Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 207: Mortal heart

Su Yun left Dongdu Xuegong, and he let go of his burdens, only to feel free from physical and mental restraints.

Instead of riding Baodi, he walked and walked in the downtown of Zhengdong

At this moment, he felt as if he had transformed into a tiger that escaped from the cage, walking in the urban forest, and the crowd around him was like sheep.

In his spiritual realm, the seventy-two holes spread and rotate, and the twelve demon imprints appeared on the inner wall of the cave, while the outer wall of the cave, shaped like his yellow bell, has a seven-scale scale, and the bottommost layer has a three hundred and sixty imprint that emerges Out of various beast forms.

Yingying flew around and helped him to correct the problems in the operation of the exercises: "Yunling, Yunling, and spirituality. The most critical part of this realm is not really how much you cultivate, but yours. How much spiritual improvement. "

"Twelve demon gods of your spirits, big **** to strengthen its shape, Huapeng to strengthen its ambition;"

"Jiufeng is clever;"

"Alas, alas, unyielding;"

"Bai Ze understands change, drives evil spirits away;"

"Zhu tired of great strength, cultivated strength, thunder controlled thunder, stepped on Daze;"

"A fat plague does not produce a plague. Xiangliu can avoid hundreds of poisons, and ghost cars are hard to come by."

Su Yun has begun to merge the new Twelve Demon Induction with the Transmutation of the Hong Furnace. The entire spiritual realm is like a huge copper stove, and the form of the twelve demon emerges on the four walls of the copper stove.

The vitality flowing from the 72 holes is like the carbon fire in the furnace, making the new twelve demon more and more clear.

"Earth copper furnace, smelting spirit, the dragon responder is you, the yupeng one is you, everything is transmutation of yin and yang."

Yingying looked at the twelve demon forms, and constantly reminded him of the various steps in his exercises, saying: "So the twelve devil and the twenty-four demon were not made by the earth copper furnace, but It's your spirit, your spirit! "

Su Yun passed by her, and in her heart, the new twelve deities in the earthen furnace were imprinted on his soul one by one, completing the last step of the unification of the spiritual realm.

The twelve deities such as Peng Dajiu, Nine Phoenixes, etc. fully penetrated into his spiritual spirit. The spiritual spirit reflected and turned into a magical power above his head.

The magical power is the projection of the spiritual spirit. The new twelve demon is imprinted in his spiritual spirit. The spiritual projection is turned into a magical power, and the immortal imprint will naturally emerge.

He urged the door and eye again to observe his own spiritual realm and observe the changes in the spiritual realm while his exercises were running, making fine adjustments.

Su Yun walked all the way, faster and faster, lighter and lighter.

He unknowingly came to the eighth floor of the Jade Emperor Mountain. Many officials gathered around Qiushui Mirror and were walking towards the imperial city. What Qiuzhui Mirror sensed, he turned around in surprise, looking over the crowd, and saw Su Yun.

I saw Su Yun's temperament constantly changing with the changes of the exercises. It suddenly seemed like a dragon flying with wings and wings, but sometimes a giant snorkeling in the sea. When it jumped out of the water, it turned into a penguin that hit Jiuxiao. Thor of Ozawa.

As he walked among the crowd, various unseen visions emerged endlessly, and it was difficult for others to see, but Qiu Shuijing was amazed.

Some of the followers came forward and were about to stop Su Yun from approaching. Qiu Shuijing waved his hand and smiled, "It's an old man."

"Mr. Water Mirror!" Su Yun came to Qiu Shuijing and bowed.

Qiu Shuijing reciprocated and smiled, "You are still here."

Su Yun laughed: "Mr., if I have wildness in my eyes, I should know that Shuo Fang can't keep me anymore. Any young man with wildness always comes to the east to make a break."

Qiu Shuijing laughed.

Seeing his anger and agitation, Su Yun said, "Mr. Shui Jing should live well in the East these days, right?"

"It's natural."

Qiu Shui-jing mirrored his spirits and said, "I first went to the East Capital with Xue Sheng from Xue Qingfu. On the first day, the emperor announced that he would restore my official position and retake the office of the Taoist Academy. Taishi, Taile, Taizhu, Dazai and other literary ministers. On the second day, the emperor sealed me as the Jinwu, in charge of the northern, southern, and guard forces on the upper and lower floors of the eastern capital, and the entire eastern capital was under my control. . "

Beside him, Tai Shiguan laughed: "Your Majesty obeyed Mr. Shui Jing. He returned to the third place in the East Capital, and His Majesty sealed Mr. Yu Shi as the doctor, and let him take charge of the Baiguan dispatch."

Su Yun bowed, "Congratulations, Mr."

Qiu Shuijing laughed and said, "This time I went to the dynasty, I wanted to ask His Majesty to reform the people's livelihood. Lord Su Ge, you asked me to talk while walking."

Su Yun walked side by side with him, Qiu Shuijing said: "I am different from Zuo Fu shooting. Zuo Fu shooting always thinks of rebellion, but he can't come up with the way of governing the world. He smashes everything, but cannot build a better world. Take. When I returned to the East Capital this time, the civil and military officials relied on one's power, and took power to overcome the disadvantages. It was simply two steps. "

He put up a finger and said, "One is to cut the vassal, to cut down the power of the family, to pay taxes to supplement the national treasury, to nationalize the treasures of the great families, and to make the national treasury abundant; second, to start with education, to cut the power of the family Money is used in government schools. Since then, people's livelihood has flourished, and it will not take many years. There are many spiritual people at the bottom, and learning is useful, and it can change the phenomenon of Yuan Shuo's weakness. "

Su Yun felt a slight shock in her heart: "Sir, smash the power of the family, does Diping support you?"

Qiu Shuijing laughed: "He wants to live forever, in addition to relying on Xue Qingfu Xue Sheng, he must rely on me. Moreover, I cut the family, centralized power in the hands of the emperor, the emperor has greater power and more resources than before, so He must support me! "

Su Yun was silent for a moment and said, "So, what about the family? Does the family support you?"

Qiu Shuijing laughed: "I want to weaken them, how can they support them?"

At this time, another pair of carriages and horses came and stopped slowly. It was Baiyuelou who was holding the ox cart, and he was shocked and happy to see Su Yun: "Master!"

Xue Qingfu pushed his car window and saw Su Yun and Qiu Shuijing, so he got down from the cow body and laughed: "Water mirror, please take a step first, I will talk to the owner of Suge."

Qiu Shuijing nodded slightly, and said to Su Yun: "This time, the emperor discussed rewards for merit, but the official arrangements were all in my hands. What official do you want?"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "There are no plans yet."

Qiu Shuijing walked towards the palace and said, "I'll see for you first, if there is an official position suitable for you. Right."

He stopped, and said sideways, "How about making you a superintendent of foreign affairs?"

"Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs? What does it do?"

Su Yun wondered, it was not easy to catch up and inquire, watched him walk into the imperial city, turned around, and saluted Xue Qingfu, and said, "Meet the Saint of Shuofang."

Xue Qingfu laughed and said, "Master Su Ge, I am ashamed to kill you! You and I are not so kind."

He straightened his waist and looked at the back of Qiu Shuijing, his eyes flickered: "The water mirror is proud of me, but he has never been too proud of me. After I entered Beijing, the people in the east were full of voices, everyone shouted for the saints, supported me all the way up, and kept pouring me To the peak of Jade Emperor Mountain! The emperor looked at me outside the Golden Palace, and heard the enthusiastic voice of the people, so he made a decree and made me holy. "

Su Yun laughed: "Congratulations."

Xue Qingfu laughed: "On the second day, the emperor sealed me as Ansuo Gong. It is rare to have a different surname Feng Hou. It is even rare on the third day when the emperor sealed me as a lieutenant. Enormous. "

Su Yun exclaimed: "The saint's work is shocking enough to be praised."

Xue Qingfu glanced at him and laughed: "Your credit is not, but it's a pity that you have played the emperor, so you can't be a big official. This time the water mirror is going to be a bad thing, what do you think?"

Su Yun humbly asked for advice, and said, "I just arrived in the eastern capital, and I don't know yet. Please enlighten me with saints."

Xue Qingfu smiled and said, "Qiu Shuijing, it's not far from death."

Su Yun's heart jumped.

Xue Qingfu said unhurriedly: "It is too unwise to offend all the families under one stroke. Although I admire the water mirror and regard him as an adversary, I do not want to see him die like this."

Su Yun froze and asked for help: "Diping supports Mr. Shui Jing, why?"

"Because there is no harm to your Majesty, if the Emperor's treasure can be taken over by the emperor, it is naturally the best. If not, push the water mirror to kill the head."

Xue Qingfu sighed: "I don't want my student to die like this. Therefore, I often speak for him on the court, but he is too radical this time. Shui Jing, just asked the emperor to make you an official. What is it? "

Su Yundao: "Little history of the Department of Supervision."

Xue Qingfu nodded and walked towards the imperial city. He said, "Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Shao Shi is an expatriate official who is responsible for taking students to study abroad. It seems that the water mirror already has a heart of jade and burn, and if it is unsuccessful, it will become benevolence. So send you away first. "

Su Yun felt a little shocked and said, "Sages stay away!"

Xue Qingfu stopped.

Su Yun stepped forward and whispered: "Mr. Shui Jing's return to Beijing is intended to overcome the disadvantages, in order to benefit people's livelihood, strengthen Yuanshuo, and resist the sage's purpose of returning to Beijing?"

Xue Qingfu didn't move, but turned his head, his eyes were in contact with his eyes.

Su Yun's heart shook slightly, and it seemed as if she saw thousands of sages again, with masks hanging inside.

And under the masks, which is the real Xue Qingfu?

"My purpose is the same as the water mirror."

Xue Qingfu said indifferently: "But the path may be different. UU reading I am a lieutenant and have the authority. When I work with Water Mirror to protect you as the Supervisor's Young Secretary. You leave the East Capital immediately, maybe Can save you! "

Su Yun watched him walk into the imperial city, and then turned and walked outward.

Yingying said: "His true face is the face of Han Jun! Su Shizi, stop him!"

"Why?" Su Yun was puzzled.

Yingying sat on the big yellow bell, looking solemnly: "He has the same purpose but the path is different. So there are several different paths from Mr. Shui Jing? There are only two, one is the old scoop and the seven family Way, rebellion, overthrow the emperor. The other is not to change the court, change an emperor, be the emperor yourself! Xue Qingfu is obviously the second. "

Su Yun looked weird, turned around, and walked towards Baiyuelou, saying: "Who can't the emperor change one? If it is done well, why not change it?"

Baiyuelou hurried forward, and bowed and smiled, "Baiyuelou meets Master of the Geyuan Academy!"

Lin Yuanxing

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