Lin Yuanxing

Vol 12 Chapter 706: You are seeking your own death

Su Yun had seen the power of the golden coffin. It was so powerful that it swallowed the starry sky and swept the treasures. Only the Purple Mansion could compete with it. This is the power of the golden coffin itself.

When the emperor controls the golden coffin, the power of the golden coffin will be exerted to the extreme.

If the emperor sacrificed the golden coffin, Difeng would be defeated directly, I am afraid that he would not even have the chance to escape!

Moreover, today's emperor has solved the hidden danger of Wanhua Incinerator, and it is reasonable to say that it is no longer invincible. Only the quadrupole can restrain him, and no one else can threaten him!

As long as he sacrifices the golden coffin, even if all the Daoist Nine Heavens exists in the world, he can't help it!

But Dili was beaten so badly and didn't sacrifice the golden coffin, which made Su Yun a little puzzled.

"Could it be that the emperor has suppressed the outsiders in the golden coffin, so he cannot use the golden coffin? But..."

Su Yun wondered: "My purple green fairy sword is clearly still there. Without forty-nine fairy swords, I am afraid that only the golden coffin and the big golden chain can't suppress the outsiders?"

Yingying steered the black ship, avoiding the battlefield of Emperor Difeng.

Su Yun didn't stop him, and said in his heart: "The emperor's injury is not so serious that he can't even afford the golden coffin. Could it be that he was attacked by the Quadruple Ding? No, if the Quadruple Ding attacked him, why didn't he see it? Quadruple?"

There was some doubt in his heart, but he didn't show it.

He was thinking, suddenly the emperor took out the golden coffin and wanted to sacrifice it.

Su Yun hurriedly said: "Yingying, further away! The power of this golden coffin is terrifying..."

As soon as his voice fell, the golden coffin was swept down by the Emperor Sword and fell into the Chaos Sea!

Su Yun was dumbfounded: "This is not right..."

The golden coffin entered the sea, but did not sink into the sea, but drifted on the surface. Upon seeing this, Yingying did not drive the boat away, but rushed towards the golden coffin in the black boat!

Su Yun hesitated for a moment? There was no block.

The battle between the two great emperors is still going on. Swordsmanship erupts one after another. It is like the pressure of the heavens on the surface of the Chaos Sea? The heavens and the sky are ever-changing, and the sword is magical!

On the other side, the emperor uses the strongest spiritual power to activate supernatural powers? It is also a large and small Taoist state? Contend with Difeng!

Even the incinerator flies up to refine the swordsmanship heavens!

Difeng's injury is relatively minor? Immediately freed his hands to pick up the golden coffin, but the golden coffin was pushed away by layers of void that Dili visualized!

Difeng sneered? Fully urged Dijianjianwan to suppress the emperor? So that he had no time to interfere with himself to **** the golden coffin, the two people collided with supernatural powers, and the treasures collided. The huge waves suddenly set off on the sea would push the golden coffin high and high. Up!

Difeng urged mana? Turned into a big hand, volleyed to the golden coffin!

He sees that he wants to succeed? Suddenly the big golden chain tied to the golden coffin flies up? Dragging the golden coffin and running.

Difeng grabbed empty hands and couldn't help but stayed in a daze: "Why is this?"

The black ship is driving on the chaotic sea? Let the waves be fierce? This ship is also safe and sound? Bow, Su Yun's yellow bell hung high? Withstand the chaotic sea wind and waves, raised his arms high.

A big golden chain whizzed and flew, wrapped around his hand with a clatter, then wandered around, intertwined.

An extremely heavy golden coffin followed, and it was also locked by a large golden chain, and Su Yun carried it behind him.

"I just called you to come, and didn't say I want you to entangle me!"

Su Yun was furious and went to untie the big golden chain, but the big golden chain was tangled harder.

Su Yun did not dare to move any more, so he had to turn back to the pavilion.

When Yingying saw him going out against the chaotic wind and rain, she came back with the golden coffin on her back, and couldn't help being shocked, not knowing what had happened.

"Yingying, go!"

Su Yun did not explain much, and said: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time! Whether Dili wins or Difeng wins, they will come to the golden coffin!"

Yingying quickly turned around and drove down.

After an hour, they drove out of the battlefield of the two emperors, avoiding the aftermath of supernatural powers.

Below, the magical sea is magnificent, with bright light, and the ring of reincarnation also presents an unusual beauty in the bow.

The Chaos Sea rarely calmed down. Su Yun carried the golden coffin on his back, standing on the boat and looking at the eight immortal worlds. The immortal world has a magnificence that makes people dream of.

The golden coffin made him feel a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, his body was strong and tall, but he could bear it. Moreover, the big gold chain is quite empathetic, and it has made the golden coffin much smaller, allowing him to move without hindrance.

Yingying also flew out of the pavilion, came to the bow, sat on his shoulders, and controlled the course while enjoying the magnificent scenery.

From their point of view, the cycle of reincarnation and the Great Wall of Beimian form a barrier against the invasion of chaos. The huge cycle of reincarnation constrains the boundary between the sea of ​​magical power and the sea of ​​chaos, and the Great Wall of Beimian blocks the tide of the sea of ​​chaos.

Other deficiencies are blocked by the Wumen on the remnant continent of the ancient universe.

These barriers kept the fairy world from being destroyed.

From this perspective, the outsider is not an intruder. On the contrary, his Wumen blocked the invasion of the Chaos Sea, and he has great grace to the immortal world.

"If the eight million years of reincarnation ends, the Great Chaos is completely dead, and the cycle of reincarnation disappears, then the Chaos Sea will invade, and the Great Wall of the North Mian will not be able to stop it. The Sea of ​​Chaos will easily crush the Great Wall of the North Mian and bring all the eight immortals. Destroy." Su Yun said calmly.

Yingying put her cheeks in her hands, looking at the beautiful seventh fairy world and the eighth fairy world that is in the process of being formed. The seventh fairy world has not yet been completely finalized. The Zhongshan Candle Dragon holds the fairy world like a pearl in her mouth.

In the Eighth Immortal Realm, the ragged giants are struggling to open up a larger and broader time and space, open up chaos, open up the empire, repel the chaotic sea, and forge a new Great Wall.

"Furthermore, judging from the appearance of the sixth fairy world, the seventh fairy world, and the eighth fairy world, the situation of the Great Emperor Chaos is worse than I expected."

Su Yun continued: "The Seventh Immortal Realm has existed for two to three million years, and the people here have developed the habit of ascending to the Sixth Immortal Realm, becoming the target of the spiritualists. This shows that the time of the sixth immortal realm It has overlapped with the Seventh Immortal Realm for at least two million years. And the seventh Immortal Realm has only been away for more than two million years, and the Eighth Immortal Realm has already started."

Such urgency can only show that the state of Chaos Great Emperor is deteriorating and getting worse.

The emperor died, the cycle of reincarnation dissipated, and any immortal world would be submerged and destroyed by the Chaos Sea, and no longer exist!

Yingying took out the pen and paper and drew on the paper, saying: "The eight fairy worlds are eight reincarnations. The starting point of the eight fairy worlds is the moment when Emperor Chaos died. However, these eight fairy worlds were regarded as reincarnations by the Emperor Chaos. The way twists time."

She drew several zigzags connected together vertically, and then drew several intersecting circles, and said: "If you compare time to a long river, the time in the cycle of reincarnation walks in a zigzag or circle. After eight million years, I walked out of the corner of the ZigZag, and then returned to the starting point, and the second fairy world started. Or a circular spring. The first fairy world came to an end, time returned to the beginning, and the second fairy world opened."

Su Yun observed her paintings and said, "But the current situation is no longer a ZigZag or a circle. The ZigZag is getting smaller and the circle is tangent."

Yingying nodded, the time of the sixth fairy world overlapped with the seventh fairy world for more than two million years, and the time of the seventh fairy world overlapped with the eighth fairy world for more than five million years!

In other words, the distance between the fairy world is completely destroyed, and time is running out!

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said: "The immortal world wants to avoid the same fate as the ancient universe. It is very important to solve the catastrophe!"

Yingying understood what he meant. The Great Primordial Chaos revived and came back to life. His life span was more than 8 million years, and he naturally solved the problem of the immortal being turned into ashes. The immortals living in the immortal world don't have to worry about the ashes.

The Chaos Sea will not invade either.

This is the first way to save the Great Chaos!

Don't rely on the Great Chaos, solve the tribulation, revive the immortal road that has turned into tribulation, and revive the immortal world that has turned into tribulation!

The immortal Dao that turned into the ashes will be revived, the immortal world will be resurrected, and the Great Chaos will also be resurrected, no longer a dead body!

This is the second way!

Both of these methods can withstand the catastrophe brought by the Chaos Sea!

"The first way is the easiest. Search for all the limbs of the Chaos Great Emperor and let these limbs return to the Great Emperor."

Su Yun said silently in his heart: "This path needs to solve the problem of the Quadruple Ding. The Quadruple Ding is made from the limbs of the Great Chaos. Moreover, where is the body of the Great Chaos? As for the second method..."

He sighed secretly, thinking of how he was treating Jade Prince Jade's disease.

He has never completely cured the Jade Prince.

It's not that he doesn't want a radical cure, but that his congenital qi cultivation base can't keep up. Every time he treats the Jade Prince, he needs a great amount of cultivation base, so the treatment time is very long.

It is so troublesome to cure a jade prince, let alone cure the immortal way and the immortal world?

He also tried, in the Fifth Immortal Realm, trying to heal a star that had already been robbed and ashesed with a congenital one, but it was in vain.

"Shizi, there is another question."

Yingying suddenly interrupted his thoughts and said: "The old **** said that the Chaos Sea tides once in 10,000 years and the tides 600,000 years. This is the phenomenon of the Chaos Sea tides caused by the two universes being too close. This time the tide, The other universe is so close, what about the next tide? Will it be closer? What if the two universes intersect and merge in the Chaos Sea?"

Su Yun had a headache.

He saw the strength of the universe on the other side. If it weren't for the sea of ​​chaos and the tide had come in time, I am afraid that there would have been strong people from the universe on the other side who have come here!

At this time, an old land appeared in front of them, and the mountains and rivers showed signs of erosion by the Chaos Sea, but there was no one else here. There are still some remnants of civilization here, which should be left by the ancient universe before the fairy world.

When Su Yun was looking for the gate of the immortal world, he also encountered the remnants of the ancient universe, the battlefield they left behind, the destroyed starry sky. When I thought that the ragged giant opened up the Chaos Sea, it also opened up the traces of this ancient universe.

Yingying is ready to stop the black boat, rest on the shore, recharge her energy, and prepare to cross the sea.

Shentonghai is also extremely vast, and Su Yun wants to cross the sea and go back, but also has to rely on the **** ship Yingying.

The two found a shelter from the wind, stopped the black boat, and just landed on the ground. Suddenly they heard a loud bang from the island. Su Yun and Yingying hurriedly raised their heads and saw a light falling into the island!

After the ray of light fell, thousands of sword lights appeared in the sky, extremely thin, like turning glass, without any thickness, falling to the island!

"No! It's Dijian Jianwan!"

Su Yun's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but say that Huang Zhong's magical powers were activated, and the big golden chain on his body flew along with the Huang Zhong's magical powers!

This golden chain clashed, rotating with his yellow clock, forming the shape of a yellow clock, and the mouth of the clock was covered downward!

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

There was a loud bang, and the split sword pill slashed on the yellow bell horizontally, blocked by a golden chain!

Yingying was shocked. This thin sword light was the flying sword of Dijian Jianwan, the most precious treasure refined in the incinerator. Su Yun's yellow clock could not stop it. If it weren't for the big golden chain to tie the coffin, they might have been Chopped up.

Su Yun walked away to Huang Zhong, but saw a mouthful of sharp and thin broken swords all over the beach!

Yingying was startled: "Senior scholar, UU Reading Dijian Jianwan seems to be broken!"

Su Yun squinted his eyes, walked forward, and suddenly a mouthful of broken sword reflected his figure.

Coughing came from the place where the light fell, and a voice said coldly: "This is a restricted area. Those who enter, die!"


Yingying lost her voice: "The one who fell from the sky is Difeng! No, that's not right! Difeng and Dili are in a duel, and the one who clearly has the upper hand, how can he fall? And, even the Emperor Sword was interrupted? "

Su Yun's eyes flashed, and slowly raised his hand, the purple green fairy sword flew out of his spirit world and fell into his hand.

He stepped forward and walked into the broken sword.

Difeng's voice came again, and said coldly: "You are seeking your own death!"

Su Yun gave a chuckle, stepping into the sword field formed by the Emperor Sword and Broken Sword: "Please enlighten me."

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