Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 269: Pixiu Gate

There are not many members of the Tongtian Pavilion, each with its own responsibilities and strengths. Among them, Bu Qiurong is responsible for the finance of the Tongtian Pavilion.

He is not simply mastering the money of Tongtiange. In addition to mastering money, he must also make money to make money, so that the wealth of Tongtiange will continue to grow.

Bu Qiurong followed Su Yun into the embassy and said, "Tongtian Pavilion has been deployed overseas during the wasteland development period. The industry overseas is larger than that at home. The brothers and sisters in the Pavilion knew that the Pavilion mainly came overseas, so let me follow Come here and brush. "

Su Yun couldn't hide his tired look on his face and smiled: "I also arrived in Yundu today because I have no money, so I saved a little money."

In the courtyard of the Yuansuo Embassy, ​​hundreds of spirits were neatly laid out, and the clothes and clothes were also neatly stacked. Several little monsters stacked the remaining clothes under the leadership of Yingying.

Su Yun invited Bu Qiurong to take a seat and let the monsters get some tea. Bu Qiurong glanced and said, "The Patriarch, Qiu Rong came to hear that the Patriarch arrived in Daqin. Industry. Does the lord have time now? "

He looked at the busy monster in the courtyard and frowned slightly.

Su Yun heard the words of Tongtian Pavilion ’s industry in Daqin, and could not help but get the spirit, and called Yingying, laughing: "Yingying, Bu Xiong said that our Tongtian Pavilion has some industries in Daqin, most of us will not have to be like today. Work hard. "

Yingying couldn't help but quickly said: "Student Bu, how many industries does Tongtiange have in Daqin?"

"Tongtian Pavilion has few industries in Daqin, and only accounts for one tenth of overseas industries."

Bu Qiurong looked at the property in the courtyard again and said, "The pavilion master is worrying about the money? Why didn't he say it earlier? Our Tongtian Pavilion is rich in foreign countries."

Su Yun froze, as if he didn't hear it clearly, and asked sideways: "You say it again? What are we rich in?"

Bu Qiurong took two lock rings from his own spirit world and placed them on the ground. The lock ring was the size of a bowl and glowed with the luster of Qinghong.

Bu Qiurong urged the lock ring, and suddenly saw the green rainbow column grow out with light, and various strange rune textures appeared on it, constantly shining.

Those rune textures form a divine form of devil on the green rainbow column.

Between the two green rainbow pillars, there is light connected to form a big mouth-shaped portal.

Bu Qiurong bowed his head, made the gesture of inviting, and smiled: "The rich can be the enemy."

Yingying flew to the portal and saw that the light gradually dimmed. The door of Pixiu showed the color of green rainbow coins. The texture on it was also the pattern of Pixiu opened his mouth to devour a giant green rainbow coin. Student Bu, do you mean the rich and the enemy are rich, or do you describe the richness of Tongtiange? "

Bu Qiurong pushed the door of Pi Xiu vigorously and thought for a while, said: "Literally rich can be the enemy."

Su Yun and Yingying were dizzy and only breathless.

The door of Pi Xiu opened with a creak, and behind the door was another piece of spirit world, which was similar to the Heavenly Path of the Heavenly Taoist Temple, and also opened up another space for the spirit world.

However, the spiritual realm space of Tiandaoyuan is for the scholars to study in it, but this spiritual realm space of Tongtian Pavilion is used for storage.

Su Yun and Yingying entered the door of Pixiu, and I saw that this spiritual world is a row of long bookshelves, and I can't see the end at a glance.

Stacks of gold paper were placed on the bookshelves.

In addition to the bookshelves, there is a green bamboo forest, and there are several grass cottages in the green bamboo forest.

There is no pearlescent gem as they expected.

Su Yun and Yingying originally thought that behind the door of Pi Xiu was definitely a treasure trove of Tongtian Pavilion, where the wealth like the ocean and the sea was piled up, but I didn't expect that there would be only bamboo forest except for this row of bookshelves!

At this time, the bamboo forest heard the sound of Suo Suo.

At the next moment, a brave divine devil took the blue bamboo shoots in one hand and walked around the buttocks with the other hand, nibbling on the bamboo shoots in his mouth, eating while he was grinning: "It turned out to be small Cultivate, come again to plain uncle ... "

He finished the bamboo shoots in two or two, staring at Su Yun and Yingying, squinting his eyes round and round: "This is the new pavilion owner of Tongtian Pavilion? The little cubs are slapping big, your Tongtian Pavilion is getting more and more finished, the river is going down, It's a mile after a mile ... The cubs look directly into my eyes! "

Yingying was frightened and shrunk her head, shyly pushing Su Yun to the front, cowardly: "I am not the patriarch, he is ..."

Divine Pixiu glanced at Su Yun, and the hands scratching his **** scratched his head, and said sternly: "I said why the new patriarch is so small ... Come with me, cubs!"

He did not know where to pull out a bamboo shoot, and the fat buttocks swung left and right in front of him, and the urn said: "Every generation of new patriarch's successor will come here to see the wealth of the Tongtian Pavilion. The Tongtian Pavilion will be It has already been deployed overseas. At that time, all ethnic groups abroad were ignorant and wild, whether they were Semen, Hongmao, Kunlun or Malin. "

He was as tall as a mountain, and Su Yun and Bu Qiurong followed behind him, as if there was a black and white flesh mountain moving in front.

Bu Qiurong whispered: "The patriarch, senior Yao Xiu is extremely old and can't be neglected. His old man was a member of the first generation of Tongtian Pavilion. At that time, Tong Tiange followed the Holy Emperor's expedition overseas, and his old man was the mount of the Holy Emperor. The emperor went back, but he stayed. Overseas spiritualists established the Tongtian Pavilion, and he was responsible for protecting the wealth of the Tongtian Pavilion ... "

Su Yun and Yingying couldn't help but be horrified.

Yingying looked up at the back of God Demon Pixiu and muttered: "Then he is only afraid of four or five thousand years old ..."

Pixiu walked between Jin Cancan's bookshelves, stuffed bamboo shoots between his teeth and cheeks, so as not to fall down, and pulled out a stack of gold paper, saying: "I pass Tiange Pavilion to explore the ancient mysteries, unlock the destruction and destruction of the last world The mystery of the sky, traveled overseas to explore the truth. On the way of dealing with the local indigenous people, we brought the Yuanshuo civilization and the currency of the Yuanshuo's writing language calendar. These overseas tribes gradually established city-states and seized one side. During this period, Tongtian Pavilion has accumulated considerable assets in all countries. "

Su Yun and Yingying heard their hearts pounding.

Divine Pixiu pulled out a piece of gold paper and continued: "For example, Daqin, Daqin Yun has one-tenth of the real estate belongs to Tongtian Pavilion, this is one of the deeds."

Su Yun quickly looked around and saw a blank piece of gold paper.

The **** demon Pixiu extended his finger and lightly touched the golden paper, but saw the runes appear on the golden paper.

The title deed on this golden paper is about the agreement between Tongtian Pavilion and Daqin's king when Daqin founded the country, and Yundu was assigned to Tongtian Pavilion. This contract will accompany the Daqin Kingdom from generation to generation. The blood of Daqin people is still there. in.

Divine Pixiu pulled out another piece of gold paper. Su Yun learned something and inspired the gold paper with his own vigor, and the text appeared on the paper.

The content on this piece of gold paper is a lease contract. It is said that Daqin Jiange leases this land, and every tenth of it will be given to Tongtiange. "

Su Yun's head was muddled.

"Besides that, Tongtian Pavilion also has estates, mines, rivers, waterways and other industries in Daqin."

Divine Pixiu pulled bamboo shoots from his mouth and peeled the shell while saying: "The gold paper on this row of bookshelves are all similar content. The industry of Tongtian Pavilion in Daqin is concentrated here. Originally there were not so many, in recent years. Qiu Rong went to invest in Daqin's governing factory and added some more. This little cub is doing very well ... "

Su Yun and Yingying's breathing is about to stop.

"This row here is the deeds of land and mining deeds of Dawan Kingdom. This row is the country of Daxia, and there are the contracts of Malin, Raksha, Rest, Kuo and other countries. Industry gathers here. "

Divine Pixiu took them to review among the rows of bookshelves and said, "Every generation of patriarch will come here. Those cubs are very pitiful. They have only lived for a hundred years. Endless ... "

He turned back and glanced at Su Yun with a bad intention, and said in a small voice: "This generation of cabinet cubs is a blessed life at first glance. It is estimated that even half of the hair can't be spent and it will die ... … "

Su Yun was furious, but it was really difficult to spend so much money.

"It's too much ..." Chaos in his mind.

Bu Qiurong coughed and reminded: "The patriarch, the Tongtian Pavilion has separated the overseas Tongtian Pavilion, and the overseas Tongtian Pavilion has also chosen their patriarch. Now we have a legitimate dispute between the Tongtian Pavilion and the overseas Tongtian Pavilion. Orthodoxy, if you fall overseas, then these industries have nothing to do with the patriarch. "

Yingying was so angry that she clenched her fists and waved heavily: "How can that be? It's all ours! Even if they **** it, Uncle Pixiu will not give it! Is it, Grandpa Pixiu?"

"It's no use calling Grandpa Pixiu."

Divine Pixiu sneered: "Since the establishment of Tongtian Pavilion, there has been no racial opinion. No matter whether it is Yuanshuo, Semen or Malin people, you can join the Tongtian Pavilion. Even if it is a descendant of the Divine Demon, aliens, You can also enter the Tongtian Pavilion and even become the patriarch. The former patriarchs were all Yuanshuo people, but Yuanshuo is now gone. Even if you come to a foreign patriarch, it will be nothing for Tongtian Pavilion. "

Su Yun looked at Bu Qiurong, and Bu Qiongrong whispered: "The idea is so. However, this matter is extremely complicated. Overseas countries are staring at the wealth of Tongtian Pavilion and want to take advantage of the decline of Yuanshuo and divide up the Tongtian Pavilion The wealth accumulated over the millennium ~ ~ If they are succeeded, the Tongtian Pavilion will not be far away from perishing. "

Su Yun's greed for wealth disappeared and asked: "This generation of overseas Tongtian Pavilion, is supported by overseas countries?"

Bu Qiurong said indulgently: "Pavilion Master Mingjian."

Su Yun was silent for a moment and asked, "How old is he and how strong is his strength?"

Bu Qiurong hesitated and told the truth: "It is about the same age as the cabinet leader. It may be one year and two years old, but its strength is stronger than the cabinet leader?"

"Stronger than me?"

Su Yun clenched his fists, bent his arms, and squeezed out a piece of muscles on his body, said lightly: "Can't you? His pectoralis major, is my pectoralis major strong?"

Yingying was slightly worried: "Su Shizi seems to have been deeply influenced by Senior Yinglong ..."

Divine Pixiu looked at Su Yun with a horrified face: "This little cub grows in the pavilion, and it suddenly reminds me of the guy with the brain and muscles who beat me ..."

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