Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 696: Ashes Journey

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Most of the veterans of Pai Yao felt that they had not left enough immortal energy to pour Zizhu. They belonged to Cheng Chen and Wu Jun, but Su Yun's jurisdiction was vast and there were many blessed lands. The immortal energy collected from various places was still continuously supplied. The matter was put down, and he still managed Su Yun's wealth.

Before leaving, Su Yun left the sword formation in Ganquan Garden and gave it to the old gods such as Lingji and Dongting to take care of it. If it was in trouble, he would sacrifice the sword formation and summon the sword holders to meet the enemy.

Yingying was quite puzzled about this, and said: "Scholar, Lingji flattered into a god, slapping his beards and horses is unparalleled, why use him?"

Su Yun said: "Yingying, you only saw him slacking off, but I saw him trying to get closer to us. His skills are similar to those of Dongting and Wen Qiao, and he is good at trying to figure out my mind. As for other old gods. , The relationship with me is not so close, if entrusted, naturally entrusted to Lingji."

Yingying said in surprise: "So, it's a good thing to slap your beard and horses?"

Su Yun said: "It depends on whether you really have the ability. If you have the ability and speak nicely, it is naturally worth reusing, ranking in front of those who have the ability but can't speak. If you don't have the ability, you will only be able to slap your head, naturally not."

Yingying was relieved and said with a smile: "I thought the scholar had really become the faint monarch!"

Su Yun laughed loudly, thinking that after entrusting Ling Ji to take charge of the sword formation, Ling Ji patted himself, indeed, he felt very comfortable. Dao Xin seemed to have a lot of understanding, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

He didn't bring anyone else this time, only brought Yingying to the Purple Mansion on the bronze talisman festival.

Going to the Taikoo Forbidden Area is of great importance, and Su Yun has improved his strength as much as possible, so he came to Zifu to learn the magical powers created by other treasures in Zifu.

——The Purple Mansion is also his capital against the evil emperor. If the first sword formation can't resist the evil emperor, he can only summon the Purple Mansion.

"Brother Dao, I haven't seen you for many days. Not only have you healed from your injury, but you have also improved."

When Su Yun saw Zifu, he was both surprised and heartbroken: "In just a few days, you are so diligent. You are so smart and so hard. How can we stupid people be good?"

He learned how to use it, patted and complimented Zi Mansion for a while.

The Purple Mansion was full of spirit and ambition, and taught it the magical powers that cut the four poles, and even took the trouble to show it over and over again.

Yingying was dumbfounded.

It took several months for Yingying and Su Yun to understand the magical powers of the Purple Mansion.

This is a kind of innate magical power, which was created by Zifu after understanding the rune structure of the quadrupole.

Different from the innate purple thunder that Su Yun understood, this move of the Purple Mansion moves the innate qi, turning into a purple light, without cutting everything, breaking the chaotic runes, extremely powerful!

The knowledge and wisdom used in it gave Su Yun a deeper understanding of Xiantian Yiqi.

"One qi cuts chaos and breaks Hongmeng, this move is called Hongmeng Hunyuanzhan!"

Su Yun learned this trick, frightened, grateful, and said: "Can Brother Dao pass on the magical powers of Dao Broken Incinerator, Big Broken Golden Coffin, and Big Broken Sword Pill? I am too dull. I have supernatural powers for thousands of years. I can’t figure it out even if I want to break my head. I have to ask Brother Dao for advice."

This flattering slapped on the horse's leg, and a cloud of purple energy flew out of the purple mansion to beat Su Yun to the top, and then the two of them were driven out.

Su Yun and Yingying are both inexplicable, but they don't know that the Purple Mansion broke the quadrupole tripod. It was the Dao Fa supernatural power that broke the quadrupole tripod, so they could cut the tripod foot.

The Burning Immortal Furnace, the Golden Coffin, and the Emperor Sword Pill were never broken from the Taoist magical powers.

Although Su Yun's flattery is good, although it is useful, it can still tell right from wrong. Su Yun's wrong flattery naturally provokes him to thunder and anger, and it is good to just beat Su Yun to his head.

Su Yun stood outside the Purple Mansion and said: "Brother Dao, I will go to the Taikoo Forbidden Area this time. There are many dangers there. There is no Dao brother to frighten me. I am fearful and trembling..."

Su Yun flew out of the Purple Mansion, and when he saw it, Su Yun had to whistle away with Yingying, and said angrily: "It seems that I haven't got the true biography of Lingji. This old **** is hiding privately!"

Yingying said: "He has a thousand arms. Although he is very big, he is very gentle. Shizi, you used too much force and left a mark."

Su Yun was alert, and said: "Yingying is right, I care about it."

The bronze talisman festival carried them to the Tianfu Cave, Su Yun entered the Tianfu, handled government affairs, and checked the teachings of the Three Sages Academy. Only then did he set off and entered the Tomb of the Three Sages.

Not long after they left, the younger brothers of the world hurriedly sent memorials and said loudly: "Where is the Holy Emperor? Where is the Holy Emperor?"

The immortal guarding Tianfu said displeasedly: "What is the panic?"

"Human demon!"

The disciple of the patriarch said in horror: "Human demons appeared in Tianfu. Near the Qingxi blessed land in Tianfu, they caused great killings. People in both cities and villages have gone crazy and killed each other! Qingxi is thousands of miles away, and the people attacked each other. My Shi family has been attacked! Please lay down the Holy Emperor!"

The immortal was shocked and stomped: "The human demon is here, but the holy emperor has just left. How is this good?"

At this moment, suddenly the red clothes rolled and the sky was covered. A black dragon wandered around the red clothes, suddenly turning into a black man, and said in a deep voice, "Heavens, wait, don’t panic, it’s the upper world prison. Jun fled here, causing a moment of chaos. Are there any monks in your place? I need some monks to suppress the demon nature of the Prisoner!"

The immortal hurriedly said: "There are thousands of monks in the Three Sage Academy, as well as the Tu Ming Sage and the Old Buddha preaching here!"

The black-clothed man came and said, "Hurry up and invite them."

The immortal said yes, a nice voice came from the sky, saying: "Shu Ao, the prisoner of the heavens chaotic the hearts of all beings, let them give birth to demonic nature, and heal their wounds. Sang Tianjun and the jade prince may not be able to win, I will go first Hurry to Qingxi in one step, you bring the great monk to come and support you quickly!"

Everyone in Tianfu looked up, but saw that the sky full of red clothes was like a scarlet curtain pulling in the sky, hunting and hunting, and flew away.

The red dress flew far away, like a red cloud.

Uncle Jiao, the man in black, said quickly: "Take me to see the holy monk and the old Buddha. I am old friends with them."

It was dark in the Mausoleum of the Three Saints, Su Yun urged Xiantian Qi to create something casually, and hung a few night pearls in the mausoleum.

Yingying flew out of his spirit world and landed on his shoulder.

Su Yun opened the holy emperor's coffin and said: "I don't know how the three holy emperors and the first holy emperor are now."

Yingying also missed Louban and Master Cen a little, and said, "They went to the Eighth Immortal Realm. They should be educating the sentient beings there? Maybe they will create the world of their dreams there."

Su Yun was stunned.

The sages of Yuanshuo for five thousand years have different opinions on the ideal world. However, although the sages have high wisdom, they rarely control power and cannot promote their ideal world.

This time may be an opportunity.

Su Yun walked into the holy emperor's coffin and said with a smile: "Whenever I think of them and think of them coming back to life in another fairy world, my heart is both missed and at ease."

The holy emperor's coffin shook slightly, a road opened, and Su Yun and Yingying walked towards another fairyland.

The sixth fairy world.

They didn't stay too much, starting from the Mausoleum of the Three Sages of the Sixth Immortal Realm, heading to the Fifth Immortal Realm, entering the Fifth Immortal Realm, and then entering the Primordial Forbidden Zone.

The Fifth Immortal Realm is shattered, the immortal way does not exist, all the avenues in the world are rotten, the stars are also disintegrated, and no life can exist. Su Yun and Yingying walked out of the imperial tomb and looked around, only to see the gray stars hanging down, as if they could be touched.

"How many immortals were buried under the ashes of this immortal world?" She muttered.

Su Yun said: "There are countless immortal cities and a civilization, and it will be ruined. If we can't find a solution to the ashes of the immortal tribulation, then our immortal world will end in the same way."

The Sixth Immortal Realm has been lying on the seventh Immortal Realm to **** blood, searching for the celestial energy in the blessed land, and supplying it to the immortals of the Sixth Immortal Realm, while restricting the ascent of new immortals, so as to delay the death of the sixth immortal realm.

And this is not a long-term solution.

Now that the seventy-two caves of the Seventh Immortal Realm have been joined together and are getting stronger, the counterattack of the sixth Immortal Realm is also imminent, so Su Yun always has a sense of crisis and urgency.

He lifted his palm and gently touched the low-hanging planet above his head, silently urging Congenital Qi.

I saw that the ground touched by his palm, the ashes gradually shed, the flowers and trees in the ashes seemed to have come alive from the ashes, gradually turning green and full of vitality.

Su Yun raised the congenital Qi to the extreme, half of the planet became green, and the rivers and lakes, the clouds and the rainbow, all seemed to come alive!

On that half of the planet, the voices of birds and the fragrance of flowers, even the people buried in the ashes are resurrected again, their cities have become glamorous and beautiful, they seem to be unaware that they are dead, and they appear to be all living beings and enjoy themselves.

Yingying watched this scene in surprise, not knowing how to describe what she saw before her eyes.

Su Yun's congenital dysfunction gradually declined, so he retracted his palm, and saw that all things on that planet withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and those resurrected creatures, the people of the resurrected fifth immortal realm, suddenly turned into ashes again, no more exist!

Su Yun sighed secretly, turned around and returned to the Tomb of the Three Holy Emperors, and said: "Yingying, let's go. In the future, you remind me not to do this stupid thing again. We must save mana and immortality as much as possible. There is no blessed land available."

Yingying quickly followed him, nodding her head, but didn't know what to say.

Soon after, they came to the Fourth Immortal Realm and went to the Third Immortal Realm without much stay.

After a few more days, they finally came to the First Immortal Realm and embarked on a seemingly endless journey of the ashes.

On the edge of the first immortal realm, the huge circle of reincarnation gleams with extremely bright light, and it runs silently. The magical sea is still invisible, but you can feel the boundless magical power on the horizon of the robbery!

Su Yun urged the bronze talisman festival, flew forward against the robbery ash, and drove towards the huge circle of reincarnation.

Yingying took off the ring that Xianxiang Biluo gave her to play with. This ring was inlaid with five gems of different colors. According to Xianxiang Biluo, it was given by the evil emperor and picked it up in the Primordial Forbidden Zone.

"Sir, when I used this bracelet to summon the immortal phase, I sensed that besides the immortal phase, there was also an extremely powerful aura connected to the bracelet."

Yingying tried to urge the bracelet and said: "I suspect that there are terrible creatures in the Taikoo Forbidden Zone. But to create such a beautiful bracelet, it must be an extraordinary civilization?"

She likes the ring of her opponent very much and wears it all the time, but she hasn't figured out how to activate the ring, so she can only use it as an accessory.

Su Yun thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you try the summoning again with your hand ring? The last summoning was in the seventh fairy world, and there are six fairy worlds separated by six fairy worlds. Each fairy world is an independent universe. Summoning here, it should be easier to sense that breath."

Yingying heard the words, ready to move, and tentatively said: "Although I wanted to do this a long time ago, it's not good to do it? What if you are in danger?"

Su Yun smiled and said: "We are riding on the fastest talisman in the world, and we run away naturally when we encounter danger. There is ash everywhere, and we are not worried about being destroyed by the summoned creatures. Can we still be caught?"

Yingying received his encouragement and immediately set up the altar. At this moment, Su Yun gave a soft voice and hurriedly said: "Yingying, wait a minute! It seems that we are not the only place here!"

Yingying stopped, and saw an extremely magnificent heavenly gate standing in front of him, and a fairy was flying out of the fairy gate, and was also heading in the direction of the reincarnation ring **** Tonghai!

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