was not good for her, Gu Yanqiu was too shy and too tolerant.

Cheng Guiyuan's previous contacts were all open-ended, and the professor's tricks could be described as prescribing the right medicine for Lin Yuewei, and the effect achieved was even more effective.


Cheng Guiyuan didn't know what kind of consequences she had caused to Lin Gu and Lin Gu on a whim. She let her mind run wild for a while, took a few deep breaths to calm down her inner restlessness, and took out her mobile phone to call Qu Xuesong.

She has Qu Xuesong's WeChat account, but she didn't add the other party's friends, she did it on purpose. Things like WeChat are not instant. When she sends a message, Qu Xuesong can hesitate to reply for a long time, or not reply at all. This kind of immediacy made it impossible for her to get Qu Xuesong's real feedback. The most important thing was that she wanted to hear Qu Xuesong's voice.

She obviously wanted her but she had to pretend that she didn't want to make an awkward voice.

Originally, Cheng Guiyuan was worried that this trick would not work. In case Qu Xuesong was a ruthless person, she also prepared other plans, but now it seems that there is no need. Qu Xuesong is more innocent than she imagined, her mouth is full Nonsense, Qu Xuesong actually believed it word for word.

It's a loss that she is studying abroad, and the domestic circles do not know her reputation, or it may be that Qu Xuesong has not paid attention to her. The latter may make Cheng Guiyuan a little disappointed, but she is also very fortunate that the first impression of a person is very important. As long as her innocent and harmless person is set up in front of Qu Xuesong, Qu Xuesong will not. If she believes in the rumors outside, she will also make a confession at the right time, otherwise Qu Xuesong will not give her a chance to get close.

Cheng Guiyuan thought about the script she was going to play later, and watched a very tear-jerking video from the favorites of the video app. After brewing her feelings in place, she made a call to Qu Xuesong.

She has Qu Xuesong's rough itinerary. She knows that she is not too busy during this time, and the calls she dialed at this time in the evening are likely to be answered.

As expected, the phone rang a few times, and Qu Xuesong's familiar voice came from the receiver.


The moment Cheng Guiyuan heard her voice, she felt at ease, she closed her eyes comfortably, as if reminiscing, and after a second, she curled the corners of her lips, Qu Xuesong must have remembered her phone number, and she pretended to be It's not easy to be so unfamiliar.

"Sister Qu." Cheng Guiyuan's cry was natural, her nose was still blocked.

When Qu Xuesong heard this voice, his heart twitched, he sighed secretly, and said in a concerned tone: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Guiyuan sniffed and said, "I was discovered by my parents."

"What was discovered?"

"That's...that' left a lot of imprints on me last night, and they were accidentally seen by them."

Qu Xuesong's sigh was about to overflow from her chest. She had just entered the house and sat in the living room. After hearing the words, she paused and asked, "What did they do to you?"

"Ask me who the other party is."

"Who did you say?" Qu Xuesong's voice became more gentle.

Cheng Guiyuan was almost intoxicated, her reason was on the verge of loss, and she sobbed: "I didn't say it."

"Or..." Qu Xuesong had an impulse in her heart, why don't she tell the old boss Cheng, even though Cheng Guiyuan was going to be the first that night, she was several years older than her, and she was still an aunt according to her seniority. The main responsibility is still her.

The child does not know that the sky is high and the earth is high, and she acts on impulse, even if it is your own wishes, she should persuade her as an elder, instead of pushing the boat with the flow, and she is not satisfied again and again.

Thinking of this, Qu Xuesong couldn't help but think of last night, and his cheeks were slightly hot. She may have been really abstinent for too long to be obsessed with foronenight.

Qu Xuesong made up his mind: "Why don't you tell your parents, I will bear the consequences."

"How do you bear it?" Cheng Guiyuan never expected to hear such an answer from her mouth, and spoke in a normal tone unprepared.

How is it different from just now? Qu Xuesong was slightly suspicious, he suppressed it temporarily, and said, "Forget it, don't worry about it, I'll go tell your father, I'll suffer if he wants to scold me or whatever."

"Don't—" Cheng Guiyuan hurriedly stopped her. If she told her, she would take herself out and become a matter between her and her father. She couldn't let such a thing happen.

Qu Xuesong: "What?"

Cheng Guiyuan thought about the countermeasures, and said hesitantly, "Sister Qu, I don't want my parents to get involved, I'm so old."

Qu Xuesong can understand her, but she did not do this kindly, and she should take the responsibility: "Xiaocheng, listen to me, you..."

Qu Xuesong heard the whistle of a car coming from her side, and then Cheng Guiyuan's sorry. She sat up straight, forgetting what she wanted to say, and asked anxiously, "Where are you?"

Cheng Guiyuan turned off the recording and said covertly, "I'm at home."

Qu Xuesong asked in a sullen tone, "Where are you?"

Cheng Guiyuan couldn't hide it any longer, and said, "I'm hanging out outside the community."

Qu Xuesong asked, "Why don't you go home?"

Cheng Guiyuan said in an angry tone, "I quarreled with my parents, and I don't want to go back."

Qu Xuesong had a headache: "You're such an old man, how about running away from home?"

Cheng Guiyuan said confidently, "I just ran away from home because I am such an old man."

What a kid.

"You go home quickly."

"I'm not going back."

"Then you can find a hotel and open a room for the night."

"I came out in a hurry and didn't bring my ID."

"Don't have any friends who can flee?"

"My friend has a spring night at home and has no time to talk to me."

Gu Yanqiu, who was half a city away, sneezed.

Cheng Guiyuan broke the jar and said: "Oh, sister Qu, leave me alone, it's summer now, it's okay to wear short-sleeved shorts and blow the cold wind all night, you won't catch a cold, even if you catch a cold for two days, you'll be fine by yourself. All right."

Qu Xuesong was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Stand still there, I'll pick you up."

Cheng Guiyuan: "Huh?"

Then came the sound of taking keys and changing shoes.

Qu Xuesong estimated the time and said to the other end of the phone: "About 20 minutes, you can see if there is a convenience store nearby, wait for me inside, don't catch a cold."

Cheng Guiyuan was stunned for a moment.

Qu Xuesong: "I'm hanging up, you are not allowed to stand on the road outside, do you hear me?"

Cheng Guiyuan blinked slowly, and said very cleverly, "I know."

She is really kind, and Cheng Guiyuan rarely felt a trace of guilt from the bottom of her heart and bit her lip.

A busy tone came from the handset.

Cheng Guiyuan held up her mobile phone for a while, and then she reacted suddenly and jumped up from the bed. She quickly changed out of her pajamas, put on short-sleeved shorts, and rushed out the door with only a mobile phone in her hand.

Cheng's father and mother were alarmed by her and asked, "what are you doing?"

"It's urgent! I won't be back to sleep tonight!"

"You're wearing something thicker anyway, it's late at night."

"Know it!"

Cheng Guiyuan had already opened the door, leaving only a slamming sound.

Cheng's mother turned to look at her husband: "this child is becoming more and more unseemly."

Cheng's father disappeared thoughtfully and said with a smile: "the child has grown up, let her go."

Cheng Ma said: "Look at her, she still has this temperament, where did she grow up?"

Dad Cheng said, "You don't mind her, it will be decided sooner or later. She is still young."

Cheng's mother squinted at him: "you say she's grown up for a while, and she's young for a while, inconsistent, old Cheng, are you hiding something from me?"

Cheng's father hangs out with actors every day, and he has some acting skills, saying: "I'm wronged, what can I hide from you, that Xiaoyuan is so old, I'm her father, and I'm still a man, she can do anything tell me?"

Cheng's mother thought about it and it made sense, and said, "Okay, leave her alone, go back to the room and sleep."

Dad Cheng: "Okay, take care to wait for you to go to bed."

Cheng's mother: "Don't come."


The community where Cheng Guiyuan lived was naturally a wealthy area. Just running out of it made her out of breath, let alone finding a convenience store. She searched the map on her mobile phone, and the nearest one was a kilometer away. .

Yes, Cheng Guiyuan gritted her teeth and ran.

Qu Xuesong drove the car to the gate of Cheng Guiyuan's community and called her: "Xiao Cheng, where are you?"

Changed the name again. Although Cheng Guiyuan didn't like it very much, she always heard a little closer, and her heart was filled with joy: "I'm at the convenience store, are you here?"

"Which convenience store?"

"Just go west from the main entrance. The whole family is about a kilometer away. There is..." Cheng Guiyuan looked out from the glass, "There is a green trash can."

"Okay, I'll go now, you'll wait for me there."

Cheng Guiyuan hung up the phone, hurriedly took a few more cans of beer from the shelf, opened them one by one, raised their heads one by one and poured them into her stomach. It's not safe for you to drink so much alcohol."

"Thank you for reminding me." Cheng Guiyuan smiled at the other party, "I'll be picked up later."

She has the kind of appearance that girls like very much, and because she was drinking, the waitress looked stunned for a while, then lowered her head, and was too embarrassed to speak again.

Qu Xuesong found a parking space on the side of the road and parked it, walked to the convenience store, and saw Cheng Guiyuan sitting by the window, drunk, with four or five empty cans in his hand.

Qu Xuesong was a little angry, and his steps were heavier. When he was about to reach the door, he hooked up his mask, lowered his head and hurried in.

Cheng Guiyuan's eyes were blurry, she picked up a can of beer and was about to continue drinking, but someone pinched her wrist. Qu Xuesong glared at her condescendingly, and a deep voice came from the mask: "Follow me back."

Cheng Guiyuan restrained her urge to lick her lips, thinking: This is too royal.

"Sister Qu." Cheng Guiyuan looked at her blankly.

Naturally, Qu Xuesong thought she was drunk, so he wrapped his hand around her armpit and picked her up. Cheng Guiyuan is thin and thin, but she is 170+, so Qu Xuesong can help her up without any difficulty.

Cheng Guiyuan's eyes smoothed to her forearm covered by the long sleeves, and she froze slightly. Qu Xuesong's skills were average, but her physical strength was very good. She had already tried it last night.

Cheng Guiyuan was a little itchy.

Before Qu Xuesong looked over, she quickly took her eyes back and buried her face in Qu Xuesong's neck, rubbing back and forth like a little squirrel.

Qu Xuesong pushed her head, and Cheng Guiyuan was pushed to one side by her, Qu Xuesong frowned and pulled her back again.

"Is the beer billed?" she asked.

"It's over." Cheng Guiyuan said in her ear, her voice hoarse.

Qu Xuesong tilted his head uncomfortably, ignoring the warm breath.

But she can avoid the temperature that is close at hand, but she can't avoid the madness.

Last night, Cheng Guiyuan grabbed the pillow with one hand, and wrapped the other hand around the back of her neck. She raised her chin slightly, and pressed her ear like this, breathing quickly or slowly and humming with her movements. .

She controls everything with ease.

Qu Xuesong froze for two seconds, his ears warmed, he let himself out of the drawer in Qi Nian, and hugged the "drunk" Cheng Guiyuan to the roadside.

She wanted to put Cheng Guiyuan in the back seat, but Cheng Guiyuan refused and insisted on taking the co-pilot. Qu Xuesong had to help her into the co-pilot, then went around to the other side to get on the car and took off her mask.

Before driving, she reminded Cheng Guiyuan to say, "fasten your seat belt."

Cheng Guiyuan was indifferent and only looked at her with two blurred drunk eyes.

Qu Xuesong sighed, unfastened his seat belt, put one hand against the side of the passenger seat, and went around Cheng Guiyuan with the other to pull the seat belt, because of this angle, Cheng Guiyuan's eyes fell on Qu Xuesong's lips .

She probably put on make-up because of an announcement tonight, but after too long, she went out in a hurry, and the lipstick on her lips came off a bit, similar to biting lip makeup.

Qu Xuesong's hand just touched the seat belt by the door, and was about to exert force when an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked up, a shadow fell in front of her eyes, and then her lips became hot, and the aroma of wine was mixed with the flowers and fruits on the woman's body. The incense burrowed into her lips together.

Qu Xuesong: "Well..."

Cheng Guiyuan liked the sound she made when kissing, and every time she heard it, it seemed like she was being "bullied", soft.

Qu Xuesong felt that he was also drunk, otherwise, how could she have been allowed to kiss for several minutes without resisting, or maybe she had kissed too many times last night, and she had become accustomed to the other party's breath.

After the kiss, Cheng Guiyuan stroked Qu Xuesong's moist red lips with her fingertips, and was about to continue for the second time, when Qu Xuesong suddenly pulled away, quickly fastened her seat belt, and said with a heavy face. :"I'll walk you home."

"I don't want to go home."

"Your parents will be worried."

"Then you call them and say I'm here, my dad will be relieved." Cheng Guiyuan learned the bear child well, she suddenly felt that maybe she shouldn't open an entertainment company, let's make her debut as an actor, and said Maybe I can work with Qu Xuesong.

"You—" Qu Xuesong couldn't do anything about this old bear child. She thought about it and threatened, "Do you really want me to call them? Then I'll have a showdown with them and say it's me..." She cleared her throat and whispered, "What's wrong with you."

"Sister Qu, what is that?" Cheng Guiyuan teased.

"What about you kid—" Qu Xuesong glared at her, as if educating the younger generation, the words "shameless" rushed into his throat, and he thought about the words, "Why are you so casual about this kind of thing? "

The smile on Cheng Guiyuan's face disappeared immediately. She originally wanted to redden her eyes or make her face pale, but the difficulty was too high, so she had to give up. She restrained her smile and said coldly, "I'm not casual."

Qu Xuesong knew that he had made a blunder. She put people on and said that others are casual. What kind of nonsense is this? Before she could find a word to make up for it, Cheng Guiyuan choked, turned her face out of the window, and twisted her hands together: "I like you. I am willing to give myself to you."

Qu Xuesong: "I..."

Cheng Guiyuan interrupted her: "I know, you think I'm cheap, don't you? Even knowing that you don't like me, you insisted on sticking yourself up." She raised her hand and wiped her eyes, choked up, "I myself too I feel cheap, but who told me to like you, you are the first person I like."

Qu Xuesong sighed in his heart.

Then you are the first to fall in love with a scum like me who runs away after sleeping, and your vision is also very bad.

Cheng Guiyuan looked out the window quietly, stopped talking, and observed Qu Xuesong's movements from the reflection of the window glass. I saw Qu Xuesong raised a hand, as if he wanted to touch her, to touch her head.

Cheng Guiyuan could not help but breathe lightly, but the hand was retracted.

Qu Xuesong said softly, "I'll take you to the hotel."

Cheng Guiyuan snorted.

Qu Xuesong sighed lightly.

When the car started, Qu Xuesong gave up the plan to send her home, found the nearest five-star hotel, opened a room, and helped Cheng Guiyuan in. Cheng Guiyuan slumped on the sofa, and Qu Xuesong stood by her. Side: "Would you like to take a shower?"

Cheng Guiyuan looked up and asked, "Will you help me wash it?"

Qu Xuesong: "..."

Cheng Guiyuan didn't dare to play too much, so she turned around and said, "I'm joking." She stood up with her body propped up, and walked crookedly towards the bathroom. Qu Xuesong helped her with the handle and took the bath again. Put the robe for her on the shelf outside, and close the door: "Call me after you wash it."

Cheng Guiyuan waited for the shadow reflected by Qu Xuesong on the door to disappear, and frowned angrily. She was so quick just now that she even said such nonsense as "the first person she liked". From a serious point of view, Qu Xuesong was indeed the first one to be so serious, but the first one she liked was a liar , I can't remember how many she liked. But now it's too late to take it back, let's take it one step at a time.

She lifted her legs and stepped into the bathroom, turning on the shower head.

Qu Xuesong took so long to take a look at the other news on the phone:

Lin Yuewei: [Mr. Qu, are you asleep? What do you want to say to me? 】

The time was an hour ago.

Qu Xuesong wanted to discuss with Lin Yuewei during the day. It was the first time she encountered such a thing, and she went to the doctor in a hurry. After all, Lin Yuewei is also a person who can be trusted, but she was called by Cheng Guiyuan first. Interrupted, and then it was the announcement and then Cheng Guiyuan, who forgot about it and only remembered it now.

Qu Xuesong was distraught listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, and typed on the keyboard: [Encountered an incredible thing]

According to Lin Yuewei's original biological clock, she should be asleep now, but something happened today, she and Gu Yanqiu just stopped playing around, her phone lit up, touched it, took a look, and took the initiative to ask for instructions: "Gu Yanqiu President, can I reply to Qu Xuesong's message?"

General Manager Gu was in a good mood, nodded happily and said, "Yes. But I'll take a look at it later."

Lin Yuewei nodded and bowed and said, "Hey, the little one follows the order."

Gu Yanqiu hugged her, and the two kissed.

Lin Yuewei: [What's the matter? 】

Qu Xuesong: [You haven't slept yet? 】

Lin Yuewei: [No, tell me]

It is really absurd, and Qu Xuesong is not stupid. He always feels that there is something strange. Lin Yuewei just looked at the "entering", and kept typing for two or three minutes without a message popping up.

Qu Xuesong paused his fingers and squinted his eyes, feeling that he had caught something.

"Sister Qu..." A woman's soft voice came from behind, interrupting Qu Xuesong's thoughts, she looked back, Cheng Guiyuan's cheeks were rosy, but her expression was strangely nervous and scared, "I feel so hot. Ah, when I was drinking just now, a man seemed to be sitting across from me and said a few words to me, have I been drugged?"

The author has something to say: The big kite is wearing Pinru's clothes again╰(*°▽°*)╯

The car will overturn in the future, and the lies told by the big kite will become the durian on her knees

Wait for a group of four

Big Kite: You are one of my favorite people

Teacher Qu: Sigh, I'm really a scumbag

Gu Yanqiu: ? ? ?

Lin Yuewei: Teacher Qu's bracelet, please take it away

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