Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 210: Yuanshuo No.1 Grand Master Baiyuelou

Su Yunmei's clear eyes, red lips and white teeth, coupled with less light in Tianmen Town, so her skin is fair and delicate. Now she is fourteen years old and her head is wide open. It is indeed handsome and extraordinary.

He read the poems again and experienced the strong winds and waves of Shuo Fangcheng, even posing as a scammer in Shuofang, and he has long developed an intoxicating temperament.

This temperament, coupled with his looks, is even more beautiful than Baiyuelou.

However, Su Yun had fainted before, but he was misunderstood by the envoy of the Great Qin Cang Jiuhua, thinking that he was stunned by the roar of the argali sheep.

And the heavenly gods looked here, making him mistakenly think that he was looking at Baiyuelou, so he regarded Baiyuelou as the culprit who captured the seven gods!

By comparison, Baiyuelou and Su Yun are naturally different from cloud and mud, and Baiyuelou is unfathomable.

Baiyuelou was confused, and at the same time he was secretly alert: "This foreign envoy is always staring at me, is it against me?"

Su Yunyou wakes up. At this moment, in his spiritual realm, the little Yingying stares blankly at the double seal like a barrier between heaven and earth. After the rune seal is dark magic, I do n’t know what type seal.

However, at this moment, in the dark magic, a huge sloppy face slowly emerged, struggling to squeeze forward.

Yingying heard the sound of her upper and lower teeth fighting, she trembled: "Blue, herring ..."


The face behind the wall of runes became clearer and clearer. It was a huge tadpole with a ghost face and mouth full of thick fangs. A face covered the entire rune wall.

Yingying, although she has seen the Si marks on Su Yun's yellow clock and Su Yun's magical powers, when she sees such demons in person, she still trembles involuntarily!

The spooky face has a turquoise texture, like a rune mark, which is different. The texture is constantly changing, like a living creature!

It was this stupid man who raised a claw strangely before, booing at her.

Then, Yingying saw that the claws cut the wall of runes a little. She wanted to move her body and finish the word Herring, but found that she was afraid to suppress her limbs, could not move, and could not make a sound.

唰 ——

A long, bifurcated tongue with a stinky smell sticking out from behind the wall of runes, reaching out to Ying Ying who had been frightened, and licking the little girl from the bottom up.

Wet drool was everywhere on Yingying's dress and face. Finally, fear completely occupied her heart, and she made a scream of extreme screaming.

This scream came out, and she could finally move and immediately flew towards Su Yun's spirit in Dongtian, shaking Su Yun's face with both hands and shaking madly, "Wake up! Wake up soon!"

Su Yun's spirit was originally fainted by her series of "herring fish town", and now she woke up quietly.

The rune wall disappeared with the long tongue.

At the same time, Su Yun's body turned from lonely to awake.

When Su Yun just woke up, he heard the Da Qin envoy Cang Jiuhua laughed, and said, "Long heard of Yuanshuo's natural treasures and talents, my Daqin also learned about Yuanshuo's culture, and this has only risen. Now, although Yuanshuo is broken, There are many talents, and I have seen it. Since the Emperor Yuan Shuo did not want to come out to worship my King Qin, I went to visit in person. "

Qiu Shuijing was also surprised by what happened just now. Although he didn't know what happened, but the numerous dark claws just now captured the seven heavenly gods in heaven, but he looked in his eyes.

He also saw the heavenly gods looking at Su Yun, his heart moved slightly: "Is it related to him again? It seems that there are still some secrets I don't know about him! I'm still worried about how to resolve this dismissal, but he doesn't move. The sound was released. "

Da Qin's strength, he has long been a leader.

It was during the period of Emperor Ai that he moved to study abroad, because Yuan Shuo's defeat made him realize that Yuan Shuo's learning had fallen behind, and he had to wake up from the arrogance of the kingdom of heaven and go to the outside world!

When he arrived in Daqin, he studied hard and learned new things, and traveled all over the world to see the power of new studies.

Even just a few years ago, his best friend, the "big man" who studied with him at Tiandaoyuan, died in a battle against the Daqin invasion!

Although the new school gradually became popular in Yuanshuo, only he knew that the gap between Yuanshuo's intellectual powers and the countries of Daqin and other countries has not been narrowed. In fact, it is widening and growing!

He did not have much confidence in resolving the dismissal of the Da Qin envoy. Su Yun's appearance helped him a lot.

"The new learning is not just new knowledge, but also new thinking! This change is imperative!" Qiu Shuijing secretly resolved.

Cang Jiuhua glanced towards Baiyuelou and smiled at Qiu Shuijing: "Mr. Water Mirror, this must not be an ordinary person. Since he has shot, then go to the palace to meet Emperor Yuan Shuo, and let him be with him."

He has something to say.

Qiu Shuijing understood it and said, "He thought I arranged Su Yun here to resolve his dismissal. However, if he thinks so, he won't know the depth of my Yuan Shuo."

Qiu Shuijing thought of this and told Su Yun: "Since the envoy wants you to go to the palace together, then you go."

Su Yun was still a little dull, and Wen Yan said yes.

Cang Jiuhua shook his head and said, "Mr. Shui Jing, I'm not talking about him, but the man in white next to him. I think the disciple of Jiange can fool him at will?"

Qiu Shuijing paused, his eyes fell on Baiyuelou.

Although Baiyuelou is very good, as well as Xue Qingfu and his director, his strength is indeed far from Su Yun!

How could Cang Jiuhua think that Bai Yuelou resolved his dismissal?

Qiushui Jing was puzzled, and Bai Yuelou was a little confused, pointed to himself with a finger, wondering, "Me? You call me?"

Cang Jiuhua laughed and laughed: "Yuan Shuo hero, can he only pretend to be stupid? It makes Daqin shameless!"

Qiu Shuijing had no choice but to say, "Bai Zizi, since they have been invited, you will enter the palace hall."

Baiyuelou murmured in his heart and went to the palace to meet the emperor. It was naturally a great event, but it was invited by the envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty who had clearly found the fault. There must be nothing good in it.

"Do they know that I am a saint disciple and intend to beat me and take advantage of my teacher?" He said secretly.

Qiu Shuijing glanced at Su Yun and said, "Su Shizi, you followed Bai Shizi into the palace hall."

Su Yun was also wondering: "Mr. Shui Jing meant that I was able to enter the palace and face holy by relying on Baiyuelou's face. What is the reason? Let Baiyuelou be proud! I do n’t know what happened, Suddenly I feel hungry ... "


The argali that Cang Jiuhua was riding on suddenly bowed, the huge horns protruded, and landed in front of Su Yun and Baiyuelou.

These giant beasts have huge horns, are full of muscles, and are filled with fierce air, just like the gods are alive, it is chilling!

Cang Jiuhua ascended the building on the back of Argali, and looked down like a sword, pointed directly at Baiyuelou, and smiled, "Yuan Shuo is so good, dare to come up and visit the Imperial City?"

Su Yun first stepped onto the horn of the horn, and Bai Yuelou saw it, and daringly said, "Why not dare?"

The two came along the horns to the building on the back of this monster and entered the building. However, they saw the decoration in the building was gorgeous, and there were many stone pillars. The two Qin Lings staring at them in twos and threes were young, but their eyes were like The eagle is so stupid, the blood is extremely intense!

Su Yun and Baiyuelou climbed to the top floor one after the other, Cang Jiuhua came forward, and laughed: "Yuan Shuo, the eldest and weakest country in the world, but there were young heroes, which made me have to respect a bit. Your Excellency, you really have the style of the world! "

Baiyuelou's interest was one step behind, let Su Yun walk in front.

However, Cang Jiuhua bypassed Su Yun and came to him in front of him. He bowed to the court and said, "In the Daqin Jiange Cang Jiuhua, the envoy of the Qin Dynasty, dare to ask your first name and surname, who is your teacher?"

Bai Yuelou blinked, and his mind was confused, but he returned to the court according to the sage ’s family education, not humble or arrogant, saying: "In the lower Baiyuelou, the teacher Xue Qingfu."

Cang Jiuhua moved: "There is a new sage owned by Jiuwen Yuanshuo. This new man also studied in our Qin Kingdom that year, and it has a deep origin."

He asked Baiyuelou to take a seat and said, "Dare you sit in the imperial city to see Diping?"

Bai Yuelou had already sat down and heard the words in his heart, but at this time he could not be looked down and laughed, "Why dare not?"

Su Yun was behind Baiyuelou and wanted to find a seat to sit down, but only Cang Jiuhua and Baiyuelou had seats, so he had to stand.

"Strange, I seem to be getting hungry."

Su Yun was hungry, and glimpsed that there were several Da Qin Lingshi on the back of the sheep who were making wine and barbecue, and immediately went forward, no matter how much, to eat directly.

The argali stepped forward and the envoy team started to enter the imperial city.

The imperial city guard intended to stop, Qiu Shuijing waved his hand gently, motioned them to retreat.

Qiushui mirrored with doubt, looking at the building on the back of the argali, where Su Yun and Baiyuelou were, whispered, "What's that?"

At the same time, the girl Indus and the whole village ate Jiao Shuao and others followed the ambassador to the imperial city. The paulownia gave a faint sound and looked strangely, staring at the ambassador, and lost her voice: "Strange, what is it? ? "

Daomen Qingxuguan ~ ~ Dao Shengxin felt a little, walked out of Daoguan quickly, looked at the ninth place of the East Capital Yuhuang Mountain, and lost his voice: "A big tongue!"

At the same time, in the Leiyin Pavilion, the worshippers of the good believers suddenly saw the golden body of the Holy Buddha standing up, thin and tall, about two feet tall, shaking, and walked out of the people's heads and went straight to the Imperial City. And go.

Ordinary people can't see the scene with naked eyes, but Lao Dao and Holy Buddha have Tao Men Tian Yan and Buddha Men Tian Tian, ​​and the score is clear.

I saw a huge tongue flying above the ambassador, with a bifurcation at the top, such as a red-red double-headed python, rolling around. All kinds of weird textures emerged on that tongue.

Under his tongue is Su Yun, who is eating Hesse.

Cang Jiuhua glanced at Su Yun, sneering in his heart: "It really is a handsome rice bucket."

——House pig: Well, I have a friend who is middle-aged and his horns are gradually bald. No matter what hairstyle he keeps, it doesn't look good. My friend had shaved his head before, and now his hair grows ugly, so that he originally said that he had interacted with the live broadcast of the bookmates, which was delayed. Let me ask my friend, what hairstyle should I wear? Urgent ~

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