Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 267: Overseas first barrel of gold

The eyes of the two sword pavilions beat: "Do you have to collect money when you hit someone?"

"Yeah. Beating people must use their vitality, use their flesh, use their own knowledge, and sometimes they may be injured. Do not need money to practice, eat, go to school, and heal? And you can also learn from me and learn from me. . "

Su Yun and Yan Yuese turned around and asked aloud: "Yingying, what's the price of Daqin Yundu?"

Yingying leaned forward: "More than seven times more expensive than Yuanshuo!"

"When I was in Yuanshuo, I beat a person to collect three green rainbow coins. Since it was more than seven times, it would be seven times, twenty one green rainbow coins."

Su Yun turned his face and became more and more happy: "The three of you are sixty-three green rainbow coins. Plus you kicked the door of our embassy when you came. This door is my face of Yuan Shuo, It costs a lot of gold to make it. The heavy gold is not counted. My Yuan Shuo's face is invaluable. How can I say it is worth thirty or fifty green rainbow coins? And the wall of our embassy, ​​which is made of heavy gold ... "


The taller sword pavilion's forehead was cold and sweaty, and his voice was hoarse: "Your Excellency, the door is ours, but this wall is not ours. The wall was collapsed by your fist!"

Su Yun's face was dull, and his tone was a little unpleasant: "If not the three came to challenge, would I shoot down the wall? My embassy's wall was made of gold, but it was my Yuan Shuo's face, which was also counted as a fifteen rainbow Coins. The three of you challenged me and had to give me 167 green rainbow coins. The first time you come, you will get a cheaper one hundred and sixty green rainbow coins. "

The tall man was still talking, and the other short man's eyes lit up, and he took him away, laughing: "Then we will not challenge you. If we do not challenge you, there will be no cost."

The tall man sighed with relief. One hundred and sixty cyan coins were a robbery!

With this one hundred and sixty blue rainbow coins, the three of them can fully refine three spirit weapons!

"Please stay behind."

Su Yun coughed and stepped forward: "The two doors also kicked, and the wall collapsed. Once the challenge was issued, the two could not help. You can pay first, I can knock you down. Or I can knock you down, from Withdraw money from you. You can rest assured that the people who usually deal with me will either be killed by me, or will benefit a lot after being beaten by me. "

The two swordsmen could not help but be furious, and each turned around and moved under their feet, both of them backed away.

The two chatted in unison, supernatural powers come out one after another!

Since these two were sent by Cang Jiuhua to test Su Yun's ability, there are naturally some means. This kind of stimulating magical power suddenly made Su Yun shine!

The man who had broken his magical power with a punch before, and his civil engineering and magical powers, had the style of Tianjie, and his extraordinary manner.

The two swordsmen, the tall man, displayed a kind of metamagic magic power. Once urged, a round halo came down from the sky, and he put it on Su Yun, making him feel his body change suddenly. It's a thousand times heavier than before!

The pressure of this magical power is to let his body fall into his body from all aspects. If he is waiting for the idle spirit, the flesh is not strong enough, it will directly explode, and the whole person will be crushed into a ball of meat, even a complete piece The bones will not be found!

The shorter man was practicing traditional swordsmanship, and as soon as his swordsmanship shot, Su Yun could see the sage's skill at learning. He could not help feeling sad for the scholars in Yuanshuo.

There are two ways for scholars in Yuanshuo to study, one is to go to the official school to study, and they all learn the most basic skills and magical powers, and the other is to practice the traditions of the practitioners of the world.

In the history of Yuanshuo, there are indeed many saints, and there are also brilliant and splendid civilizations. However, the saints are often out of school, and they are often controlled by the royal family or Huoyundongtian, Qingxu Guan, Leiyin Pavilion, or they choose themselves like Cenfuzi Disciple, pass on your own unique learning.

However, these three swordsmen who came to pick things up, let Su Yun see different ways of inheriting.

Metamagic powers, unprecedented in ancient times, should be a very new kind of learning, and it is even difficult to say whether a saint was born.

Another kind of supernatural power of civil architecture is obviously a sage inheritance, otherwise it will not be inferior to the magic power of Louban. The swordsmanship performed by the short men also had the skill of a sage.

This shows that although Daqin did not do well in some places, it did indeed do a good job of passing on knowledge.

The two swordsman scholars were overjoyed to see that he didn't hide or evade.

However, at the next moment, the tall man suddenly felt that the blood and blood in Su Yun's body was running at a terrifying speed, instantly giving his body an infinite amount of power. These powers instantly filled Su Yun's limbs and bones!

This force exploded, and the meta-magnetic halo of the tall man shattered and shattered.

His magical power was broken, and his blood was shocked!

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

A series of sword-sounding sounds came out, and the sword light of the short man almost stabbed Su Yun without hindrance, but failed to pierce his body, leaving him any wounds!

What is even more terrifying is that his spiritual weapon is shaken and trembling!

The two quickly retreated backwards, cheering in unison, the large and small holes in the sky appeared behind them, making the sky seem like a more gorgeous picture. That is a rotating hole, which is constantly pulling the heaven and earth to flow into their bodies and In spirit.

The tall scholars had as many as 36 cave days, and the shorter ones had more caves, forty-eight. Obviously, it is not a secret in the Seventh Spirit Realm in Daqin, it can even be said that it is common knowledge that is well known!


The ground was split at the feet of the two, and two Liyuans appeared, which made the two's cultivation practices soar again, and the magical power was stronger, and they attacked Su Yun together!

They raised their cultivation base to the extreme, and used all their means. When the tall metamagnetic halo fell, they could even see the ground being pressed out of deep pits!

The swordman's swordman's swordmanship has skyrocketed. His swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordman's swordmans.

The extremely thin swordmand flew out, everything was cut in half, the section was extremely smooth, almost indestructible!

"Good magic!" There were cheers from both sides of the street.

There were people upstairs and downstairs on both sides of the street. Su Yun's fist disturbed the whole street. The disturbed Daqin Yundu people looked around and saw the magical powers of the two sword pavilion spirits.

For the matter of challenging the Yuansuo embassy, ​​Daqin Yun people have been accustomed to it for a long time, and they do not feel strange, but they dare to resist the Yuansuo embassy, ​​which surprised them.


Jianguang flew into Yuanshuo's embassy and hit Su Yun's throat. Su Yun still stood in the embassy's yard without moving his footsteps. Jianguang hit him, and the built-in force caused him to shake slightly.

The tall spirits and the short spirits had retreated ten feet, and when they saw Su Yunzhong's move, behind him, in front of the embassy building, a ghost image of a two-winged yellow dragon appeared. It should be their move power that hit Su Yun. The vision of blood and blood.

On the surface of Su Yun's skin, dragon scales emerged, and the dragon scales collided with the sword's awn, removing the power of this sword.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The magical powers of the two sword pavilion spirits were like a torrent, impacting the embassy hall, only listening to the continuous sound of the explosion, Su Yun's body appeared more scales of Yinglong, and the rune seals found when he was inscribed in the dragon scale. , You can easily release the power contained in the opponent's swordsmanship.

"Happy!" The tall spiritualist shouted as he stepped back.

The short spirit warrior also felt very happy. The two of them faced Su Yun's unprecedented terrible opponent, oppressed by the other's momentum, and almost lost their fighting spirit.

However, they broke through Su Yun's oppressive force against the two, attacked Su Yun with thunder, and beat Su Yun to no avail. It was really exhilarating!

"It's really happy!" The two laughed in unison.

In a short period of time, both of them felt that Dao's heart was open and their moods improved, and even the magical powers of the moves became extremely comfortable, more powerful than usual, and changed more!

Even the tricks of incomprehension on weekdays suddenly burst through!

In their hearts, they vaguely felt that a battle with Su Yun was indeed worth so much money.

The big Qinyun people who watched the battles upstairs and downstairs on both sides of the street couldn't help but cheer loudly, admiring the magical skills of these two scholars, the two became more proud.

At this moment, the tall man suddenly felt that his terrifying energy and blood were turbulent under his metamagic magic power, and he shattered his magic power. His face changed and his throat was sweet, and he vomited blood.

At the next moment, Su Yun stepped out of the embassy, ​​and this is the step that made the street bang with a loud noise. From the street to the end of the street, countless windows burst into pieces!

Su Yun shot with a palm, and a huge palm print appeared on the street, facing hundreds of sword lights, pushing these sword lights forward in the palm of his hand!

The short Ling Shi suddenly vomited blood and flew away!


A dull sound came from the wall of Da Xia Embassy. In the embassy, ​​Da Xia's envoy was a charming and charming woman, standing on the second floor and looking down. I saw a palm-shaped mark on the wall of the embassy. At the center of the palm-shaped imprint is a human-shaped imprint, which is the dwarf spiritualist of Jiange.

There is also a fist seal beside the short spirit, and there is also a human mark in the middle of the fist seal.


Su Yun burst out with another punch, and the wall of the Da Xia Embassy in UU Reading was violently sensational again, and a third mark appeared, which was a punch seal, which stamped the human-shaped mark of the tall spiritual man in the center. .

Double fists and one palm, palm printed on the center, fist printed on both sides.

"Has Yuanshuo's Great Unification Skills been so powerful?" The Da Xia envoy was surprised and asked around.

Daxia officials beside her shook their heads, their faces blank.

Su Yun strode forward, buckled the three people on the wall, rummaged through the three people, and searched for valuable things: "This time I'm afraid I'm going to lose some money. These three people have no money, so they're magic weapons. Worth some money ... "

Su Yun took off the clothes and shoes of the three people, leaving only the underwear and politely said: "Three brothers, if there is still business, they must introduce it to me."

"You wait!"

The three men helped each other, and the short spirited man looked sullenly, turned back and said sharply, "I will not let go of your sword pavilion!"

Su Yun was overjoyed and waved her hands earnestly, "Come often!"

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