Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 246: Demon God

The riot started at the bottom of the East Capital City, and the cause was just a few quarrels from the intentional people. One said: "Dare you dare to go to the Imperial City to rap and revitalize the royal family?"

Another said: "Dare to go!"

So he called friends and friends, and went to the imperial city lively. ——In fact, most of these people are arranged spiritual people, only to arouse public opinion. Who will arrange it is unknown.

But the public opinion was stirred up and the blood was on top, so he could not care so much.

When the torrent on the side of the Qing Jun rushed to the fourth floor of the Eastern Capital, it was already unstoppable, and it went straight to the Imperial City with the momentum of rows of mountains and seas.

The Eastern capital was originally the majority of the secular valve, this Qiu Shuijing's reform, touched the interest of the world valve, many world valves have long been unable to hold back, so the opportunity to naturally join them in order to strengthen the momentum.

After all, the Eastern Capital is the capital of Yuanshuo, and the defense is strict. The original Southern Army and Northern Army should be dispatched to suppress it directly. Jing Zhaoyin and others must also mobilize the city defense to easily smooth out this chaos.

However, at this time there was civil strife among the southern army and the northern army.

In order to control Yuanshuo's Southern Army and Northern Army, Qiu Shuijing put a lot of manpower in the two armies. He used to be too common, and he controlled the Taoist Temple. Many of the scholars in the Taoist Temple came from under his door. They regarded him as a teacher and treated him with great respect.

There are not many talented people under Qiu Shuijing's hands, but just as this upheaval erupted, the assassination of these reformists in the army began!

Someone escaped the assassination and immediately rectified the soldiers under his command, trying to kill the encirclement.

For a time, the two armed forces were in chaos.

The surging crowd outside took advantage of this opportunity to rush to the imperial city at the top of Jade Emperor Mountain. The officials who supported the reform along the way were rushed into the mansion by rogues, burned and looted.

Most of the officials who support the reform are aware of the imminent existence of their country. If they do not change, they will only be conquered by foreign countries, and Yuanshuo will die, so they support Qiu Shuijing ’s reform.

However, they were pulled out of their homes by angry people and killed in public.

These officials are powerful, but it is a pity that there is a stronger presence in the crowd, directly controlling them, so that they have no room for resistance.

After returning from studying abroad, Qiu Shuijing worked in the imperial court and accumulated a lot of contacts. This time, nearly half of them were damaged!

Qiu Shuijing holds two positions, Doctor Yu Shi and Tian Dao Yuan are too regular, and these two official positions have small court-like officials and a large number. Among them, Taishi, Taile, Taizhu, Dazai, Taibu, Taichi and other official positions under Taichang are all directly held by Mr. Xi Xi of the Heavenly Taoist Temple.

Qiu Shuijing received the support of Di Ping this time, so he reused his officials to implement the reform.

When the unrest spread to Yuhuang Mountain, the surviving officials immediately mobilized soldiers and horses to guard the main road.

"Protect Mr. Water Mirror and Sheng Shang!" Someone shouted.

But gradually, no one continued to shout like this, because they found that they could not enter the inner city, nor could they mobilize the guard.

The imperial city is divided into an inner city and an outer city. At this moment, the Imperial Guard guards the inner city, urges the four great emperors' spirit soldiers, guards the four gates of the inner city, and no one is allowed to enter.

These reformist officials were caught between the inner city and the outer city at the moment. When angry people came, they were afraid that there would be no escape route!

If the Imperial Guard also killed them, then there would be no life!

From the current situation, there is indeed such a possibility!

They are very likely to be sold by the emperors and ministers in the inner city!

In the inner city, Qiu Shuijing walked into the face of Jin Luan Temple. At this time, the Chinese military officials in the hall were awesome. These civil and military officials came from all major families. It seems that this scene has been expected for a long time.

They not only have to see Qiu Shuijing being executed, but also the emperor being forced into the palace, being restricted in power, and returning the power taken by the reform to the major families!

Qiu Shuijing turned a blind eye to everyone, and came to His Royal Highness, bowing down and saying, "Your Majesty, the Xi Xi of the Heavenly Taoist Academy is responsible for teaching the Heavenly Taoist academicians.

Di Ping sat in the Jin Luan Hall and said, "What do Qiu Aiqing think it should be?"

Qiu Shuijing said: "Your Majesty, please mobilize the guard, sacrifice the holy treasure, and civilian chaos, and then find out the person who caused the chaos and deal with it according to law."

His voice didn't fall, and the officers and soldiers on both sides spoke in anger and shouted, "Qiu Shuijing, you are the one who caused this chaos!"

"You Qiu Yushi is the culprit!"

"It's you who walked against the sky and had to change the ancestor's method, which caused anger and resentment and caused this turmoil!"

"If you want to deal with it, you are also dealt with!"

"Your Majesty, please make a decision, immediately execute Qiu Thief, use Qiu Thief's first sacrifice to heaven, but civilians will be chaotic!"


Qiu Shui's mirror was indifferent, letting them make a noise, just looking at Diping calmly. Emperor Ping on the throne was smiling, looking at the minister of culture and martial arts who attacked Qiu Shuijing below.

"With the order of your majesty, you can calm this mess."

Qiu Shuijing bowed again: "Your Majesty, please decide."

At this moment, the incumbent Jin Wu led a lot of Jin Wu Wei La La La surged into the Golden Luan Temple, sacrificed the array to lock the gate of the temple, and urged a mouthful of spirit soldiers to hit the array.

In the Jin Luan Palace, some of the hundred military and military officials looked excitedly, while others showed the color of doubt, and others showed the color of fear and restlessness, secretly preparing for magical power.

"You Aiqing."

There was a voice from Emperor Ping in Jin Luan Temple, clear and bright, echoing in the temple, pulling everyone's eyes back to him.

Diping stood up, and behind him appeared the scenes of the five emperor emperors. The five emperor emperors stood tall and majestic.

Emperor Plane smiled and smiled, "You Ai Qing forced the palace, let me execute the people who can bring me longevity, really think I'm stunned to the point where you are allowed to pinch?"


His foot moved, and a thunderous voice came. The next moment the hall thundered, and Di Ping appeared in front of Guang Luqing. Under one blow, Guang Luqing's body exploded and his flesh was blurred!


Diping magic power broke out, and behind them the five holy emperors urged the magic power of the emperor soldier form, and opened the ring!

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Qi Lang will just say this, and he will be pressed into powder by Jiuding.

"Your Majesty is crazy!" Wei Weicheng was picked up by Shenlong and ripped open on the spot!

The hundred military and military officials in the hall are all masters, and there are many strong soldiers who have levied the Saints. At the moment, each of them explodes.

However, with a scream, Jiuqing Zhongtai, Ting Wei, Da Hongyun and others were successively killed by Diping.

"I have been under your control since assuming the throne, and I haven't controlled power for a day!"

Emperor Ping's face was covered with blood, and with a click, he twisted left Fufeng's neck, and his eyes showed an excited bloodthirsty light: "San Gong wants to restrict me, Wen Chengxiang, Xue Qingfu, and your Qiu Shuijing, all pointing me!"

You Fufeng hid behind the copper pillars held by several people in Jinluan Temple. His face looked like earth, and he was about to turn around to mobilize the magical power. Unexpectedly, the magical power had not erupted yet, but he saw the sun and moon spinning overhead.

You Fufeng screamed, and his soul was refined in a moment, and his body of blood poured out into the day and the moon.

"Even Emperor Ai, you must have a supporter!"

Di Ping laughed: "He is a waste, but also a lonely one?"

He punched Shaofu's head with a punch, raised his foot and stomped on the arsenal, and said fiercely: "I have not been free for a day since my succession! But the poor, I finally got the chance!"

He grabbed Shaofucheng's back spine bones with his hand, shook hard, and pulled out his spine bones.

Shaofu fell to the ground and died of fate!

His body and spirit quickly disintegrated and was absorbed by the ghost image of the Five Saints behind Emperor Ping.

The body of the Five Saints is becoming more and more real, and has obtained the flesh and spirit of many ministers of culture and martial arts, and even grew a flesh and blood!

It's just that, unlike the real five holy emperors, the five holy emperors behind him are like devil gods!

They didn't grow their skin, only the flesh covered the bones, not even the scalp!

The other officials were frightened and rushed towards the portal of Jin Luan Temple, but they were blocked by Jin Wu and other Jin Wuweis, and they could not escape.

"Xue Qingfu wants to be holy, Wen Guanshan wants to abandon the ancestral foundation and start a new school, Qiu Shuijing wants to change the law."

Di Ping walked towards them step by step with a cruel smile: "Fortunately, they showed flaws. Finally, the fake Wen Guanshan died, Xue Qingfu was crazy, and the real Wen Guanshan made me a dog! And Qiu Shuijing is also here For a moment, you were forced to run out of mountains and waters, and had to come to me. At this moment ... "

Behind him, the incomparably tall Five Saints protruded palms without skin, and grabbed the screaming civilian military commanders.

"Mr. Water Mirror, help!" They cried.

However, Qiu Shuijing stood at the same place from beginning to end, indifferently, and did not shoot.

The sergeant general Wen Chen screamed, his flesh and blood passed by quickly, and was absorbed by the Five Saints behind Emperor Ping.

The Five Saints' emperor's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and their magical qi is rolling, and their imperial soldier's virtual shadow also seems to be refined into substance, as if even the world can collapse!

In the Jin Luan Temple, only Di Ping, Qiu Shuijing and Zong Zhengyuan Chongshan were left.

Yuan Zhongshan looked like earth, kneeling on the ground and daring not to move.

Di Ping turned around, turned a blind eye to him, and smiled to Qiu Shuijing: "Teacher, I have killed the masters of these families. With my backhand, I can order that the second of these families become the masters of these families. Thank you Dade. And you ... "

The door of Jin Luan Temple opened.

Di Ping stepped on Yuan Chongshan's head, exerting a little bit of force, and said coldly: "Teacher, you can stay here, stay here, and complete the unified exercise for me. You can also go out and change your way Send the party to die together! "


Yuan Zhongshan's head was exploded by his foot!

In the Luang Temple, UU reading is full of corpses and blood plasma. On the pillars and dragon chairs, there are blood flowers everywhere, like blossoming red plums.

Qiu Shuijing turned around and looked at Diping.

He traveled across the ocean and went overseas to study, and after returning to school, he taught himself to the young emperor, hoping that he could revitalize Yuanshuo.

"I'm not a good teacher, I didn't teach you well."

Qiu Shuijing walked past Di Ping and walked out: "To teach you a lesson today: Shi, you must have Hongyi, and you have a long way to go."

He walked out of the Luang Temple, and walked toward the Jin Wuwei and the imperial guard: "After death, is it not far? Tyrant!"

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