Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 274: Feiyungu upheaval

Xing Jiangmu stayed awake overnight, sneaked out of the embassy, ​​and asked for news about Feiyun Valley. Feiyun Valley had treasures born. Naturally, it was a remarkable event, which alarmed almost all families in the whole cloud.

Of course, for some families, Spirit Soldiers are no different, and there is no big deal. Therefore, the strong in the clan does not shoot, and only allows the children of the clan to try their luck.

Su Yun beat the masters of the Jiange courtyards, and the swordsmen were injured. Not many people went to Feiyun Valley this time.

Even so, there are too many scholars in the Feiyun Valley, it is simply a crowd of people, people everywhere come to find treasure.

In the middle of the night, Xing Jiangmu found the news. It is said that the strange treasure in Feiyun Valley, the bottle jar vibrated, and suddenly took away the spirit weapon of hundreds of scholars in the valley. Instead of finding the baby, those scholars lost it. Hundreds of spiritual weapons, crying heaven and earth.

When Xing Jiangmu heard the news, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He continued to inquire about the news. It is said that some masters of the Celestial Realm of some families tried to conquer the Aquarius, and the entire Aquarius was also taken in.

When the masters of the celestial phenomena rushed out of the bottle, the people were shocked to find that the masters were clean and slick, even the little trousers were not left, I don't know what dangerous in the bottle!

This incident spread to the ears of many families in Yundu, and finally attracted the attention of the families of Daqin.

"This treasure is not the same as a small treasure. It is difficult to wait for the idle sergeant to surrender. It is necessary to have a strong person who conquers the realm of the Holy Land to suppress it with the spirit soldiers."

It was night, and the power of the treasure bottle exploded again and again. There was a glare of light in the bottle. No matter how it was repaired, the spirits and clothing of the spirits in the valley were swept away.

In the second half of the night, finally, the strong soldiers of the Confucian family of the World Valve brought the Fujia Lingbing to Feiyun Valley to suppress them.

Seeing this, the spiritual men in Feiyun Valley had to abandon their thoughts of seizing treasure, and gave in one after another, withdrew from Feiyun Valley, and watched from afar.

Unexpectedly, the shining light in the bottle, vomiting light, even supported the spirit soldiers of the Fu family and prevented the spirit soldiers from falling down.

Fortune-tellers who sacred the strong soldiers urged the spirit soldiers again and again, and could not suppress the bottle of treasure.

Seeing this, the family's sheep family saw it, and also sent the master of the Sheng family to pick up peaches while the opponent was tripped by the bottle. A ray of light shed, and the saint master of the sheep's family and spirit soldiers were collected into the bottle.

In and out of Feiyun Valley, there was an uproar for a while.

Another master of the family family came and brought the spirit soldiers. Before entering the valley, the spirit soldiers were taken away by the bottle.

In the middle of the night, Xing Jiangmu originally intended to go to bed at dawn, and who expected the change of Feiyun Valley to be brilliant, he didn't sleep.

By daybreak, more than a dozen families had already suffered, and they were taken into the bottle by spirit soldiers.

When the sun rose, Su Yun woke up, washed some things, went to the street to buy some food, and saw that there were books in the street shops, so he weighed two pounds of books and prepared to take them back to Yingying for breakfast.

In the embassy, ​​only him and Yingying, Xing Jiangmu and others, Yu Qingluo and Ye Luo also entered the Jiangge to study, and did not live in the embassy. However, the food prepared by the little monsters in the coffin, Su Yun, did not like to eat, so he had to go to the street to buy some food from Yuanshuo.

——Fortunately, some Yuanshuo people came to Daqin to work, and some people opened several restaurants.

Su Yun came back from the street and saw Xing Jiangmu hurriedly return.

"Jianmu, you haven't slept yet?" Su Yun was startled.

Xing Jiangmu shook his head and said, "It was really wonderful last night. I stayed up all night."

The two talked while walking, and Xing Jiangmu repeated the news he found last night, saying: "The Feiyun Valley is indeed a little weird, and there have been more than ten spirit soldiers trapped in it, together with Zheng Shengqiang of the dozen families. The people are also trapped in the bottle. Those who marry the strong are mostly leaders of the family! "

Su Yun didn't know much about the great Qin family and asked carefully. Xing Jiang said: "Most of the great Qin families are upstarts. They started from the chaos of the sheep, up to 170 years ago. With the development of the new school, the leaders of these families have become stronger from generation to generation. One hundred years ago, these Most of the family leaders are masters of the celestial realm, but today, most of them are conquered by the Holy Realm. The strong Qin conquered by the Holy Realm is not inferior to the original realm of Yuanshuo. "

Su Yun nodded gently, thoughtfully.

Xing Jiangmu continued: "The strong men who conquered the realm of the saints are trapped in the bottle. No one has come out yet, which is weird. Even if this treasure bottle is a saint spirit soldier, I am afraid that it can't suppress more than ten strong conquerors?"

Su Yundao: "So, someone has already seen that it's greasy?"

Xing Jiangmu nodded and said: "Shao Shi guessed right. When I came back, there were already discussions among Lingshi outside the Feiyun Valley, suspecting it was a game."

Su Yun suddenly said: "You found the news of Feiyun Valley, which means that the news has reached Yundu. Then it means that the power of Yundu has begun to prepare to kill all the people who have laid this round."

He had just said it here, and suddenly the sky became extremely bright. Su Yun and Xing Jiangmu looked up, and they saw that the clouds were all over the sky, and a mouthful of spirit soldiers flew from the clouds and flew towards the sky with a long tail of light. Cloud Valley falls!

The sky was distorted by the power of these spirit soldiers, and Su Yun and Xing Jiangmu even saw the vision of the blue sky collapsing towards those spirit soldiers!


Su Yun was heavy-hearted and knew why Yuan Shuo would lose. Yuanshuo has a profound background. It has accumulated for five thousand years. Countless spirit soldiers are hidden in the land of Yuanshuo, but the power of Daqin's spirit soldiers has exceeded that of Yuanshuo's spirit soldiers by many times.

Meeting on the battlefield, this is a massacre!

"Fortunately, there is still time in Yuanshuo. Now Daqin is worried about internal and external problems and has no time to use troops against Yuanshuo."

Dust curtain sky flew, carrying Su Yun and Xing Jiang to see from afar, and saw that those spirit soldiers were about to reach Feiyun Valley, and the spirit soldier who suppressed Feiyun Valley was suddenly received in a bottle of light from the bottle.

Then the bottle of guts sprayed out the rays of the glow outwards and greeted the hundred spirit soldiers flying into the air!

"Someone in the glow!"

Su Yun sat on the cloud and ate breakfast, urging the Daomen Tianyan to see from a distance, his heart slightly trembling, and saw that the Daoguang light was the powerful conqueror of the world.

These people were very embarrassed and suffered many injuries. Some people shouted: "There are enemies in the bottle!"

The Aquarius releases them and allows them to meet the spirit soldiers of all major families, which is obviously a scourge!

"Sure enough, some people are planning to use this to rob me of Daqin wealth!"

Su Yun's ear suddenly heard a thunderous sound, and looked back hurriedly, but saw a rainbow rising from the direction of the sword pavilion, breaking through the sky, and disappearing like a sword suddenly disappeared!

"Not the voice of Yueliu Stream!"

Su Yun's face changed slightly: "Then it must be Wu Sheng Jiang Zushi! He is so fast!"

Jiang Zushi's speed is astonishing. Even if Su Yun urged Daomen Tianyan, he could barely keep up with him.

I saw Jiang Zushi moving in the air, almost instantaneously appearing next to a strong saint, stretched out his hand, and then set it aside, avoiding the spirit soldiers blasting from above!

At the next moment, Su Yun can only see the ghost passing by, and Jiang Zushi's figure has appeared next to the second Saint Strong!

His speed was so amazing that he rescued the dozen or so powerful men in a short span of time. The man paused in the sky and then fell into Feiyun Valley like a comet!

Su Yun looked at it from afar, and saw that Jiang Zushi was in the air, and his palms were shot down. Behind him, the heavens appeared, the gods were standing, and Jiang Zushi was like a god, showing a shocking shock!

In this blow, he was afraid that he could kill the bottle together with the planner!

Wu Sheng's shot was extraordinary. Su Yun saw that the cloud over Feiyun Valley was suddenly expelled by an invisible force. Jiang Zushi's palm had not yet landed, and the ground of Feiyun Valley had cracked open, revealing Grand Canyon!

Su Yun stuffed a bun into his mouth, and looked shocked: "Old ladle handle, won't it still be in the bottle?"

The galaxy outside the Aquarius made him suspect that the person who laid out was Zuo Songyan. When Jiang Zushi shot at this moment, he couldn't help worrying about the layout.

"Jiang Zushi's blow can break the treasure bottle. The treasure bottle traps those who are strong against the Saints, and most of the old scoops are also in the bottle ..." Su Yun was worried.

The naked-eye fluctuations in the Feiyun Valley flew in all directions. After a while, the strong wind screamed, hitting the white clouds transformed into the sky by the dust curtain.

Su Yun and Xing Jiang who were standing on the cloud hunted for clothes, and it took a long time to calm down.

Su Yun looked from a distance and saw Jiang Zushi rising from the sky and searching around.

"Did the planner have collected the Aquarius and ran away? It seems that this is not the first time a crime has been committed. It must be a thief if he can do so neatly."

In the sky, the powerful saints of various families also searched around.

Suddenly someone shouted: "The thief is a white-haired man! Sneak at me in a bottle!"

"Yes, that man is a white-haired old man, and he is very rampant!"

"Capture all the white-haired old men near Feiyun Valley, no one can let go!"

"Send these white-haired old men to the Jiangge Wusheng Pavilion, please Wu Sheng to review!"

A lot of chickens and dogs jumped in the Feiyun Valley. Soon afterwards, Su Yun saw a lot of strong soldiers from the Saints rising from Feiyun Valley to the capital of the cloud.

Su Yun and Xing Jiangmu also just finished their breakfast. The two men cleared up and Su Yun lowered his head and said, "Jianmu, you must rest first. I will go to Wusheng Pavilion to give lectures to the scholars today."

Xing Jiangmu said quickly: "They sent the white-haired old man to Wusheng Pavilion. If I don't go to see it, I can't sleep!"

Su Yun had to let him.

When the two came to the sword pavilion, Yueliuxi ordered someone to wait for Su Yun, and delivered the jade sign of Mr. Jiang pavilion, saying: "Mr. Su's class is about to begin."

Su Yun and Xing Jiangmu boarded a plate of goats ~ ~ and came to Wusheng Pavilion. I saw that there were some white-haired old men who were sent to the pavilion. What is surprising is that there are thousands of scholars in and out of Feiyun Valley, but there are one or two hundred white-haired men!

Su Yun and Xing Jiangmu entered the pavilion, and saw that the spiritual men of Wusheng Pavilion were facing the enemy. Guarding these old men, a spiritual man came and grabbed Xing Jiangmu and shouted, "There is another one here!"

Xing Jiangmu hurriedly said: "I don't have it! I am the envoy of Yuanshuo. I am only thirty-two years old and I am not old at all!"

Su Yun's eyes fell on the spirit man's face, and he whispered: "Don't leave him alone?"

The spirit warrior was extremely young. Like other swordsmen, he released Xing Jiangmu and his eyes flickered: "Su Shangshou don't come unharmed?"

This spiritualist is Zuo Songyan, who urged the furnace to transform into a unified power and make him young!

At this moment, Wu Shengjiang's ancestors led a lot of family members to march into the Wusheng Pavilion.

———— The three chapters are ten thousand words long, the liver is immobile, and you are old. Go to bed when you ask for a ticket. Tickets ~~~

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