Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 233: Wild fox reproduction

Lingxi carried the two people away from the spirit realm of Diping. Taking the spirit realm of the court ladies, guards, and eunuchs as a springboard, they gradually moved away from the palace.

Yingying lost her soul and remained silent.

"Are you thinking about the grudge between you and me?"

Wutong wanted to explore her heart, but found that this little book monster's soul could not sneak into herself. Yingying's talent in spirit was extremely high, and her attainments were extremely high. After awakening the memory of Shiziying, her attainments were even a thousand miles away. great.

Wutong is good at confusing and manipulating people's hearts, but he still feels a little bit worse if he wants to enter Yingying's heart.

"The death of your last life is indeed related to me, and it can even be said to have died in my hands."

Wu Tong said: "You were deceived by him as a sacrifice to me, and I trusted him, and eventually I was deceived by him. If you want to seek revenge from me, it is for granted."

Yingying shook her head and said, "I have awakened the memories of the previous life, and I have to decide who to avenge on."

Because of Su Yun's relationship, the two of them had no chance of being alone. Su Yun always worried that Wutong would be harmful to Yingying and protected Yingying well.

Today, Su Yun was in a coma, Yingying's adventure, and by chance she met Wutong, and they could finally make things clear face to face.

It's just that the two women talked together, only to find that they care about things, maybe the other party doesn't care.

"I just want to know, how does Mr. Shui Jing choose?" Yingying continued.

"What's so difficult about this? The place in the east capital seems to you to be the capital of the emperor, but in my opinion it is the devil's cave, which is to cultivate the devil."

Long rhinoceros jumped up and down suddenly, and suddenly entered a pure and flawless spirit world, which is Wutong's spirit world.

Wutong spirit reached out and brought Yingying out of her spirit world. Yingying discovered that they were still in the imperial city, and Wutong's costume was like an ordinary palace lady in the palace.

Wutong walked out, and Yingying quickly shook her paper wings to keep up with her, flying in her temples.

"The magical nature born from the heart of people pollutes the world and transforms it into magical energy. The stronger the power and desire of a person, the more distorted the human nature is, the heavier the magical nature is."

The girl Wutong walked into the corner, walked out from the corner, and recovered as before. The red skirt fluttered behind him, growing longer and sneeringly, "You are known by the name: obsession. In my opinion, they are all magic. , Eager to hold all power in his hands, eager to live forever, and rule the world forever. This is his magic. But Qiu Shuijing is not magical? He wants to achieve ambition, he must join forces with Di Ping. This is his enchantment. The beginning of. "

Yingying was dumbfounded and shook her head: "Mr. Water Mirror will not do this!"

The girl Wutong said lightly: "Ying Shizi, don't bet on human nature. Mr. Shui Jing, I also respect it, but this is also a great opportunity to get rid of political enemies and implement his New Deal! , Degenerate step by step, slowly let go of all perseverance, all principles! "

The red skirt behind her became wider and wider, as if to cover the entire east: "East is the future burial dragon tomb, everyone will be killed in death, but they will be transformed into altars step by step. Sacrifice. And Mr. Water Mirror may become such a devil! "

The red skirt trembles in the air, and the girl Wutong goes away quickly: "Don't try to bet on humanity with me, Sulang and me bet on humanity, he has lost!"

Yingying stunned, the red dress disappeared in the sky, and the sycamore disappeared.

"Mr. Water Mirror, will it become what Wutong said?"

Yingying settled her mind and clapped her paper wings and flew to the fifth floor of the east capital. A gust of wind blew from the sky and blew her around in the air. She said: "I don't know what happened to Su Shizi I might say that the Qingyu Town is a little too much ... but then, if Di Ping and Mr. Shui Jing really intend to deal with Dao Sheng and Sheng Bu, what should the Nine Prime Minister Liu in Su Shizi do? "

In the examination room of Tiandao Academy, Su Yun suddenly fell to the ground, his body twitched, and his mouth was foaming, which really shocked the Western seats of Tiandao Academy.

There are also many Xixi and scholars who are proficient in medical skills in the Heavenly Taoist Temple. They have rescued them, but Su Yun ’s disease is strange, and everyone is helpless.

Fortunately, after half an hour, Su Yun was just fine, just holding his forehead to say pain.

"It looks like a circle of axe was cut on the head."

Su Yun said to the doctor who asked about the condition: "The one that was stuck on the head and not taken down. The stomach is also overturned, like the goat I ate is still alive and arched."

The doctor of Tiandao Academy prescribed him some medicines for headache and stomachache, and told him to go back to rest.

Su Yun was also a little puzzled. The onset of the disease was more intense. However, Yingying remembered the scene where he was thinking of Qingyu Town. He still remembered everything, but why Yingying suddenly read Qingyu Town to him suddenly, he did not know.

——Nine Prime Minister Liu ’s spirit and his spirit form a symbiotic relationship, which is equivalent to a part of his spirit, so he has no idea what happened.

"What must have happened in my body that made Yingying scared."

Su Yun's eyes flickered: "This is the third time Yingying has actively triggered my memory seal. The first time is to check my memory seal with Dao Sheng. The second time is that the gluttonous devil is out of control. This time ..."

He suddenly remembered that Dao Sheng and Sheng Bu had said that there were ninety-six seals in his body!

"Does it mean that I have suppressed ninety-six demon gods in my memory, and another demon **** is out of control? So Yingying will recite it to me?"

Su Yun was a little uneasy. He stopped a treasure dragon and was about to get on the bus. He suddenly glimpsed an old fox basking in the sun lazily in the corner across the street.

Su Yun stunned, chased away immediately.

When the old fox saw him coming, he quickly turned and ran, jumped onto the building.

Su Yun quickly chased away, and saw that the old fox shuttled back and forth in the streets and alleys, very clever and farther and farther away from him.

"This time will not let you go anyway!"

Su Yun gritted his teeth, took out the wooden box, hesitated, and put the wooden box away again.

"The key to Tongtian Pavilion, controlling the entire East Capital, may be my last resort to the future situation, and it cannot be exposed now!"

Suddenly, his shape changed, urging the transformation of the furnace, his body turned into gluttony under the large public, ran quickly, jumped over a building, and suddenly jumped!

Gourmet jumped into the air, spinning around in the air, suddenly a body of fire burst out, and a crimson wing exploded!

Su Yun popped his wings, transformed into Bi Fang, and swooped down with a loud bang, traversing sideways through the alleys quickly, overwhelming the people of the East, chasing the wild fox.

The wild fox dashed forward and turned sharply.

Su Yun's Bifang God Bird is about to hit the opposite wall, and suddenly his shape changes again, turning into a demon god, lying on the opposite wall, exerting strength on his limbs, running wildly on the wall, straight to the wild fox Let's go!

The wild fox is very fast, but since Su Yun realized that after the deeper and deeper post-modernization of the blast furnace transmutation, the twenty-four gods and demons will change as they please and move to the extreme.

He changed from the sky to the twenty-four gods and demons, changing from heart to heart.

Rao was the wild fox who was hiding around, and was quickly chased by Su Yun into the dead end.

The wild fox had nowhere to escape. Suddenly he took a pen out of nowhere, raised a pen to draw a door on the wall, and walked in.

"No wonder I didn't find it last time, it turns out that it has such a skill!"

Su Yun was surprised and rushed over, but he saw that the portal drawn on the wall faded away and was about to disappear.

He quickly opened the door and broke in, but saw the colorful flowers clusters coming on the face. Su Yun settled down and saw that there was a garden with many rockeries, and the promenade retreated, one step at a time.

Many maidservants are busy, picking flowers. Someone urged: "Master is coming back soon. You pick some flowers and hurry up to have some meals. It will be richer! The master is injured. He will come back to nurse for a few days!"

Su Yun's blood was floating, and he walked towards the busy maid maids, who ignored them.

Since he met the girl Wutong, he has been fighting with this man demon wit, learning a little bit about the ability of man demon Wutong, and using the blood to blind the perception of these maidservants can still be done.

In front of him, the old fox's footsteps also slowed down a lot, and he seemed to be waiting for him intentionally.

Su Yun always followed the old fox, and after a while, the old fox came to a courtyard of the mansion, and the people stood up and tried to open the door ~ ~ walked in.

Su Yun followed it into this small courtyard. When he opened the door and saw it, he saw a study room with all kinds of classics and books, but the old fox was not seen.

Su Yun walked through the rows of bookshelves, and the books on the bookshelves gave him a very familiar feeling.

He pulled out a copy at random, closed his eyes and touched the text above, the familiar feeling was even stronger.

When he was studying in Mr. Yehu's preface, he touched Mr. Yehu's handwriting with his fingers and understood the pronunciation and writing of words. Only then did he learn to read and write.

Mr. Yehu's handwriting, he is very familiar with it.

"I personally buried Mr ...."

Su Yun put the book back to its original place. At this time, the voice of Suo Suo came from the front. Su Yun walked forward and passed a row of bookshelves carefully, without making a sound.

In front, I learned that Suo Suo's voice gradually became clearer.

In front of a desk, a fox turned his back, suddenly pulled on his belly, and the fox skin loosened.

The old fox touched his head, took off the fox skin little by little, shook vigorously, and hung the fox skin on the wall.

Su Yun froze, trembling: "Who the **** are you? Why did you lead me here? Where did you get this fox skin?"

The person who took off the fox skin did not seem to hear it, took out the pen, drew another door on the wall, pushed open the door and went in.

Su Yun hesitated, stepped forward and pushed open the door.

Behind the door is a secret room. The first thing that caught Su Yun ’s eyes was the body of the prime minister Wen Guanshan.

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