Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 220: Bang 2 Saint

"Like this, there are ninety-six in me?"

Su Yun was at a loss at first, and then he laughed: "Both are myths and both are saints. Don't kid me!"

In front of him, the holy Buddha was full of honey-like sticky saliva and wet, while the top of his head was the extremely thick tongue, extremely flexible and extremely thick, like a double-headed poisonous dragon tossing around.


Tongue fell down and licked gently on Su Yun's face.

Su Yun laughed and smiled stiffly: "This is false, it is the illusion caused by two people suppressing my blood and blood!"

He had slimy saliva on his face.

"Do Lord Su Ge remember you eating argali? That's the devil living in your body, trying to break through the seal of memory in your spiritual realm."

Dao Sheng was unhurried and said, "When the envoy of the Daqin entered the palace, the patron had once explored the heavens of Daqin, causing the gods to prepare to descend upon you, and touched the seal of your memory. That seal is not trivial, but Qu Jinqu Tai You always wait for the masters of Tianmen Town to join hands to seal the Qingyu Town, have you forgotten it? "

The drool on Su Yun's face shuddered and laughed: "I remember that naturally. But these seals are very strong, and I have never tried to break the seal. It is impossible for a big tongue to come out! This is caused by the two great saints. Illusion! "

The Holy Buddha knew about this, wiped the drool from his face, and threw it on the ground, saying: "That day, the seven gods tried to kill you, but they were dragged into the seal because they touched your memory seal. Among them. I am afraid that these seven gods have been eaten by the cricket, so he can break through the memory seal. "

Dao Sheng glanced at the drool on the Buddha and smiled, "But fortunately, Qu Jinqu is too often their seal is very strong, and He can't completely break the seal. If he completely breaks the seal, he will devour you immediately. body of!"

Holy Buddha said: "In the past, Qu Taichang sent me a letter in order to design a memory seal rune, asking me to help perfect the seal rune. But at that time, I had turned into a Buddha statue and closed it at Leiyinge, and did not wake up. .This is a letter. "

He handed a letter.

Su Yun took it, opened the envelope and looked. Qu Bo said in the letter that they designed a seal rune that could capture the demon, but the rune was not perfect, so he wanted to ask the Holy Buddha for help.

Attached to the letter was the rune mark of the memory seal.

Dao Sheng also took out a letter and said, "This is the letter that Qu Tai often sent to me. Master Su Ge can compare."

Su Yun was suspicious and compared the two letters. The handwriting on the letters was the same, except that the runes of the two letters were inconsistent. The memory seal rune in this letter of Dao Sheng and Su Yun's memory seal rune seemed a bit, But it is not complete. I want to come to that is that Qu Bo and others have not completely designed it.

The rune of the letter of the Holy Buddha, Su Yun has never seen.

"Su Shizi, the rune in this letter of the Holy Buddha should be the second seal in your memory."

Yingying emerged, and said to Su Yun positively: "It's not a phantom to pinch your tongue. I also saw it that day, but I didn't dare to say it."

Su Yun's face was cloudy.

Dao Sheng struck the iron while he was hot, and said, "Qu Tai often wrote to me and bald in the early years ... Holy Buddha, although we never had time to help him, but these years also gradually perfected these runes. Therefore, only we two can help Su Gezhu perfected the seal. If Su Gezhu did not come forward to resolve the dispute between the new school and the old school, then we will let the ninety-six gods settle the Gezhu. If the Gehu resolved the dispute between the new school and the old school, then we will help the host Solve these demons. "

The Holy Buddha said: "Bull nose ... Dao Sheng is right. What's more, you are also a descendant of the Old Saint Jue Xue, you are an apprentice of the Confucian Saint, so you need to help the Old Saint Jue survive this crisis. "

"it is good!"

Su Yun said quickly and said quickly: "Dao Sheng, Holy Buddha, as long as the two have solved the seal, I will take action and calm down the dispute between new learning and old learning!"

Dao Sheng and Holy Buddha looked at each other, and they both smiled and said in unison: "Okay!"

"What a fart!"

Su Yun's head burst, and the crack burst suddenly, a huge head squeezed out, his face sullen, his mouth fragrant, and he laughed at Dao Sheng and Sheng Buddha: "Little Taoist, little monk, as thin as a chicken Bunny, want to seal Lao Tzu too? "

The billowing sound rushed towards the face with thick saliva, pouring Tao Sheng and Holy Buddha soaked all over the body.

Yingying hid behind Su Yun long ago, so she avoided the disaster.

Bai Yuelou, however, had never seen this scene, and was poured with a deep heart, standing there in horror, looking up at Su Yun's head, at a loss.

It was a horror creature with a mouth larger than its head. It had twin horns in its head and fangs on its face. When he opened his mouth, he could see the stomach in his stomach!

This is a sloppy head, from the mouth to the stomach, all sharp teeth!

Now, this demon **** has protruded a head out of the seal!

"Your ordinary people have sealed me, sealed in a child, but now this child has grown! And you can't hold me back!"

Su Yun's spirit world suddenly disappeared, Su Yun's body shook, and his mouth made a terrible loud noise: "Suck! Suck! You seal me and let me live with him. When I wake up, his physical body also shares with me! This is an immortal body-- "

Su Yun's body changed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant cricket, fangs and fangs, and a dazzling rune mark. This is a natural rune mark, which represents the magical power of the demon god!

He is a demon. At this moment, Su Yun's body is used to recreate the world. He suddenly poured his own power into Su Yun's body, and the man stood up, his muscles bloomed with endless power, and he punched toward Dao Sheng!

"Seal me, are you worth it?"


Dao Sheng took the blow, and immediately Xiao Ma Zha shattered, and the whole man flew backwards, knocking through the Xianliang Academy!

Baiyuelou sluggish: "Dao Sheng ..."

"It must be!"

Dao Sheng burst into drink. Suddenly, he turned round and round, turning the power of this blow upside down, flying back at a faster speed, and yelling, "Bald donkey, his power is too high! Join hands and seal him!"

"Are you worth it?"

There was a loud noise again, and the Holy Buddha was also blown out with a punch!

Before Dao Sheng returned to the Xianliang Academy, he saw the puppet transformed by the Su Yun and jumped out of the Xianliang Academy, his face changed greatly: "Don't let him escape!"

The puppets transformed by Su Yun did not escape at all, and the sky was dark, and the magic of gas was pouring wildly, forming a huge magic cloud vortex over the fifth-floor city of East Capital.

Su Yun's puppet head protruded from the vortex of magic cloud, and the puppet ghost face surrounded by thunder.

I opened my mouth wide and sucked hard. Suddenly, the fifth-floor city and streets in the east were sucked up, whether it was people or the treasure monster!

In a split second, hundreds of thousands of people and countless beasts flew into the air as the wind raged!

Dao Sheng and Holy Buddha flew up, their faces changed greatly, and they looked at each other with a spirit in their hearts. At the same time, they said, "We seem to be jealous of this demon **** ..."

The east capital was very heavy, especially at this moment of turbulence and turbulence, the human heart helped the magic, and the power of the demon **** transformed by Su Yun was also rising, and even swallowed hundreds of thousands of people and monsters!

"If you don't join hands, wait until he devours these hundreds of thousands of people, even we have to die in his mouth!"

The two yelled in unison, shot each other, and smashed at the demons in the vortex!

"Two little ghosts, bad for me!"

The crickets swallowed all beings and were interrupted by them, but when they saw hundreds of thousands of people and monsters falling down in the air, they couldn't help anger, and suddenly the light flashed, and the crickets disappeared from the air.

"Not good!"

The holy Buddha raised his hand to block, blocking the claws, and the horrible force came, squeezing his body to the ground!

I flicked my tail and drew to the side of Dao Sheng, even killing two people at the same time!

"Move the Holy Spirit!"

As soon as the two great saints came into contact, they felt their power was crushed, and each hurriedly screamed, urging their respective great saints.

In the Qingxu concept, a bite of the Qingxu sword came out of the sheath and broke through.

In the Leiyin Pavilion, a bronze bell hanging from the highest place suddenly vibrated and flew outward.

At the same time, the other layers of the East Capital also had no idea how many strong men were all shocked. The three public men and nine emperors flew out one after another. His Majesty the Three Public Men and Nine Emperors were like strong men, like little courts!

There are three hundred court officials under His Majesty Qiu Shuijing alone, and it is built as Dr. Xi Xi of Tiandaoyuan who is also at the lowest level of the sky.

— Of course, except for the man Ye Luogong who climbed to Dr. Xi Xi by meritorious service.

On each floor of Dongdu, a mouthful of giant spirit soldiers rose up, emitting a dazzling light to protect the people of Dongdu.

This scene can be called dazzling stars, spectacular.

This is the eastern capital of the Yuanshuo Empire!

Although Yuanshuo has been bullied by foreign nations in these years, the empire is not declining. In fact, the Yuanshuo empire now has more power than any dynasty in history, and any emperor.

However, the progress of overseas countries is even greater, and it seems that the empire is declining.

But when this empire broke out, it was still spectacular, which is why the countries across the ocean did not dare to invade directly!

Dao Sheng and Holy Buddha each took the big holy spirit soldiers and fought against the puppets transformed by Su Yun, only to find that the puppets became more and more brave, and they could not support them.

Qiu Shuijing immediately mobilized the western seat of the Heavenly Daoyuan, and said, "If you catch this head, you can be alive and well, maybe you can make a few powerful magical powers ... wait, where does this head come from? ? "

Xue Qingfu's eyes flickered, and he looked at his uncle Wen Guanshan, and said, "Tao Sheng, the Holy Buddha, is not as good as the true dragon, and he is not as good as the demon in the heyday. So what is the strength of another mythical saint? ? "

The prime minister, Wen Guanshan, was carrying both hands, and the master behind him was like a cloud, watching that the battle was not involved.

He issued orders one by one, and officials in the eastern capitals immediately implemented them one by one, and soon stabilized the situation in the eastern capital. The ruling methods were breathtaking.

At this time, Su Yun only felt extremely ethereal. Although he was invaded by his body, his thinking consciousness was crowded aside, and he could not control his body, but his sense of his physical body was still very clear.

He saw very clearly how to transform his body, how to devour the vitality of the world, and how to mobilize his physical strength.

He can even see how the vitality and blood flow and how the runes on his body spurred when he was energizing!

Even if he shook his tongue and stimulated the power on his tongue, he "saw" it clearly!

Including the fluctuations in the brain's thinking, he also experienced the "eye"!

"This is the real thing!" Su Yun was shocked and delighted, and immediately seized the opportunity to try to write down the mysteries of the flesh.

"Lao Dao, we are old, we can't beat it, we can only use runes!" Sheng Buddha drank.

Dao Sheng feels sad that they are indeed old. If they recover from their prime years and have the practice of today, then they can fight against puppets and suppress puppets.

Now they are doing everything they can to urge the Great Holy Spirit, and after fighting dozens of rounds with stubbornness, the flesh can't hold it.

The golden body of the Holy Buddha is stronger, but Dao Sheng has been taught by Su Yun to unify the exercises, and has an extra 20 to 30 years of life, but even so, they cannot compete with this demon god.

The two great saints each blocked the offensive with the holy spirit soldiers, and then they joined forces while urging the rune left by Qu Taichang Qujin, turning it into four curtain walls and trapping him.

That slammed and bumped, just now being overbearing, but now he was terrified and couldn't escape the cage.

Seeing this, Dao Sheng and the Holy Buddha each secretly ashamed: "If there are no runes left too often by Qu, it will be completely planted this time ..."

Together, they urged the four curtain walls and pushed them down. I saw Su Yun's puppets becoming smaller and smaller, and they continued to settle down. However, the shock force still caused the two great holy spirits to stir. .

Finally, the rune cage dropped from the sky and fell into the courtyard of the Xianliangyuan. The cage shrank, and the shape of the urn changed into Su Yun's appearance.

The cage was still shrinking, and a few twists on his brows disappeared.

Baiyuelou and Yingying looked blank.

At this moment, Dao Sheng and Holy Buddha fell together, one holding a sword, and the thunder bell floating behind him, looking at Su Yun.

Su Yun opened her eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and saluted the two saints. She said, "Thank you two for suppressing this demon. There are still ninety-five demon ..."

Dao Sheng cut off his words and said categorically: "We have re-sealed the puppet and strengthened the memory seal of the cabinet master, and the ninety-five demon cannot escape. The cabinet master can fulfill his promise!"

Su Yun was so excited that he calmly said: "Although the two are assured ~ ~ I will end this new and old school battle tomorrow!"

Dao Sheng and Holy Buddha looked at each other and went out: "Waiting for the good news from the patron!"

Su Yun was about to send him away, and the Holy Buddha turned back and said, "Stay."

Su Yun had to stop, Dao Sheng and the Holy Buddha stepped out of the Xianliang courtyard, and suddenly his face changed slightly. Dao Sheng secretly wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. Hehe laughed: "I didn't expect such a strong one. How did Qu Tai often do it?"

There were two lines of gold blood flowing down from the nose of the Holy Buddha suddenly, and he groaned and shook his head.

The two were just leaving, no one had time to look at Su Yun's spiritual realm. At this time in Su Yun's spiritual realm, the rune prison cage shrunk into the rune wall. When the crack on this wall was about to be filled, a huge dragon claw penetrated into the rune wall, blocking the repair.


There was a heavy gasp in the darkness behind the wall, and an upright eye came to the crack, grunted, and glanced around.

———— Four thousand-character chapters. Ask for monthly tickets for recommended tickets!

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