Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 212: A little hungry

Qiu Shuijing was sad, Cang Jiuhua of Daqin Jiange was very clever. The purpose of his coming here was to test Yuan Shuo's truth and reality.

If Yuan Shuo is still weak, then move to Yuan Shuo. If Yuan Shuo becomes strong, then look for opportunities to let Yuan Shuo fall into civil strife and internal fighting, so that Yuan Shuo continues to fall into weakness and cannot rise.

This is the purpose of the envoy sent by Da Qin!

Although Qiu Shuijing saw this, he had a sense of powerlessness, because there were not many people who could open their eyes to the world in Yuan Shuo's court!

Some people are stubborn and conservative, can't see the changes in the world, and still hold the old ancestor's set intact, the new is not as good as the old, and the words must be ancient;

Some people have been completely defeated by Daoxin, and they feel that Yuanshuo is backward, and nothing compares to foreign countries. The magical powers based on the cultural civilization of Yuanshuo should be discarded completely. The cultural civilization of Yuanshuo It should be thrown away completely;

Some people even kneeled in foreign countries. Even if they were poor and small countries like savages, they felt that the other party was a superior. When they met, they would kneel down and worship one another, and shouted their respect to the master of foreigners;

There are people in the chapel, like dog tail grass on the wall. Where the wind blows, it will fall. It looks like the middle and the middle, but there is no principle. Whenever a person falls into the well, he will always be the first to come and smash a few stones. Justice just swears, saying that he always stands on the side of justice, of course, whoever stands outside the well is justice;

What's more, it doesn't matter if you go abroad, isn't it the emperor? It doesn't seem to be a big deal for foreigners to do it, as long as their interests can be guaranteed. On weekdays, even if it is trivial and slightly damaged, they whisper and yell loudly, and feel that it is unfair.

Even if Yuan Shuo country was in distress and donated a little for the country, they were still indifferent, and they didn't know that there was a complete egg under the nest.

Qiu Shuijing is in such a court, and often has a feeling of having no skill at all.

When he returned to Beijing this time, it looked like scenery, and the emperor reused it, but he was dragging a broken ship alone in the sea of ​​fire.

The ship was full of gleeful waiters waiting to be burned to death by the fire, but they didn't know that the broken ship might be torn apart at any time, and they fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"You must not let the envoys of the Qin Dynasty see that Yuan Shuo is weaker than 30 years ago!"

Qiu Shuijing smiled slightly and said indifferently: "My Yuan Shuo is Shangbang, but I have not been checked by you for a while. Now that I have been alert, most of them are people who look at the world. Others don't say, you have it around you."

Cang Jiuhua looked at Baiyuelou, after all, Baiyuelou was a saint disciple, and he was very well sold. In Shuo Fang, there were hundreds of young men and women who followed and followed, and naturally had an extraordinary demeanor, quite bluffing.

Cang Jiuhua sneered, looking at Su Yun, and saw that Su Yunchang was more resistant than Bai Yuelou, but at this moment, he did not know why he was in a daze, so he looked back and fell on Bai Yuelou.

Bai Yuelou smiled, his heart was crying bitterly, and there was a feeling of riding a tiger.

"In the past few years, the emperor has ruled the world, and the culture and martial arts have all been accomplished, and it is no longer an insult to which foreign countries can be insulted. Nephew Cang, you are an envoy, and I do not embarrass you. Your Majesty."

Qiu Shuijing turned around and bowed into the palace of Jin Mao. His voice was loud and clear: "Da Qin is a country overseas, and suddenly became rich. He did n’t know the etiquette of the state. Sangbang Sven. Your Majesty saw him outside the palace, and it was also a courtesy. Her Majesty, please move. "

His voice dropped, and Diping's voice came from the hall, smiling: "Too often said. Extremely. Get off."

The civil and military ministers bowed and successively withdrew from the Golden Temple.

These Ministers of Civil and Military Affairs were divided into two columns, sorted according to the rank of the official ranks, and separated along the steps of the Golden Crest Hall, waiting quietly.

Yuan Shuo's beauty is black and red. Most of the Chinese officials and military officials in the courts have black bases, red ribbons, or red threads embroidered on them.

Another Jin Wuwei moved the dragon chair and moved it to the front of the temple. On the armrest of that dragon chair, two petite golden dragons suddenly swam for a while, and they turned out to be real golden dragons!

Su Yun also saw the two golden dragons on the armrest, and could not help but quickly walked to the front of the building to look around. I saw that the golden dragon on the dragon chair was not a real dragon, but some kind of four-clawed python. Even so, it was no small feat. Already.

"If you can taste him ..."

Su Yun had just thought of this, and suddenly the ministers talked to each other, and there was a lot of discussion. They raised their hands and pointed to themselves, each of them was stunned.

"This is the man who challenged His Majesty in Heavenly Temple!"

"... all-powerful!"

"Your Majesty was compelled to use helplessness!"


Cang Jiuhua also saw this scene, her heart was slightly shaken, her eyes fell on Su Yun in front, but she turned away and fell on Bai Yuelou behind Su Yun, and said, "Yuan Shuo's civil and military ministers recognized him. It seems that he is indeed a young strong man cultivated by Yuan Shuo to suppress my envoy to the Qin Dynasty. I have a heavy responsibility on this trip, and I must not lose anything. "

Diping stepped forward and sat on the dragon chair.

At this time, Emperor Ping's face was full of red light, unlike the old one who looked sick and full of looks.

Cang Jiuhua clapped his hands, and five Great Qin Lingshi drove a argali forward. There was no building on the back of the argali, but it was covered with white cloth and bulging high.

The five Great Qin Lingshi tore off the white cloth. I saw a bronze round platform on the back of the sheep. The round platform was held together by four bronze argali erected by the four people. Between the round platform and the horns, one Huge eyes.

The eyes were dark outside and white inside, different from ordinary people.

Suddenly, the eyeballs rolled, and a light curtain shot out from the whites of the eyes. Numerous rune arrays emerged between the Golden Temple and Argali, as well as various rune equations, text patterns, and extremely complicated.

The civil and military of the Yuan Shuo Manchu dynasty looked around, each exclaiming.

"This is the mystery of the magical powers!"

"Zhoutian star array! It seems different from the traditional Sanyuan arrangement!"

"Dragon veins, geographical architecture, are extraordinary!"

"There are also artifacts and soldiers, and they are also very clever!"


Cang Jiuhua stood up and came to the front of the building. He fainted slightly and said, "His Majesty Yuan Shuo, this is a gift from Da Qin to the brotherhood. These literatures such as magical powers are from my Qin years ago Learning, dedicated to Yuan Shuo today, to help Yuan Shuo get out of obscurity. "

The Chinese martial arts were furious one by one, and they were all scolded and scolded. It was the old-fashioned civil martial arts.

However, the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs was also listed, saying that the foreigners' skills were superb and exuberant, and they came with good intentions. They should accept thanks and return gifts.

Still others sneered, and some were unconvinced.

Qiu Shuijing laughed and said, "Your Majesty, the kingdom of the Brothers of the Qin Dynasty is considered to be interested. It would be better to accept it and give the envoy some old things ten years ago in return, Your Majesty thought ..."

"And slow!"

Cang Jiuhua laughed: "Mr. Shui Jing, I do n’t take these literatures like this. I walked all the way, and I saw the people in Yuanshuo in shabby clothes. The locust plague does not seem like the prestigious kingdom of heaven, so it is worried that it came to the wrong place. These documents must be tested before they can be taken away! "

He laughed loudly and said loudly: "Jiuwen heard that Yuanshuo has a Heavenly Taoist Temple, of which the scholars are the first class of intelligent and wise men, so please send your Majesty Heavenly Taoist scholars to learn from my Qin more than ten years ago. If you can learn a few supernatural powers and pass the assessment, it will be fine for Yuanshuo. If you can't ... "

Cang Jiuhua smiled and said, "A country of barbarians, how can anyone conquer this fertile soil? This place is a land of natural treasures, and Da Qin He lives in it!"

The Koreans immediately became furious, and the main faction would have to kill them manually. The old factions would kill these Fanban barbarians to worship the heavens. There were surrenders calling for surrender.

Suddenly, Diping said: "Qiu Aiqing, you are too often in the Heavenly Temple, what do you think?"

Qiu Shuijing bowed and smiled: "For such trivial matters, why do you need to dispatch the Academy member? Your Majesty, is n’t it my Yuan Shuo talent? It ’s better to let this talent make a small test. If not, let him It is not too late for the academicians of Heaven to come out and teach the envoys of Fan Bang. "

Diping glanced at Su Yun and waved, "En Zhun."

Qiu Shuijing straightened his waist and nodded to the side of the lively Xue Qingfu Xue Sheng who nodded. Xue Qingfu wondered, but still smiled in return.

Qiu Shuijing suddenly opened his mouth and yelled, "Baiyuelou, Baizi, are you a Taoist scholar?"

Xue Qingfu stayed, his heart lingered: "The surname Qiu will take my disciple's flag?"

Baiyuelou also stayed, and quickly answered: "No."

Qiu Shuijing's smile narrowed and he said, "Take your obedience, and learn from Panbang ten years ago!"

"My obedience?"

Bai Yuelou blinked, his eyes fell on Su Yun, and the light flickered to him: "The obedience in Mr. Water Mirror's mouth is the master. In fact, my husband knows that I am inferior to the master, so I mainly It ’s my intention to let the big brother come down!

He is also a wise man, with a bit of sorrow in his heart: "Mr. Water Mirror is also my half teacher. Does the teacher think that I am not as good as a master? I just want to learn this state of knowledge and let him look at me!"

He came to Su Yun and looked at the rune curtain in the air, his eyes were immediately tarnished: "I don't understand! I don't understand!"

Bai Yuelou still calmly, making Cang Jiuhua's heart secretly say: "This person has a good mind. Is Yuan Shuo's knowledge really advanced to this level? Or is this person's intellect too high to be able to See what's in these documents? "

However, he did not know that Bai Yuelou often smiled and greeted the cheers and compliments of the boys and girls, and he had long been disintegrated.

——Teached by the saint, let alone say, the skin must be thick enough.

Cang Jiuhua took out a pocket watch, stared at the hands, and began to time, saying, "After an hour, I got it from the test white brother."

On Yuan Shuo's side, the officials of the Jiantian Division sacrificed a big clock, which was much humbler than Su Yun's yellow bell.

Beside Baiyuelou, Su Yun looked at Da Qin's rune array and various equations, and a radiant voice came from the spirit world, wondering: "The knowledge here is indeed better than that in the Wenyuan Pavilion of Tiandao Yuan. Learning is much better! "

Su Yunxing said: "However, their Zhoutian star array is wrong. They calculated the Zhoutian star with the sun as the center, so it cannot calculate the complete 72-hole sky. It is no wonder that it was learned more than ten years ago. "

Yingying swiftly calculated, saying: "It seems that in these documents, some errors are hidden. Daqin's spirits are corrupted, and these flaws are intentionally left. If Yuanshuo's spirits are cultivated and enter the battlefield, they will definitely be Their spirits caught these flaws and killed them directly! "

Su Yun practiced with her these days. Although she still couldn't learn all her knowledge, her vision was many times higher than before, and she found several flaws immediately.

He crouched on the ground, writing and drawing, while Baiyuelou was dressed in white, standing up against the wind, carrying his hands, and watching the rune curtain calmly.

The two of them competed sharply.

Cang Jiuhua frowned, and a drop of cold sweat was drilled on his forehead, and then he was forced back into his body by cold sweat: "Is this Baiyuelou really so powerful? Can he really see it at a glance and touch the bypass? No such person ... But he calmly captured the seven gods ... "

While Su Yun and Yingying were communicating, UU was reading while studying. After an hour, Cang Jiuhua snapped the pocket watch and screamed, "Time is up!"

At the same time, the great bell of Jiantian Division made a loud noise.

Bai Yuelou laughed and was about to speak. Suddenly Cang Jiuhua laughed out loud: "Since there are two scholars studying my Daqin knowledge, then I will test this scholar today!"

He reached out to Su Yun, and the civil and military affairs of Yuan Shuo Man were in an uproar.

"This time, you have to separate your life and death before you can learn!" Cang Jiuhua said in a deep voice.

The civil and military affairs of the Yuanshuo Manchu were even more uproarous, whispering and talking.

Su Yun heard a loud roar filled with wild demon in his ear, like some cruel demon, showing his minions, waiting to fight, and waiting to tear up his opponent!

"A bit hungry." He licked his lips.

——The friend of the house pig saw your suggestions and decided to follow everyone's opinions and shave his hair.

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