Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 250: Yinglong Power

Maid Shaoying and others were also covered in cold sweat on their foreheads and dared not move.

This Ying Long first grabbed people, and directly took away the golden ring of the dragon and phoenix, the Holy Emperor who suppressed the luck of Yuanshuo. His strength is unpredictable. Now he has made such strange gestures, which really makes them puzzled.

"Shaoying girl, the longer you delay, the more unfavorable to us."

A scholar whispered: "Now the situation in the imperial city is strange and unpredictable. Jin Wuwei strikes us. It seems that the emperor wants to find a scapegoat and kill us with civilian indignation! The longer we stay here, the more dangerous we are, Can't delay! "

Maid Shaoying gritted her teeth and lowered her voice. "I studied with Master Water Mirror for many years. I once saw an ancient book about dragons. It said that when you meet dragons, don't be nervous, don't turn around and run, you must stare at the eyes of dragon Slowly retreat. When the dragon is staring at you, you will make a dancing movement, and the dragon will not eat you. Now, you listen to me, slowly retreat ... "

The crowd retreated quietly, daring not to make a sound.

Su Yun turned his head, and the crowd stopped in a hurry. The maid Shaoying danced, and other scholars, Xixi, and reformist officials stubbornly followed her in a stiff gesture.

Su Yun wondered: "What are they doing before they run?"

At this time, Jin Wuwei's guards were all seeing, his eyes lit up, and he whispered: "All the soldiers listen to my orders and learn a lot. See how I do it!"

He imitated the maid Shaoying, staring at Su Yun, and slowly moved his footsteps against the corner of the wall. The other Jin Wuwei also followed him, slowly moving towards Shaoying and others.

Su Yun was wondering why Shaoying and others suddenly sang and danced, and when they heard the movement, they immediately turned to look at Jin Wuwei.

Jin Wuwei took care of his heart awe-inspiringly, hurriedly raised his hands and pinched the orchid fingers, twisted his waist and shook his head to dance.

The other Jin Wuwei also followed the dance, but they obviously did not learn these, the dance posture was distorted, and it was terrible.

"What the **** are they doing? Is it a big sacrifice?"

Su Yun was surprised, at this time he felt his vision suddenly clear again.

He transformed into the form of Yinglong, and his vision became extremely clear, even more magical than Daotiantianyan. But now, the clarity has improved a little!

Su Yun moved slightly, obviously, it was not that he was watching Shaoying, Jin Wuwei and other people dancing, but Ying Long, who said he was going back to sleep in town, was attracted by these people's weird dances and sneaked back to peep .

"Don't move, let them jump!"

Su Yun was about to close his eyes, and Ying Long ’s voice came with a funny taste: “These humans are showing me their stupidity and clumsyness. I like to watch them try to please me.”

Su Yun tentatively said: "Brother, are you back?"

"I am lying lazily on the back of the Tianmen at this moment, using my strong right arm to support my chin, enjoying the singing and dancing of the stupid people."

Ying Long said with great interest: "They should play and sing, and use beautiful poetry to praise our charming body and powerful force."

Su Yun blinked: "Brother, you should show your strong force before they can write poems to praise you."

Ying Long was unmoved.

At this moment, a sudden and loud noise came from afar, Su Yun hurriedly looked at it and saw that the Five Saints were like five demon gods, fighting around Qiu Shuijing.

Seeing him turn around, Shaoying hurriedly turned around and ran.

Jin Wuwei saw the situation and immediately followed, Su Yun suddenly put down a big stone, the dragon claws opened, a wooden box appeared, and a dragon finger extended gently.

In front of Jin Wuwei, there were clicks and clicks. Towers rose up from the ground, and the buildings grew horizontally and vertically, giving people a feeling that the world was hanging upside down and the space was distorted and chaotic.

The Jinwuwei walked through the buildings, galloped, performed magical powers, and used various means to try to break out of the block.

They are responsible for guarding the imperial palace and protecting the safety of the emperor. Naturally, they are masters of the masters. It is still difficult to trap them because of the changes in building architecture.

Especially the Duhu in the Jinwu Guardian, is a master of the sage realm, making changes and even making Su Yun not respond!

Su Yun urged the wooden boxes again and again, trying to lock the Jinwuwei one by one, but the Jinwuwei all guards shot at the critical moment and rescued each one.

Ying Long's voice came and was surprised: "Your treasure is weird, like you can sacrifice the entire city as a spiritual soldier. Since you have this method, why bother to make these changes to trap others?"

Su Yun did everything in his power to control the wooden box and change the structure of the eighth floor of Dongdu, trying to trap these Jinwuweis as quickly as possible. "The Dongdu City can of course be used as a spirit soldier. As a huge spirit soldier. However, no one in this world has such a monstrous mana to sacrifice this spirit soldier! "

He frowned, and the strength of Jinwuwei's protection was somewhat terrible!

"You made the imperial city into spirit soldiers?"

Ying Long was excited: "Still you will play! I never thought that I could play like this! But you said that no one has such a monstrous mana, I don't like to listen to this sentence."

As soon as his words fell, Su Yun suddenly felt the endless vitality coming, drowning him, and even made him feel a little choked and some suffocated!

He immediately felt that this was not Yinglong's mana coming, but Yinglong opened his mana pool to him, or rather it was a mana ocean!

Su Yun's feeling is that there is a boundless ocean of Yinglong vitality suddenly in his body, he can't see the end, and can't find the seabed!

This terrifying mana is more powerful than gluttonous, than Xiangliu!

"Little man, my mana is here. How much you can use is your skill." Ying Long's lazy voice came.

Su Yun was surprised and happy, trying to mobilize this vast and deep ocean, and suddenly he felt that he instantly mobilized all the buildings on the eighth floor and ten blocks of the East Capital!

The rune structures hidden inside these buildings and the hidden magical powers of Taoism and Law were all urged and inspired by him!

Click, click!

All the buildings in the ten blocks on the eighth floor of the eastern capital suddenly rolled wildly. Each room in these buildings was like a block of wood, flying and combining in the air, and instantly turned into a huge clock!

Su Yun's Yellow Bell!

And under the bell mouth, it was Jin Wuwei Duhu and others!

Jin Wuwei Duhu and others looked up and showed horror. I saw that the huge bell mouth had a diameter of about Rich, and there were gears made of houses in the bell, which were intricately interlocked with each other, some fast, some slow, and kept turning.

The people who live on the eighth floor of the Eastern Capital City are often the major families, and there are almost no idle people.

There are many families in the major families, and they are all trapped in the rooms at this moment, and the probe looks out.

Behind those glazed windows, there are puzzled faces.

"Go away--"

Jin Wuwei came to wake up, drinking loudly and sprinting outward.

At this moment, the big clock composed of the building suspended in the sky suddenly turned layer by layer, and the power of the big clock was excited!


The bells were majestic and mighty, the power descended from the sky, Jin Wuwei showed a desperate look, stopped and said sharply, "Fight with me!"

All Jinwuwei urge magical powers as much as possible, and greet the bells!

Their supernatural powers greeted the bells, and suddenly the layers shattered, and Jin Wuwei shouted vigorously, changed the supernatural powers, and continually blasted upwards, then was shocked by the shock force, and his eyes, ears, nose and nose bleed!

The other Jin Wuwei also fought their lives to the sky, one after another, they were spurted with blood, and the breath quickly stopped.

"Sacrifice to the spirit!"

All people's spirits are vacated, the sky is strong, and both hands are lifted up!


The power of Huang Zhong fell, the ground shook violently, and their spirits were pressed to shrink rapidly. Then Huang Zhongwei was able to press on everyone, and only listened to the crackling sounds of all the bones of Jin Wuwei, sitting one by one overwhelmed and kneeling one after another. Ground.

Finally, the bell went away.

Huang Zhong decomposed in the air and turned into a building with pavilions and a flying bridge falling down, and the eighth floor of the eastern capital was restored as usual.

And those Jin Wuwei lying on the ground in a row, all eyes staring blankly at the sky, angry.

In the distance, Shaoying and others turned back and could not help but stare.

"Let's go quickly and evacuate East Capital!"

Shaoying urged everyone to rush forward. Shaoying turned around and saw that Ying Long fluttered his wings, silently said: "Is it him? Is it Su Shizi? The master has always wanted to accept him as a disciple, since the sky After seeing him, Ishigaki has always missed it. Unexpectedly, the original encounter formed a good relationship, and Su Shizi has always missed it ... "

Tianfeng “Guoguo” screamed, struggling to flutter his wings, and had n’t come to Ying Long, who had been transformed by Su Yun. He saw a cloud in the sky flying past her, and it was a dusty sky.

Dust curtain sky changes like quicksand in the air, go straight to the battlefield of Qiu Shuijing and Diping!

And Ying Long, who was transformed by Su Yun, was close behind!

Tianfeng hurriedly changed direction and chased breathlessly.

Su Yun rushed towards Diping while mobilizing Ying Long's boundless mana to urge magical powers and prepare to rescue Qiushui Jing.

"Stupid, stupid!"

Ying Yun ’s voice came from Su Yun ’s mind, and he said leisurely: “You do n’t need to use any magical power, because you are Yinglong, and your physical body is the most powerful magical power! Any dragon-shaped magical power under the world is imitating you. ! "

Su Yun was stunned and lost his voice: "I am not Yinglong! And my physical body is not the strongest physical body, I have the spiritual realm, how can UU read the book how to use the physical body to conquer the emperor realm Compete against each other? "

"What is the realm?"

Ying Long laughed behind the Tianmen in Qingyu Town: "When I was invited by the Holy Emperor, I came down from the sky to help him suppress the demon God who was messing around. I just saw the Holy Emperor out of nothing and opened up various realms. You know what the Holy Emperor said ?"

He didn't wait for Su Yun to answer, and then said to himself: "The realm is a way to build for future generations of stupid people, let these stupid people walk on the road, don't lose it, don't run back."

Su Yun roared in his head: "This is the realm?"

"Boy, if you think about these realms, you are restricted. Although you have mobilized my mana and flooded your flesh, do you see if those realms are still there?"

———— Beginning for Yinglong! Maha--

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