Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 244: Brother Qin Wuling

When the sun rose, Qiu Shuijing tentatively walked out of the Qingxu view, only to see the prosperity of the eastern capital outside.

Last night, the East was extremely lively. The saints of the original realm shot, and there were several wars on the way to kill Zuo Songyan Qiu Shuijing, causing a mess.

But during the day, the mess of last night disappeared, the streets and alleys were cleaned, and the corpses and blood stains were dealt with quietly and without interest.

People in Dongdu seem to be used to big battles, and are accustomed to the chaos in Dongdu last night. After all, this is the capital city of Yuanshuo. How many people will not die one day?

Qiu Shuijing set his mind and said to Zuo Songyan, who walked out of the Qingxu view: "Songyan, I will enter the palace. I am here to take the power and start the reform."

Zuo Songyan was startled, and said, "Are you able to carry it out?"

Qiu Shuijing said with awe: "Xue Qingfu escaped, Wenguan Mountain died in the palace, and San Gong was left with me, then I would have no obstacles. Now the general trend is in me, and the reform is imperative!"

Zuo Songyan's complexion also became serious, saying: "You know, resistance is not on Xue Qingfu and Wen Guanshan, resistance on the family's big valve! When you implement the reform, you are against all the families in the world!"

Qiu Shuijing was silent, and after a moment, he smiled and said, "Go back to Shuofang." He turned and walked towards the imperial city.

"Classmate Qiu!"

Qiu Shuijing stopped and looked back.

Zuo Songyan Chang Ji ground to the ground: "If you encounter misfortune, prove that your road does not work, then I will go my way! Take care!"

Qiu Shuijing raised his head with both hands in his hands and raised his head to the ground. "Student Zuo, take care!" Then he turned and strode away.

On this day, the Eastern Capital changed so much. First, Xue Shengren retired and disappeared, and then Wen Guanshan and Wen Chengxiang aged, died in a crane and mourned the country.

Wenguan Mountain, one of the four myths of Yuanshuo, the veteran of the three dynasties, bowed down for Yuanshuo, worked diligently, and died in office, which was astonishing.

Di Ping personally performed the funeral of Wen Guanshan and was chased down as Wu Ping Gong.

After Wen Guanshan was buried, Qiu Shuijing turned to the table and said that the holy and holy Buddha had reached an advanced age, and they were no longer suitable for staying in the eastern capital.

"Lingnan robbed the ash factory, and the factory supervisor's seat is suspended." Qiu Shuijing said.

The Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar, and Emperor Ping was not allowed.

On the second day, Dao Sheng stated that he was old and he was willing to go to Lingnan to build an ashes factory and contribute waste heat. The Holy Buddha also came in person and gave a performance, saying that he was injured too much in the early years, but this year the incident is high, and he is injured. The weather in Lingnan is hot, and there is ash to roast fire.

The Manchu and Wenwu looked at each other, I don't know why.

Di Ping is still not allowed.

Qiu Shuijing played again, and Di Ping was right. Xu Daosheng and Sheng Buddha went to Lingnan to dig the ash.

"When it was sent to Lingnan to dig the ash, when did it become fat?" The civil and military officials were confused and puzzled.

On the third day, Su Yun came to hear the news and sent him off for Dao Sheng and Sheng Bu. Dao Sheng and Sheng Bu were pretty good to him. This time he was exiled in Lingnan to dig the ash, which was beyond his expectations.

But he was even more surprised when he saw the unequal people of Huahu, Qingqiuyue and fox.

"Sister Xiaoyao was here before!"

Qingqiu Yue whispered to him: "But Zuo Shi shot back to Shuofang, and she and Dr. Dong also followed back."

Su Yun recounted with them a little, and said to Dao Sheng and Sheng Bu: "The two exiles in Lingnan may not be a bad thing ..."

Dao Sheng and the Holy Buddha looked at each other, and Dao Sheng smiled and said: "Nature is not a bad thing. Qiu Yushi is protecting us. If we stay in the Eastern Capital, Di Ping will definitely start with us and take advantage of our injury. Slaughter. "

Sacred Buddha said: "Qiu Yushi has a compassionate heart. He wrote two books and exiled us to dig the ashes. After seemingly gaining power, he fought and humiliated. In fact, he couldn't bear our death."

Dao Sheng's face sank and sighed: "He kept us twice and we wrote again, but His Majesty still didn't want to let us go. His Majesty ..."

He shook his head and said to Su Yun: "Today's widowedness is not a clear lord, Mr. Water Mirror protects us and banishes us from Lingnan. But we are worried whether he will have the opportunity to exile in Lingnan in the future!"

Su Yun's heart tightened and understood what he meant.

Sacred Buddha said: "Sovereign Lord Su, my two should have solved the hidden dangers of the Patriarch, suppressing the gods and demons in the childhood memory of the Patriarch, how could both of us be injured and unable to catch each other. Please also forgive me!

He folded his hands together and bowed.

Dao Sheng elbows bent over the dust, and bowed.

Su Yun hurriedly returned the gift and said, "The two don't have to be like this.

"In the past few days, the little friend Qingqiu Yue took care of the old monk. The old monk loved her very much, so she made her own claim and accepted her as a disciple."

The Holy Buddha beckoned and summoned Qingqiuyue, saying: "Pavilion Lord, I will take her to Lingnan to practice, don't miss it."

Su Yun was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: "If the Holy Buddha can teach her, it is naturally her blessing. But she cannot be forced to become a nun."

The fox is stunned, looking at the holy Buddha, and then looking at the holy saint. The heart suffers: "What about me? What about me?"

Sacred Buddha said: "It's just a layman. Don't stop here, the patriarch stays!"

Dao Sheng beckoned and summoned Tan Xiaofan, saying: "Isn't the patriarch the supervising foreign minister Shaoshi? You are in charge of going abroad, go abroad as soon as possible, and don't stay in Dongdu."

Sacred Buddha also said: "The Pavilion Lord leaves early, otherwise the devil in your memory ..."

Dao Sheng tugged at his clothes corner, the Holy Buddha awoke, shut up quickly, and the four left in a hurry.

Su Yun watched them go away, touched the somewhat foxy little head, and smiled: "Among the three of you brothers and sisters, you are the most clever, why envy them?"

Hu Buping's face was sad and said bitterly: "I know I'm the most stupid ..."

Su Yun was about to speak, and suddenly he felt something, and looked back, only to see Qiu Shuijing standing in the distance, and did not personally send the Saint and the Holy Buddha. He wanted to avoid suspicion, worrying that Diping would be gaped.

"Wu Tong, you still lost. Mr. Shui Jing is not enchanted, and Dao's heart is still pure." Su Yun smiled, and the stone pressed against him suddenly disappeared.

He was really worried that Qiu Shuijing would do whatever he could to gain power. Qiu Shuijing could understand Wen Guanshan and Xue Qingfu, but if Qiu Shuijing also killed Daosheng and Shengfo, that would be what Wutong said, In order to obsess over the depravity.

However, Qiu Shuijing still adhered to the principle and did not compromise, so he was very pleased.

"Mr. Water Mirror!"

Su Yun stepped forward to see Qiu Shuijing.

"Master Su."

Qiu Shuijing returned the gift and said: "Now my path has no obstacles above the court. I will implement reforms, reform the system of government, education, promote new learning, encourage the transformation of old learning into new learning, redistribute wealth, and distribute treasures. "

Su Yun frowned, and tentatively said, "Sir, is this a faster move? I thought that the change of the husband should take ten or even fifty years to advance. If a brain advances, I am afraid ..."

"There is no time, Lord Su! There is no time!"

Qiu Shuijing stopped and said: "It has been 35 years since I studied abroad. I have spent 35 years in vain, and nothing has happened. However, the overseas powerful country has developed for 35 years! Yuan Shuo, etc. Amazing! "

He worried, saying: "The Yuanshuo defeated that year. The reason why Daqin and other enemy countries didn't swallow Yuanshuo was because Yuanshuo's foundation was still there, and the foundation was still strong and powerful. They really couldn't sustain it. So they only demanded the land to be compensated. , Only required to open commercial ports. But these enemy countries are developing faster and faster, and our Yuanshuo court is still fighting for some trivial trifles, delaying 35 years! "

He exhaled: "Can't wait. This time Cang Jiuhua came, colluding with Wen Chenghuan, this time Cang Jiuhua, we internally made a mess in Yuanshuo. If we don't change the law and don't make progress, I'm afraid Daqin One visit is a battle of annexation. "

Su Yundao: "But extremely dangerous!"

Qiu Shuijing looked at Su Yun suddenly and said with a smile: "Sushi Shi, you, the younger superintendent, should go to work. Overseas, Daqin, Dawan, Rest and other countries, there are scholars from Yuanshuo who study abroad. You also sent a group of scholars to the hospital, and their safety overseas depends on you! "

Su Yun sinks in his heart and knows that he is worried that he will be implicated in his stay in Dongdu.

Qiu Shuijing already has the thought of deciding what to do!

If the reform is not successful this time, then crush the bones!

"Sir, is Prime Minister Wen Cheng really dead?"

Su Yun put aside the topic and asked: "I have a friend. She would like to know whether Wen Guanshan really died in that night's battle. My friend said that Wen Guanshan is so smart that he can never be buried in Diping and you. In your hands. "

In his spiritual world, Yingying fell on Su Yun's shoulder and listened nervously to the conversation outside.

"Did Yingying ask you to ask?"

Qiu Shuijing thought for a moment or two and said, "Wen Guanshan is dead or not. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. When I returned to the Imperial City, the scars left by the battle in front of the Jin Luan Temple had been repaired and no trace was left. But His Majesty said, Wen Guanshan is dead. "

Yingying lost her heart.

"Leave the Eastern Capital early." Qiu Shuijing patted Su Yun's shoulder and turned away.

On the seventh day after the burial of Wen Guanshan, Min Wanghai and other disciples of Wen Guanshan came to the saint's tomb to pay their respects. They waited for a long time, and Wen Guanshan never climbed out of the tomb.

Min Wanghai and others cried, worshipped for a few weeks, burned some paper money, and got up and left.

After they left, Su Yun came to the tomb of Wenguan Mountain and stared at the tomb for a long time without saying a word.

At this time, a voice came from the back hill of the mausoleum and smiled: "Sovereign Lord Su does not believe that Wenguan Mountain is dead, right?"

Su Yun's pupils shrunk, and he saw an old fox limping from Houshan, followed by a young boy with beautiful eyes.

Su Yun looked at the young man, and his eyes fell on the old fox again, saying, "Your voice is very familiar, I seem to have heard it. Is your Excellency?"

"The sage of Zajia, Wenguan Mountain."

The old fox smiled and said, "Master Su Pavilion once set up a stall in the ghost market. You and I are friends. I am opposite you, and your stall is opposite. When Master Cen led you into the ghost market, I spoke to you. "

Su Yun nodded and saw the ceremony: "It turned out to be a friend on the opposite side."

The old fox smiled and said: "The boy next to me, the patriarch should know."

Su Yun's eyes fell on the young man, and he saw that he described the beauty, which was very extraordinary, but there was a magical energy hidden in his eyebrows.

The young boy's pupils were upright, not human eyes, his eyes hidden with magic.

"One hundred and fifty years ago, the sky fell on the dragon, and the demon and the real dragon fought together."

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "One hundred and fifty years later, the man has turned into a sycamore, and the spirit of the real dragon has been lost after a battle with me."

He took a deep look at the handsome young man: "If you want to come, it is your Excellency. Wen Guanshan Wen Shengren died in the hands of the team leader, but after all, he is a sage of the family, and he saved his own spirit. Attracting and meeting friends in Tianmen Ghost City is also normal. One hundred and fifty years ago, Long Ling was parasitic on the team leader Qin Wuling. Is n’t it a good relationship with Qin Wuling? "

The young man said: "At the last moment, he pulled the spirit of the demon into his body, and wanted me to die with the demon. He broke his promise."

Su Yundao: "Qin Wuling's last blow did not kill Han Jun. In the end, Han Jun walked out of the burial of the Long Ling. The three people who buried the Long Ling at that time, Han Jun turned into Xue Qingfu, Qin Wuling turned into a pen monster Dan Qing, and later And killed Saint Wen ... "

He looked at the old fox and said, "So the two hit it off, exchanged information they knew with each other, and set up a game against Qin Wuling."

Old Fox nodded with a smile.

Su Yundao: "The two came to see me, is it to leave the third person who buried Longling?"

Yingying's heart tightened.

The old fox smiled and said, "Long Ling helped me get revenge only if I got a scholar."

Su Yun looked at the young man and said, "Shiziying is not in the grudge between you and Qin Wuling. Why do you have to kill Shiziying as much as possible?"

"The person he loves, the person who loves him, will die."

The boy said indifferently: "This is the price of betrayal."

Su Yun sighed, glanced at the old fox, then looked at the teenager again, and said with a smile: "Now, I am a little worried that Qin Wuling may not be dead. You are so stupid, how could you fight Qin Wuling?"

He used a sword light to split the tomb of the saint, the tomb was divided into two halves, and the coffin in the tomb was also split under the power of his sword!

In the coffin, there is only one jade pillow, just a shroud!

The body of Wen Guanshan disappeared!

The old fox stepped forward with the boy to check the coffin room, his face changed greatly.

"Sure enough, it was only part of the spirit of Qin Wuling who went to the palace that night! His main body of spirit is still hidden in the body of Wen Guanshan!"

Su Yun laughed and laughed, palming his hands and admiring: "He could hold back the sword that Qiu Yu Shi stabbed him, and he lay there quietly and motionless for a long time. It was really forbearing!"

The young boy looked at him, showing his murderous intentions, about to move, and suddenly a horrified look appeared on his face. I saw a huge shadow of Yinglong behind Su Yun!

"Your opponent is not me, nor Yingying, your opponent may be the real Qin Wuling!"

Su Yun turned and left, UU read raised his hands to them, waved, and said with a smile: "Since Qin Wuling's spirit can be separated, then Qin Wuling 150 years ago, really died Yet?"

The old fox and the teenager were dumbfounded.

In the Su Yunling world, Yingying couldn't help but stay awake, suddenly waking up and saying, "Su Shizi, are you saying that Qin Wuling might not have died? Is it true?"

"Of course it is fake."

Su Yun walked away quickly and whispered: "I don't say that, most of us are going to die here!"

Yingying still couldn't stabilize her mood and kept asking, "Is there really no such possibility? Is there really no such possibility?"

———— Dazhang, ask for monthly tickets, do n’t give up, shake, cold ~~

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